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Everything posted by Sensei

  1. Shouldn't ball move also in different angles than 45 ? To add magnet, you need a way to stop moving ball, so there should be variable telling that magnet is active, and another variable that ball is currently sticking to player. If both are true, ball position is relative to player, and moves together. When user pressed LMB, set velocity vector, clear sticky flag, and ball is starting moving on its own. In procedure of detecting whether player reflected ball, normally changing velocity vector, add check whether magnet boolean is true, and if so, stick ball to player (sticky flag true, null velocity vector).
  2. Such things should be measured by precise instruments, not rely on naked eye. f.e. place laser in front of detector measuring its power, then point it on reflective material, and use detector to measure reflected beam power, repeat with other material.. Compare results.
  3. "Being from a race" doesn't necessarily mean one particular alien has that knowledge. There is millions of airplane human travelers, and probably only 0.1% of them can describe correctly why airplane flies. And probably 0.001% of these 0.1% would have enough knowledge how actually build flying airplane.
  4. Sensei


    It's science forum, not discussion forum. To discuss about science there is needed knowledge or experimental evidence. At least basic.
  5. Sensei


    In atmosphere, especially in upper level, there is shower of highly accelerated cosmic ray particles. Which are ionizing whatever elements are present in atmosphere, or even transmuting elements to other. Have you heard about Carbon-14, unstable isotope, used to learn age of organic matter? If cosmic ray has enough energy to transmute element, it has thousands more than needed to ionize elements, and make unpredictable chemical reactions.
  6. Sensei


    You missed suffix: "...money of other people"..
  7. I don't see where he had 250 mV on multimeter, just 25 mV. He just wrote about 0.25 V without showing it on too poor quality video. Otherwise tell at which second of movie you see 250 mV? He is even making mistake in subtitles. Wrote at 7:14 "Still voltage is bouncing all around from as high as 60 ma to 9 am". Voltage is not measured in Amperes!
  8. 0.025 V = 25mV is ~10,000 less voltage than from power stations 230 V. It's as usable as energy emitted by your hotter than air body @ 36.6 C
  9. Look what are settings of his multimeter: he is reading the lowest voltage possible on it. Probably in miliVolts mV. You can repeat what he has doing with any piece of metal. Plug multimeter to both ends of couple dozen centimeters metal plate or naked wire, with mV settings enabled, and you will see how multimeter is changing reading, without doing anything. It's basically radio antenna.
  10. I thought so meaning of "official software" and "unofficial software" is obvious. Official version of software is made and released by original authors, or company which currently have copyrights for product. Unofficial version is made by some volunteers. And typically can't be sold, because it would violate copyrights of original authors. f.e. if I would take source of Apache, add something to it, compile, it would be my own unofficial version of Apache. Official Apache versions are released by Apache Software Foundation. No. Not generally. But Microsoft is author of .NET Framework and owner of copyrights, so in this particular case it's official. In the case of API, it has slightly deeper implications: original authors have original sources, and know everything in details about product. Unofficial are relying only on released API docs. So if something has not been mentioned in docs, unofficial version of f.e. language, will be incomplete, and might cause issues with certain software which utilized these not documented features.
  11. .NET Framework is official product of Microsoft.. PHP authors compiled by themself their product to Linux, Microsoft did not.
  12. You didn't understand. I was talking about running C# and .NET Framework on Linux as a 3rd party unofficial hack.. LAMP is fine. Runs natively as their original authors intended and compiled to Linux..
  13. 3. You don't know how to multiply units. You have line with length a=3 m (in axis x) it's straight line. You have another line with length b=2 m (in axis z) it's also straight line, perpendicular to first line. m*m=m^2 Meter * meter (distance unit) = meter square (area unit) 3m * 2m = 6m^2 Then if you add yet another dimension, c=4m, axis in y: m*m*m=m^3 Meter * meter * meter (distance unit) = meter cubic (volume unit) 3m * 2m * 4m = 6m^2 * 4m = 24m^3 Actually your room has 3rd dimension- height. So you can actually calculate volume of your room. And also tell us how much air is there. From it you can calculate amount of Nitrogen, amount of Oxygen, amount of CO2, Krypton, Neon, etc.
  14. Again, you're ignoring units. Mass m has unit kg, Energy E has unit J = Joule = kg*m^2/s^2 and force F has unit N = Newton = kg*m/s^2 You can't just assign F=m, because these variables have different units, and there will be mismatch of units between sides of equation. there is still acceleration there, but normalized to 1. I don't understand.. That k would have to have value of 1, no? Otherwise old equation would not be satisfied, no? Then why to introduce constant, that's always 1, in the first place.. ? If k will be 0, then a=0, or I am missing something.. ?
  15. PHP is running on Linux natively, while C# doesn't have official support for Linux by Microsoft. Just some 3rd party hacks... Yet another thing to worry about whether particular code will work or not.. And yet another dependency on 3rd party.. And you have to have administrator privileges to install it in the first place. Web-servers are typically Unix/Linux machines.
  16. For type of program that you described, I would use .NET Framework, It's programmed by Visual Studio/Visual Studio Express. Whether you will use C++ Managed (like I do), or C# is up to you. I would do it without having to press Refresh button. It's obsolete way of programming. There is needed to create BackgroundWorker, which has waiting loop and when there is arriving signal, update GUI in ProgressChanged. https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.componentmodel.backgroundworker.progresschanged%28v=vs.100%29.aspx It's up to you how transmission of data between clients will be implemented. But if they're in the same LAN, simply open some TCP/IP port, on each IP when app is started. They will find others by scanning LAN IP range f.e. You can start with system by modifying regs. Nearly all my .NET apps have option to start with system minimized and in right-bottom tray icon for quick opening window. It could be even made without one central server (without having to have constantly turned on machine). And each client will be peer in network. Web browser based implementation mentioned above, require having one central machine to which all clients are connecting. If server is down, whole app is useless, and nobody can do anything, until it's fixed. But if there is no central server, it's not an issue anymore.
  17. On wikipedia there is mentioned that it's format developed by Google. So I would try opening it in Chrome ("Amongst web browsers, Google Chrome and Opera natively support WebP."), then taking screen-shot, and saving to any file format should work.. This way wouldn't need to install anything at least.
  18. If we have series (or hundred or thousands) of photos of star or other astronomic object taken with delay, there is motion blurred image on them (depending on exposure time), due to rotation of Earth, atmospheric effect, etc. Then image-processing can analyze where are atmospheric effects (because they are dynamic, constantly changing, visible on one photo, but not on other) and generate much better picture from them. Image processing algorithm should know time when photos were taken to calculate how far Earth rotated between them, and how far it rotated while taking single photo. In professional observation of cosmic objects there is no work around to image processing. Suppose so we're looking at far far galaxy that is sending just a few photons per second.. There is needed constant observation of that area in hours or days to get any image from it.. Here is couple photos taken by regular digital camera (10x zoom IIRC) attached to telescope, there has been taken hundred photos, and special custom made C/C++ algorithm joined them to single image:
  19. Would you buy and use cell phone, or car, if it would work for 10 minutes or so.. ? Comparison of time of flight you have even on wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jet_pack Jet pack H202 23 seconds Jet pack H202-Z 33 seconds Jet pack T-73 ~9 minutes ($200,000 price)
  20. Please show photos. What voltage U are you using? What is current I while electrolysis? Are you using some salt to make water conductive? If yes, in what amount. I don't, just tap water, that have enough ions. I have plugged watt meter all the time, and never observed mentioned by you reactions, with just pure water and both Copper electrodes (especially lack of CuO?! Plentiful of Cu2O?!) Do you have Oxygen coming from positive electrode? I don't have any Oxygen. It all reacts with Copper.. (But I noticed that when there was NaHCO3 in water, Oxygen was made on Copper positive electrode (in different volume than 2:1 with Hydrogen), but also there was plentiful of other reactions). Did you tried collecting Hydrogen and/or Oxygen from electrodes in containers with scale, like upside down beaker, or upside down graduated cylinder.. ? To measure volume of gases, their ratio. While using different metals for electrodes and/or different salts, ratio of produced gases will be varying.
  21. Cu2O is insoluble in water. In fact it's produced on positive electrode in tiny tiny amount, as a layer covering electrode, and then peeling off and instantly sinking to the bottom of container, where it will gather with black CuO. At first I wanted to show you photo how little you should get Cu2O, in comparison to CuO.. It's ratio like 1:50+.. In 2 weeks of making CuO using electrolysis I made maybe less than 1 gram of Cu2O as byproduct. If you didn't buy your Copper metal electrodes by yourself but found somewhere, it might be made of alloy of Copper with something else. And that secondary metal could be influencing results. Cu2O looks like:
  22. Each measuring device has some tolerance. Not just pH sensor, but all devices. Tolerance should be mentioned on the box, manual, or on-line specification. From what I see on-line, pH sensors have often +-0.2 pH accuracy. f.e. https://www.campbellsci.com/cs526-specifications "Accuracy: ±0.2 pH over 10° to 40°C" Check manual/specification.
  23. Fresh made Hydrogen is starting burning. That's why it's happening only on negative electrode, not positive. I have seen it plentiful of times.. He should put everything under cover to not allow Oxygen from air to get in there, and repeat. If I am right, it should stop burning immediately after creation or at least reduce effect. And can't even spell Tungsten correctly (wrote Thungsten).. ? But didn't give any proof of it.. He doesn't even tell what current I he is using in his tests. To prove the basic way there is fusion going he could at least calculate energy spend E=I*t*U, and energy released/increased temperature of water.
  24. 1 eV = 1.60217657*10-19 J 495.8 kJ/mol is still 495.8 kJ energy (500 kJ was approximation), but 1 mol is 6.022141*1023 molecules. So if you want to calculate energy spend/released by single molecule, divide: 495.8 kJ / 6.022141*1023 = 8.2329-19 J then if you divide by 1.60217657*10-19 J 8.2329-19 J / 1.60217657*10-19 = 5.1386 eV You will receive energy per single molecule, or atom, or particle. But it's ionization energy of pure Sodium. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ionization_energies_of_the_elements_%28data_page%29 Read electrolysis of water http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electrolysis_of_water
  25. Money and greedy must stop ruling the World first.. Western people must realize what not civilized tribe people were saying for centuries: we just lend things (in one version "from our children"). If we lend something, we want to return it in as good condition as possible to original owner. While with what we "own" we do whatever we want..
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