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Everything posted by Sensei

  1. I am seeing traces as well, in Cloud Chamber.. Leaved by charged particles decelerating in time while passing through medium (cooled down to -80 C...-50 C or so, similar like on 10 km altitude).. You can have your own "chemtrails" at home... Without using any chemicals.. Just isopropanol alcohol, and dry ice, or liquefied nitrogen, or Peltier cooler to decrease temperature. Let's go to your crackpot idea of chemtrails from scientific/engineering point of view: Can you show device which is leaving them? Where is it located on airplane? Any airplane has such device or just some? Which models? Airbus? Boeing? Mcdonnell Douglas? etc Which airplane manufacturers on the below list install device, and which dont? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_aircraft_manufacturers_by_ICAO_name Anybody can see each airplane model, a while after the last landing, on scrapyard and check, or talk to engineers, to show you (or rather not) device responsible for leaving "chemtrails".. If it's releasing something it must have tank, which is periodically filled.. How many flights are needed to be empty? If just one, then on every single airport there must be a team of engineers who know it, and are filling them over and over again.. Different airplane models are handled by different engineers. What is it size? How much of it is released per hour/minute/second of flight? (to be able to estimate size of tank needed)
  2. Sensei

    living forever

    Absolutely NO. Rather encouragement to do something useful for human kind. Personally, I am fan of solar panels. There is plentiful of place to place them: the all walls of the all buildings, the all roads, the all highways.. If road is absorbing energy from the Sun, it can create little electromagnets, that can keep vehicles with magnets/electromagnets above the road levitating, and decreasing energy needed to keep them flying without friction.. (and transfer the remaining energy to vehicles wirelessly, so they don't need fuel)
  3. I saw couple other videos, and they were first covering desk by solution of water with some salt. Here f.e. they used baking soda NaHCO3
  4. Electrons/charged particles fly the path of the smallest resistance, but when they fly/pass through medium, they give medium part of their kinetic energy, and heating it. Typically, atoms which were heated have higher resistance than cold one, thus electrons prefer going in slightly different path, trying to go around hot area. Try heating part of your desk, by flame, or blowtorch, or similar way, but without serious damage (your desk is turning to carbon/graphite which even more easily pass current). ps. Repeat your experiment, when they're nearly nearly close to each other (like in 1m 0s in your video). Then cut a hole by grinder, to disallow joining them, and see what happens. If done properly they will try to find a new more optimal "route" though desk.
  5. Sorry, I don't understand you math.. If chance to finish life is 50%, in every parallel universe, then in 50% of them he/she is alive and in 50% of them he/she is dead. Are not you trying play the game over and over again, in the same universe.. ? Like device which has 50% chance to win, After 1st round, there is 50:50 chance. From 50 remaining there is in 2nd round, again 50:50 chance, thus 0.5 * 0.5 = 0.25 (25%) chance to be still alive, Then after 3rd round 0.25 * 0.5 = 0.125 (12.5%) and so on. Basically math equation to be alive after n-rounds is: [math]f(n)= 2^{-n}[/math] or [math]f(n)= 0.5^n[/math]
  6. Sensei

    living forever

    This one you can do by your self. Just get to garage and spend the all remaining days of your life to find a ridiculous cheap way to produce energy and engine utilizing it.. And give it away for free to everybody. And the whole petroleum, gas & coal industry will bankrupt, unable to compete with your invention.
  7. What is currently accepted (from observations), unstable isotope, or unstable particle, spontaneously decays only when it has more mass-energy prior decay than after decay. Sum the all mass-energy of protons and neutrons together: [math]m_{total}=m_p * Z + m_n * (A-Z)[/math] [math]m_p = 938.272 MeV/c^2[/math] [math]m_n = 939.565 MeV/c^2[/math] And then subtract from it mass of Lead or Iron or whatever else you would like to examine. You will have pretty large value, of missing energy (which was released during fusion). It's called nuclear binding energy. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuclear_binding_energy There is dozen of unstable isotopes of Lead and Iron. Just some few are stable.. Bombard stable isotope by f.e. free neutrons, and neutron can disintegrate isotope, or there could be neutron capture, and creation of unstable isotope, which will decay in future.
  8. Actually human being can see interference pattern on his/her own eyes, instantly, at least me but if we try to make photo of interference pattern (young's experiment), I had to take 20-30+ photos, to have it recorded by digital camera.. Over and over they're missing on the final photos, but they were visible on LCD/LED preview screen by digital camera.. But not after hitting button.. That's damn frustrating..
  9. Sensei

    living forever

    For somebody who is in depression and saying so on Internet forum/profile, and receiving comments like above, there is no difference..
  10. Sensei

    living forever

    What you said in this post in majority of western countries is crime.. It's under "persuasion or assistance in suicide".. People were prosecuted and going to court while saying similar things as you on Twitter, Facebook, Google+ on somebody else profile, when they did it for real, and killed them self.. https://www.google.com/?q=coaxing+to+suicide
  11. Why do you interpret ability to remember just a few numbers as "normal"? Maybe it's not normal.. ? Well, these chimps didn't learn in any school, and still can do it:
  12. Lower energy state. If atom/molecule emits photon, it reaches lower energy level. To increase to higher energy level, it must receive energy from external source. Constant temperature is when atoms/molecules receive as much photons as much as they emit to environment around it. Atoms/molecules around object, on the surface, are emitting photons to outer space, and these photons are typically never going back, so the whole object cools down over time.
  13. Then why do you complain that you can't remember, if you do it at your own request.. ? It's kinda like complaining "I can't raise dumbbells!".. No surprise you cannot, if you were not training.. You can't win chess without training (a lot) too.. The thing is, that brain while repeating training over and over again, is making new connections between neurons. And performance will be improved.
  14. Did you try using computer or mobile applications which help learning short term/working memory? f.e. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=eu.trueart.www.chimpmemorytest
  15. Sound travels approximately 340 m/s in air. So if you see lightning and start counting seconds, divide them by 3, and you have distance to lightning in kilometers. Suppose so you counted seconds to 5 d = v*t d = 340 m/s * 5s = 1700 meters
  16. Velocity is vector. It has three components in 3D (x,y,z), or two components in 2D (x,y). So in 3D we have vx,vy,vz Calculate velocity scalar from it: [math]v=\sqrt{v_x^2+v_y^2+v_z^2}[/math] Then such velocity scalar can be used in classic E.K. [math]E.K.=\frac{1}{2}*m*v^2[/math] so you can substitute and receive: [math]E.K.=\frac{1}{2}*m*(v_x^2+v_y^2+v_z^2)[/math] Velocity is change in position of object in some period of time. You can go even further and expand vx,vy,vz like this: [math]v_x=\frac{x1-x0}{t1-t0}[/math] [math]v_y=\frac{y1-y0}{t1-t0}[/math] [math]v_z=\frac{z1-z0}{t1-t0}[/math] It just works for small non-relativistic velocities. Special Relativity SR, is earlier than GR, and they are Einstein work, not Lorentz. Lorentz factor is used in SR, for relativistic velocities. Lorentz created LET Lorentz ether theory https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lorentz_ether_theory
  17. "Unit vector" is other name for "normalized vector". https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unit_vector If you have 3D vector x,y,z to calculate its length there is used length=sqrt(x^2+y^2+z^2) then divide each dimension by length (it's called normalization): x'=x/length y'=y/length z'=z/length And x',y',z' will be normalized vector. "unit" in its name has nothing to do with "unit" in physics. You can reverse normalization by multiplication of normalized vector by previously calculated length: x=x' * length y=y' * length z=z' * length
  18. Sensei

    living forever

    Itoero, Then maybe you should concentrate on fixing your situation, to make living/existing more pleasant, or at least more bearable. Step by step. Make a list of things that make you happy, and make a yet another list of things that make you sad. If you have depression, visit doctors. It's often result of diet. Disturbances in brain chemistry. Doctor will give you medicament that could fix it. Then your problem are other people, not planet by itself. There is so many places on this planet where you could live/exist alone without interactions with other people..
  19. Sensei

    living forever

    Apparently living for you is pretty unpleasant state, and you would like to finish it, as soon as possible. Or too short. That depends who you will ask Maybe you're in hell already, but you don't know/recognize it.. ? Did you eat food found in trashcans? Did you drink beer found in trashcans?
  20. Unfortunately, you are too much uneducated, to prove or disprove, your own words.. Why don't you then start from learning something in the first place? Are you aware of electrons? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electron Muon? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muon Tau? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tau_(particle) They're in Standard Model, elementary particles, Leptons in classification. What is difference between tau+ and tau- ? What is difference between muon+ and muon- ? What is difference between positron and electron ? What is difference between muon+ and tau+ ? What is difference between muon+ and positron ? What is difference between tau+ and positron ? etc. etc. Difference in interference pattern of electrons in double slit experiment with massive particles is kinetic energy of electrons.. Different result you will get from electron with high kinetic energy than with low kinetic energy. So the same if it'll be repeated with muons, and tau, or alpha or whatever else. From some point of view, particle accelerated to significant speed of light, has relativistic mass, thus high kinetic energy (and causing different pattern upon impact with the screen used in double slit experiment).. ps. You should (re)read what is dimension https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dimension
  21. StringJunky, do you have multimeter at home, and 3 scrap resistors from broken device dismounted? You could take them out. Use multimeter, and measure everything, measure either resistance, voltage, amperage of each branch. And then, after test-drive, show it to your nephew.
  22. Current A2 you have already in table on your photo, isn't? A4 you can calculate, the way has been already presented. (combined currents from two bottom branches)
  23. I=U/R Reverse equation: R=U/I And you can determine resistance of resistor from ammeter and voltmeter. That's how resistance meter works, passing through element well known voltage, and observing received current.
  24. Transmission of information is completely different story. In the simplest technology, you can interpret lack of photons is bit 0, and presence of photons is 1. Then turn on/off LED, incandescent light, or other source of light, over and over again, as fast as you need. You can have clock ticking 1 GHz or 1 THz, and in each clock cycle, emitting photons for each 1 bit set, and not emitting photons for 0 bit. Energy, frequency or wavelength of these photons will have nothing to do with amount of data transmitted this way. Read also about AM, amplitude modulation, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amplitude_modulation and FM, frequency modulation. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frequency_modulation
  25. I think the best is to show it on examples. Suppose so we have radioactive isotope, such as Uranium-238. It has 92 protons, and 146 neutrons, total 238 baryons. It decays the most often by alpha decay to Thorium-234 (It has 90 protons, and 144 neutrons, total 234 baryons), emitting alpha particle, Helium-4 nucleus. U-238 -> Th-234 + He-4 + 4.27 MeV Decay energy, energy released by this reaction is approximately 4.27 MeV. To convert from electron volts to Joules (and back), we multiply or divide by e=1.602176565*10^-19. 4.27 MeV = ~4270000 eV * 1.602*10^-19 = 6.84*10^-13 J But where does this 4.27 MeV come from? It's difference between mass of parent isotope, and daughter isotope with alpha. Mass of U-238 with electrons is 238.0507882 u. Mass of Th-234 with electrons is 234.043601 u. Mass of He-4 with electrons is 4.0026 u. Subtract them 238.0507882 u-( 234.043601 u + 4.0026 u) = 0.0045872 u 1 u (a.m.u. mass atomic unit) is approximately 1.66*10^-27 kg and 931.494 MeV/c^2 0.0045872 u * 931.494 MeV/u = 4.27 MeV energy released. This energy is taken by either newly created Thorium-234 atom, and Helium-4 nucleus. That's simply sum of kinetic energies of newly created particles (assuming there is no gamma photons emitted). But Thorium is 234.043601 u / 4.0026 u = ~58.5 times more massive than Helium-4 nucleus! Conservation of momentum (which is initially 0 prior decay), without special relativity corrections is [math]m_{th}*v_{th}=m_{he}*v_{he}[/math] Reverse equation: [math]\frac{m_{th}}{m_{he}}=\frac{v_{he}}{v_{th}}[/math] Conservation of momentum (which is initially 0 prior decay), with special relativity corrections is [math]m_{th}*v_{th}*\gamma_{th}=m_{he}*v_{he}*\gamma_{he}[/math] Reverse equation: [math]\frac{m_{th}*\gamma_{th}}{m_{he}*\gamma_{he}}=\frac{v_{he}}{v_{th}}[/math] Kinetic energy in special relativity is: Thorium-234: [math]E.K._{th}=m_{th}*c^2*\gamma_{th}-m_{th}*c^2[/math] Helium-4: [math]E.K._{he}=m_{he}*c^2*\gamma_{he}-m_{he}*c^2[/math] And we know that their sum is 4.27 MeV: [math]E.K._{th} + E.K._{he} = 4.27 MeV[/math] Are you now able to calculate velocity (and thus kinetic energy) of newly created Thorium-234 and Helium-4 nucleus from what I presented above.. ? Helium-4 taking the largest part of decay energy in form of kinetic energy will be passing though medium, and decelerating, and losing its kinetic energy, which will change to different kind of energy, f.e. heat. Total energy of Uranium prior decay, is exactly the same as total energy of newly created Thorium-234 and Helium-4 plus their kinetic energies after decay. [math]m_{u}c^2 = m_{th}c^2\gamma_{th} + m_{he}c^2\gamma_{he}[/math]
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