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Everything posted by Sensei

  1. You need to have high voltage generator such as Van der Graaf generator, or Cockcroft-Walton generator, fill tube with noble gases, and provide high voltage electrodes to it, to ionize gas. At least.
  2. f.e. distillation, good for molecules that have significantly higher boiling temperature than water, boil 1 L of water, until there is 50 mL remaining, Repeat it 20 times, so again you have 1 L of water, but concentration of contamination is 20 times higher. If you will repeat it again, you have concentration of contamination 400 times higher than at the beginning.
  3. Because it is just advertisement of book to buy.. To steal people money for nothing.
  4. Speed of light is 299,792,458 m/s, or 300,000,000 m/s, if somebody have bad memory, and want to round it, but 300,000 m/s, is wrong value. You should use 300,000 km/s instead. You should get familiar with blueshift and redshift relativistic Doppler effects, when object emitting photons travels toward (or counter to) receiver, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Relativistic_Doppler_effect
  5. What is worser is that when we have high kinetic energy particle that will hit Deuterium: [math]_1^2H + 2.22 MeV \rightarrow p^+ + n^0[/math] Free neutrons will be created.
  6. In my C/C++ programs I use single letters for loop counters, like i,j,k,l,... For coords primary are x,y,z, then x0,y0,z0, then x1,y2,z2 etc. For other variables multi-letter name immediately identifying what variable contains. Couple examples from my currently opened project in Visual Studio: position, position0, position1, position2, normal, normal0, normal1, normal2, polygon_list, polygon, polygon_count, point_list, point_count, point, cursor_position, origin, font_scale, metrics, segment_length
  7. 12/2, 12/3, 12/4, etc. looks like date December 2,3,4,... So one whole sinusoid half is one whole day. And Y axis is quantity of people that used service. Right? I would simply took newspaper, or tv program, and check in it what exactly happened 6 December and started around 18. Could be football or other sport. FIFA eliminations, EURO eliminations, local country league matches, etc. French league had 3 matches 6 December. Premier League, Everton vs Crystal Palace, match started 21:00, 7 December. Primera Division, Barcelona vs Levante, started 20:30. (We could be in different time zone, so you need to adjust to local time zone) Get newspaper, tv program, and check when there will be matches the next time... Do you have access to per-country data? If yes, check which country customers disappeared in this event at 6 Dec. Do you have access to per-sex data? Most likely male users disappeared, if they were watching matches.
  8. Hello. Meet my new the best friend, the most likely Eurasian pygmy shrew. I caught him/her today in the hypermarket (surprisingly without any problem).. Market bodyguards and employees wanted to kill him/her. But I disallowed and took him/her with me. According to wikipedia they eat as much as weight per day. And one day starving in the winter is deadly. Best Regards!
  9. Do you have experience using f.e. 555 timer? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/555_timer_IC Get it in shop, and make experimental circuit on breadboard with it with LEDs to see how it works. That will be good start. Your vibrations should be square wave or sinusoid wave?
  10. Earth's core and mantle have plentiful of unstable radioactive isotopes that are decaying and releasing energy. Uranium-235, Uranium-238 are just examples. They produce short-living unstable isotopes that decay quickly to other also unstable isotopes, and so on, so on. Until reaching stable isotopes. Also Sun is sending to us 1367 Joules of energy per second per each meter square area pointing at the Sun. It's energy that we're using directly (photovoltaic cells) or indirectly (f.e. food).
  11. You're making equal "size of comet" with "length of its tail"... Therefor you claim that it's size is such big in comparison to the Sun. Tail just appears when comet is very close to star. Because ice in it is melted and ejected making millions kilometer long tail. But it's made of basically nothing at all. Just tones of ice, water and dust. It reflects light from the Sun. That's why it is good visible. According to wiki, size (diameter) of comet is estimated to be 30-40 km. Calculate its volume. Then use 917 kg/m^3 for ice-only version, and 7800 kg/m^3 for iron-only version, and calculate its mass. The real value will be probably somewhere between these two, and more closer to 917 kg/m^3. Then use inverse-square law to calculate what would be force caused by such mass from distances mentioned in the articles that you provided..
  12. Let me quote myself from other thread with similar subject: "Then you should have no problem of showing us how you are calculating f.e. decay energy of Tritium. Please show calcs."
  13. For what reason you are connecting appearance of comet with earthquakes, eruptions of volcanoes, and decrease of temperature.. ? Earthquakes, eruptions of volcanoes, and decrease of temperature, can be connected to each other. Volcanoes are releasing gases and ashes to atmosphere that can indeed decrease temperature on entire Earth. As well as gases that can increase it (CO2, CH4). But these 3 things are not directly connected to comet. The closest distance between this comet and Earth could be 5.3 mln km (search its perihelion, without taking into account inclination). We have much closer (thus causing higher influence) much more massive object, our Moon. Comet's perihelion ~5.3 mln km / Moon's orbit radius ~400k km = ~13.275 times more distance. Inverse-square 1/r^2 gives ~0.00567 = ~0.567% influence if mass of both objects would be the same (but it's not).
  14. Any particular type of data in pattern? Like for instance letters, characters.. ? Even printed fonts on screen.. ? These are easier to code. Once I wrote something like that. Built database of the all possible images (something like characters). Took screen-shot taking app. And in Photoshop glued them in one row with fixed width * columns x height. Then routine was checking pixel by pixel, with some level of threshold tolerance, each entry in database, with image taken from screen (it was captured in the real time). If you can, allow user learning machine how each entry (character) to database looks like. Allow him to pick up reference which will be analyzed and stored in database. Keeping raw image (RGB, pixel by pixel, width x height buffers) is one way of storing it. Not very efficient one (after all Full HD screen has 2 million pixels = 6/8 MB in 24/32 bit TrueColor). Programmer can use vector graphics for store and compare data. But it's much more work to do. Image has to be analyzed to find where are edges, and convert them to 2D vectors.. If images are colorful, people often use filters like emboss. Because it will detect where are edges. Are you writing code for automatic bypassing CAPTCHA .. ?
  15. You should search for Positronium https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Positronium
  16. When we will look through Hubble at the furthest visible galaxies, we will see they are often "puffy spherical clouds". When two or more such objects will collide at the right angle, they are starting spinning around the common center of mass. Enter "formation of spiral galaxy" in YouTube, and there will be plentiful of computer simulations showing this process.
  17. Chess computer algorithm for instance, in the normal computer programming, is trying every possible movement, and calculate score, how good is particular movement. And pick up the best scored movement to realize it on playfield. In the first move in game there is possible maximum 20 moves (and rapidly grows in later moves): movement of pawns 16 possible, plus 4 movements of 2 knights. Once algorithm test its virtual movement, it's also doing this for opponent side. And judge them with score also. It happens recursively. Couple depths for slow machines. The faster machine (or cluster) the more game versions can be simulated, and the better prediction of what will happen on playfield in the future.
  18. CuCl2 + 2NaOH → Cu(OH)2 + 2NaCl If you want CuCl2 do reaction: Cu(OH)2 + 2HCl → CuCl2 + 2H2O While heating Cu(OH)2 will be converting to black dust CuO and H2O I just took CuO, and put in methane gas burner, and it's indeed green. With hand lighter it did not work though.
  19. Sensei


    Perception of time by living organisms is subjective. No doubt. That's why we use clocks to precisely measure time. ToE, Theory of Everything, should be able to predict and calculate everything, in my opinion. If it cannot, it's not ToE.
  20. Sensei


    Great. Then you should have no problem of showing us how you are calculating f.e. decay energy of Tritium. Please show calcs.
  21. It's not enough to "have file I/O". It must be binary file I/O. Without binary mode, it's not possible to generate executable. I was trying to find example, and some MODERN implementations of Logo language (FMSLogo) have binary mode, some other has no mention of it.. f.e. Berkeley Logo has no mention of mode in OPENWRITE command, FMSLogo has additional parameter for mode. In FMSLogo tutorial there is said "If binarymode is FALSE or not given, then the file will be read as a text file." Giving impression that default mode of original OPENREAD/OPENWRITE is text mode, otherwise compatibility would be broken..
  22. I am talking about making whole language, executable (binary) file, in other language. That requires full I/O file management control, at least.
  23. You have to look what real means high current. Current, in amperes, multiplied by time is Charge: Q=I*t in Coulombs. 1 electron has charge equal to 1.602176565*10^-19 C. so if you divide Q/e you have quantity of electrons. In the case of Gold, or inert metal electrolysis, where is made Oxygen there are needed 4 electrons to separate 4 molecules of water: 4e- + 4H2O -> 4 OH- + 2 H2 and produces Hydrogen gas, which is appearing on negative electrode. OH- goes through water to positive electrode: 4 OH- -> 2H2O + O2 + 4e- Oxygen gas (half as much as Hydrogen gas) is appearing on positive electrode. (electrons taken by positive electrode) The larger current, the larger charge, the larger quantity of electrons and the more volume of gas produced. If your watt meter is counting current, or ampere meter, you can even predict amount (volume) of produced gas and how long you have to wait for it. High voltage (230 V) and low current (like 2 A), means that water is heated. Energy is spend on heating water, instead of splitting water molecules. P=I*U=230 V * 2A = 460 W E=Q*U=230 V * 1s * 2A = 460 J But with small voltage and large current: P=I*U=5V * 92 A = 460 W E=Q*U=5V * 1s * 92A = 460 J Same power, same energy, but different quantity of electrons, and different volume of gas produced. Energy does not disappear. It's wasted on heating water in the first case. But it's hard (expensive) to make really high current at home.
  24. I would try making plotter. It's pretty similar stuff to 3D printer. It needs 2 or 3 motors that are going both directions. One for X axis, second one for Y axis, and third one for up-down.
  25. I wrote app that was downloading stuff from net, and was writing these files to single folder, few hundred thousand files. Going to that folder is equal to making a tea (and waiting for water for boiling etc.) and drinking it.. Explorer.exe was exhausted.. Have to wait 15+ minutes on Core i7 to update. I doubt that author of this thread has problem with hundred thousand files. So the most likely his problems with speed of computer are not co related with quantity of files in the folder. I would add to this list, buying regular HDD for $50-$70 and installing system there. It does not have to be SSD (these are more expensive). It always helps. At least for few months. Get 1 TB HDD at least, must be 7200 RPM http://www.ebay.com/sch/Internal-Hard-Disk-Drives-/56083/i.html You need at least 4 GB ram for comfortable work though.
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