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Everything posted by Sensei

  1. Not at all my friend.. But you were suggesting using camera to record movement of bag (like in pendulum), isn't? The more powerful hit, bigger deviation from natural vertical direction of bag. It would be hard to get good precision. And better to have 1000 FPS camera with it. BTW, I found that GoPro Hero 4 for just $500 can record at 240 FPS: Not bad, and has also quite nice configurable interval recording mode/time lapse 1s-60s. 120 FPS @ Full HD 30 FPS @ 4K UHD Then we need two cameras. From my own experience of recording of experiments (and I am using Full HD) we need close look up to to see digits, not to mention analog arrow..
  2. Why not make a real experiment from this? Get Force Gauge Analog/Digital Device. http://www.industrial-needs.com/technical-data/force-gauge-gram-division.htm Connect wire to it, then to bottom of bag. Somebody with digital camera will have to record device while hitting it.
  3. Which one is wrong? Special Relativity or General Relativity? Results of special relativity calculations you can see on your own eyes. Radioactive decay of unstable isotope. And emission of alpha particle. Stationary unstable decaying nucleus is moving slightly in one direction, while alpha particle going in opposite direction strongly (conservation of momentum vector). Watch this movie: https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=Efgy1bV2aQo Thick traces are leaved by highly accelerated alpha particles (Helium-4 nucleus). Thin traces are leaved by electrons typically. To calculate velocities, energies, momentum, there is used Special Relativity.. How are you going to deny something what you can see on your own eyes for so low as $50 by building Cloud Chamber particle detector following instruction from f.e. here? http://www.ultimate-theory.com/en/2014/6/8/how-to-build-cloud-chamber-particle-detector You can read article in my signature to learn more how to calculate energies of decaying unstable isotopes. Then using Special Relativity you can calculate almost everything related to Alpha Decay. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alpha_decay (for other decay modes it's more complicated as they can also emit gamma radiation in addition to beta decay) That's quite funny. As even string theory scientists don't understand their own theory. And nearly everyone of them have their own interpretation.. And none of them can prepare any laboratory experiment to prove their own version of string theory.. That's completely nonsense. Multiverse has nothing to do with Special Relativity or General Relativity. Multiverse was made to not have to bother to find reason why constants have values as they have now (because they're different in different Universes). I suggest getting familiar with "The Cosmic Landscape" by Leonard Susskind (author of String Theory). http://www.amazon.com/The-Cosmic-Landscape-Illusion-Intelligent/dp/0316013331 If you don't get them, then you can't criticize them, and say they're wrong. Pride in pure form.. Because you're not as smart as you think you are.. ? You have proof even in this thread: can't even grasp how quote option works on forum.. Works fine for us.
  4. Of course it was not present at building time in significant amount. Oxidation of steel bars happened during building life time and then accident. US government source with photos of WTC melted steel bars with analyze what elements are present in them (that was not there prior accident): http://www.fema.gov/media-library-data/20130726-1512-20490-8452/403_apc.pdf Nobody said a word about Magnesium in this thread..
  5. y = (x / 100) << 8; // will get 1xx-2xx but x contain upper 1/2, and you have to get rid of. x = x % 100; // modulo Then the rest of original hex2bcd(). Result type will have to be changed.
  6. What Boeing 767 aircraft is made of? Aluminium. 80-104 tons of Aluminium. What happens if Al join with f.e. Fe2O3 at high enough temperature.. ? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thermite There will happen very rapid chain reaction: In WTC debris there has been found Thermite and melted iron. And conspiracy seekers argue it's proof that government collapsed towers. While it could be created in right circumstances spontaneously. At high temperature water instantaneously changes to vapor, then separates to gaseous Hydrogen and Oxygen. And Oxygen can react with anything, especially metals, especially Iron to create Fe2O3 f.e. That's why certain types of fire can't be extinguished by water. Because there is risk of explosion of gaseous Hydrogen and Oxygen. Steady continuous supply of Oxygen gas to any fire can easily excess melting point of every element. Thermal decomposition of water http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Water_splitting#Thermal_decomposition_of_water
  7. Increased energy/mass in the past. Imagine time travel device sending you energy/fuel to time-1hour. Each iteration, because you have more energy, you can send even more fuel to the past.
  8. Month ago I have been watching YouTube video reviews about cheap USB microscopes to use to zoom-in soldered area on the screen of computer monitor. If you're interested here are they: Especially this Tagarno looks pretty cool. Except few thousands usd price..
  9. Did not I already showed you that it's NOT 938 million volts potential difference, but 938.272046 Million electron Volts (MeV) in post #99 where is complete math: http://www.scienceforums.net/topic/88438-dark-matter-get-over-it/?p=862728 In your incompetence you're removing e from MeV and turning it into yours MV. MeV is unit of ENERGY. And after dividing by c2 it's unit of MASS. Not voltage. You have basically no idea what you're talking about over and over again..
  10. So far I saw not a single prediction made by you in this thread to be honest.. If you claim you made predictions, you probably don't even understand what is prediction, so I will explain to you. We have object at time t0 at location x0, then at time t1 we have it at location x1. If you can extend it to future t2>t1, or to past t3<t0, then it's pretty good prediction. That's daily job of astronomer: predict where will be object he/she is interested in. Predict where will be comet, predict where will be asteroid etc. When it'll collide (if collide at all). Predict where stars will be in the next year from now (and where we will see them, due to delay caused by speed of light). Predict where planets will be in the next year from now. Then show your calculations for verification. For real, you need to write application that will calculate it.. Like I did in posts #4 and #13. See f.e. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chelyabinsk_meteor until it hit Earth it was unknown. But then we could reconstruct its original path in the past.
  11. Answer questions: - what is length of vector in 2D? - what is length of vector in 3D? (Both you should know from primary school) - what would be length of vector in 4D (or any other dimension) ? How would you modify f.e. inverse-square law to work with 4D spatial dimensions?
  12. There is needed excellent understanding of classic and quantum physics to came up with theory that won't be dismissed in a few seconds.. If you don't even know how to convert one unit of energy to other unit of energy, it makes you completely unreliable..
  13. Proof that you don't even know XIX century (and early XX) classical physics..
  14. So you don't know how to calculate proton invariable mass-energy to be 938272046 eV and you don't even know how to convert one unit of energy to other unit of energy (!) electron volts to kWh. Otherwise you would answer questions from #76 post.. Let's start with how to convert from eV -> kWh 1 kWh = 1000 W * 3600 s = 3,600,000 W*s = 3,600,000 J P=I*U [1 W = 1A * 1V) but P=E/t Analyze units more closely, if you don't know why J = kg*m^2/s^2 W = kg*m^2/s^3 so we can substitute: E/t=I*U E=I*t*U (energy is ampere * time * voltage) Other equation is: I*t=Q so again substitute, and we have: E=Q*U (energy is charge * voltage) But Q (in Coulombs) is quantized, it can have 1e, 2e, 100e, .... integer multiply of elementary charge e (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elementary_charge) so we have at the end: E=e*U 1.602176565*10^-19 J = 1.602176565*10^-19 C * 1 Volt That's kinetic energy of electron in 1 Volt potential difference. So if we have 1 kWh energy = 3,600,000 J it's 3,600,000 / 1.602176565^-19 = 2.247e+25 eV Second question from #76 post was about mass-energy of proton 938272046 eV Convert eV -> J, like above showed: 938272046 eV * 1.602176565^-19 = 1.5032774836958E-010 J divide by c^2: 1.5032774836958E-010 J / 299792458^2 = 1.67262177649828E-027 kg and there is mass in kilograms unit!
  15. It's not just "mass of electron in vacuum". Take for example radioactive beta decay minus, which emits electron. Probably the best example is Tritium decay: [math]T \rightarrow _2^3He + e^- + \bar{V}_e + 18.6 keV[/math] mass of Tritium is 3.0160492777 u 3.0160492777 u * 931494061 * 1.602176565*10^-19 / 299792458^2 = 5.00826721404019E-027 kg (if you prefer kilograms) mass of Helium-3 is 3.0160293191 u 3.0160293191 u * 931494061 * 1.602176565*10^-19 / 299792458^2 = 5.00823407200808E-027 kg (if you prefer kilograms) But these masses (from isotopes database) are nucleus plus electrons around them. So we need to subtract masses of of electrons and have: 3.0160492777 * 931494061 - 510998.9 = mass-energy of Tritium nucleus alone. 3.0160293191 * 931494061 - 2*510998.9 = mass-energy of Helium-3 nucleus alone. Right, but Tritium is emitting free electron. So full equation looks like: (3.0160492777 * 931494061 - 510998.9)-(3.0160293191 * 931494061 - 2*510998.9) - 510998.9 = 18591.3173662185 eV (+- few electron volts) And that's typically rounded to 18.6 keV decay energy of Tritium. Which also shows true mass-energy of electron. If it would be different, we wouldn't be able to predict/calculate decay energy.
  16. It's well know for us, but not to you. I believe so, you don't know where this 938.272 MeV came from... Alternative question: show convertion of electrovolts to kWh.. I am just asking to see whether you know basics. If you know, then show us. If you don't know how to do it, then you should ask. As least you will learn something..
  17. In video there was used approximately 40,000 Volts. Cockcroft-Walton generator. 120+ capacitors (0.13 usd per each). Total costs 25 usd (capacitors, rectifying diodes, breadboards). With smaller voltage there is needed smaller distance between electrodes to ionize medium. 3 kV is good for maybe 1-2 mm distance between them. Don't let capacitors load for too long when spark doesn't appear, because you will have explosion of capacitor (a while after recording that video I wanted to record video of longer distance, and waited too long, and 1st capacitor in ladder exploded terribly). I am using electrolytic capacitors so they start boiling when they're overloaded and it can be heard. Shut down everything if they start making weird sound. Couple seconds delay and there will be large explosion (could be even 20x20x20 cm^3 large). After putting electrodes to test tube (and locking from both sides), frequency of electric arc spark appearing between electrodes will increase. After attaching pipe to vacuum pump you can get even smaller voltage needed/largely increase distance between electrodes. Be careful with Hydrogen (from electrolysis). Tiny amount of Oxygen that could get inside of tube while starting it, could blow up everything. I had once such explosion.. Pieces of glass flied in all directions (and my head was 30 centimeters from explosion center). In video there was used iron. But you can experiment with different metals like copper, aluminum for a start. f.e. carbon (graphite) will result in red electric arc, if I recall correctly, and sodium will result in yellow electric arc. Experiment with different materials, to see how they behave. Put electrode to solution with different metal salt, for days or weeks, so it will gather on its surface, then try using as electrode.
  18. Proton doesn't have 938 MeV, but 938.272046 MeV (+- couple eV) 930/938=0.99147121535181236673773987206823 but 930/938.272046 = 0.99118374459170448311533731870341 Honestly, I doubt that you even know how to calculate proton mass-energy 938272046 eV.. If I am mistaken, show me it.
  19. There is infinitely many numerical systems, and decimal system is just one of them.. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Numeral_system You, in your ignorance, are giving decimal system preferred place. Why don't you define infinity as binary %11111.....1111 infinitely many repeated?
  20. First I would try boiling it in pot of hot water for hour.
  21. You can't have such equation. You can have f.e. y=x+1 or x'=x+1 Equation x=x+1 (aka x++) is used only in software programming, and is incrementing variable.
  22. Scientists are making their own stars here on Earth in laboratories. For small time period. Black body emission graph is different depending on temperature of object emitting it. That's why remote thermometer are able to read temperature without touching anything (unlike ordinary Mercury thermometers).
  23. For extraordinary claims (like other stars are making different periodic table elements) there is needed extraordinary proof. We know what other stars are made of for two hundred years because we're analyzing their spectral lines.. And comparing with discharge tubes in lab spectral lines.
  24. Sun surface has 4500-6000 K core has estimated to 15-16 mln K See how far it's from your "billions centigrades"..
  25. Even on our planet there are organisms that find oxygen to be poisonous to them. And produced by them compounds are poisonous to us. Planet that has higher temperature than star? Nope. When temperature is high enough there is created plasma (nucleus and electrons are free). To ionize 1 mol of Hydrogen (6.022141*10^23 particles) there is needed 1312 kJ/mol. It's simply 13.6 eV * 6.022141*10^23 * 1.602*10^-19 = 1312 kJ
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