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Everything posted by Sensei

  1. They are experimental data. Anybody can find it out while using high voltage generator such as Van de Graaff's Generator. I suggest anybody buying this device to get experimental data: http://www.amazon.com/American-Educational-7-511-Graaff-Generator/dp/B00658B1YU $155 is not much...
  2. From guys, from this photo, I very like 2nd from right, from the bottom 1st row. Probably not many can recognize this guy by face. I am using his device, for which he get Nobel price. The first quantum particle detector.
  3. Solvay 2015.. And we will make our own selfie like this: I am trying to build air-liquefying device. Can be instant ice cream like they did in Discovery Science TV show instead.. ?
  4. Double frequency would mean double energy. Then it would violate energy conservation... There is no such thing as "Compton scattering frequency". Scattered electrons and scattered photons vary by energy/frequency. Complement each other. If electron takes more, photon takes less. And vice versa. However there is Compton frequency, unique fC=1.23559*1020 Hz. If you multiply fC by Planck const: 1.23559*1020 Hz * 6.626069*10-34 J*s, you will get energy of electron: 8.8710459571-14 J, divide by c2: 8.8710459571-14 J / 2997924582= 9.11*10-31 kg to get rest mass of electron... It's in the right place. In primary school physics lessons. I wish learning would start from photons, then via pair production go to electrons and positrons, then further to protons and antiprotons, then further through fusion to isotopes, radioactivity.. It's in chronological order of how particles are created.. and at the end we can learn classic physics with it's averaging quantum world..
  5. "An extra hour a day of television, internet or computer game time in Year 10 is linked to poorer grades at GCSE, a Cambridge University study suggests. " Premature assumption. It depends on what else kid would be doing instead of watching TV/monitor of computer. Also watching f.e. MTV/cartoons versus watching Discovery Science, Animal Planet etc. channels..
  6. Isn't about how light is propagating through transparent/semi-transparent medium, such as water, glass, etc.. ? "we would find that a Gaussian source distribution remains Gaussian at every point along its path of propagation through the optical system." Vacuum in cosmos is not quite "optical system". Obviously photons going though medium will be reflected, or absorbed. That's why we can see laser beam in water. Reflected by medium photons stop being part of original laser beam. In perfectly ideal transparent medium, laser beam would remain invisible.
  7. Definitely, they are. If you have 1mm laser diameter 1m from laser source, what will be diameter of this laser if you point at f.e. Moon, 384,000 km or so .. ? Do you think so it'll be also 1mm diameter.. ?
  8. It's normal inverse square law. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inverse-square_law I draw you image, and take photo. See attachment. Laser has initial energy E0, or intensity I0, after traveling distance d0, it's reflected from mirror, and reverse direction back to source, and travel distance d1, and hit detector. Traveling total d=d0+d1 distance. In second example light is traveling d=d2+d3 distance. Distance between laser and detector remain the same x. Yet another version of it, is when distance between detector and mirror remain the same (move together), and only distance from laser and mirror changes.
  9. Here is recording from on board camera on home made rocket
  10. Unlike others I won't ask what pension system you're talking about, because it's perfectly clear here. There is dozen of on-line calculators where employer/employee enter gross salary, and they will calculate how much of money will go to retirement funds, ill-person pension funds (don't know how to translate it better, this includes disabled persons), etc, and how much employee will get in hand net salary. Example, copied from calculator: Gross salary 3750.00 Retirement insurance 366.00 Pension insurance (disabled persons included) 56.25 Ill-person salary insurance (disabled persons excluded. If you're ill and temporarily unable to work, it'll be used to pay your salary) 91.88 Ill-person insurance (your own, salary for doctors, hospitals etc.) 291.23 Income tax 265.00 Net salary 2679.65 You missed the point of this system. What to do with: - ill persons temporarily unable to work - ill persons permanently unable to work (disabled persons). - mentally ill persons. - people unable to have children (you're mentioning children in sense that children should take care of their parents and grandparents in future. People unable to have them will be left alone in your system) - people who don't have children - people who currently are taking pension/retirement If you want to destroy currently existing system, all these people who are currently using this system will be literally screwed and left without money.. They were participating in system for decades, and now some georgi zlatev comes, and want to take their money.. ? People, at least majority, are not responsible. (see how many famous and intelligent (or rather better word: educated) "invested" in Madoff fund) They will spend all the money they get now. And will be left with nothing in future. Which would be serious problem for goverment, flood of grandpas/grandmas begging for money and food on streets, searching food, bottles and Aluminium cans in trashcans.. Don't bring USA here in Europe.
  11. I feel the same. We are too old for changes.
  12. Since the beginning of this discussion, I am *exclusively* talking about execution time, time spend by CPU processing data. It's obvious that writing reg expression handling code is easier for programmer, spend less time on doing so, than making the same string comparing code by hand. If you claim something else, then prove it. Measure time spend by cpu, by getting time in microseconds/miliseconds, then execute some reg expression match(), compiled or not, 1000 times repeat, get time again, subtract. And we will know how many miliseconds/microseconds is taken by single match. Then do the same with manual code finding same pattern.
  13. Make source code proving your words, I will make counter-code, proving my words. Your case could be only true, if somebody for purpose, scuttle it. f.e. strings to search are: xyzabc xyzbcd xyzcde (and reg expression something like (.*)xyz(abc|bcd|cde)(.*) ) now C/C++ coder could use: if( strstr( buf, "xyzabc" ) || strstr( buf, "xyzbcd" ) || strstr( buf, "xyzcde" ) ) { // found! } (this is WRONG, because each time its going from start of buffer to the first occurrence, cpu is passing through the same chars multiple times) Instead he should do (something similar to): t = strstr( buf, "xyz" ); if( t != NULL ) { t += 3; if( !strncmp( t, "abc", 3 ) || !strncmp( t, "bcd", 3 ) || !strncmp( t, "cde", 3 ) ) { // found } } ps. I am using reg expressions. Where I find them useful. f.e. made process monitor, and file monitor, which had filters implemented as reg expressions (filter control in GUI). So they displayed entries matching pattern. But I also showed example of job where reg expressions showed weakness..
  14. Basically, nonsense from cpu/performance point of view. It's physically not possible. And you should know it exactly from physics. Native code is less instructions to execute (optimized by C/C++ compiler), taking less time, than reg expression compiled code. Doing C++ code: int length = strlen( buffer ); for( int i = 0; i < length; i++ ) { if( !strcmp( buffer + i, "some string" ) ) { // found sub-string } } or simply: if( strstr( buffer, "some string" ) != NULL ) { // found sub-string } will, and always be, much faster than equivalent reg expression. Compiled to machine code or JIT, can in the ultimately the best scenario just reach 90%-95% of normal code speed. And never exceed nominal code. You should not compare *Python* conditional code, to C/C++ conditional code. That's where you made mistake. *Python* (or other scripting language) conditional code might be indeed slower than same done by reg expression. But C/C++/assembly will never be slower. C/C++/assembly is not interpreted, as Python.. I knew, (I knew!) you will point it out when I wrote about GUI. Typical Linux user-programmer. Sounds like you have no experience in .NET Framework C++ GUI coding.. Because it's (unlike many GUI toolkits around) extremely fast (at least listview). I can make listview items counted in thousands per second, without any slow down, to the main code. See attached project. Compile it on your machine. BenchmarkListView.zip It's benchmark adding items to listview. Adding 10,000 listview items, takes 125 miliseconds, on my Core i7 machine.. with update_is_faster = true; (80000 per second) Adding 1000 listview items, takes 93 miliseconds, with update_is_faster = false; (10752 per second) Single threaded GUI. Handling GUI didn't introduce even 0.1% of slowdown.. Progress bar even less (it's updating every 1% of progress, where 300,000 files is 100%, 1% is 3000 files..). I stopped it after waiting 10-20 minutes, it didn't even reach 1% to update.. BTW, I used exactly the same logging to GUI listview with reg expression parsing code, as with manual conditional parsing code. It should be hint to you.
  15. If you would have plentiful of data to process, counted in MB or GB, using reg expression could tremendously slow it down. Once I had project (.NET Framework Managed C++, I don't write scripts..), download 250-300 thousands files from net, save in folder, 20-100 kb per file, ~20-30 GB could be total, and find some data in HTML file loaded from disk. Linux-loving-neighborhood was saying "do it using reg expressions!" (he is obviously great fan of it). So I did try it.. (he was doing this project in Python, and I was doing in .NET Framework C++, such little competition) I am GUI-loving person, so I am adding everywhere progress-bars running on 2nd thread etc. And listviews where are logs displayed to show me what is going on in real-time *) After processing a few hundred files, I was shocked, it was nightmare performance, I canceled. Otherwise would have to wait weeks to finish with all files.. Replaced reg expression, which was extracting data from HTML, by string search some <tag>, which was unique, prior my data, then find closing </tag>. And processed what was inside by hand. Guess what. Literally it started working "1000 times" faster... *) This is important. Linux-loving-guys are running their scripts, with logging to file, not to screen typically, and going doing other stuff. And then returning when job is done, periodically checking.. They might not even realize stuff they coded could run 1000 times faster, if would code it differently.. That's job for String.Trim()/String.TrimStart(). To check whether we have correct float, there could be used Double.Parse()/Double.TryParse(). .NET Framework C#/C++. array<String ^> ^lines = File.ReadAllLines( filename ); for each( String ^line in lines ) { line = line->Trim(); if( line->Length() == 0 ) continue; try { Double x = Double.Parse( line ); } catch( FormatException ^e ) { // row not number or so } } I would spend more on searching reg expression tutorials to learn what to enter than writing this reply.. More efficient to code (less time spend on programming), not more efficient for cpu.
  16. What power? I said voltage.. If you want 5 V, then take Zener 6 V, that's no problem at all. I used 15 V as an example for protecting 12 V nominal voltage circuit. I was describing general way of protecting vulnerable circuit, used in any case. Voltage regulators are using Zener diodes to not allow too high voltage reach circuit. Read this f.e. http://www.electronics-tutorials.ws/diode/diode_7.html and this http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/electronic/zenereg.html about Zener regulators. Instead of buying regulator you can build your own at microscopic cost.
  17. If you will read big file in chunks, as everybody here are suggesting, there should be no problem. I can't check this, to confirm or deny. But such errors are everywhere, in all codes. It's just a matter of precision (any code will have issue while using IEEE 32 bit at 7+ digit after floating dot).. Math library issue most likely. It could be also issue with printing float, or float to string parsing routine. If it's really an issue (causing problem with your own code, not just theoretical talking), why don't you use integers and divide by 10000 at the end? Like in C/C++ code: int x = 0; int y = 1; x += y; // counter float x1 = (float) x / 10000.0; printf( "%f\n", x1 ); (integer 10000 = 1.0 in float) Blender is written in C/C++. Such apps have special extension for Python, which can be loaded/imported in script, and Python can execute its functions, controlling the main app.
  18. I never said time dilation, or length contraction, is directly visible from our FoR. But because of redshift/blueshift, and spectroscopy knowledge, observer in rocket will be able to tell his/her speed, relative to neighborhood stars. So far you don't have scientific theory. Scientific theories are based on observations, from which there is derived mathematical formula, that can be used to predict past state or future state, of physical object or system. You can have no word, and formula, but not reverse. So far you have only words. I suggest reading what is scientific theory https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scientific_theory to get familiar with it.
  19. According to SR, passengers of space ship should see blueshift of light from stars in direction of travel, and redshift of light from stars in opposite direction. Spectral lines of Hydrogen plasma should be shifted from f.e. 656 nm to 176 nm, when v=0.866c, [math]f=f0*\sqrt{\frac{1+v}{1-v}}[/math] Suppose so we have three clocks. One on Earth, second one on Proxima Centauri, third one on space ship. Ignoring fact that PC is ~4 ly from Earth, we reset clocks "at the same time", so each one is 00:00:00. And space ship is starting travel (immediately at full speed, to ignore variable velocity calcs). Then after arriving to PC, Earth's clock is showing ~ 4 years passed, PC's clock is showing ~ 4 years passed, and clock on space ship is showing ~ 2 years passed.
  20. Just a thought: try it with file name without dot . inside.. LastIndexOf() will return -1. How Insert() will react with it? Exception, I guess so.
  21. Fiveworlds is self made programmer in interpreted languages with quite little experience.. With time, he should learn how to optimize his programs, and gain knowledge.
  22. This is definitely not what special relativity is predicting. And actually shows your misunderstanding of SR. Space ship, in SR, flying in direction of Proxima Centauri with speed close to speed of light would have slowed time in its FoR. With v=0.866 c, flight would take 2 years on-board of space ship time.
  23. The first labor strike in the New World is made by.. Poles.. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jamestown_Polish_craftsmen https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1619_Jamestown_Polish_craftsmen_strike "The Jamestown Polish craftsmen's strike of 1619 occurred in the settlement of Jamestown in the Virginia colony, and was the first strike in the recorded history of North America. Polish craftsmen had been brought to the colony by colonial leader John Smith to make glassware, pitch, and tar. When the colony held its first election in 1619, the Polish craftsmen were not allowed to vote, and they went on strike on June 30, 1619. Due to the economic importance of these craftsmen in the young colony, colonial leaders bowed to the pressure and gave full voting rights to the Poles." Polish not allowed to vote?! At that time Polish were even able to elect their king from anybody they wanted..
  24. Are you able to reproduce it? If so, record it on video using digital camera, full hd preferably for good quality. Are you using solids only, or they're dissolved in water or other liquid.. ? What is mass of each of them.. ? You said, test tube, so I assume there is very small amount of them. Typical test tube has just 20-25 mL volume. What if you replace KCl by NaCl.. ?
  25. Limitation of some app (like Notepad), or language, is not the same as limitation of system. I made C/C++ project for you. Compiled for either 32 bit and 64 bit. Run it in command line as follows: OpenFile "file name" OpenFile.zip I used in this project ftell() to learn file size, which is defined as follows: long __cdecl ftell(_Inout_ FILE * _File); in includes. It's returning 32 bit integer. There is yet another function for 64 bit: __int64 _ftelli64( FILE *stream ); I used it (and _fseeki64()) in this project: OpenFile64.zip so you can compare results. First project is written without using Windows specific functions (ANSI C, portable code possible to compile without changes on Linux/MacOS), while 2nd project uses functions available only in Windows, added by Microsoft to support 64 bit. To support 64 bit file handling on Linux, there are other functions, available on Linux, but not available on Windows (and vice versa): http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9026896/get-large-file-size-in-c Program written in the past by default uses 32 bit file handling functions. Program written now, have to be written by professional programmer, who is aware of how to deal with too large files. Otherwise he/she will use wrong functions, and will make limitation by himself/herself. I know plentiful programmers who use obsolete ancient computers with (32 bit) Windows XP, and don't want to upgrade (and it's not a matter of money). My neighborhood was using Pentium III laptop (OMG). Their private code, private projects, will most likely be affect by this issue.
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