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Everything posted by Sensei

  1. Sounds like you are counting operations after preprocessing stage, when points are no longer in their raw A, B, C positions anymore.. ? Strange: The whole point of this thread was to do something constructive, brainstorm that will lead to finding another unknown algorithm.. I was hoping for mathematician coming in with something out of box, but so far nobody have idea.. ?
  2. Hello! Mysterious clouds on the Mars can reach 250 km and remain 10 days visible http://www.esa.int/Our_Activities/Space_Science/Mystery_Mars_plume_baffles_scientists http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2955902/The-mysterious-giant-clouds-spotted-Mars-Scientists-left-baffled-150-mile-high-plumes-coming-red-planet.html Best Regards!
  3. I have no influence how this forum table looks like. For instance raw HTML code: Will show this: You can make such file and call it index.html on disk, and open in web browser. Then add parameter border And there will be border around each row and cell of table. How it looks like in forum, is up to programmers of forum..
  4. This: generates this: [table] 123 abc ABC[/ta] But it looks like bug- different opening tag, than closing tag.. ?! tr is shortcut from table-row. td is shortcut from table-data. Both are inherited from HTML tag names. There is also th - table header/heading with bold text. But doesn't seem to work as expected either.
  5. Answers should be in spoiler tag to not influence other people.. But show your algorithm in such way, it will be possible to count operations needed (multiply, sub, add etc.) So there will be chance to estimate whether it's more optimal or not.
  6. Hello! Suppose so you, mathematician, have such task: find whether point P (xp,yp) (2d) or (xp,yp,zp) (3d) is in triangle defined by vertexes A,B,C. Please show me your algorithms. The more optimized algorithm, the better *) Here is common stage needed for all below algorithms: Example algorithm 1: Example algorithm 2: *) As less as possible sqrt()/sin()/cos()/asin()/acos() etc. etc. very slow functions. This week I had application which was doing 2 billions of sqrt() on single thread of Core i7 it was taking 90 seconds. After getting rid of sqrt() and replacing it with something lighter, same code started running in.. 3 seconds. 30 times speed up just because no sqrt(). Internal loop also had 2 bln executions. Best Regards! ps. Please don't cheat and use Internet sources, just your brain. Thank you
  7. We were discussing about recording science projects in this thread http://www.scienceforums.net/topic/87146-what-kind-of-animal-is-doing-this/ starting at #12 post. You would need time-interval making photos, with AC-battery adapter. Radiation is too broad term. Sunlight is also radiation. Simply not ionizing radiation (except UV). You have to clarify what do you mean by this. Piece of plutonium in your bedroom?
  8. Yahya, imagine energy levels of photons are quantized. Say, E=h, E=h*2 Hz,E=h*n Hz, etc. etc. where n is positive integer (n real number forbidden) or [math]E=\hbar*n, n \in N^+[/math] In such model molecule, atom or particle can be accelerated only by this energy by very small amount. But it's billions of billions smaller than your original post version. I don't think so it's possible to prove or disprove this in theory in math. It's job for laboratory experiment, f.e. electron gun *), with precisely regulated voltage on electrodes to find out quantization of velocity of free electrons, with unknown now precision.. The bigger particle or molecule, the smaller jumps in velocity will be observed by absorbing same amount of energy from f.e. laser with exact photon energy. Let's say we have one Oxygen O2 molecule, it has mass 5.31*10^-26 kg And hitting it by green laser 532 nm. Photon is absorbed and molecule is accelerated to E.K=3.7339*10^-19 J That's v=3749 m/s for O2. But for single free electron it would be 905395 m/s... *) Electron gun has everybody who has RTV junk.. So you should have plentiful of them around.
  9. What do you mean by "atom radius"? Van der Waals radius? ionic radius? Covalent radius? Calculate degrees of freedom for f.e. Gold atom with covalent radius 135 pm, In your "hypothesis" it would have just 1.9683e-29 possible "positions" in 1m3 piece of Gold.. Start from learning this f.e. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atomic_radius
  10. See fusion reactions on the Sun, stars and laboratory. http://www.scienceforums.net/topic/85656-solar-fusion-neutrinos-and-age-of-solar-system/ I showed in this thread a few basic fusion reactions, in which mass of protons, or other nucleus, is changing to energy emitted by Sun as light photons.
  11. Ice has smaller density than liquid water = bigger volume. 9%. You can have 100 g 100 mL of liquid water, and 100 g ~109 mL of ice.
  12. Jamie Oliver visits ordinary USA primary school...
  13. In special relativity kinetic energy is: [math]E.K. = E-E_0=\gamma m_0 c^2-m_0 c^2[/math] [math]\gamma=\frac{1}{\sqrt{1-\frac{v^2}{c^2}}}[/math] [math]E.K=\frac{1}{2} m v^2[/math] is classic physics kinetic energy equation.. It is approximately matching SR one at low velocity.
  14. Sensei

    War in Ukraine

    Progress of russian's terrorists and russian army after September 2014 ceasefire... Just between 10-11 Feb they lost 87 people, 12 tanks, 14 rocket launchers vehicles, and 16 armored vehicles. Ukrainians lost 19 people.
  15. From my experience it's pretty good rate. I have hot plate 1200 W. Conical flask 1 L *) (filled usually 800 mL 6-9% ethanol volume). And in water heating bath receiving approximately 100 mL 70% = 70 mL in time 70-90 minutes. No vacuum pomp used. I am making very detail measurement of either energy usage (watt meter), time (is on watt meter), ethanol concentration before/after. Sometimes it's recorded by digital camera. Drops are going to tube with scale. *) also experimented with 2 L conical flask, 1 L round-bottom flask, 250 mL round-bottom flask (but these must have 2nd stand). Let me see my papers.. (from this week distillation): Vinit = 800 mL t = 67 min E=0.77 kWh Vend = 86 mL 67% 86*0.67 = 57.62 mL 57.62 mL/800 mL=7.2% Cost 0.77/353*220=0.48 ($0.12896) Vwater=11 L (cost 0.11 ($0.03)) (one of approximately 20-25 distillations made this week) You're probably wasting time on heating whole setup to reach right temperature from ambient temperature. I am putting pot (with lid) on gas methane oven, in the mean time conical flask on hot plate (no bath yet), and in 10-15 min reaching 100 C, after that placing pot on hot plate, and putting (hot already) flask inside. The first drops of ethanol are starting flowing around 21-22 minutes later. I suspect you are using 5 L conical flask? What is volume of oil? The higher volume, the longer it will take to reach right temperatures. and harder to maintain it boiling. How are you protecting setup against cooling down? (I even cut piece of metal and bend it appropriately to cover pot with everything from above to keep in hot) These 130 C are on thermometer in distilling setup or measuring oil temperature?
  16. Sensei

    War in Ukraine

    russians terrorist attacked Kramatorsk 10 Feb 2015 One of rocket https://twitter.com/IAargh/status/565103171371274240/photo/1
  17. Sensei


    Fake! Doctor would never read book about QM. He would write one..
  18. Measuring sound intensity using just your ears is not scientific way of doing things. Do you have microphone and laptop (or better two)? Put them together to bathroom. Use Windows voice recorder on 1st laptop. Record to WAV file (typical sample). Replay sound on 2nd. Load to sample editing software. And there you can compare. Louder sound has larger amplitude on graph. You have to realize that even closed, or open door, will have meaning. Sound is bouncing from the walls and obstacles present on its route. Sample editing software is typically coming with ADSR generator of samples, so you can generate sample to play on it with different parameters and frequencies. Scientists are performing experiment with sound in Anechoic chamber http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anechoic_chamber
  19. That would require periodically, say one per day, execution of code to check all database entries for out of date, and then calling lock routine. I can't see how it's easier to implement than my first idea, which would be f.e.: if( get_article_date( $article ) < ( get_current_date() - ( 6*30*24*60*60 ) ) { printf( "div class=\"warning\">[warning info]</div>\n" ); } Basically 2-3 rows of code, added to article displaying function/script. and one row in CSS. Second idea would require adding a bit of JavaScript, to form submit call-back, when "if( get_article_date( $article ) < ( get_current_date() - ( 6*30*24*60*60 ) )" is true. if( confirm( "[warning info]" ) // submit HTML form else return( 0 ); // refuse to submit form (user canceled requester). Only 3rd idea is harder to implement (delayed reply).
  20. Sensei

    War in Ukraine

    Russia cannot win conventional conflict with joint EU+USA, for simple reason of quantity of people 507 mln+320 mln versus 144 mln Russians.. If winning would be not possible there is risk of using non conventional weapons.
  21. OMG.. eV/c^2 is UNIT OF MASS. Equivalent to 1.78*10^-36 kg It's basic that anybody learn in primary school.. 1.5 km is 1 mile, isn't? One can express speed of light in miles/s, other one can in km/s, third can in m/s, forth can in km/h and so on so on.
  22. If you're thinking from programmers point of view, and asking for code, .NET Framework has functions that can be used for this task: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.io.compression.zipfile%28v=vs.110%29.aspx (it's part of Windows OS) StringJunky, c'mon! It's often needed functionality for programmers. f.e. you have life update routine. Program periodically is connecting to your server checking for update, if it's available, downloading it, and it could be ZIP archive to minimize size. So it must be unzipped by program, behind user back, transparently. Then files from unzipped folder installed in program folder, and restart application..
  23. I understand that. But look at it from economic point of view. Price of Malaysia's book should/could be higher, because it's 1) imported from west 2) imported data and then translated to local language (additional cost on translators, that must be scientists, to not introduce errors). I am just saying that his price is 50% of our price (or 24% in extended version).
  24. I checked RM rate $0.281857. Paying $28.2 for encyclopedia is pretty bargain. Here encyclopedia cost $55 (80,000 entries) Extended version with 140,000 entries, in 3 volumes, $115.4 That's good question. Science paper should be search able, to find any interesting part in any moment.. I am almost only buying novel books. In part of western countries and USA especially studies started to be luxury.. You have to have a lot of money (from parents, spare work) or have to take loan, and start adult life from debt (additional pressure on "making money").. CRT monitors were/are harmful. But nowadays almost nobody use them. LCD/LED doesn't produce x-rays. Scientific experiments can be performed anywhere. Even with little or no infrastructure. Do you think western countries XVII-XIX scientists had equipment and infrastructure? They were making devices from what they had at hand. It's just imagination that's limiting you. Read Physics History Database entries, one by one: http://www.ultimate-theory.com/en/2015/1/27/physics-history-database If you prefer paper version, print wikipedia articles.
  25. Are you claiming that there is limited quantity ("all") of prime numbers?
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