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Everything posted by Sensei

  1. You are making up these things by yourself, don't you? Take for example H-1, atomic number (Z) = 1, mass number (A) = 1 your "equation" tells 1^2/256 + 2*1 = 2.00390625 but should be A=1,m=1.00784.. Then it's wrong, isn't? Take for example Fe-56, atomic number (Z) = 26, mass number (A) = 56 your "equation" tells 26^2/256 + 2*26 = 54.640625 but should be A=56,m=55.9349 (Fe-54 has 53.9396).. Then it's wrong, isn't? Countless, countless other examples you can create. Simply put the all 3142 isotopes in OpenOffice SpreadSheet and make column with your equation taking Z and A as arguments..
  2. You have to attach anim GIF, then click it yourself in your almost ready post, copy full image url, and then use Image tool (or use [ img] ... [ /img] tags) and paste forum url. http://www.scienceforums.net/uploads/monthly_09_2016/post-19758-0-01565000-1474717357.gif
  3. Unfortunately it's pretty bad. BMI 28.2. It's overweight http://www.bestbmicalculator.com/28/ I am 20+ cm taller, and have smaller weight than you. Blend several fruits, f.e. strawberries, berries, raspberries, some add banana (like in video below) with kefir 0.5 L. No sugar needed. Add some cut in cubes raw fruits at the end. It'll be tasty and healthy drink for a start. In your condition you should remove pasta from your menu. Rice 100g per dish is enough. Potato 300g cooked 35 minutes, as long as they're not joined with fatty additions (nor fried), is good too. At max one spoon of butter and 0% fat milk. Chicken is good (250 g-300g I am using per dish no more). Try cutting three colors peppers and onion in cubes, seasonings, fry 2-3 minutes, chicken in cubes. seasonings, fry 4 minutes, join together. Chocolate and crisps replace by smoothie above mentioned.
  4. Politicians can ban, disallowing making scientific research, producing or selling product. f.e. in vitro in too religious fundamental countries is banned. Title of your thread has no sense to me, and completely not correlate with content of post. "Should new information about old scandals prompt a second look at past theories?" What "old scandals"?? What "past theories" need revision?
  5. Did you read entire article from link that I gave in previous post? Where do you have if() statement? ps. What for using #define USE MATH DEFINES if you're not linking proper header file which is using it, and you're defining PI by yourself ?
  6. Well, that's the most essential part of programming http://www.cprogramming.com/tutorial/c/lesson2.html
  7. According to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Calcium_carbonate "At temperatures above 550 °C the equilibrium CO2 pressure begins to exceed the CO2 pressure in air. So above 550 °C, calcium carbonate begins to outgas CO2 into air." "The table shows that this partial pressure is not achieved until the temperature is nearly 800 °C. For the outgassing of CO2 from calcium carbonate to happen at an economically useful rate, the equilibrium pressure must significantly exceed the ambient pressure of CO2. And for it to happen rapidly, the equilibrium pressure must exceed total atmospheric pressure of 101 kPa, which happens at 898 °C." Read section "Calcination equilibrium" No. They don't decompose to water. Unless they're in hydrated form. AlO, what is it? Do you meant Al2O3 rather, or Al(OH)3? Wikipedia, page about compound, for a start.
  8. User enters value "angle in degrees", but trigonometric functions are expecting argument "angle in radians". You have to convert them.
  9. That's mathematics. What is difference between Integer https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Integer and Real number? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Real_number In computers they have built-in limits of precision. Float has smaller precision than double. If material is too hard for you, you should use your time in the holidays/vacations to acustomize with the books from new semester. There were 2 months.
  10. Angle in degrees is f.e. -180.0 .... 180.0 Angle in radians is f.e. -M_PI .... M_PI To convert from degrees to radians, multiply by M_PI and divide by 180.0. Or reverse, in 2nd way. 3.14159265 / 180.0 is constant. M_PI is defined in math.h Use #define _USE_MATH_DEFINES prior include line.
  11. How come? 1) how are you reading argument supplied by user to command-line application? 2) how to convert string to float/double? Which function you have to use to do that? 3) how to check if float is in proper range? Which function you have to use to do that? 4) how to print float/double with fixed precision after decimal dot.. ? Which function you have to use to do that?
  12. Stressful situation can cause disconnection of cholesterol that you have already in your body in artery, and they could stuck somewhere, heart or brain or other organ, causing heart attack or brain stroke. Instead of getting rid of stressful situations, you should think how to get rid of cholesterol from your veins.. What is your weight and height? BMI? Do you had examination showing internal fat storage in your body, around or inside of your organs.. ? Do you have dumbbells? You should get one which looks like these 20 kg: If you didn't use them yet, you will have start from 5 kg. Then week by week, month by month, increase it. When you don't feel tired it's good time to increase weight. Get mirror 70 x 200 cm at least. And every single day, make series of trainings, in the front of mirror. You don't get to sleep, prior making your daily exercise. Write what exercise you did day by day in calendar. This will help you keep motivated. Don't let empty calendar paper day appear in it. Have *must have* plan of exercises that's at least equal or slightly higher than previous day. It's much easier to take "day-off", "skip" from exercises, when people have to go to gym... Being tired of doing nothing all day long (from my point of view) is really poor excuse.. I am always telling people: "making 100 push-ups takes 100 seconds, or in the worst case 200 seconds.. What is your pretext? No time? Really? It's taking less time than cigarette or pissing off".. (my record in push-ups per day is 1700 IIRC) Start from telling us your entire diet, day by day, without hiding anything.. ps. Do I have to tell you that you should search for "cholesterol-rich food sources" on the Google.. And then get rid of them from your menu.. ? ps2. Disconnect from your work.. There is 17:00 and you're stopping thinking about what happened between 8:00 to 17:00 (or so).. I literally don't remember what happened yesterday, nor bother about it...
  13. As Strange pointed out, Carbon-14 decay via path: Carbon-14 -> Nitrogen-14 + e- + Ve + 0.156476 MeV There is also Potassium-40 which decay via paths: Potassium-40 -> Calcium-40 + e- + Ve + 1.31108 MeV Potassium-40 -> Argon-40 + e+ + Ve + 0.482698 MeV Potassium-40 + e- -> Argon-40 + Ve + 1.5047 MeV Carbon-14 has half-life 5730 years. Potassium-40 has half-life 1.248-1.251 billion years. They are tiny tiny fraction of the entire body mass. C-14 is 1 per trillion of Carbon atoms, which is 18.5% from body mass. f.e. 80 kg = 80000 g * 18.5% = 14800 g / 12 g/mol = 1233.3 mol C-14 with 1 ppt in entire Carbon has 1.234*10^-9 mol.
  14. In correct configuration (rotation) of polarization filter, linear polarized photon will be reflected with ~100% chance, or will pass through with ~100% chance, after rotating polarization filter 90 (or 270) degrees from above configuration. It's visible easily with some LED/LCD computer monitors, and some cell phones. Not all, but these which are emitting linear polarized photons from their display. The all which I have here 4 LCD/LED monitors/TV exhibit it. Samsung Galaxy S5 just to some level (visible darker display but not full black like with monitors/TV). We can hold polarization filter covering something on the monitor, spin it, and suddenly black color appears, then continue spinning, and display is starting to be visible, then 90 degree from above, it's in the full brightness.
  15. Not 7 W but 71.5 W is needed, according to Wolfram website. If I were you, I would check if peltier coolers in grid would solve it. They have efficiency 10-15%. So to have 72 W, you need grid with 720 W (I guess). See this model TEC1-12706. It's 92 W 12 V. https://www.amazon.com/TEC1-12706-Thermoelectric-Peltier-Cooler-Volt/dp/B002UQQ3Q2 (I am using TEC1-12705) Buy 10 units for 170 usd, plus fans, plus heat sinks, on either cool and hot side (silicon/thermal conductive paste). And connected them to powerful power supply (1 kW+ 12 V). After experiment you can use them to make Cloud Chamber
  16. In the age when everybody have built-in video camera in every smartphone, it's hard to believe that somebody witnessing something weird, would not immediately start recording it.. So, do you have video... ?
  17. Maybe I am reading it incorrectly? Is it 55 L (box with 38 cm x 38 cm x 38 cm) per minute = 0.9167 L per second.. ? or Is it 55 L per second for minute.. ? 3300 L total per minute.. ? Still not understanding why you multiplied by 60 (if 75K is delta between +25C and -50C, OP wanted +20 C -> -40C). Wouldn't that cancels units s/s.. giving result in J or kJ? Power should be in W.
  18. Suppose so you have polarization filter in your hand. And you have laser pointer in second hand. Laser is sending beam of photons. But they have random polarization. Or circular polarization. Photons hitting polarization filter are reflected, or passing through. One photon pass through, other photon is reflected, yet another pass through, yet another is reflected. 50% from billions of photons per second is passing through, 50% from billions of photons per second is reflected. You have one photon initially: will it be reflected? will it pass through? Are you rather a determinist or indeterminist? (it looks better underwater, as each separate beam is visible)
  19. Are you sure your calculations? I assume 60 (on the left) is difference between +20 C and -40 C, then what is 75K on the right? 322 kJ is enough energy to increase temperature of 1000 g (~ 55.5 mol) of water for 77 C. 55 L of air has just 0.04464 mol * 55 = ~ 2.4552 mol.
  20. Robot stacker builds houses in two days. Hadrian robot I like it. Plotter/3D Printer with bricks instead of ink/plastic.
  21. Maybe you have allergic reaction to bleach? https://www.google.com/search?q=allergy+bleach
  22. Then I hope so you will implement my ideas expressed in post #86 http://www.scienceforums.net/topic/98386-laser-curvature-test-on-lake-balaton/?p=943359 even though you didn't comment this post.
  23. In the Leonard Susskind interpretation of Multiverse https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multiverse there is infinite amount of universes with various physical constants.. In infinite amount there are some that physical constants are "good enough" for making universes which exist longer than picosecond/milisecond/second/billions of second/etc.etc... (regardless whether I agree with him) If you know everything, you don't live, you exist, exist forever.. You could find reason to exist, to learn other less experienced life forms.. (if you need to)
  24. Everything is not destroyed, just changed. p+ + p+ -> D+ + e+ + Ve + 0.42 MeV for a start.... Protons don't destroy.. They join together to form Deuterium, then further to Helium-3, then further to Helium-4, then further to Berylium-8 and if it's going enough fast, 3rd Helium-4 hits it making Carbon-12.. and so on, so on.. The all yours atoms, are as old, as the whole Universe... Everything exists forever and ever... Just in different configuration of quantum sub-particles.
  25. I am quite confused.. In the initial thread post there are: "we would like to introduce you our laser curvature experiments." "We are looking for the curvature on the surface of the lake Balaton in Hungary (...)" "We have conducted a series of experiments (...)" Repeated dozen times "we". "We" for us, means "you plus some people from your team"... At the same time Boxer said in post #60 "Also I am here to inform that Sandor Székely don't have any affiliation or contribution to the LIDAR Balaton observation or with any Other hungarian or other scientific institutions, despite his misleading original post. Just to clarify."
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