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Everything posted by Sensei

  1. fiveworlds has habit of giving chunks of code that doesn't work to any post.. You need html body tags: <html> <body> <canvas id="myCanvas" width="578" height="700"></canvas> <script> function drawparallelogram(ax,ay,bx,by,cx,cy,dx,dy,canvasid,context){ var atob= Math.sqrt( (bx-ax)*(bx-ax) + (by-ay)*(by-ay) ); var atoc= Math.sqrt( (cx-ax)*(cx-ax) + (cy-ay)*(cy-ay) ); var ctod= Math.sqrt( (cx-dx)*(cx-dx) + (cy-dy)*(cy-dy) ); var dtob= Math.sqrt( (bx-dx)*(bx-dx) + (by-dy)*(by-dy) ); var ctob= Math.sqrt( (bx-cx)*(bx-cx) + (by-cy)*(by-cy) ); if (atob===ctod && atoc===dtob){ //only runs if points equal a paralleogram var canvas = document.getElementById(canvasid); var context = canvas.getContext(context); context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(cx, cy); context.lineTo(bx, by);//c>b context.moveTo(bx, by); context.lineTo(dx, dy);//d>b context.moveTo(dx, dy); context.lineTo(cx, cy);//c>d context.moveTo(ax, ay); context.lineTo(cx, cy);//a>c context.moveTo(ax, ay); context.lineTo(bx, by);//a > b context.fillText(atoc,((ax+cx)/2)-10,((ay+cy)/2)-10); context.fillText(dtob,((dx+bx)/2)-10,((dy+by)/2)-10); context.fillText(ctod,((dx+cx)/2)-10,((dy+cy)/2)-10); context.fillText(atob,((bx+ax)/2)-10,((by+ay)/2)-10); context.fillText(ctob,((bx+cx)/2)-10,((by+cy)/2)-10); context.stroke();} } var a=100; var b=50; var c=100; var d=150; while (a<400){ drawparallelogram(a,b,450,50,c,d,450,150,'myCanvas','2d'); a=a+10; b=b+10; c=c+10; d=d+10; } </script> </body></html> and save it as index.html Either in Firefox and Chrome it renders this image: I don't think so it's correct result.
  2. Matter exists regardless of light. Prior star will start fusion it's cloud of Hydrogen and Helium (minority) gas that is not emitting (visible) light (yet). Anybody is emitting light. Including you. But it's in region of spectrum of not visible light - infrared. Therefor it's visible in infrared camera. It depends on temperature of object.
  3. Check how "inverse square law" would work in 4 dimensional space + 1 time and let us know what math you got..
  4. Really? Read this http://www.mk.ru/politics/2015/03/10/zaur-dadaev-rasskazal-v-sizo-o-svoem-zaderzhanii-i-dele-nemcova.html
  5. Quantum world is full for randomness and probabilities. I will give you example: laser beam is pointed to white diffuse wall in room. Anybody can see dot regardless of his/her position or angle in room. Why? Because there is send billions of billions photons per second. And each of them reflected with slightly different angle with pretty much equal probability in the all directions. If probability would be slightly different, one person would see more photons (brighter spot), than other person (darker spot for him). And this happens if surface is mirror. Person on path of reflected laser beam will see majority of photons (and perhaps damage eyes). Supercomputer will not be able to even predict where single photon will go after being reflected, and you're dreaming about simulating whole Universe..
  6. David, before continuing read whole article about redshift. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Redshift Especially highest redshifts.
  7. Evidence is clear: redshift of the farthest galaxies. Do you have alternative explanation of this evidence? Then show us your math equations leading to such redshift.. Testing it in lab experiment is not possible. You won't make galaxy in laboratory. Nor will make it recede. So we're pretty much stuck in analyzing satellite data. Whether it's Hubble or other satellite, doesn't matter (as long as each of them match other satellite data).
  8. You misunderstood. 50+ mL is above in dephlegmator (and not visible on the photo). So to what is visible on photo (compare difference between levels) there is needed to be added more. The next time I will do it, I will try to measure how much it's increasing volume more precisely. But what is on photo (including what is in dephlegmator) looks like 2000 mL -> 2150 mL I have seen more extreme increases, but have not made photos.
  9. Photos taken 6 March. Showing increase of volume of liquid during distillation after heating near to 100 C. At least 50 mL is in dephlegmator (accidently took photo when there was "explosion")..
  10. Do you see electrons? No. Do you see protons? No. Just their interactions. When electron with high kinetic energy passes through medium in Cloud Chamber, we see leaved trace. (You should now ask, how to detect it's electron, not muon-, not pion- etc but it's mainstream physics question) When electron with high kinetic energy in vacuum tube is hitting something, there is created photon. When electrons gather on surface, we see how they're repelling each other f.e. electric plume, or in other electrostatic device. If star is spinning in circle around nothing, this nothing is called typically black hole. We detect it by looking at surrounding stars and their behaviors and interactions.
  11. Have you read Events section? Owners of clinic wanted to take device, but court and police disallowed them to do so! "Four months before the theft, on May 4, 1987, Saura Taniguti, then director of Ipasgo, the institute of insurance for civil servants, used police force to prevent one of the owners of IGR, Carlos Figueiredo Bezerril, from removing the objects that were left behind.[6] Figueiredo then warned the president of Ipasgo, Lício Teixeira Borges, that he should take responsibility "for what would happen with the caesium bomb".[6]" "Meanwhile, the owners of IGR wrote several letters to the National Nuclear Energy Commission, warning them about the danger of keeping a teletherapy unit at an abandoned site, but they could not remove the equipment by themselves once a court order prevented them from doing so." Stupid, uneducated, incompetent court and police are guilty in large part of why this happened. "Operation decontamination (cleaning) was extremely difficult because the radiation source has been opened, and the radioactive material soluble in water. A similar case in Mexico, so that with the participation of cobalt-60 was completely different in the purification process. Cobalt-60 is used in the form of an alloy with nickel in order to improve mechanical properties. If the alloy becomes dispersed, the fragments do not dissolve in water and do not acquire a high mobility. Radioactive cobalt (like radioactive iridium) may, however, be treated as scrap and contaminate the steel produced from its use. In the US, buildings demolished because it was used in their construction steel with increased amounts of cobalt-60. In Mexico reported cases in which the steel contaminated with radioactive metal used for the production of table legs." (google translated)
  12. Goiânia accident "one of the world's worst radiological incidents". Scavengers found device with radioactive source in abandoned hospital, and significantly contaminated 249 people, 4 dead. Mostly scrapyard owner family. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goiânia_accident "While the serial number of the device was unknown, thus hindering definitive identification" Unbelievable. Now every such device should have GPS included..
  13. If you want to learn something, ask question in mainstream physics section, and wait for reply, without adding your own speculations. If it's possible to answer, it'll be given. Mainstream physics question-answers belong to mainstream sections of forum. Posting on speculation section suggest you want to make something up.. ps. In physics database history link you get plentiful (hundred) articles to read to be busy for the next couple years.
  14. In science nobody trust other word. We're making experiments to check claim, hypothesis, theory. And if it's repeatable in lab, it's good sign about claim, hypothesis, theory.
  15. Rest mass = invariant mass of particles don't change. Single proton always have 938.272 MeV rest mass-energy. What is changing is kinetic energy of these particles. Masses of particles, and isotopes, are measured in mass spectrometer. They're pretty reliable. Uncertainty is at 5-6 digits after floating point in MeV (which is couple +- eV).
  16. Nope. [math]\frac{m_{top}}{m_p}=\frac{173.34 GeV}{0.938272046 GeV}=184.74386[/math] In science we need to be precise.. Difference by 6.6% is quite a lot.
  17. Do you realize that mass of Earth, nor Gravitational constant were unknown in the time when Newton's gravity laws were formulated.. ? Nobody is removing Newton's name from equations just because constants were not yet calculated. Removing scalar constant is simply setting it to 1.0. Multiplication by 1.0 will give the same formula as without it.
  18. Different theories have different circumstances when we can use them safely without introducing noticeable error to calculations. You don't need GR to calculate failing apple from tree.. Newton's theory is fine for this case. Similar is with GR. You can use it where it works the best. IMHO distances up to solar system size. Then GR fails again at galaxy scale (therefor need to adding dark matter to explain unexpected high velocity of stars at outer regions of galaxy). And there is needed more detailed theory (or addition of DM) to handle this case.
  19. Time spend in university at lessons is one thing, and time spend on real learning at home/apartment/campus in another thing..
  20. That's not entirely correct. Photons are going in space forever, but until being absorbed by some particle or molecule. In Earth environment we have air atmosphere with molecules of Nitrogen and Oxygen and a few others in much smaller concentration that interfere with light. Scientists are pointing strong laser at Moon, where is retroreflector, leaved by Apollo astronauts, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Retroreflector and some photons come back to Earth ~2.6 seconds later. Are you familiar with inverse square law? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inverse-square_law Even if beam of laser has f.e. diameter 1 mm here on Earth, after traveling millions of km, it would be spread across large area. When you can see laser beam, like in dirty air or water, you can be sure that distance laser will travel in straight line will be much smaller than with crystal pure, or vacuum.
  21. By relativity you mean special relativity or general relativity? Special relativity http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special_relativity It's widely used in high energy/particle physics. General relativity http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/General_relativity You won't find sign of it in high energy/particle physics. Also you might read about relativity of simultaneity http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Relativity_of_simultaneity Lorentz transformations: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lorentz_transformation Time dilation http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Time_dilation
  22. Your post is such chaotic.. What is question? Strength of magnetic field depends on flowing current, measured in amperes. Q=I*t Q/e is quantity of electrons. So if you have I=1 A, t=1s,there is 6.24*10^18 electrons flowing per second. Plug some ampere meter on wire between electromagnet & batteries, to see it's value. Also plug some variable resistor/potentiometer http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Potentiometer to be able change resistance thus flowing current. I=U/R Then compare mass with different setting of potentiometer. Read ampere from ampere meter.
  23. Conductance here is not needed. If we charge glass rod by rubbing, it gains electrons on surface. Then we can discharge it by touching and the thing we touched receives part of electrons. In Van Der Graaf high voltage generator, electrons are transported by silk/rubber.
  24. The final interview with Nemtsov, just 3 hours before death: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/russia/11441780/Boris-Nemtsov-Final-interview-given-by-Putin-critic-just-hours-before-his-murder-in-full.html 2nd one, same day http://www.newsweek.com/final-interview-boris-nemtsov-310392
  25. Quote from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hydrofluoric_acid "Hydrofluoric acid is classified as a weak acid because of its lower dissociation constant compared to the strong acids. " "It is the only hydrohalic acid that is not considered a strong acid,"
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