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Everything posted by Sensei

  1. John Cuthber, OP asked question (if you didn't notice): "I was wondering what the test is for negative non-metal ions?" It's not equivalent of question (at least not for me): "I was wondering how to check whether negative ions are carbonate, phosphate, sulfate, (....).. ?" My post #3 was answering question "how to check whether there are some negative ions in solution", but without getting into details of their kind. ps. Again, and again. Stop nitpicking posts of people who try to answer (whether they are answering correctly or not). And concentrate on helping authors of threads. You have serious problem with this. Your post is absolute no help to the OP of this thread. Then how come if we search for "NH4OH" on Google there is so many answers it's weak base? Even ammonia is listed on wikipedia as weak base in examples section https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Weak_base You can't be serious with this equation... To get NH4+ in the first place you had to have: NH4+ OH- Now answer yourself, what will happen with OH- and H3O+... ?
  2. Where do you have hydronium ions in f.e. NH4NO3... ? NH4Cl.. ? (which is salt of weak-base NH4OH with strong-acid HNO3 / HCl) Just an example..
  3. If you have salt of strong-acid with weak-base (acidic salt), or strong-base with weak-acid (alkali salt), pH indicators will also change color accordingly. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acid_salt https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alkali_salt f.e. saturated solution of sodium sulfite has pH 9 according to wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sodium_sulfite
  4. Methyl orange https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Methyl_orange Methyl red https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Methyl_red can be used as pH indicators. "Methyl red is a pH indicator; it is red in pH under 4.4, yellow in pH over 6.2, and orange in between, with a pKa of 5.1" Phenolphthalein https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phenolphthalein "Phenolphthalein is often used as an indicator in acid–base titrations. For this application, it turns colorless in acidic solutions and pink in basic solutions."
  5. You love this entanglement.. Don't you? While IMHO you should pay more attention to learn entire quantum physics in the first place.. (Swansont's example, mixing degrees 90/180) Especially in areas easy to perform the real life experiment at home.. No, polarization filter doesn't absorb substantial quantity of photons. They are passed through (like in transparent object), or reflected (like in mirror). If it would absorb them, polarization filter would melt (actually happened to me, but my fault, too strong laser used, for too long time, with plastic polarization filter). This is one polarization filter, with blue laser. If I would put second polarization filter, and point laser such a way to pass light through both of them, you could see intensity of spots after second "split" would be smaller. Second polarization filter could be rotated, and observed how intensity changes during rotation.. There could be placed 3rd, 4th, and so on, polarization filter there. Each one could be rotated independently. You could make the real life experiment, to gather the real life experience in the subject.. And then show them on video/photos. With results put to OpenOffice SpreadSheet. Light intensity read by some device and/or photodiode/photoresistor/etc.
  6. Draw more detailed version (with electron configuration) of each compound? And answer yourself, what does mean sp2? what does mean sp3? Maybe reading this will some help? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orbital_hybridisation
  7. Jews were learning Torah (Bible), while typical Europeans were complete analphabetics thousand(s) years ago.. There was no even local European languages established at that time. They have in habit to learn, seeking for knowledge, since their young age. No. Rather money.. Smart people invest money, and as a result earn even more money, gather money, not spend on stupidities, for centuries of their family.. Children, smart children, double it. Generation by generation. Add to it, having to pay for university, tremendous amount of money in US and UK learning system, and you have privileged group of rich people who pay for studies of their children, and very little quantity of poor people who receive it for free, but must be astonishing/desperate clever to get scholarship. No. Rather money.. People who had money could afford going to university to learn. So poor people were (and still are) typically excluded from knowledge, and don't participate in the new discoveries. Poor people try to survive a day, or week, or month, to the next payday.. Poor people rarely think about science. No. Yes. Somebody who play roulette and constantly losing will also think it's conspiracy.. While croupier does not have to do absolutely nothing for people to lost the all their money..
  8. Probability that you will be hit by car while walking through street is higher than somebody on the net will stole your identity and then make fake profile to compromise you... Are not you afraid of walking on the street?! How can you never have any fears?!
  9. The whole your thread is disrespectful to the all homosexual people! I am not one of them, but if I would be, I would be offended by your posts. I didn't say it's genetic.
  10. May I reverse? Can a heterosexual, become homosexual? If homosexuality would be genetic single cell twins would have the same hetero/homosexuality preference. Sometimes (often?) they have different preferences. If you would be the real scientist wanting to investigate this, you should start from finding twins, and asking them about their preference. And how they "started". Whether it was experiment, whether it was love, or desire. What age they were etc. etc. Compare their DNA, checking whether there are differences. Compare their blood, checking whether there are differences (testosterone?). Compare activity of their brains, while they are in head magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). While they're watching the same image, the same video, the same sound, or smell the same stuff. What with homosexual woman? And so what? That's his choice. What's purpose of your thread? Do you want to "heal" them against their will.. ? Your thread title suggest it "Homosexuality to Heterosexuality".. There is long time ago performed "Mouse Utopia Experiment" by John Calhoun. Mouses become (or just revealed?) homosexual preference. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_B._Calhoun#Mouse_experiments http://www.physicsoflife.pl/dict/calhoun's_experiment.html
  11. Intelligent life form is learning, gathering knowledge, and reusing it in the future. f.e. don't put finger to hot water. The first time animal, or human (regardless of their IQ), don't know it hurts. But after doing it one, two, three times, ...., it'll be recorded and reused in the future to predict results in advance.
  12. Neutron is not made of proton and electron. That would violate Lepton number conservation (and more). Neutron mass is 0.782 MeV/c^2 higher than sum of proton and electron. 939.565 MeV/c^2 mass of free neutron 938.272 MeV/c^2 mass of free proton 0.510998928 MeV/c^2 mass of free electron (or positron). Proton (in proton-rich nucleus) is decaying to neutron, emitting positron (antimatter) and neutrino. It's called beta decay plus. Or positron emission. p+ -> n0 + e+ + Ve Neutron (in neutron-rich nucleus and free one) is decaying to proton, emitting electron, and antimatter antineutrino. It's called beta decay minus n0 -> p+ + e- + Ve Decay of free neutron release energy which is difference between mass of free neutron and sum of masses of proton and electron, multiplied by c^2: n0 -> p+ + e- + Ve + 0.782 MeV 939.565-(938.272+0.511)=0.782 Neutron bound in nucleus f.e. Tritium release much smaller energy: H-3 -> He-3 + e- + Ve + 18.6 keV (42 times less energy than above) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tritium (in other example it can release much more)
  13. Planck length = Speed of Light multiplied by Planck Time Reverse equation: Planck Time = Planck Length divided by Speed Of Light. Where Speed of Light is c=299792458 m/s Planck Length = 1.61622837*10^-35 meters 1.61622837*10^-35 m / 299792458 m/s = 5.39115753872634*10^-44 s
  14. "consumption" of near orbit planets, is pretty common, for stars which are becoming red giants.. As their radius is increasing with time, the all planets with orbit within new radius must evaporate and/or being consumed.
  15. The real harmful radiation is ionizing radiation. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ionizing_radiation Cell phones don't create such.
  16. You can make everything from just protons... Antimatter antiprotons are also created from protons in particle accelerators..
  17. But show some source code. Or screen-shots of source code.. ps. Why don't you build your own 3D printer, 2D Plotter.. ? It's very similar project. Just a 2-3 little engines, spinning in one direction (+X, +Y, +Z), and the other direction (-X, -Y, -Z). 6 bits of data needed to send to them. 1 to turn on/off, 1 for direction.
  18. Yes. Typically only when current is flowing. Piece of steel can magnetize while current is flowing (electron spins will align in one direction, they normally cancel each other in domains). "piece of steel" does not have it's own external magnetic field. You probably meant "steel magnet" instead. You should check how to make magnet in the first place. There is put block of iron to furnace, to heat it to enough high temperature. Around it there is electromagnet (wire around iron in furnace). Current is flowing through it. And block of metal is cooled down while electromagnet is still working. AA batteries will give you ~ 2.5 Ampers while connecting their ends. That's not pretty impressive. MIG/MAG/TIG for $720 can give you easily 115 A.
  19. ??? CO2+ 2 H2O -> CH4 Still does not match...
  20. How many shells and sub-shells do you have in He, Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe, Rn... ?
  21. Obviously it's not right, as Hydrogen atoms on the left (side of equation), does not match Hydrogen atoms on the right, Oxygens atoms on the left, does not match Oxygen atoms on the right.. ps. Are you in the 1st class of the primary school.. ?
  22. More realistic would be using hot wire for cutting styrofoam instead of f.e. angle grinder (or similar device)..
  23. Do you meant styrofoam? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Styrofoam Styrofoam is used as thermal insulator in buildings. If there was serious fire, it could be ejected and fly in the air.. Also while installing insulation of building by construction workers, it's cut in pieces, and some of it will fly away with the air, and dirty streets in neighborhood.
  24. Language purist.. Indeed, I should write: "Whisky mash is... distilled.. after fermentation.. and clarification to get rid of dead yeast remains.." Clarification of mash, is done prior distillation. It could take couple days. We are using Bentonite https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bentonite "Bentonites are used for decolorizing various mineral, vegetable, and animal oils. They are also used for clarifying wine, liquor, cider, beer, and vinegar.[2] Bentonite has the property of adsorbing relatively large amounts of protein molecules from aqueous solutions. Consequently, bentonite is uniquely useful in the process of winemaking, where it is used to remove excessive amounts of protein from white wines. Were it not for this use of bentonite, many or most white wines would precipitate undesirable flocculent clouds or hazes upon exposure to warm temperatures, as these proteins denature. It also has the incidental use of inducing more rapid clarification of both red and white wines." Methyl acetate has b.p. 56.9 °C. Ethyl acetate has b.p. 77.1 °C, very close to ethanol 78.24 C.
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