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Everything posted by Sensei

  1. Electron bound in atom is pretty specific case, hard to make experiment, but free electron emitted by electron gun, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electron_gun fired at target, has significant velocity and kinetic energy.. If we pass free electrons through hole in electron gun's positive charged electrode, they will fly freely.. Then their trajectories can be bend, by electric or magnetic fields. So one can put there electromagnets on the top, bottom, left and right, of vacuum chamber.. And bend electrons trajectories, and call it CRT. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cathode_ray_tube Electrons accelerated to significant velocity/kinetic energy have to lost their energy (decelerate) prior riching "out frame of reference", and release their energy by emitting photons with appropriate energy.
  2. Being innovative in "the middle of nowhere", where people have very small knowledge, is quite easy, as you just have to find out how to slightly improve existing devices, month by month, year by year, f.e. water flowing in river, make artificial lake, and pass it through generator (piece of iron, and wire around it in the most simplest version), and you have some electric power.. Now, you want more and more energy from the same amount of water, knowing E.P.=mgh, you know what is maximum which you want to achieve. Creation of innovation gains new skill.. There can be accidental innovation, accidental discovery, (they were the most common in <= XIX-century and middle of XX). f.e. chemical discoveries, mix two or more compounds with unknown (later known) formula, and see what happens after mixing them, or heating them, or doing something else in the middle of process (use catalyses?). Do you received unknown compound? Good. What are its properties? What for they can be useful? Mix with other compounds and see what happens... (it's the easiest if newly created compound have very different color, or properties from source) Art is unrestricted by any physical laws.. One can leave paint completely empty, and sell it for millions (?!?), just because it's signed by his/her signature. That's ridiculous/bizarre.
  3. Any particle with rest-mass (unlike massless particles) can be at rest in its own rest frame of reference. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rest_frame There is also such frame of reference, center of mass, in which either object is moving. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Center_of_mass https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Center-of-momentum_frame Earth doesn't revolve around the Sun, but Earth revolve around center-of-mass of entire Solar System, so the same the all other planets. Majority of the Solar system mass is in the Sun, so center-of-mass of Solar system is located close to the star core. But in binary star system it could be not true anymore. BTW, it's used to find out whether distant stars have planets. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doppler_spectroscopy
  4. What I said about water and 1 calorie definition, it's just example of "speculation baked up by evidence" (experiment).. It's how scientific speculation should be performed.
  5. You obviously don't understand. Science discussion, is discussion using mathematics, and equations. To check somebody claim, there is performed experiment, to check whether predictions match theory. f.e. I have "speculation" how long it will take to heat 1000 grams of water, using heater. Measure resistance of heater, measure voltage, measure current, measure time, measure how fast water is cooling down with time, when no energy source is present anymore And coming up with math equation at the end. And you end up with theory that you need to spend 4.1855 J/g*K energy for every gram of water for every 1 K temperature. That's how science work.
  6. That's debatable.. Input, which you will ignore.. But what you shared? I don't see anything valuable. If you don't know, you should make thread with ask "how something works" in mainstream physics section. Then people will try to answer question. And you will learn something new. After opening thread in speculations, you have to have ready theory. You have to follow rules of speculation. I think it's about time to lock this thread, as OP does want to just preach instead of discuss, ignoring the all inputs made by other members of this forum. Calculate energy absorbed/reflected by the Earth atmosphere. And show how it changes in time on graph preferably. Experiments are done routinely by professional true scientists, that are checking "how things work". Unlike you, which prefer preaching.. That's obvious, because you wouldn't have idea where to start.. You meant "That's their work." rather? It has been done more than century ago.. I don't see any question made by you..
  7. Perihelion is right now, when on northern hemisphere there is winter, and on southern hemisphere is summer. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perihelion It's even in wikipedia. "Earth comes closest to the sun every year around January 3." During entire human history it did not change a lot. Between 1300/1600-1800 there was Little Ice Age https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Little_Ice_Age Aphelion and perihelion couple hundred years ago was exactly the same as now.
  8. That would be the best for you.. At least you will save us this gibberish.. Sun emits 1370 W per m^2 area of Earth (at average 150 mln km distance from the Sun), but only 1050 W per m^2 area arrives to the surface. 1370/1050 = 30% of energy from photons is absorbed by atmosphere. Release of gases such as CH4 methane and CO2 carbon dioxide to atmosphere, causes that they absorb photons and energy, and reflect photons toward Earth, and keep energy that normally would be radiated away from Earth to cosmos.
  9. Try using alert() http://www.w3schools.com/jsref/met_win_alert.asp to see which code is executed, and which not. f.e. function sendform(data,action,method,enctype){ alert( "sendform" ); var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.open(method, action, true); xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-type", enctype); xhr.credentials = true; xhr.onreadystatechange = function() { alert( "onreadystatechange 1" ); if(xhr.readyState === XMLHttpRequest.DONE && xhr.status === 200) { alert( "onreadystatechange 2" ); } } xhr.send(data); } You used "this.readyState", "this.status" but they are if(xhr.readyState === XMLHttpRequest.DONE && xhr.status === 200) { in examples..
  10. https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/XMLHttpRequest/onreadystatechange xhr.onreadystatechange should be prior xhr.send(); In the example above there are THREE =, you have only two. "if(xhr.readyState === XMLHttpRequest.DONE && xhr.status === 200) {" I wouldn't use the same function name as already existing in native PHP (setcookie())..
  11. 99% of speed of light is just Lorentz Factor 7.. If you have rest-mass of electron 9.11*10^-31 kg Kinetic energy of electron going with 0.99c will be (9.11*10^-31 kg * (7-1))*c^2=4.9126*10^-13 J
  12. 158 kg (350 lb) minus 80% is... 32 kg remaining.. I am quite skeptical. Combustion engines are not without a reason so massive. Car also would have ruined center of mass. So simple replacing older engine by yours is not enough. There would be needed to redesign entire car to take into account lighter mass of engine in project. There is no such thing. Do you heard about Tesla-Edison patent war? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Kearns Robert Kearns had patent for windscreen wipers, and still spend 12+ years in courts, fighting with the largest (and rich) car companies, which used his patent without license.. If I were you, I would buy 3D printer (it will be cheaper than hiring people), and print small scale prototype engine. It does not have to be rock solid and working forever to check whether it's working at all. 3D printers may also be useful for the manufacture of castings.
  13. I don't think so billionaire, multi-millionaire, or millionaire would pick up $100 even if X would be very small, as these $100 would be meaningless for them.
  14. That was my the first thought Hit it 10k times could take 3h 1s per press. It's probably question how much somebody is desperated.
  15. No. I have made several such bots searching the net. They can go through IP range, entered by human. They can go to some website, download it, then parse file to search for links to other websites. Then queue them in database. And then pick up them to repeat process. They can go to some website which has well known suffix id in query. f.e. http://www.some.com/index.php?id=xxxx where xxxx algorithm replaces by numbers (from range user enter) or ids. Downloaded pages are processed, the way you like and need. Typically they are parsed to search for other links. Typically they are parsed to see what words, and keywords they contain. There is database of words, each word, has list of websites mentioning that word. Algorithm gives website rank. The more other websites link some website (that contain word), the higher rank. Imagine going to public library, you pick up book from shelf randomly. There are words that you don't know, they mention other books that you don't know. So again you search library for that book or what does mean particular word. Now imagine you have index of words, index of books, and the first one in a list of books talking about some word, is the one book which is mentioned the largest number of times (or by valuable well known author). There is no the real intelligence in this process. Any tiny bit. Search engine, has database of words already present while user is entering keyword in it. Because searching bots visited the all websites, and catalogued everything, made duplicate of the entire Internet in their databases. Website that has not been previously catalogued, won't be found. It takes days, months, or years, for website to be found by users. Dog is just reacting for random event.
  16. Plankton is eaten by sea living organisms, fishes, and they are absorbing Oxygen and releasing Carbon Dioxide while breathing.
  17. Lorentz factor is: [math]\gamma=\frac{1}{\sqrt{1-\frac{v^2}{c^2}}}[/math] Additionally, you made mistake with units. 320 km/h you have to convert to meters per second, that's unit used for velocity. 320 km/h = 320000 m/h (/divide by 3600) = 88.89 m/s Then such velocity you can use in the proper above Lorentz Factor equation.. [math]\gamma=\frac{1}{\sqrt{1-\frac{88.89^2}{299792458^2}}}[/math]
  18. There is more radiation coming from your human body.. Do you saw how things, animals and people looks like in IR camera? They are emitting radiation, photons in infrared and microwave spectrum, which depends on their temperature. The more hot object, the higher energy photons it is emitting. And Sun is emitting 1370 W/m2.. Nobody would live on the Earth without radiation from the Sun. Radiation is not the same as radioactivity, while they sound similar for layman. x-ray radiation can be recorded by cameras as white spots. As you can see here: No. You can't compare effects of 1 W of x-ray photons, with 1 W of visible photons, or with 1 W microwave photons. If you have 1 W it's 1 J per second. Energy of photon is E=h*f=h*c/wavelength Sum energy of n photons Etotal = Ephoton1 + Ephoton2 + Ephoton[n] The more energy single photon has the less photons are needed to have 1 J of their total energy.
  19. If you know physics (quantum physics, not just classic physics), you have to know mathematics, probability theory and statistics, computer science (programming), chemistry and organic chemistry (and environmental science) to some extent..
  20. Do you have two batteries f.e. 1.5V and two wires? Make experiment.. You should see how they move. Then swap +- polarization, and check again.
  21. But it's irrelevant to what pawn can be promoted.. If whites will move pawn, promote it, black king will have to kill it (because of check made by white tower, and no other possibility to move black king). Then movement of white queen D8 will be checkmate.
  22. Java is not the same as JavaScript. It's common mistake to mix them. Java can be executed on client side, in web browser (Java Applet), or separate on virtual machine, or smartphone/tablet/device with Android, or it can be executed on server side (Java Servlet), and generating HTML or other files which server will return to client. JavaScript can be exclusively executed on client side, in web browser. JavaScript is also plentiful harder (IMHO) to learn for beginners, as there is no one implementation. Each web browser has missing/extended objects, classes, methods. It lacks the real documentation. Often more complex code is working in one web browser, and not the other. Often code is working in one version of the same browser, and fail with other versions. It's discouraging for beginners. In contrary to C#/C/C++ .NET Framework GUI builder with programming functionality of controls. See how easy it goes:
  23. Then be so kind and come up with any answer to the first OP question, which was "I was wondering what the test is for negative non-metal ions?" You, nor anybody in this thread, answered this, and you complain on me..
  24. I didn't suggest it any of my posts. I was suggesting how to detect weak/strong acid/base solutions, acidic/alkali salts, ignoring neutral salts.
  25. Download free Visual Studio Express from MSDN, or it's called today Visual Studio Community. Make single button app with GUI editor, assign some task to button, do this task in button. (imagine what task you want from your app f.e. call other executable?) Then make new app, with more buttons, each button, different task. (it could be math calculator?) Then make new app, with list view, scan files, and folders, in some parent folder, make list view items for list view. Day by day, programming, nobody will learn you in advance, including school, nor employer. You have to have open mind. And programming, day by day.. Programming things that you need. Or for experimentation.
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