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Everything posted by Sensei

  1. That's why you must to relearn everything from scratch. Your teachers right now assume you already know all this. Therefor you have problems, as you don't know what they think, you do. And it'll be worser and worser, the more advanced subjects will be on homework.. Ideal gas law, pressure caused by fluid with given height, are physics subjects.
  2. g in studiot equation is acceleration 9.81 m/s^2. Not grams. You lack everything what is basic.. What children used to have in seventh grade primary school here.. Maybe you should start from buying primary school physics books and read them all again.. ?
  3. You don't have to have size of bubble. Question is about how many times volume of gas at sea level will be bigger, than below sea level, when water press it. f.e. if bubble has V1=1m^3 at -100m, and V2=2m^3 at 0m or it has V1=1cm^3 at -100m, and V2=2cm^3 at 0m, it's exactly the same ratio. V2/V1= 2/1 = 2 times bigger (just illustration). Answer yourself: What is pressure at some depth below sea level? How to calculate it? What is pressure at sea level? How these two things are connected?
  4. Cloud chamber, device which you can build for $30-$50 and see traces leaved by charged quantum particles... Why on Earth, I have to repeat it over and over again, every person like you on this forum (and others).. Couldn't it be learned in the primary school? http://www.scienceforums.net/topic/92998-universal-evolutionary-process/page-4#entry900023 http://www.scienceforums.net/topic/92471-the-limits-of-physics/#entry894800
  5. I can tell you "What is the Basis for a Symmetrical Universe?" For each matter particle there is antimatter antiparticle. Which has exactly the same properties as matter, except charge is reversed. f.e. electron matter, positron antimatter. proton matter, antiproton antimatter, muon-, muon+ tau-, tau+ pion-, pion+ kaon-, kaon+ etc. etc. Half-life of unstable particle, and it's antimatter antiparticle is (typically) the same (within error standard deviation). Scientists are searching for deviations from it. Decay modes of unstable particle is symmetrical between matter and antimatter. Scientists are searching for deviations from it. f.e. pion+ decay to muon+ and muon neutrino and pion- decay to muon- and muon antineutrino http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/Particles/piondec.html http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/Particles/hadron.html#c2 http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/Particles/lepton.html#c3 So, non-symmetrical Universe, would have above symmetries broken.
  6. ..... gosh.... 237.5 kJ/mol (2.46 eV) is per H2 not per H, or in some other sources: 286 kJ/mol (2.96 eV) is per H2not per H. (because it's combustion of gaseous Hydrogen) Per two particles H2 means you don't need to have SINGLE particle (blackbody radiation peak) with 2.96 eV in the first place.. You can have two particles with 1.48 eV (or two with 1.23 eV). Why are you writing something like this? Do you know how to calculate it? It's just unit conversion from quantum physics electron Volts, to chemistry kJ/mol... 1.48 eV * 2 * 1.602176565*10^-19 J/eV * 6.022141*10^23 mol^-1 = 286 kJ/mol 1.23 eV * 2 * 1.602176565*10^-19 J/eV * 6.022141*10^23 mol^-1 = 237.5 kJ/mol H2O + 1.23 eV -> H+ + OH- or in some other sources: H2O + 1.48 eV -> H+ + OH- To create free protons that could react with Oxygen (from air for instance) you need just 1.23 eV/1.48 eV per single water molecule.. According to your "explanation" what happened in this video would require temperature ~6600 C.. https://youtu.be/D1hhgTbtsCs?t=30s
  7. Makes no sense to me.. What marriage has to do with schooling? People go to work, 1h drive to work, 8h at work, 1h drive to home, 10h "wasted", and still have wife/husband and children. The same could be with going to school and learning. Marriage doesn't cut off schooling. Makes no sense to me, again.. What parents have to do with your marriage, and with schooling.. ? Sounds to me you have some problems with your life, parents, and love to girl.. Parents don't accept your girlfriend? For what reason? They are blackmailing you to abandon her, or will cut money for studying.. ?
  8. This is report from migration. Just warnings from what I see. Show what happens while trying to build project. Screen-shot? There is no mention at which line there is problem? Did you try opening project properties. In my version there is such drop-down list, with .NET Frameworks installed on machine. And I have there picked up .NET Framework v3.5. But Windows 10 has probably v4.5, or v4.6.x Check what do you have installed, and try to change to more recent.
  9. I didn't give you project, but a few files from it. How could they be "out of date"? Using methods no longer supported rather? But if you want, check attachment. TestRichTextBox.zip It was compiled by Visual Studio Express 2008 C++. If you're using different version of VS, fix things that has been changed. Normally newer VS was converting projects from older version of VS.
  10. Molecule of water could be separated to gaseous Hydrogen, and gaseous Oxygen, and then react together. It's just a matter of temperature. To split single water molecule there is needed ~1.23 eV, Which according to Wien's displacement law http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/wien.html (you can use calculator below) is reached at 2600 C of black body radiation (peak at ~1.23 eV = ~1008 nm wavelength). According to wikipedia Iron oxide Thermite can have up to 2500 C, very close to what is needed. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thermite
  11. You said "1 mole of a substance weighs 1 gram molecular mass of that substance." which is true only exclusively for protons/antiprotons (as they have molar mass ~1.008 g/mol). If you have water, molar mass 18.016 g/mol, and you have 1 mole of water, it has mass 18.016 grams. For different molar mass and different moles, calculate by yourself. BTW, protons are constituents of water. Two lonely protons (H), and 8 in Oxygen, but bound with usually 8 neutrons, in H2O.
  12. But try with really large 100-1000 words dictionary.. FindWord() could be easily optimized by binary-search algorithm. IndexOf()-loop takes just one word at a time. 1000 words in dictionary, 1000 loops of IndexOf() through entire RichTextBox->Text.
  13. You don't need bacteria to make carbohydrate (sugar). It's natural job of plants, vegetables, fruits. What is advantage of making bacteria producing sugar, instead of simply using existing plants, which already do it? You don't get perfectly clean product from bacteria, nor from plants, nor from yeast. It must be processed to clean it up. After fermentation, there are remains of yeast in solution, and there is need to use special compounds for clarification which will kill remaining yeast, and attach to their remains, and gather at the bottom of tank. Then it's filtered and multistage distillation done to have pretty pure ethanol. This way no animal would have to be killed (or even live) for people pleasure.. Actually this is the only reasonable way of producing food in the future of human kind when simply there will be too many humans. Microorganisms are more efficient in producing product needed by humans than the real living animals. Compare mass of eaten pasha to weight of pig or bullock.
  14. I have now even better version. It has configurable color for each word, and comparison case-sensitive or non-case-sensitive. DictionaryWord.h #pragma once namespace TestRichTextBox { using namespace System; using namespace System::Drawing; ref class DictionaryWord : public Object { private: String ^m_Word; Color m_Color; public: DictionaryWord( String ^word, Color color ); System::Void SetWord( String ^word ); String ^GetWord( System::Void ); System::Void SetColor( Color color ); Color GetColor( System::Void ); }; }; DictionaryWord.cpp #include "StdAfx.h" #include "DictionaryWord.h" namespace TestRichTextBox { using namespace System; using namespace System::Drawing; DictionaryWord::DictionaryWord( String ^word, Color color ) { this->m_Word = word; this->m_Color = color; } System::Void DictionaryWord::SetWord( String ^word ) { this->m_Word = word; } String ^DictionaryWord::GetWord( System::Void ) { return( this->m_Word ); } System::Void DictionaryWord::SetColor( Color color ) { this->m_Color = color; } Color DictionaryWord::GetColor( System::Void ) { return( this->m_Color ); } }; Dictionary.h #pragma once namespace TestRichTextBox { using namespace System; using namespace System::ComponentModel; using namespace System::Collections; ref class DictionaryWord; ref class Dictionary : public ArrayList { public: Dictionary(void); DictionaryWord ^FindWord( String ^word, System::Boolean ignore_case ); }; }; Dictionary.cpp #include "StdAfx.h" #include "Dictionary.h" namespace TestRichTextBox { Dictionary::Dictionary(void) { } DictionaryWord ^Dictionary::FindWord( String ^word, System::Boolean ignore_case ) { for each( DictionaryWord ^dictionary_word in this ) { String ^w = dictionary_word->GetWord(); int result = String::Compare( w, word, ignore_case ); if( result == 0 ) { return( dictionary_word ); } } return( nullptr ); } }; Form1.h private: System::Void richTextBox1_TextChanged(System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e) { RichTextBox ^richTextBox1 = this->richTextBox1; System::Collections::ArrayList ^rows = gcnew ArrayList( richTextBox1->Lines ); int current = richTextBox1->SelectionStart; richTextBox1->Clear(); Dictionary ^dictionary = gcnew Dictionary(); dictionary->Add( gcnew DictionaryWord( L"highlight", Color::Red ) ); dictionary->Add( gcnew DictionaryWord( L"my", Color::Green ) ); dictionary->Add( gcnew DictionaryWord( L"text", Color::Blue ) ); int row_index = 0; for each( String ^row in rows ) { array<String ^> ^words = row->Split( ' ' ); int word_index = 0; for each( String ^word in words ) { DictionaryWord ^dictionary_word = dictionary->FindWord( word, true ); if( dictionary_word != nullptr ) { Color old_color = richTextBox1->SelectionColor; richTextBox1->SelectionColor = dictionary_word->GetColor(); richTextBox1->SelectedText = word; richTextBox1->SelectionColor = old_color; } else { richTextBox1->AppendText( word ); } word_index++; if( word_index < words->Length ) richTextBox1->AppendText( L" " ); } row_index++; if( row_index < rows->Count ) richTextBox1->AppendText( L"\n" ); } richTextBox1->SelectionStart = current; } ps. IndexOf() - smart move David. But bye bye to multi-coloring.. ps2. Remember SelectionColor at start, and restore it at the end, instead of setting black color. ps3. Obviously dictionary should be sorted, and binary search algorithm used to find word in it, for optimal performance.
  15. This is how you should make highlighting in RichTextBox (C++ example): // Copyright (c) 2016 Sensei private: System::Void richTextBox1_TextChanged(System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e) { RichTextBox ^richTextBox1 = this->richTextBox1; System::Collections::ArrayList ^rows = gcnew ArrayList( richTextBox1->Lines ); int current = richTextBox1->SelectionStart; richTextBox1->Clear(); ArrayList ^dictionary = gcnew ArrayList(); dictionary->Add( L"highlight" ); dictionary->Add( L"my" ); dictionary->Add( L"text" ); int row_index = 0; for each( String ^row in rows ) { array<String ^> ^words = row->Split( ' ' ); int word_index = 0; for each( String ^word in words ) { bool selected = dictionary->Contains( word ); if( selected != false ) { Color old_color = richTextBox1->SelectionColor; richTextBox1->SelectionColor = Color::Red; richTextBox1->SelectedText = word; richTextBox1->SelectionColor = old_color; } else { richTextBox1->AppendText( word ); } word_index++; if( word_index < words->Length ) richTextBox1->AppendText( L" " ); } row_index++; if( row_index < rows->Count ) richTextBox1->AppendText( L"\n" ); } richTextBox1->SelectionStart = current; } Example usage: As you can see it does not use RichTextBox->Lines..
  16. Are you familiar with photoelectric effect? Einstein got Nobel prize for describing it. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Photoelectric_effect Basically you have light source. Light illuminates metal which can easily release electrons (from I/II group of periodic table). Kinetic energy of newly released electrons correspond to energy of incoming photon, minus some energy needed to liberate it (depending on used metal). Increase of brightness of light just release more electrons.
  17. If you're editing text, textChanged() method is called, and there you alter text, isn't textChanged() method called again, and again? In infinite loop? The most likely reentering function, in recurrence, like I said above. Surprising you didn't end up in infinite loop (which ends up with stack overflow quite soon). Maybe C# has some recursion counter to avoid this. If you're not sure what happens in the code, put there debug logging some variables with description to console, or to file. (it's useful when you cannot put debug breakpoint and went there using debugger)
  18. Wrong. It's not question about protons (which have molar mass ~1.008 g/mol). His/her question is about 8.52 mol of water molecules.
  19. Did you read? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Object-oriented_programming https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Class_(computer_programming) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Class-based_programming https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inheritance_(object-oriented_programming)
  20. Sensei


    Maybe you should start from learning what other such packages have to offer to customer? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ERP_software_packages
  21. Faraday was performing experiments. And showing them to people. Did you perform any experiment? Where is problem? Then why don't you make such device and perform experiment, and come back with results.. ? Maybe Moon example would be better? Gravitation of the Moon can be observed in tides. Typical matter is neutral charged. Each proton has corresponding electron, and they cancel out their electric fields for outside observer. Typical matter is also magnetic neutral. Except Iron there is very little elements which have unpaired electrons. Actually chemical compounds combine in such a way, to have electrons paired each other and full sub-shells. Either electric charged objects, and not paired electrons in objects, are easily visible for outside observer.
  22. Can you translate it to English? I don't even understand what are you writing here.. What does even mean "positive energy field"? "negative energy field"? How it's emanating in the real world this "positive energy field" of matter, and "negative energy field" of space? Please show me some experiment. Electrostatics: If you have positively charged particles (no matter if they are matter or anti-matter) they repel each other, if you have negatively charged particles (no matter if they are matter or anti-matter) they repel each other, but if you have negatively and positively charged particles (no matter if they are matter or anti-matter) they attract each other. Their mass-energy defines how fast they move, after acceleration. Massive particle of proton/antiproton after accelerating to 100 keV kinetic energy will move slower than less massive electron/positron, even though their kinetic energy is equal. (it's used in mass spectrometer to separate particles depending on their mass and charge) Gravity: If you have matter or anti-matter, neutrally charged, they attract each other, but tremendously less powerful than in electrostatics. (one can make thought experiment and replace one object mass to negative value, and see what happens in equations, but so far there is no way to perform this experiment in the real world) If you join both electrostatics and gravity in one experiment, you will have oil drop experiment. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oil_drop_experiment Positively charged oil drop 1) will be attracted by negatively charged top plate 2), and it will levitate. 1) because of absence of electrons on oil drop. 2) because of abundance of electrons on plate. You don't even understand why they are not unified.. If it's pseudo-force how come if somebody will jump through window will be dead? How come there is electric power from water dams? Pseudo-force converted to the real force, the real acceleration of electrons in wires, and then the real photons emitted by light bulbs, LED/LCD, and the real heat (photons at lower energy infra-red/microwave) ?
  23. The majority of tyrants and dictators were chosen in democratic election, and then they destroyed democracy, changed or dismissed constitution, and gained full power over some nation. There is plentiful examples of this in modern history. You should use "democratic election" sentence more wisely. It's way more important who is chosen. Whether that person is good, or evil, or scum. Voters don't know what intentions and plans have their chosen one member of parliament, prime minister, president, etc. etc. And when it's clear what are his/her intentions, it's way too late for any peaceful reaction.. Saw Star Wars? Emperor was chosen in democratic voting.. The same with hitler.. The same with putin.. The same with erdoğan.. The same with orban.. Now they are saying "obey our rules, as we were chosen in democratic election!"... Not saying that Trump has any chance to become somebody from their league. That's what we will see in the future. But certainly he would like to. He is seeking for power and money.. Certainly not bothering about poor white people who unexplainably voted on him.
  24. Couple months ago I was talking with scientist who was working on special drone type for pollinate vegetables and fruits (instead of bees). I proposed him new type of drone for harvesting fruits (actually grapes, because my grapes started growing 5-8 meters on the tree, and I couldn't reach them): it would be flying automatically and computer analyzing image from camera would detect fruits, and give control to human, to actually made precise cut of bunch of grapes. And then automatically fly away to the base. After releasing it, search for yet another bunch of grapes. Humans doing this could be in Africa or Asia, or other 3rd world country, doing job through Internet, and being paid for this job without having to move to western countries. Robots in factories in western countries could be programmed this way, they do what they can automatically but occasionally give control to real human through Internet (so he/she can be anywhere in the world), in areas hard to program which needs precision..
  25. I have better challenge for you. Decode one of ancient undeciphered writing systems: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Undeciphered_writing_systems How about Linear A for a start? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linear_A
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