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Everything posted by Sensei

  1. #1 volume is distance * distance * distance, if distance is measured in meters, volume is in meters ^ 3. So, you don't even understand definition of volume.. Right? #2 matter can be created and destroyed (=converted to photons or other lighter pair of particles). See pair production http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pair_production See annihilation http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Annihilation Have you thought about Hollywood script-writer job? It's for you. They can make stuff up every day.. You should start from learning the real physics. f.e. read article by article from Physics History Database Too much effort? There is just 200+ entries... But you asked by yourself..
  2. Where did you get such silly idea? When car is moving it's not doing work? When you're going, it's horizontal movement (unless you jump, or use stairs). Are not you tired after walking 10 km, 20 km, 50 km.. ? If you're tired, you spend energy, burned fat and/or sugar. ps. More precisely when v=const, it's not doing work. When v=0 m/s, then v=1m/s, then again v=0m/s, then there was work. Energy spend on acceleration.
  3. There is no machine AFAICS, there is you who is moving metal looking thing back and forth, on these videos. Machine would work by itself, after pressing button.. Video was published in May 2013. 2 years is plentiful of time for building real device, real machine, if it would work..
  4. Such device/service has sense: truck hijacking were very common here in '90 years. So any change of path from normal (=optimal,shortest) should be immediately sent to truck company supervisor. After all it could be hijacking..
  5. This price seems ridiculous, to me at least. The first accumulator from net 12 V 120 Ah = 1.44 kWh, 2 years warranty, 86 usd. To have 10 kWh there is needed 7 pieces, 86 usd * 7 = ~603 usd. 6 times less..
  6. ??? Limiting time spend by truck driver @ road, and forcing him to go sleep/rest periodically you call "ridiculous working hours".. ? Without limits and tachograph they used to be working 24+ hours because their employer had "emergency delivery" (as always).. Truck drivers that don't rest regularly are serious risk for other road users, and causing serious disasters on roads. They are falling asleep while driving and crashing.. ps. That's police who is checking their tachograph in the first place, not employer. Employer want to know where is their truck and cargo (worth hundred thousands or millions, so they have right to know, using GPS, even plugged to each container).
  7. The truth is these people have their own (pet) theory that provided by us data is overthrowing.. If these people just came with question, received answer, they're grateful for knowledge. They thank for learning something new. But not layman-with-theory.
  8. But production of food consumes current (+-1 year) Sun energy, takes CO2 from atmosphere and converts it in plant cells, eat by animals, and this way at 1st or 2nd stage, goes to human body. While burning fossil fuel releases CO2 absorbed millions years ago. People have to eat regardless whether they work or not. Whether they work on something important, or something meaningless. Optimally they should do something useful for population. Money. Greedy. Machines don't strike. Machines don't want rise.. That's the main reason..
  9. Actually it should be possible to measure/check in laboratory experiment. Imagine beam of electrons emitted by electron-gun inside of vacuum tube. Couple such setups f.e. 3 with slightly offset between them. On one side there is electromagnet. Electron guns are emitting electrons: 1) when electromagnet is turned off 2) when electromagnet is turned on We know distances between electron beams and each electromagnet. And can deduce whether change in direction of electron beam is delayed or not.
  10. Dividing can be replaced by multiplication by value power negative exponent. f.e. 23=8 22=4 21=2 20=1 2-1=1/2=0.5 2-2=1/4=0.25 2-3=1/8=0.125 To convert decimal to binary you don't need to multiply or divide. It's just one of algorithms. See this: unsigned int value = 65535; // value to show as binary for( unsigned int i = 31; i >= 0; i-- ) { unsigned int x = 1<< i; // equivalent to 2^i if( value > x ) { value -= x; printf( "1" ); } else { printf( "0" ); } }
  11. Sensei


    Your phone is not going to transmit some illegal radio frequency signals..
  12. Sensei


    Typical SMS gateway is using HTTP POST request. You need to simulate it.. Website has to "think", yours script is real web browser.. You don't want to reveal what is URL, so can't help more specific.. I have no idea what are you talking about.. There is no needed any license to send sms.. ps. PHP allows BSD low-level programming of TCP/IP sockets http://php.net/manual/en/book.sockets.php So, you can send/receive very low-level packets. But this requires knowledge..
  13. Sensei


    It would be much easier for you to write app for Android, which will be downloading website every couple seconds/minutes, and informing about change on phone screen. Website is yours, generated automatically by PHP. You send info to server, PHP server is generating website, and mobile phone is periodically checking website change.. If you have iPhone/iOS you're doomed. Apple is disallowing to upload proprietary software to device AFAIK. Exclusively through their store. So they will most likely disallow you to upload app to their iStore that only you will be using.. ? That does not matter whether they're foreign or not. We have T-Mobile, but T-Mobile in UK or Germany website most likely wouldn't work with our cell number (website sms gate).. Check whether your provider is supporting website sending sms.. Did you ever send any sms through Internet using browser as client.. ? What is URL of your provider? Well, you have to simulate exactly what browser does. There is needed perfect understanding of HTTP protocol to do it..
  14. Sensei


    Every provider have different method. Some allows people to use sms web gateways. If yours is doing it, you can simulate what web browser does, and send message. ps. It used to be much easier several years ago. But people abused it to send spam (at least here), and mobile phone companies, highly restricted this service..
  15. Your misunderstanding what scientists hypothesize about black holes, is astonishing.. Would not be easier to ask on any science forum.. ?
  16. Top Gear 4 Episode 2: Richard Hammond hypnotized and can't drive car: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B92M2Fy7zMk Here is what happened later in studio (start at 3 min): (unfortunately can't find any better quality on YT)
  17. Once I made such test: is it possible to make distilled water using water bath. Basically hot plate (1200 W @ max settings used) was heating container with water (covered to keep heat inside), inside was placed Erlenmeyer flask with 800 mL water, connected to (single piece) dephlegmator & Graham condenser. I leaved it for several hours.. And 2/3 water evaporated from water bath, and from Graham condenser there was no single drop of distilled water.. While using oil bath instead of water (perhaps even salt water bath?) it should work.. Addition of substance can decrease or increase boiling point of water. If ammonium nitrate is increasing solution boiling point, then it'll be hard/impossible/not economical to get rid of water from solution using regular water bath. But oil bath should work though (kept at reasonable temperature).
  18. I smell misunderstanding on your side. Anti-matter does not have negative mass, with opposite sign to regular matter.
  19. This belongs to science-fiction. There is even no existing scientific methods to examine existence of hypothetical parallel Universes, not to mention their hypothetical difference in science..
  20. Once I was arguing with such guy in night club while drinking about quantity of protons in Carbon and Oxygen... When I wrote half of periodic table on piece of paper, element by element, he had to agree with me.. H,He,Li,Be,B,C,N,O,F,Ne,Na,Mg,Al,Si,P,S,Cl,Ar,K,Ca,Sc,Ti,V,Cr,Mn,Fe,Co,Ni,Cu,Zn,Ga,Ge,As,Se,Br,Kr
  21. Forum program has filter (by extension most likely) for allowed graphics file formats. SVG is apparently not one of them. You don't need to search for real image alternative: simply make screen-shot while displaying SVG in browser, cut image, and auto-trim (to remove border around it).
  22. This is computer science forum, so you're off-topic. I see no computer programming related questions in your post..
  23. If you have nitric acid and potassium bicarbonate you could try: KHCO3+HNO3->CO2+H2O+KNO3 KHCO3 can be bought in shops with aquariums. OTOH, in online aquarium shop I see also K2CO3, which would be even better.
  24. 2 dimensional table should be table[][] not table[]. 2d table can be squashed to 1d table by f.e. table[y*columns+x] Are you mathematician who want to write computer program? Equality operator in computer programs is == Not-equal operator is !=
  25. Invest in knowledge. Education. Wisdom. Not necessarily by going to college to get another PhD. 10% I can have in a day. And next day, if I am greedy and not sell, it's -10%.. And if I sell, the next day is another +10%, and I am pissed off. Once there was 300% the next day after I bought stocks.. As always in such cases, bankrupted company, after collapse, and resurrection. I even wrote application which is informing me which companies bankrupted and tell instantly on PC with sound alarms etc. Then there is needed constant observation what happens with such company. If there is info about resurrection (deal with creditors, typically exchange of debts for stocks and/or interception by them whole company), then "buy any price" instantly is needed ASAP. Some use bankrupted company as a way to cheap enter stock market system. One IT company bankrupted here, other one, not listed, bought it, and price went 2500% now.. Who bought stocks of this bankrupt at lowest price is now very happy. Really, if you would start with 1000 usd at year "zero". After 50 years, 10% year by year, accumulative, you would have just 97k. If somebody has no other job except stock markets, it's not even possible to reach million in typical human lifetime. The problem is with large money: if serious investor has millions of shares, any his/her movement sell or buy causes large drop/increase of price.. Exiting of large shareholder must be wise. Small investor can simply press "sell any price", and his couple thousands shares is gone, and nothing bad happens to price of stock.. Large investor can't do that. Can't invest serious money in bankrupting companies and getting couple hundred percent revenue. Brokers have restrictions also. Getting seriously into company that has trash score, could lead them to unemployed state.
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