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Everything posted by Sensei

  1. Then make new e-mail on public server f.e. gmail.. And send it by sms (if security is issue). You can also call number/sms by Skype. If you was in that restaurant, open google maps Heraklion Greece, and find it on the map. Maybe there is mentioned website and e-mail to them. You perhaps made mistake in telephone number, I see they have format +30 xxx yyy zzzz Majority of them +30 281 yyy zzzz Mentioned by your have one digit more (double 2). +30-281-076-1135 belongs to ARINA SAND Restaurant - Tavern - Hani Kokini 715 00 Hani Kokini Heraklion Greece http://www.xo.gr/profile/profile-907385837/en/
  2. If it's Theory of Everything, then please be so kind, and show us, using your equations: fusion, radioactive decay of isotopes, how to make mesons pion, kaon, decay of mesons 2nd and 3rd generations, decay of leptons 2nd and 3rd generations, annihilation etc. Of course you're aware that you can see all these effects by naked eye? http://www.scienceforums.net/topic/92998-universal-evolutionary-process/?p=900023
  3. Not really. Everybody can learn everything. It's just a matter of willingness. You would need some screen-capture application in video mode, and being able to save directly in anim-gif. VirtualDub worked for me on WinXP, but have problems with Win7 (can't capture anymore). Maybe it's gfx driver issue, and you will have more luck. I just tried loading static image-sequence from disk and wrote anim-gif without problem.
  4. Sensei


    You can do that by using library of common repeated patterns, and using index/id to that array, as stored compressed data. Library can be static and not attached to data, or dynamic and be part of data, or mixture of both. f.e. you have my text reply. Find repeating characters,words in it, and assign the smallest possible number of bits to the most repeatable parts. Normal character is taking 8 bits. If you assign code to the whole word, the whole phrase, you can compress size dozen of times.
  5. "Morgan Freeman's Through The Wormhole"..
  6. I put Hydrogen-1 and Lithium-7 to my command-line application: FusionEnergyCalculator.exe 1 1 3 7 H-1 + Li-7 -> Be-8 + y + 17.2554 MeV H-1 + Li-7 -> Li-8 + e+ + Ve + 0.228274 MeV And it says there could be created photon with 17.2554 MeV. Now see arxiv.org https://arxiv.org/abs/1504.01527 And they say so: "This observation might indicate that, in an intermediate step, a neutral isoscalar particle with a mass of 16.70±0.35 (stat)±0.5 (sys) MeV/c2 and Jπ=1+ was created." 16.7+0.35+0.5 = 17.55, which is almost exactly 17.2554. They used 5 MV Van de Graaff generator, so additional energy comes with higher kinetic energy protons. They don't mention whether they cleaned up isotopes just to Li-7 and O-16. Oxygen has O-16, O-17, O-18 stable isotopes. Lithium has Li-6 and Li-7 stable isotopes. In the case of O-16 its abundance is 99.757%, so there is tiny amount of O-17 and O-18. But in the case of Li, Li-6 has abundance 7.59%. H-1 + Li-6 -> Be-7 + y + 5.60573 MeV H-1 + Li-6 -> Li-7 + e+ + Ve + 5.44562 MeV Beryllium-7 + e- -> Lithium-7 + Ve + 0.861893 MeV
  7. Prism splits photons at various energies/frequencies/wavelengths, so they fly slightly different paths. You can join them together back, and from bunch of red, green, blue photons make white light back. That's what do TV screens all the time.
  8. Proton-rich isotopes can decay by electron capture. And release neutrino (to conserve lepton number). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electron_capture But daughter isotope (just nucleus) must have smaller mass-energy, than parent isotope (nucleus), to conserve energy properly. In the case of lone proton and electron, there is missing 0.782 MeV mass-energy. Because free neutron has 939.565 MeV/c^2, proton has 938.272 MeV/c^2 and electron has 0.511 MeV/c^2 mass. 938.272 MeV/c^2 + 0.511 MeV/c^2 - 939.565 MeV/c^2 = -0.782 MeV/c^2 Negative means disallowed/missing energy. If it would be >0, such decay mode would be at least plausible.
  9. If you have little container with hole diameter r, therefor it has area A=PI*r^2 (with r=0.5 cm, A=3.14159265*0.5^2=0.7854 cm^2 area) and sound wave is moving (actually air) outside of this hole, room has 400 cm x 500 cm x 275 cm size (20 m^2 floor). Sound wave bounce of the walls. And very very little amount will return back to your hole.. It won't be able to cancel out wave going outside.
  10. This is Adobe Flash, you would need to convert it to Anim GIF.. But voice would be lost.
  11. We will call it Strangeland.. ps. Get island on the southern hemisphere, to be able building telescopes being able observe center of the galaxy.
  12. Sensei


    Actually, %0111 and %1001 in half-bytes, is %01111001 which is decimal 121, not 113. It's called left-bitwise-shift, arithmetic shift. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bitwise_operation a=%0111; b=%1001; c=(a<<4) | b; (left-shift a by 4 (=multiplication by 16), then bitwise or b (there is 0 in these bits)) If you add %0111 + %1001 what you will get is %10000, not %1111 (15). If you want to keep result in 4 bits, it should be min(a+b,15), or c=a+b; if( c >= 16 ) c=15; (of course you will lose higher values than 15)
  13. If they're not constant, you should show how they change, and relative to what. Change laws over time? Say we have equation: [math]F=G\frac{Mm}{r^2}[/math] or more precisely [math]F ( r )=G\frac{Mm}{r^2}[/math] It's time-invariant version. Telling how force changes with variable r, distance. But if we assume M and m are changing over time f.e. [math]M(t)=\frac{M_0}{2^{t*a}}[/math] [math]m(t)=\frac{m_0}{2^{t*b}}[/math] (gaining or losing mass by f.e. emitting particles, absorbing particles) where a,b will be some constants (or variables). Then you can make Newton's gravitational force which changes over time: [math]F(t,r)=G\frac{M(t)m(t)}{r^2}[/math] Stars indeed lose their mass, emitting photons, having solar flares etc. But it's so small effect, that while discussion about gravitation, it's ignored. Mass of 1 Hydrogen is 938.272 MeV/c^2+0.511 MeV/c^2=938.783 MeV/c^2 so 4 such have mass 3,755.132 MeV/c^2, but Helium-4 has mass 3,728.4 MeV/c^2. 3,728.4 / 3,755.132 = 1.00717 In other words, if star would fuse the all its Hydrogen-1 to Helium-4, it would lose just 0.72% of initial mass. And it could take 10 billions of years or more. We know about existence of other galaxies, because they emit photons toward us. If laws of physics are significantly different, then how can you see photons from these galaxies?
  14. We can see it, in some circumstances. Air from breath has temperature of body or so. But if environment has significantly lower temperature, we can see something like this: http://media.gettyimages.com/videos/caribou-with-visible-breath-in-cold-weather-looking-around-on-rocks-video-id290-13 Google for "Frosty breath effect","Cold breath effect". After ionization normally colorless gases have different colors (spectral lines) https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/c6/Gase-in-Entladungsroehren.jpg
  15. Non-existence after death is pretty good reason to feel awe. So everybody, especially atheists the most interested, should hard work on how to live as long as possible/forever. Otherwise it's just wasting your precious time here.
  16. Sensei

    Foam Shelf

    If I would have such foam, I would not make shelf from it. Instead cut it to pieces and put in round-bottom flask, connected to Graham condenser, and heat it, to see what will do distillation.
  17. Alternatively you can dismount broken (or new) remote controlled toy, or radio controlled computer mouse. I would not bother too much about license, if it's low power signal, which would work only inside your room, few meters around transmitter (like it's the case in remote controlled toy car).
  18. SPA water? In what volume? You should check out how sewage treatment is working https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sewage_treatment
  19. It can be empirically verified. Open couple web browser windows, and start downloading some large file on each of them. In such case, I had malfunctioning quote, as mentioned in #17 post.
  20. What you need is application allowing reconfiguration of hot keys to execute some command-line tool. And command-line tool to play the sound, supplied as argument, path to .wav or .mp3 file. Personally I would not even bother searching for such apps (it would take longer), but simply make them. Try PlaySound function https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/dd743680(v=vs.85).aspx https://msdn.microsoft.com/pl-pl/library/windows/desktop/dd743679(v=vs.85).aspx Here is Visual Studio 2008 Express project with compiled 32 bit exe: PlaySound.zip (only one argument, path to .wave file) To intercept keys use SetWindowsHookEx https://msdn.microsoft.com/pl-pl/library/windows/desktop/ms644990(v=vs.85).aspx with WH_KEYBOARD or WH_KEYBOARD_LL Here is Visual Studio 2008 Express project with compiled 32 bit exe and DLL with hook routine: HotKeySound.zip After pressing keys 0....9 there will be played sound with path C:\0.wav .... C:\9.wav, so you have to rename your files to match them. You can change this inside of DLL routine MyHookProc. I was wondering whether Windows will allow using PlaySound (or even loading file at such low level function). But works fine in at least Windows 7 and Windows XP.
  21. For the best result (bandwidth), data should be already compressed with appropriate (depending on data type) compression algorithm. Raw text can take f.e. 1 MB (million characters), but its zipped (.zip or .7zip) version could be taking 1%-10% of original size. It has many repeating strings, that easily can be compressed. Some protocols support internal compression f.e. HTTP web browser is mentioning in HTTP request which compression algorithms it supports, and replying HTTP server, is using this info, to compress data, and thus save bandwidth. However, compressed data are, or can be vulnerable to lost in transmission. Video or audio stream send compressed but not received entirely, will have damaged regions of image or noise instead of audio (happens every time I am watching my TV from satellite and there is heavy rain or snow), but if the same would happen to f.e. compressed data application, that would be unrecoverable lost and require resent of data. (TV decoder can't tell satellite "please send me data again", like it happens with regular two-way communicating Internet) ps. I am wondering why are you putting it in computer section. It has more to do with Engineering or Physics, than Computers.
  22. Really tough issue. I started in my mind imagining what will happen in the future, when you will have children, they will go to grandpa and grandma for quite longer than holidays (especially alone, vacations f.e.), and they will start learning your kids such racist and other "conservative" approach...
  23. I don't have issues with quoting. But here is 120 Mbps Internet. I noticed that when Internet was tremendously lagging, quote on forum didn't work as expected. After pressing "Quote" button there was long delay. And quote was empty. Happened maybe twice in the entire everyday usage of this forum in the last 3 years since Oct 2013 when I joined. It's plausible that forum is using jQuery/aJax that is asynchronously called. If there is time-out (because of lagging Internet), no returned reply, but quote function cannot wait any longer, have to return activity to user/browser, and have to return empty text. (just thinking out loud) Instead of pressing "Quote" button you can simply enter on keyboard [ quote ] (copy'n'paste selected text) [ /quote ] (without spaces). ps. You might also check your DNS. Perhaps somebody/hacker/spy intercepted it, and you're using one you should not be using. ps2. Do you have personal firewall which is showing the all activity/packets send/received by machine? ps3. Start > cmd [enter], enter "ping www.scienceforums.net" [enter] What time do you see? I have 43-45 mili seconds right now. If you want more samples use "ping www.scienceforums.net -t". You will have to manually break it with ctrl-c. (ping is using ICMP typically, but HTTP is on 80 TCP/IP) ps4. Why forum does not use HTTPS SSL port 443? It should. For safety of members.
  24. In Special Relativity Relativistic Doppler Effect has formula [math]f=f_0(1+v)\gamma[/math] [math]\gamma=\frac{1}{\sqrt{1-v^2}}[/math] Which is also equal to [math]f=f_0\sqrt{\frac{1+v}{1-v}}[/math] with v normalized to 0...1 (divided by c). With v near 1.0 (or near c, without normalization), gamma is so high that regular photons at visible spectrum (average 2.32 eV green photon), could be blueshifted to more than 1.022 MeV (0.4-0.5 million times than green photon) In such situation there is starting pair production, of matter and antimatter, and positrons are starting annihilating with body of spacecraft, damaging it and destroying.
  25. Radioactivity/nuclear physics Irène Joliot-Curie https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irène_Joliot-Curie Astronomy/astrophysics Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cecilia_Payne-Gaposchkin cooperated and was inspired by: Annie Jump Cannon https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Annie_Jump_Cannon Sarah Frances Whiting https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sarah_Frances_Whiting Henrietta Swan Leavitt https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henrietta_Swan_Leavitt Antonia Maury https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antonia_Maury
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