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Everything posted by Sensei

  1. Different is velocity (especially true for vectors, not scalars), different is momentum. If we take electron gun (or two electrodes in vacuum tube), accelerate electrons to several keV, after hitting material, x-rays will be produced. When doing the same experiment with smaller acceleration, x-rays won't be created. So difference between electrons from 1st experiment and 2nd is their kinetic energy.
  2. Increasing tax rates above 40% causes inevitable tax evasion. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tax_evasion i.e. lower income for government than before introduction of tax. Our government did this mistake with excise duty for alcohol and cigarettes and now couple quarters in a row there is lower income than it used to be. Government lost in one year complete control over two digits percentage of market. People are now making their own cigarettes. Once they learned how to do it (and media spread words), they're lost. Nice example of incompetence. Funny, you're on top of the list already:
  3. I am not bothered about wealthiest, only the poorest people.. That's true. You as a nation made this. But they're not the one you're suggesting.. Repetition doesn't make it true. Americans must stop running for money at any cost. While you're running, you are trampling on human bodies, that didn't survive this run.. Politics must stop being sockpuppets in hand of corporations, lobbies, various group of interest etc. ps. Do you saw "Too big to fail"? http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1742683/ If not, watch it on VOD, prior replying..
  4. Person who found the largest quantity of chemical elements died because he was tasting newly made compounds at age 43. He was no scientists, in our understanding of this word. Just apothecary. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carl_Wilhelm_Scheele You own him respect. Like the others making experiments with dangerous substances. Somebody has to be the first one to find something is dangerous. f.e. HCN Hydrogen is not dangerous. Carbon is not dangerous. Nitrogen is not dangerous. Combined together = poisonous. Somebody had to found this by himself..
  5. Your definition of logic must be different than our definition of logic.. Logic is universal. Logic has no language (other than math). If I write f.e. [math]1 \wedge 0=?[/math] Do you know what will be result?
  6. Part of problem in US, and western countries, is that people working in government, officers, are in middle of their career. They're ex-bankers, ex-financier, ex-[insert some industry employee here], They're in government just for a while, as long as presidency (just lucky more), And they are and have to think about their future. After termination of their jobs in gov they will return to banks, or industry branch they belong to. They're highly well-connected, therefor regulations made by them won't hurt industry they're part of. Instead their regulations will be supporting their industry, and harmful for public and country. As a reward they will find job back after government career. People that will create laws and regulations harmful to industry but good to public, won't find job after ending of their career in government. Dreadful. Do you Americans want to have better schools? Vote some quantum physicists for president the next time.. Here the latest idea of government was free of charge books for all primary school kids. Bought/printed by government printers. Educational industry was not happy.. Great idea. Like I would invent this idea by myself. The more I am learning about US, the more it looks like hell on Earth.. That's plain disgusting to make business on somebody else illness and misfortune.. The more diseased people, the more doctors will earn. Your healthcare is in disease by itself. The same with private prisons. Disgusting. Owners of them beg for more people committing crimes (because it means grow of their "business").. ! I wouldn't be surprised to see them influencing politics to increase penalties.. While in goodness of public community exactly reverse direction is wanted. To reduce criminal activity. Creation of homeless is straight way to creation of criminals (here loan installment is lower price than renting apartment, so somebody who can't afford renting apartment can't afford buying apartment either. And price of imprisoning person is the highest from all loan installment and renting apartment per month!) One thing is fight with inequality, another thing is fairness and equal rights and laws to everybody. My personal opinion is such that there should be one low tax to everybody regardless of their income, f.e. 10%. Different taxation basing on income is encouragement to making frauds and bypassing law. The more complex law, the more options, the harder to judge. And lawyers, judges, financial advisers, accountants etc. etc. have job. They would be unemployed without all these ridiculous complicated laws! I invented new taxation method using new IT technologies: taking flat tax from all money received on bank account automatically. Basically whenever somebody transfer any money to account, bank is sending 10% to government automatically, and remaining 90% is going to owner of account. No need to fill tax form each year - it would be already paid and received by government.
  7. Imagine two sample codes: struct { int data1; int data2; int data3; int data4; int data5; int data6; int data7; int data8; } x; x.data1 = true; ... x.data1 = false; and struct { int data; } x; x.data |= 0x1; .... x.data &= ~0x1; Both do the same task. Have array of true/false flags. First one will generate smaller executable object size, using more memory for x structure, but working faster from CPU point of view (entire x is in CPU cache line in both cases) Second will generate bigger executable object size, will be using less memory for x structure, but will be working slower. I gave you link for reading where these things are described with detail I am not able to provide by myself in English language. Not to mention discussion about CPU cache is off-topic. There is no single CPU cache line size. Different CPUs have different sizes.
  8. Maybe this will interest you https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/yszfawxh.aspx "C Bit Fields" Search google for "bit field variable in c" Efficiency would be in memory handling, not CPU execution time which would be slower (because of masking and setting bit of byte). CPU cache is also reading/writing entire block of data. So reading in random order array of bytes (f.e. 8000 bytes) is taking as much time as reading f.e. double array (1000 doubles). You should read about CPU cache for more detail http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CPU_cache Name of variable is stored only if you not strip symbols in linker settings in your project.. Reading/writing bits like variables will increase executable object size, not reduce it. Additional bit-wise and & and bit-wise or | will have to be included in it.
  9. You're right. I added by myself "wise", or "not wise" use of money basing on historical data. Extrapolation and judgment on my side. It's discussion. I have full right to comment your claim: "These revenues would reduce the deficit, allow for greater investment in social goods like healthcare, education, retirement, infrastructure, and more." and fix it to proper in my opinion: "These revenues would allow for greater investment in weapons, wars etc." Look, we are just arguing on use of money gathered from taxes. I don't have (yet) brainwashed brain, and can properly estimate what government will do in future.. If you want to fooling yourself and overestimate professionalisms and good will of your government, your choice. Some says that self lying keeps people sane. Agreement. But there must be real good will, not for public demagogic BS regularly applied near election time.. You're making serious mistake joining old "prosperity time" with "high taxes to richest people", like they would be synonym. And suggesting that increased taxes (again) will fix arised already inequalities. While it will not have such results. Look, I am selling and buying stocks for years 10+ though Internet. I wrote couple applications for stock market trading. I can find a way to bypass your government taxes in a while. If I can do it being here, the same can do any real financial adviser in your country, if such tax would be established. Increase of taxes for rich is pure demagogic. It sounds right (if you're poor), but have the most of time reverse result. See France example 75% tax introduced recently after Hollande took seat in 2012. As I said already twice, production in western countries were killed, and moved to cheaper labor countries. Increasing tax for rich people won't remove inequalities. But learning new technologies & science can. But learning has to be free of charge for everybody. Paid schools are increasing inequalities, because members of lowest classes can't afford learning and are excluded. At that time you had your own real production. Now it's in China, Taiwan and Japan.. And it won't return. You can only make more software programmers (they are the cheapest to make), designers 3d (now in 3d printers time they will be really needed), and similar high-tech, high knowledge jobs. But everybody must be able to participate (free schools and free university). I was talking about "average person" and you gave example of 5-10% of population. That's clearly unfair. I don't deny existence of such persons with financial problems. I don't deny existence of prostitutes, gangsters, thief, homeless, illness, etc. etc. persons. Simply their case is not "average" in my opinion. It's as far as I can see from average. See John Cuthber comment, he said he is average. At least average in UK. Picking bad school, picking truancy instead of learning at teenage is also (bad) choice made. We have even adage about it. It can be summarized to "who is hard working learning as teenage, has easy life as adult, and who is playing as teenage, he/she has hard life as adult" or something like that. Local situation here is meaningless to judge whether increasing taxes to rich people is right move or not. Whether it will fix situation, or not. We have between 15-20% regular unemployment rate. People don't run for work and taking everything what they can, just to work. People don't do everything for money. Schools and majority university are free of charge. It's really hard to find somebody below 30 years old without Master's degree (even people that didn't pass in high school, that I know, ended up with Master's degree later). If we divide quantity of houses/apartments in the country by quantity of people there is rate 0.356. So basically 35.6% of people are owners of houses/apartments (in 80-90% owned by them, not loan). Each house/apartment costs between 100k-200k usd equivalent. If we count one man, one women, and one children per family, basically nearly everybody has their own house/apartment. This disallows internal migration. People are working where they have their house/apartment within 1-2 km is the most optimal. Typical renting apartment person is student at university in major city. Houses/apartments are inherited from grandparents to grandchild typically. So typical average 20-30 year old person is starting with 100-200k usd asset in pocket. There is no run for money, no run for job, at any cost. Although some that migrated to UK, are starting behaving like that. Which is sad. Bank cannot take you house/apartment, even if you stop paying installment from loan without giving you spare apartment. So banks avoid it at any cost. In 2012 year there was 0.057% evictions (1/1753 apartments). You need to try very hard to be evicted. There are "vacations" from paying loan. You can take it for couple years (2 y+ IIRC). So basically you can safely not pay loan for 2y+ and nothing happens. Evictions are for alcoholic, narcotics addicted people etc. Typical loan from apartment is $350 per month and 30 years. For 2 adults hired, not a problem to pay, even with the lowest salary.
  10. So, you don't even know what means "absolute value" in mathematics.... [math]|-100|=100[/math] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Absolute_value Couple things that you should read: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Integer http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Real_number http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rational_number http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irrational_number http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fraction_%28mathematics%29
  11. If you didn't calculate anything, you don't know whether it fits like a glove or not.
  12. But Compton wavelength is typically calculated using electron mass m=me=9.11*10-31 kg. [latex]\lambda_c = \frac {h}{m_ec}=2.426 pm[/latex] If we will use different particle mass f.e. m=mp=1.67*10-27 kg, we will get much smaller Compton wavelength for protons.. [latex]\lambda_p = \frac {h}{m_pc}=1.323 fm[/latex] Then how could Compton wavelength for electrons being the smallest size? Falsified instantly. Yes, I know how to derive Planck mass from other constants. My point was that if we have Universe with radius r, existing for time t, it should have mass of current Universe, otherwise mass-energy equation would be violated.
  13. One my disk with many (IIRC >=5 partitions, extended) was recognized instantly when plugged directly to motherboard, but when it was through SATA<->USB, it was taking 10-15 minutes until seeing the all partitions. At first you get impression that it's not working, not mounted. After several minutes, they're starting adding one by one.
  14. For such moments you need software that let you see and edit MBR, eventually clear it to null. These drives you're talking about were connected through USB? This way everything is passing through USB drivers, they might introduce issues. If they're normal SATA plugged to interface to USB, they can be unplugged and connected through normal SATA.. I have seen not once on Windows HDD that was working fine when it was connected directly to SATA, but was not visible when it was connected through SATA<->USB interface. Your external hard disks are taking power from computer, from USB, or have external power supply? It's also important order in which device is starting. On some disks I have to first power on from external power supply, so disks are spinning already at full rate, then connect USB to computer. It often doesn't work other way. USB is informing system about plugged device. If device is not ready (disks are not spinning 7200 rpm), then there is no info to inform system, and disk is undetected. In such cases unplugging USB and plugging again might help (as long as power supply is external). I have also seen disks that were not detectable on 1st PC, through same SATA<->USB interface, and detectable on 2nd PC. Or reverse. And this had nothing to do with Macintosh. These PC have different OS version (manufactured by Microsoft), different motherboard (manufactured by Asus and Gigabyte), different drivers (who knows)..
  15. Then while searching google for solution you must not use "usb drive" which means "flash pendrive" but explicitly "usb external storage hard disk".. BTW, there are readers connected to USB- you plug normal any SATA hard disk to it, and interface allow communication through USB. I have one such, but never needed to plug it to Mac. They're connected in network since ever. After all either machine must have Internet access.
  16. Interesting subject. By "USB drive" you meant "flash pendrive", or "USB external hard disk"? Can you clarify? Recently I bought new digital camera that has SanDisk SDHC 8 GB memory (cost $8) (there are up to 64 GB but much more expensive). They have also different speeds, between 10 MB/s to even 280 MB/s. Transfer using USB cable from equipment was troublesome (it was refusing to download 1 GB+ files). So I got special USB SD card reader for them (cost $2.7). Like this: You plug SD memory to reader, and whole thing to USB in computer. I just checked it, and it worked either in my Windows (obviously), and also on my Macintosh (you inspired me to check this). It's reported to system as MSDOS (FAT32) file system in Get Info on drive icon. I could read and write files on it. It appears also much faster than normal USB pendrive. My SD memory has 40 MB/s. I normally transfer data using Ethernet between Mac and Windows.
  17. What I said is neither "red herring", nor "logical fallacy". You claimed that your government would use wisely money got from additionally introduced tax. Pretty naive! I claim that they would waste it (or steal it in devious way). And I gave example how they're wasting it in the past.. "Learn from history, to not repeat mistake". Yes, I understand what you claimed. And I overthrow it with extremely sad example. Your deficit is in pocket of weapon making companies and bankers now. Which years in history you have in mind while saying "taxes that are more inline with what we saw for generations and during times of amazing growth"? As far as I can see, since at least 1945 it's steady oscillating between 15-20% (but it has no split to brackets) This graph has: But it's just one year, and pretty modern 2000. And the richest are paying the most in this graph. I found this: Do you think this in fair? 90% tax for the richest? (I never thought I will be "advocate" of rich people.... ) Well, I said "average person". I would not say "average person" about somebody that you described above. I never meet somebody who would have 2 jobs (except doctors), not to mention 3 jobs. How do they do it? Day has 24 hours. And regular job takes 8h. Here when somebody is offering too low wage to survive in single job (which means minimal wage), people refuse taking such job - it would be instant spiral to financial troubles. It's the case for foreigners that have to rent apartment in city. Renting apartment one room + kitchen costs 1200-1300 per month, minimal wage is 1750 or so, and food price is 325. Left 225 = 60 usd equivalent. Everybody is judging from their perspective, from their experience..
  18. Trees. One pine has mass between 1,000 to 10,000 kg. If I estimated correctly. Diameter 1-1.5 m, height 30-35 m, density 530 kg/m3. After 90 years height 35 m or so (0.4 m/y grow). If each human would buy and plant one pine per year, cost $4.7 per each pine black (up to 50 m height) cost $2.7 per each pine scots (up to 35 m height) it'd be 7 bln trees per year. After 24 years, there would be 34 bln tons of CO2 less in atmosphere. According to Internet in 2011 humans released 34 bln tons of CO2.
  19. "The average Social Security payment for retired workers in 2014 is about $1,300. " I would dream about $1300 retirement pension. I never had such salary. Maybe because I don't care much about money. f.e. everything of what I earned in the last months I spend on lab equipment (that'll never return, so it was not investment). You're dreaming! Your government, if you're in US, is "investing" in murdering people around the world. In wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, etc. etc. Financial cost of the Iraq War: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Financial_cost_of_the_Iraq_War "The costs of the 2003-2010 Iraq War are often contested, as academics and critics have unearthed many hidden costs not represented in official estimates. The most recent major report on these costs come from Brown University in the form of the Costs of War, which totaled just over $1.1 trillion. " That's where is your money that you paid in taxes went. Not some "health, education, retirement, infrastructure, and more.".. On your side, not mine. You and overtone are suggesting to increase taxes to rich people to fight against inequalities. It actually won't help poor people any way. It's impossible from mathematics point of view. Simply because rich people are very few, and have no money but shares of their companies. The only way to decrease their wealthiness would be to nationalize (stealing) their companies. So, instead of thinking how to make rich people harder to earn money, you should think about how to make easier to earn more money by poorest instead. There is plentiful of homeless people in New York and other large cities, and plentiful of bank owned and then ruined homes that they took because owners couldn't pay rent/loan.. Instead of making 2+2=4, you're thinking about something that cannot work successfully. Give homeless people house! It doesn't cost ANYTHING. One way is to increase minimum wage each year. USA has not bad minimum wage, as far as I can see (from my own point of view). It's getting worser because typical average person is spending all/more than what he/she is earning and saving nothing. While typical rich person is spending less than what he/she is earning/receiving in stocks. It cannot be stopped or reversed any democratic way in capitalistic environment. There is no problem. But still it means rich people are getting richer, even not doing anything. And this is unstoppable in any democratic way. See, rich person who owns stocks, can take loan in bank giving stocks as guarantee, then use money from credit to buy even more stocks (or living). Loan is paid from dividend. This can be repeated again and again. As long as it's in constantly growing stock price environment.
  20. IMHO, not really. Take for example: "Mass at END of Epoch: 10^19 GeV (Planck Mass)" It's less mass than in 1 gram of water.
  21. In Europe, everybody, no matter if low, middle, or high class have pension after retirement.. The lowest one pension here is 234 usd/month (277 usd/m before Ukrainian crisis) (it's not constant, each year revalorization). You would have to not have legal job, or have no job at all ever, to not have pension. You're completely ignoring any argumentation. Taxing rich people won't change anything. Owners of companies will simply increase their salary to compensate higher taxes. If we have tax 20% and person is earning gross 100,000 per month. tax 20% from 100k is 20k. Net 80k. Now if government will increase tax to f.e. 40%, it doesn't necessarily mean that that person will get 60k. Owner of company (especially if they're the same person) and that person will renegotiate contract and increase gross to 133k, and tax 40% will be 53k, and net 80k. What does it means to ordinary employee? That there is less money left for them, because government took more. For any action, there is counter reaction.. Do you even saw how much B.Gates, W.Buffett lost during 2008 crisis? It was counted in 10 digits numbers. As I said, rich people don't have money, they have shares... If you want Bill Gates lost all his richness, you want to destruction of his companies, and drama of hundred thousands employees.
  22. Solution is easier than anyone can think: simply plant more plants..
  23. P=I*U where I=Q/t so P=Q/t*U P*t=Q*U so E=Q*U For ideal circuit without loses Input energy you have Q1*U1 Output energy you have Q2*U2 They must be equal in ideal circuit Q1*U1 =Q2*U2 in practice: Q1*U1 >Q2*U2 because energy is lost on heating wire etc. (read about voltage drop http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voltage_drop ) Q1*24 V=Q2*90 V For Q1=1 C you will have Q2=0.2666 C, at max. If you divide Q by e const = 1.602*10-19 C, you will have quantity of electrons. They are not created, nor destroyed, in circuit. So, if you have large quantity of electrons with low voltage on input, you will receive small quantity of electrons on output with larger voltage. Or reverse, depending on circuit. For I1= 100 mA you will have 26 mA output current I2.
  24. Did you bothered compiling it on Linux to see how it's working.. ? I don't think so. Otherwise, you would not write this: "Do you expect us to reverse-engineer your code, or are you going to explain it?"
  25. Because CPU is storing/reading data to/from memory in bytes/words/long words/long long words. To manipulate single bits, read byte, set/clear bit, and store byte. f.e. unsigned char data; data |= 1<<x; // set bit x=0...7 or data = ( data | 1<<x ); data &= ~( 1<<x ); // clear bit x=0...7 or data = ( data & ~( 1<<x ) );
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