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Everything posted by Sensei

  1. You're also source of gravity. If below ground there is large amount of metal, say iron ore, it's influencing by tiny tiny amount gravitational acceleration g in that area. It can and is measured by f.e. oil&gas industry and used as information about "something is there" for further investigation. Map of how gravitational acceleration is varying is here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gravity_of_Earth
  2. Stars attract other stars in their neighborhood. The most visible example is binary star system. They're rotating around their common center of mass.
  3. Star needs to have galaxy escape velocity or more to escape galaxy. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Escape_velocity https://www.newscientist.com/article/dn24249-stars-escape-velocity-shows-how-to-exit-the-milky-way/
  4. That's irrelevant to discussion (whether HTTP is compressed or not), and even not correct. Apache owns 39.25% according to surveys. http://news.netcraft.com/archives/2015/05/19/may-2015-web-server-survey.html
  5. 1) look at water (reflecting some things) through polarization filter, and start rotating it. You will notice how reflection is disappearing.. And you will be able to see what is below water surface more easily. 2) point laser at polarization filter, in darkness, or even better under water (blue laser the most visible). You will see two beams of laser coming from polarization filter. One is reflected, second one passed through filter. It can be repeated multiple times with multiple filters in row. If polarization filters are always rotated the same angle (pointing up f.e.), reflected beams will be each step less and less powerful, while beam that passed through will be visibly more powerful than reflected.
  6. Enthalpy... Have you ever programmed HTTP server or application connecting to it through net? HTTP response *is* compressed the most of time. Web browser sends request with compression methods it supports, and web server such as Apache is returning HTTP response which is compressed by method supported by web client. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTTP_compression
  7. Example of such number.. ? This is completely different problem. Computer can work only with what it has in memory or external data storage. Typically we work with 32 bit floating points, and 64 bit floating points numbers. Because they're implemented in hardware in FPU in CPU (which means fast working). But any programmer can make their own xxx-bits floating point numbers implementation in software. We can use entire computer memory, say 16 GB, for keeping just a single number. It will have 137,438,953,472 bits of precision. It would be possible to keep number up to [math]2^{137,438,953,472}[/math]
  8. Commander, do you have Android smartphone or tablet? Better make Android .apk (application) to download IMHO. Preferably using NFC. Is your's listed here? http://www.nfcworld.com/nfc-phones-list/ This part needs to be rethought. f.e. If 1st player will take 7 from bottom row, 2nd player will take 5 from bottom row, 1st player will take 3 from bottom row, 2nd player will have 1 remaining and will lose.
  9. But you didn't use all 300 mL at once of course.. ? It's approximately 100x more in moles than 4 g of AgNO3..
  10. Correction: you can't do it for bound-to-atom electrons. But you can do it for free electrons, traveling through vacuum, or through cloud chamber or other particle detector and leaving trace (and slowing down while traveling through medium). The more kinetic energy had particle, the longer trace. Long thin traces are from electrons. Short thick traces are from alpha particles (Helium-4 nucleus) But can you describe where is each atom in every molecule.. ? Either no. For polar molecule it's to some level of precision possible, because they have one region of molecule more positive and opposite more negative. So after flying though external electric field they rotate accordingly to electric field (other electrons or protons gathered on metal electrodes). But for perfect non-polar, it's pointless, as protons and electrons in molecule cancels each other nicely.
  11. My Core i7 was running for 15 hours by now. Can touch cpu cooler (radiator) by hand and keep it as long as I want to. It's warm.
  12. Mordred, you think your links are absolute truth, undeniable dogmas. There is needed more humble opinion. Don't reject experimental evidence prior you know it first.. (whatever it is).. f.e. Dark flow https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dark_flow ps. You don't know, what you don't know..
  13. It's way more complex than you may think. Say we have gamma photon with energy exceeding 1.022 MeV energy (f>=2fC), once it will collide with stationary atom (stationary in it's own FoR), there is created electron-positron pair. [math]\gamma \rightarrow e^+ + e^-[/math] But we have something like redshift and blueshift Relativistic Doppler effect. [math]f=f_0\sqrt{\frac{1+\frac{v}{c}}{1-\frac{v}{c}}}[/math], blueshift [math]f=f_0\sqrt{\frac{1-\frac{v}{c}}{1+\frac{v}{c}}}[/math], redshift So, if our atom prior collision with photon, is accelerated to significant speed of light, photon that had not enough energy, in "normal" circumstances, will be blueshifted, and in accelerated FoR will have enough energy for pair-production.. ps. It's all about definition of "what is mass", "what is energy", "what is length" and "what is time" (regardless of what swansont is saying it's not definable in numerous of threads). Unlike him, I think they're essential questions in quantum physics.
  14. In every country list of books is different. Local language book writers in different countries will be on the list. Ancient Greek's books are common for European countries (for at least 2000 years), as common basement of culture, architecture, mathematics, philosophy etc.
  15. Unity, watch this video to see how it should be calculated: IMHO for this kind of stuff, pretty good results are obtained with high speed camera. The more FPS the better. Put vertical scale behind failing object. Then you can see every frame by frame in 2D animation editing software. And from scale read distance it traveled. Frames are with pretty much constant delays each other, so current_frame_count [unitless] * 1.0 / frames_per_second = time
  16. If you will invent time-machine that works.. You need to install plugin http://www.openexr.com/photoshop_plugin.html Search for "Photoshop exr file format" or so in Google. For me RAW can be useful. Because it's extremely easy to make loader in C/C++. BMP is nearly-RAW. It has just bitmap header structure at beginning of file, that we need to skip. The rest is up-side-down RAW. Make a test: write same picture in JPG (test various compression levels), and in PNG, load them in Photoshop. Put to layers. Use subtraction mode between layers. It will show difference introduced by lossy file format.
  17. I always use PNG, when not using PSD (PhotoShop Document). Pretty good is also EXR file format (it can have even 32 bit floating point number per channel, while PNG/JPG have 8 bits unsigned integer per channel). Obviously at cost of file size. Especially photos taken by digital camera, at full res, saved automatically to JPEG, if we will load it in Photoshop or other 2D image processing software, and then do some processing like rescale down, and we will save it yet again in JPEG, it will introduce even more errors due to double saving in lossy compression file format. Make a test: ten times load same photo, and save in JPG, load it again, save in JPG, repeat..
  18. Sensei


    Except it does not work this way.. These sun system receive nothing but noise, with plentiful of data lost, not possible to decode properly. To send radiowave data to long distances, there is needed precise directional antenna. Even to send/receive data to satellite or spacecraft like Voyager that's pretty close in cosmic scale distances, rotation of antenna/receiver by fraction of mm mean lack of signal, or issues with sending/receiving.. And we need to send data in direction where will be object after years (hundred/thousands for 1000+ ly), not where we see it now. TV signal sent in the past is certainly not directional, and not in direction of any known star or planet. We often cant receive radio from broadcasting station that's just a few hundred km away, not to mention a few thousands. Some lucky can receive signal when they're in good location, because photons reflected from troposphere. Coverage https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coverage_%28telecommunication%29 Coverage map of broadcasting stations: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coverage_map Radiowave propagation: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radio_propagation Tropospheric scatter to reach larger distances: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tropospheric_scatter They mention 300 km reasonable distance. 1000 km with pretty demanding equipment.
  19. Then IMHO you should start from something simpler. Make f.e. LED counter, going from 00 to 99 for instance. Have hardware register in binary format (some use binary coded decimal, and BCD addition, 8 bits = 2 digits each one with 0...9 digits, 10..15 values in 4 bits not used), that's converted to decimal format, which is later used to turn on/off LEDs forming digits. It's plentiful of work IMHO, see how complex breadboard he has on this video: ps. For a start I would try making radio receiver playing music by speaker. It's easier to make than LEDs digital counter. Start from generating sinusoid wave for speaker from oscillator/timer. That you can adjust with potentiometer. Amplifier that takes microphone input signal, amplifies it, and sends to speaker in f.e. 2nd room. Then adding part for radiowave receiving will be just piece of cake.
  20. In programming we're dealing with it every single day dozen of times.
  21. I appreciate time and invention that you spend on it. It looks nice. But from business point of view, did you thought about it.. ? Make pool in the Internet (there are free survey services) asking them how much people would be willing to pay for it. Personally if I would be collecting elements, I would go to any electronics shop and get transparent drawer box, like this one (~ 30mm x 23mm x 17mm per cell) from Conrad: It's for $6 retail. And there is needed 4-8 such. Giving $48 for all.
  22. Because I was thinking about completely different method of production. "Reasonable price for item regardless of method of production" (current one is pretty time consuming). $35 per 1m2 sheet is retail price. Companies can get them much cheaper in large quantity. Or buy pellets, melt them and fill matrix by them self. I was thinking about buying plastic pellets like these: http://www.ebay.com/bhp/plastic-pellets 50 lbs = 22.7 kg for $65 (also retail price) and fill matrix with entire 200 cells by melted plastic. 1000x1000x4mm with density 1g/cm3 is approximately 4 kg mass. 22.7 kg / 4 kg/sheet = 5.675 sheets. Reducing price of sheet to $65/5.675 = $11.4 If width is 1000mm, 32 columns, 1000/32=31.25mm per cell width (and height, and depth). It's area 1000x219 (31.25*7) = 0.219 m2, front and back double it, and area for borders between cells horizontal & vertical. Total area ~0.914 m2. So one sheet (if we go sheet-way, not melted-plastic-to-matrix-way) is enough.
  23. There is only 118 elements. As long as each element is in it's own box, and it's own cover it's 118*2=236 pieces of plastic. But it's not the only way to make it. Single horizontal piece of plastic can have "cuts" for vertical one piece of plastic. So in minimum case there is needed 31 pieces vertical * 6 horizontal + 4 surrounding + 2 front/back = 192. Although some manufacturer could make entire 32 x 7 array of boxes as single piece matrix, plus 118 covers, glued on top of them after filling. Here it costs 1000x1000x4 mm $34.9 inc. VAT.
  24. Alternatively building Cockcroft-Walton generator (I have 50+ kV), produce Hydrogen from electrolysis of water, fill up-side-down round-bottom glassware flask by gas, put electrodes, and turn on CW generator to ionize Hydrogen gas (or any other gas obtained from some chemical reaction). Then split light emitted by it, on prism, to obtain spectral lines on white wall f.e.
  25. Sounds like somebody have google-keyword-searching-bot. Installed on machine, or somebody else in neighborhood network. captchas are appearing when too many queries are send to google server. or when they detect that IP is f.e. Tor network. Do you have Google account? Are you all the time logged in? Bring some friend laptop to home. Connect it to your network. And try whether his/her machine is behaving the same.
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