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Everything posted by Sensei

  1. Sensei

    Car Accident

    That would require not existence of gravitational force of Earth, Moon, Sun and Galaxy. Velocities acquired during hit of two cars, are far less than escape velocities of either cosmic objects mentioned above.
  2. BTW, Cis is here often denoted as C# Dis D# Fis F# Gis G# Ais A# I have Yamaha PSR-S500, You can hear it f.e. here Bought it ~10 years ago for $1000. Now you should be able to get it much cheaper. Or better quality model. While choosing model pay special attention to how you will plug it to computer. Now standard is USB. Keyboard has to send information about what key you pressed on keyboard to application on the computer, which will record them (as notes, sampling is yet another possibility). That're important features for composers.
  3. Sorry. No. I didn't mess with you. I never mess with any body. Rather I think we misunderstood each other. We're from different languages countries. Have to translate everything back and forth. That's why I wanted to explain what I meant in the first post by "lack of chords". What I meant is triads https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triad_(music) In my interpretation Arpeggios are not true/full chords. Even in wikipedia you have: "An alternative translation of this term is "broken chord". " Wiki page of Chords: "In tonal Western classical music, the most frequently encountered chords are triads, " Interpret my post #5 as "you don't have triad chords". My wikipedia in my language in triad page has "triad is the simplest chord" Major chord is also referring to 3 sounds played simultaneously without delays https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Major_chord What do you meant by this? H is button on keyboard/piano, on the left of C..
  4. Well, since you provided notes it's very easy to notice.. Chord that I am talking about are visible as one note above other note, and in the most of cases 3rd note above them. Like C,E,G. Played by single hand, of single person. Although, you can double them, using 2nd hand. Or triple/quad if two persons play simultaneously. (this example has two key presses at a time, mostly) Do you have the real keyboard piano? Try this: C,E,G (simultaneously by three fingers at a time) C,E,G C,E,G D,F,A D,F,A D,F,A H,D,F (H key on the left of initial C above) H,D,F H,D,F A,C,E A,C,E A,C,E
  5. Are you kidding me? I would say that Swansont is realist, and ajb is anti-realist.. Ajb is mathematician. And they tend to have geometric based interpretation of Universe. See f.e. what happened to Perelman.. According to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-realism "Anti-realism in science" "In philosophy of science, anti-realism applies chiefly to claims about the non-reality of "unobservable" entities such as electrons or genes, which are not detectable with human senses." "scientist" who would say so to me, would instantly land up in crackpot/layman zone.. As I am saying these electrons emitted by radioactive isotopes, or from decay of cosmic rays, in particle detectors such as Cloud Chamber.. Mathematician can think/interpret these objects-electrons as mathematical not existing in reality objects, because they have very little experimental experience. And have not seen them on their own eyes.. While they're real and can be seen (at least where they were a while ago).
  6. 1) nuclear fission. 2) tremendous advance in understanding of radioactivity, and it's influence on living organisms, mutations etc. 3) advance in rocket technology, leading to flight to Moon, and other cosmic objects and discoveries. Satellites. I wish that peaceful cooperation of nations would lead to the same achievements in science and technology..
  7. That's rather obvious that you need to power your routers and modems from reliable power source, to get e-mail message, that something is wrong. In LTE age, we're not limited just to cable Internet. So it's just a matter of connecting Android device to server machine, and tell custom made app to send something. Server->Android phone->message to admin. Or PCI-Express LTE card plugged to server, f.e. http://www.amazon.com/Sierra-Airprime-MC7750-Express-Verizon/dp/B00JY4SHEY It can be private messaging system with admins, not sometimes unreliable e-mails. Such system should be checking if message actually arrived or not, and demand reply. If there is no reply, repeat operation. Alternative is to periodically ping server. Say admin is in New York Queens and server is in Manhattan. Queens machine is sending couple bytes packet, every 60 seconds. If there is response, it's working fine. If not, something is wrong, and have to warn admin for further investigation.
  8. That's why people invented UPS.. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uninterruptible_power_supply My UPS model has option to send e-mail when there is power failure. Through USB, it can also tell computer to shutdown. And to execute commands entered in options. So if there is power failure, admin is informed (and have to instantly go to work), and device is nicely shutdown. Wake on LAN, allows remotely starting up computer that's shutdown, but plugged to power supply https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wake-on-LAN Once there is power supply fixed, admin can start system remotely.. (so it can be also used by agents and hackers)
  9. Sounds like you are overwhelmed by your mother. At least in your own imagination. How can your mother downing you in f.e. school? She is at home, far from class.. So you're bothering "what she will say" even if she is not around you.. Once you will get out of this unhealthy relationship, by moving out of house (and keeping contact at minimum f.e. holy days), after a few years, you should be good. Join f.e. karate class. Start training sport. It will help to raise your self confidence.
  10. When the last time you installed operating system.. ? The only bluescreens that I saw this year was correlated to messing with SATA HDD. Disconnecting and connecting again HDD with spare Win7 system on 2nd disk. After plugging disk, it was incorrectly connected, and Windows was shutting down to not damage it (after 10-20 minutes of work). After disconnecting it, and plugging right one, it stopped happening.
  11. The first impression from your 1st music that I heard (not this one), was "no chord!". And here it is again. Only one key press at a time. No chord. So it's not accident. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chord_(music) Just to inspire you for experimentation, not to discourage. +2
  12. The simplest calculations can be done with monochrome light source like laser. Say we have source with wavelength 532 nm (middle of visible spectrum), green photon has energy E=h*f=h*c/wavelength = 6.62607004*10^-34 * 299792458 / 532 *10^-9 = ~3.734*10^-19 J = ~2.33 eV energy. If you have 1 W power light source, and no loss, 1 W / 3.734*10^-19 J = 2.678*10^18 photons emitted per second. For lights made of multiple wavelengths, you need to sum the all photons the all energies together. For perfect white light no wavelength/frequency/energy is significant than others (otherwise it would be slightly tinted = more photons quantity). Photons passing through some liquids and solids can rotate their polarization. Example of such is sugar dissolved in water. If you have polarization filter, point it at LCD monitor screen (not all models, f.e. one my smartphone do, other doesn't), and start spinning. You can see that at some angle it's entire black. Spin further to +-90 degree, and it's fully visible. Polarization filter reflects photons with certain polarization, while passing through the rest. So in extreme idealized situation, whole beam is reflected, and nothing pass through (and black color on filter), or whole beam pass through, and nothing is reflected (filter transparent). Photons with same polarization have the same direction of E/B vectors in classical physics. I showed how polarization filters works with polarized photons in this thread http://www.scienceforums.net/topic/80366-particle-location/page-3#entry783255 So you can see it on your own eyes (photos). Reflective materials, often can change polarization of photons. Take container with water, polarization filter. Look through polarization filter at water surface at some angle, start spinning. You will see that reflection is appearing/disappearing (and you can more easily see what is beneath of water surface).
  13. Walk around Chernobyl video
  14. There is such possibility. You should have Geiger counter with you to check it. If it'll go too high, you will have to leave it.
  15. Radioactive isotopes can indeed get into airplane. If they will be present in atmosphere. Whether it will cause issues in the future or not is pure matter of luck. Any kind of radiation, even from background, is dangerous. It's pure random process. If you won't have luck, particle emitted by radioactive isotope will pass through your cell DNA, and damage it in such way, cancer will grow up in the future. However there are such amount of radiations that would destroy/damage too many cell at the same time, and acute radiation syndrome will be inevitable. More info https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acute_radiation_syndrome Some isotopes, such as Caesium-137 (result of fission of Uranium-235), are easily dissolved in water, which means they can easily get into living organism body, and remain there for long time. Not exactly. Gamma radiation can't "stick" to anything. Radiation can change non-radioactive material to radioactive material. f.e. neutron capture. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neutron_capture
  16. Electrostatic charged bodies are easily detectable, as they act like this plume for instance: Electrons want to be as far as they can from other electrons, causing movement of elements. Earth has radius 6370 km, Area A=4*PI*r^2, so A=4*3.14159265*6370000^2=5.099*10^14 m^2 You have Qearth=5.146043764 * 10 ^ 14 C That's ~1 C per 1m^2 of Earth surface..
  17. I have general advice for you for future. Simply enter label of whatever electronics you find in google search field, and you will see shops selling this stuff, with details, and everything mentioned, or even wikipedia page. Google "magicgate" https://www.google.com/search?q=magicgate BTW, there is plentiful of flash card standards. Every company has its own version. These connectable to USB are just minority of the market. If you have few brands digital cameras, you need special flash cards reader like this: Yes, I know, it's ridiculous quantity of "standards".... It's to screw customers by electronics companies.. Customers are forced to buy one company products for years after initial digital camera/video recorder/printer/scanner/game/phone/electronics purchase. EU from time to time, force companies to make standards, but they're too quick, and too greedy. And now they made different batteries/accumulators. You have to have spare accumulators, rechargers, AC->accumulator replacements, for all the time running camera etc. etc. After initial purchase there is list of support stuff needed to buy for 50%+ of initial price. And matching exclusively model you bought and nothing else.. The next year same company will make different model, with different standard of everything.. And it'll repeat again.
  18. So you meant this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RCA_connector Enter "hdmi to rca connector converter" (or adapter) to Google, and you have them f.e. http://www.ebay.com/bhp/hdmi-to-rca-adapter But you must be careful to pick right one: HDMI has to be input, and RCA output, not reverse.
  19. You didn't mention what ports have your old TV.. I assume it's CRT, not LCD/LED? Early LCD had VGA 15 pins, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VGA_connector Later LCD have DVI analog, DVI digital, or both (better). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_Visual_Interface Having to convert HDMI Full HD quality signal to obsolete digital, or even more obsolete analog, would be dramatic loss of quality though.
  20. If it would be general OOP language question, like for C++, I would make class for entry like pseudo-code: class Entry { private: String m_Name; String m_Category; int m_Price; public: // constructor with initialization of fields.. Entry( String &name, String &category, int price ) { m_Name = name; m_Category = category; m_Price = price; } // Get/Set methods for each field, so they're keep black-boxes (private). }; and yet another class for dynamic list of entries: class DataBase { Add( Entry *entry ); Remove( Entry *entry ); int GetLength(); Entry *GetEntryByIndex( int index ); // etc. support functions }; At the beginning of app, make instance of database, and add all entries to it. Could be from file. Database db; db.Add( new Entry( "Egg", "Food", 1 ) ); db.Add( new Entry( "Chicken", "Food", 10 ) ); db.Add( new Entry( "Bread", "Food", 3 ) ); db.Add( new Entry( "Mercedes", "Car", 100000 ) ); db.Add( new Entry( "Core i7", "Computer", 1000 ) ); You can override += operator to be even more OO (if it's the main aim): db += new Entry( ... ); If it would accept Entry &, it could be shorted to: db += Entry( ... ); Then whenever you have to find entry by name, you go through all entries in dynamic-list like DataBase class object (db), and compare one by one with parameters like name, category, price. It will be slow with too many entries but good enough for a start for beginner. int count = db.GetLength(); for( int i = 0; i < count; i++ ) { // required overloaded operator [] in dynamic-list class // required overloaded operator == in name class (in the example above it was String, but could be subclassed, and overriden) if( db[ i ] == name ) { // found } } eventually the main loop (less OO friendly): Entry *entry = db.GetEntryByIndex( i ); if( entry->GetName() == name ) or if( entry->GetCategory() == category ) or if( entry->GetPrice() == price ) You could later sort them, and use binary-search algorithm to speed up operation. Binary-search allows finding entry in f.e. 4 billions big dynamic-list, within 32 comparison operations. Searching/filtering functions should be implemented as methods of class DataBase. For easy upgrade to the real database like mentioned MySQL in future. ps. Implementations will differ, from language to language. Just giving the basic idea how to organize data.
  21. Who is guilty for this? The all politicians which are not supporting free education for everybody at every stage of education.. Extremities of this are in US and UK. And result is known: the largest number of prisoners in US from the all civilized "western" countries..
  22. Read how we calculate e, elementary charge, 1.602176565*10^-19 Coulombs, in oil drop experiment: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oil_drop_experiment
  23. I doubt you know anything about neutrinos. If you do, please tell us, what is maximum kinetic energy of neutrino produced by proton-proton fusion.. ? You're repeating very lousy interpretation that spread to general public knowledge. Neutrinos and anti-neutrinos act weakly. Not "at all", like in your lousy interpretation. Tell us, what material is used to detect neutrinos.. Show us, that you know subject, you're trying to discuss.
  24. Really? I see no mathematical equations... Bunch of words? Your "work" is based on nothing. Quantum physics is not saying anywhere that dark matter is nothingness..
  25. Once I said there must be mandatory IQ test done for the all politician, before they are elected.. I could now extend it to the level, if person doesn't know quantum physics, disallowed to be politician either.
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