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Everything posted by Sensei

  1. "Positive charge" is absence of electrons. And "negative charge" is abundance of electrons. Electrons from one sphere are harvested ("positive charge" sphere), and gathering on another sphere. I think so you're making mistake taking just absolute quantity of charges, without taking into account also area and/or volume. Imagine you have metal ball with radius 1 cm, with 1 Coulombs charge (6.24*10^18 electrons), and another same metal ball with radius 10 cm, with 2 Coulombs charge. Charge on 2nd ball is higher than charge on 1st ball obviously. But charge density on 1st ball is higher than charge density on 2nd ball.
  2. Distance = speed * time so if speed = c d=c*t Observe what happens to units! We can reverse equation and get t=d/c Distance to Sun is ~150 mln km (150 bln m), c is constant 299792458 m/s so t = 150*10^9/299792458 = 500 seconds = 8 minutes 20 seconds. 260 mln years is very short period of time, less than 2% of 13.6 bln years. So expansion in that time also is not so much significant.
  3. RTF file is potentially dangerous, due to error in Microsoft Word application: https://technet.microsoft.com/library/security/2953095 http://www.kaspersky.com/news?id=191 https://nakedsecurity.sophos.com/2014/03/25/microsoft-issues-patch-for-word-zero-day-booby-trapped-rtf-files-already-used-in-attacks/
  4. This is science forum, not garbage.. Ask intelligent questions, come up with smart theory, and you will be treated as you deserved. So far every your post is piece of garbage, and should land in trash. I am surprised moderators are so gentle..
  5. Not always compass shows Earth's magnetic field. When there is present permanent magnet, electromagnet, or wire through which there is flowing current, compass will show "wrong" direction. If you're really interested in magnetic field, you should buy compass array device. It'll visualize magnetic field lines: It's made of hundred compasses packed together.
  6. Why? Because they were accelerated.. ? Fast moving particle after hitting other particle will emit photon, pair of leptons, meson or pair of mesons, or pair of baryons. There is couple conservations, that are observed in laboratories, obeyed by Universe. f.e. [latex]p^+ + p^+ \rightarrow p^+ + p^+ + p^+ + p^-[/latex] Relativistic accelerated proton, hitting stationary proton, will create another pair of proton-antiproton. At smaller velocity f.e. [latex]p^+ + p^+ \rightarrow p^+ + p^+ + \pi^0[/latex] or [latex]p^+ + p^+ \rightarrow p^+ + n^0 + \pi^+[/latex] (pion meson production) Stable products such as positron or anti-proton can be collected, and keep indefinitely long in electric/magnetic traps, and used in further experiments.
  7. Check speed of sound in different materials: http://www.engineeringtoolbox.com/sound-speed-solids-d_713.html When one object hits other, they're starting vibrating, and moving air around them. If we will have same length sticks, made of f.e. Copper and Steel, and hitting one end of them, their other end will "learn" about hitting, with different delay. Other end is starting vibrating and moving air and becoming source of sound in air (and whole their body).
  8. I have no idea what soundbox is, but timeout error might be caused by obsolete version of software. It is probably calling home server, which is not longer supported (because they f.e. changed protocols), and never manage to establish connection. Similar effect might be if firewall disallowed connection. Did you pass through software in firewall? You should contact authors of this device/software and ask them for a help, and/or download the latest version of their software. Personally I would look to what address/port software is trying to connect, in firewall, packet log viewer.. Then try to ping that address/port manually, to see if it's even possible.
  9. I believe so, Swansont was interested in math equations. Not word description. Talking is cheap. And anybody can say anything about everything. What energy you must spend to make Hydrogen-1 plasma? Just checking your knowledge..
  10. Mathematician John Nash, wife killed in car crash http://edition.cnn.com/2015/05/24/us/feat-john-nash-wife-killed/index.html Such a sad tragedy..
  11. Japanese had their own Dresden, disgusting and senseless bombing of Tokyo with firebombs. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bombing_of_Tokyo Either Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Tokyo and Dresden, are all examples of war crimes, that nobody was arrested, prosecuted, and convicted for.. That shows & learn people that justice is just for losers, while winners will be walking in glory. Which means it's joke, not justice. Justice should be equal for everybody regardless of nationality. Even more, they will have full (85% american's?!) support of their society to annihilate other civilians?! That learns to never surrender and you can wipe out entire nations freely?! Absolutely yes. To stop unarmed kids and womens you need to annihilate them.. ? Russian's didn't die in one second, but during dozen of sieges of their cities. They had chance to escape (please beware I am talking about civilians victims), but refused to do so, or was forced by russian's dictatorship government to not escape.. So that's partially russian's government guilty for so many civilian's casualties.
  12. 1) you should watch movie, I am referring to, before replaying.. 2) no country should use nuclear weapon to kill people who was no guilty.. on people, who is not responsible to starting war in the first place.. If dictator bombs your country, kill him, not the all hundred millions of people of his nation! 3) there is no excuse for whoever attacked first, when they are starting attacking and bombarding of civilians that are innocent and not guilty! I don't learn history from Hollywood or Oliver Stone.. Are you suggesting that this movie is lie?
  13. No single dead of Japanese child is worth dead of american soldier.. Solider is adult going to war for money, while little child is just entering this world, learn how Universe is working.. Will you murder billions of innocent people (or simply living animals?) to survive one of "your's"?
  14. This is very simplified version. If you would buy assets from other country, and this country would stole your assets, what you would do? US before II world war, stole Japanese assets in US. So called for population "freezing of assets". (Recently we have couple examples of this behavior, lucky for you without counter-stike like freeze of Libyan's assets ) US government did everything what they can do start the war.. How to do it? Freeze assets of foreign country...
  15. Hello! I was just watching "The Untold History of the United States" http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1494191/ by Oliver Stone, and crying for couple of the first episodes, when the people who thought to rule the world, such as truman, bombed and murdered and annihilated hundred thousands of people.. truman, his soul is burning in the hell right now for eternity, claimed that he is "happy to hear of successful nuclear weapon tests"... ?!? 85% of americans according to movie, supported mass murdering of hundred thousands of people?! Are your fathers, mothers, grandpas, grandmas one of these 85% of mass murderers that wanted to annihilate all these hundred thousands children and womens.. ??? Ask them whether they supported using of nuclear weapon to annihilate other people to wipe out kids and womens from this world..
  16. But in such case kinetic energy is converted to heat, or photons. So total energy remain the same before collision and after collision. Take for example vacuum tube, with two electrodes, and piece of metal between them. Plug high voltage to electrodes. Electrons are emitted, and accelerated. They have significant kinetic energy, and upon collision with metal on their path, x-ray photons are created. And their energy will depends on applied voltage. There was such nice experiment: scientists were accelerating metal balls (dozen/hundreds), and shooting to water, and measuring increase of temperature of water.
  17. Above code uses Win32 API SetLocalTime() function: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms724936(v=vs.85).aspx Quote from MSDN (Microsoft Developers Network): "Remarks The calling process must have the SE_SYSTEMTIME_NAME privilege. This privilege is disabled by default. The SetLocalTime function enables the SE_SYSTEMTIME_NAME privilege before changing the local time and disables the privilege before returning. For more information, see Running with Special Privileges." Not to mention you are mixing "Java run in web-browser", with "Java real application".. Quote "This command can only be executed as an administrator. So we have to start an 'Administrator: Command Prompt' and execute the program from it.To 'Start a Command Prompt as an Administrator' on windows 7 use Start -> type 'cmd' -> hit 'Ctrl+Shift+Enter'. Please refer to Microsoft Technet for detailed steps on how to start an 'Administrator: Command Prompt'"
  18. You have been asked to write by yourself code, challenged to prove your own words, code that you were talking about in post #10: quoting you "Any malignant website can set your computer's clock to any value".. And you failed to do so.. But that's no surprise if you really don't see difference between C/C++ compiled code and HTML/JavaScript/Java/CSS etc. opened exclusively by web-browser.. I am speechless shocked by amount of your's incompetence.. So you really (really?!) don't see difference between application that is executable file, compiled to specific operating system, compiled to specific cpu.. that user installs intentionally on his/her own machine.. and remote website, hosted on server machine, that is prepared by hackers, and waiting for victims, to infect their computers (if they manage to).. ?!? If hacker will prepare virus that pretends real program (Trojan horse: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trojan_horse_(computing)), and user will install it by himself/herself, that program obviously can get full access to entire computer, and setting it's clock is one of the most ridiculous things hackers can do with that machine I heard about.. If they already have full control over attacked machine (because user did everything for hackers by installing software), there is no reason to play with system clock.. So your "knowledge" about subject is entirely from books that you read, not your's own experience. And you dare to write to us per "incompetent".. To me, and I trust the all other forum members that read it: "Any malignant website can set your computer's clock to any value". means that user-victim, will go to remote website, using web-browser, and just visit it, without having to install anything from that website..
  19. H2O, D2O, or HDO are all usable. Depending on what you want them to use. To drink I recommend H2O. To nuclear reactor cooling down I recommend D2O. For whatever you want to use H2O or D2O, it's cheaper to use Earth's water than travel to Ceres and bring it to Earth.. At least at the moment. At least until money rules world.. Instead of knowledge..
  20. I up vote +1 post #15... which incompetent person downgrade it.. ???
  21. Enthalpy, please show source code of website JavaScript/Java/HTML etc. that will let you change computer system time.. Or better host it, and we will be visiting it, and telling what time your script set.. Ok? Whenever they talk about it on the net, saying also "you need to have administrator privileges". f.e. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6203857/how-can-i-set-the-system-time-in-java This http://www.w3schools.com/jsref/jsref_obj_date.asp is setting Date object time, not entire system time, AFAIK. If code managed to get to level it can execute system commands on attacked machine, hacker can simply download/change source of website and look at how security system has been designed..
  22. Special Relativity (1905) was before General Relativity (1915).
  23. Get personal firewall such as Sygate Personal Firewall, or other tool allowing to see packets send by your machine, write code connecting to MySQL server and sending data, or use MySQL admin, and see packets and count their sizes.. ps. Sending this reply was 1514 bytes in packet log viewer.
  24. Then it's not physics.. Physics is observation of phenomena, measure, record on graph at time t, and make prediction how it will behave in the future (function describing measured object). One can measure temperature of boiling water, tell the others, and the next time repeat experiment receiving the same result.
  25. "mine definition of volume" is the same across entire human kind: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Volume
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