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Everything posted by Sensei

  1. Nobody is forcing you to switch to Windows entirely. But you have to provide Windows compatible version of your source code, otherwise it's useless to people reading this thread. We have no idea what your code is generating! It's kinda like you would wrote nothing.
  2. Aaron, it's nice you put some effort in making this device. Typical person writing in this section of forum, almost never bother with experiments, nor learning. That's something refreshing. Hope to see more experiments. But when typical scientists see something unexpected, he/she is analyzing how this could happen (to get rid of). Not making theory straight away. There is needed dozen times repetitions in different environments before theory.. Buy red, green, blue, white, violet lasers. And repeat your experiment again. Also make them work at the same time, to compare how different wavelength lasers perform. Spin your device - whether orientation north-south, east-west has any influence. Build yet another version of your device. And repeat. Compare results. Build 3rd version, this time with larger distance between mirrors. Or make distance adjustable. Build 4th version, this time with medium other than air. f.e. aquarium with mirrors instead of walls. With water or other liquid (methanol, ethanol?) as medium.. Check especially how laser beams will be looking on mirrors placed especially at different angles, not parallel. Another idea- make checkmarks (array of lines?) on mirrors (well known distance between them). It will be easier to estimate "curve". ps. Did you clean really well your mirrors prior setting up everything? NASA is building spaceships/satellites in dust free environment, not without a reason.
  3. So far I saw no science in any of your posts..
  4. The problem with your source is such, it's for Unix/Linux, not for Windows.. So we can't compile and see how it's working. It would be easier if you would include Windows compatible version..
  5. Carbon-12 is just one of two stable isotopes of Carbon. Carbon-13 is also stable. It's so abundant just because it's made by collision of three Helium-4 nucleus/alpha particles together (second the most abundant isotope). [math]_2^4He+_2^4He+_2^4He\rightarrow_6^{12}C+7.275 MeV[/math] Quantity of reactions in stars define abundance of given isotope in Universe.
  6. I said that collapse of stock markets would wipe out your future retirement pension.. Increase of capital taxes will move capital to foreign stock markets, decrease fluidity, and might ignite meltdown/crisis.
  7. Checking this for photons is easier. Don't require to have expensive equipment. For photons, there is needed array of polarization filters with the same alignment. The more filters in chain, the more "up" photons, but less quantity (the rest is reflected). I showed how polarization filters works with polarized photons in this thread http://www.scienceforums.net/topic/80366-particle-location/page-3#entry783255 So you can see it on your own eyes (photos).
  8. Do you realize how small resistance has plain metal wire, copper, aluminum, iron? Check out on table http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electrical_resistivity_and_conductivity Cheap multimeter has resolution maybe 0.1 ohm (check in instruction).. And you have maybe 1 m length? Did you exactly measured diameter and length of wire?
  9. Everybody savings for pension after retirement are right now invested in stocks by retirement funds.. Individual investors are now margin in western countries. Majority are funds. You can be connected to funds in a way you don't realize. f.e. your bank where you have account could buy bonds of, or lend money to funds. If too many funds will have serious problems, and they will collapse, your bank can also bankrupt.. And money on account above guarantee will be gone, like in Cyprus. They sell/buy bonds every day, it's fluid.
  10. It's not problem. It's method to bond manager/CEO with the company they work. This way CEO wants the best to his company, so price of stocks is growing. Tax from stocks is typically paid when they're sold. Options for stocks are locked for certain time (half year, year, 2y), disallowed to be sold. If taxes would be increased for selling stocks it would have to done for all stock selling not just made by CEO/managers. That would ruin stock markets and decrease fluidity. Such law would cause meltdown. Here there is law that when insider is selling stocks, he/she must inform market in official info within 3 days. After such info there is usually large drop in price. Selling by CEO means there is something wrong with company that he/she doesn't want anymore have stocks of his/her company. CEOs/managers avoid it all the way they can. Not once stocks were offered to average employee. What they were doing- instantly selling them! In newly born companies that doesn't earn yet, stocks instead of salary is very common practice. f.e. Facebook, everybody who was first on board received shares, long time prior public listing. People work for free, for share in company they believe will be successful in future. Quantity of CEOs is very small. Count how many companies you have listed on stock markets, and you have quantity of public companies CEOs.. Let owners of these companies decide how much pay and what method do it with their managers. It's thing between owners and them. Giving them stocks has to make them care about future of company. Good manager doesn't sell his/her stocks. He/she is taking credit in bank giving stocks as guarantee. First of all, such company would bankrupt soon, and all would be unemployed, either in US & foreign. Because it won't be able to compete with prices offered by foreign only companies. Second, US law can't be extended to foreign countries. They have their own laws. Third, it's easy to bypass. Just make foreign company and buy from it ready product. Rights would not be able any way to be extended to foreign company workers. It's completely separate entity.
  11. Wrong conclusions. The major difference in the economic was having your own production, instead of moving production and importing "everything" from China.. Moving production to cheaper workers countries was result of optimization performed by companies to satisfy shareholders to EARN MORE (see post #20). Shareholder = in large percentage banks, investment funds, retirement funds, People that earn too less, can't afford children, have them less than 2, in future will cause other problems- retirement funds won't get their funds from people. By supporting this optimization to earn more now, retirement funds are cutting branch on which they are sitting in future. But it's not problem for current management team. They will get bigger salary now. They're plain stupid/greedy/planned action. Another difference is Nixon Shock after '71 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nixon_Shock
  12. ALex7JA, when the last time you recorded anything on magnetic tape? Ever? The all recorders that I saw had to have pressed two buttons to start recording, not one. Record button typically is red. And simultaneously you have to press play. That was to prevent overwriting by accident. ps. I recorded thousands times in Atari times in '80, my computer applications. Every day, new recorded thing..
  13. Did you verified it using compass array? f.e. my room and bathroom are complete magnetic field nightmare.. At different heights, different locations, compass/compass array is showing completely different results even +-90 degrees from the north. (bathroom has good explanation of this- washing machine, and something well magnetized in walls). Compass array looks like this (it's my model). It costs ~30 usd. He said that contents of drawer was also affected.
  14. We have bill for radio. $1.79 per month, or $19.34 per year. But nobody pays it.. Like ajb said, every country has different taxes.
  15. Avogadro law: "The Avogadro constant is named after the early 19th century Italian scientist Amedeo Avogadro, who in 1811 first proposed that the volume of a gas (at a given pressure and temperature) is proportional to the number of atoms or molecules regardless of the nature of the gas." ?
  16. Build your own particle detector for $50, instruction is here: How to build cloud chamber particle detector You will be able to see traces leaved by high energy particles colliding with upper level atmosphere and secondary rays produced by them flying through detector. Here is example video: You can make your own highly accelerated particles, using high voltage generators, that will leave traces in detector..
  17. It's not visitors of Wiki. But some unknown group of websites. Imagine somebody is visiting google/msdn/yahoo etc. It's his/her start page. Whenever page is requester, HTTP request contain data about your computer. They gather people data, and make statistics. Wikipedia only stats are here http://stats.wikimedia.org/wikimedia/squids/SquidReportOperatingSystems.htm 460 million unique visitors in month. http://reportcard.wmflabs.org/
  18. Click Timeframe and pick up "This month".. These data are real time, probably from analyze of browsing people visiting websites around the world. In HTTP header there is mentioned which OS they use. Isn't just 12 day of 2015 year?
  19. Google "operating system statistics"... http://www.netmarketshare.com/operating-system-market-share.aspx?qprid=10&qpcustomd=0 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Usage_share_of_operating_systems
  20. People bought new computers/laptops with preinstalled 8 on them, but their old computers/laptops are still working, so they could give them to kids, parents, friends.. Buying just operating system as a gift for Christmas (even for yourself)? C'mon! Reinstall of system is pain, not pleasure.. Whole workplace is destroyed. Unless you buy also new hard disk with OS. Then why not buy whole new laptop/PC?
  21. Suppose so pitcher is accelerating 150 gram ball to 200 km/h (his max). 200 km/h = 200,000 m/h = 55.56 m/s [math]E.K.=\frac{1}{2}*m_1*v_1^2 = \frac{1}{2}*0.15*55.56^2=231.5 J[/math] That's energy he has to, at least, spend on acceleration. Replace equation with different mass of ball: [math]231.5 J = \frac{1}{2}*0.1*v_2^2[/math] [math]v_2=68\frac{m}{s}[/math] During flight ball will be decelerating due to air resistance, and gravitational attraction, and losing kinetic energy with time. Area contacting with air will have influence how fast or slow it'll be happening. Solid metal has large density, so ball would have pretty small radius and small area (in comparison to non metal equivalent with the same mass). But not if we throw ball in cosmic space. That's why astronauts must have their tools on wire, otherwise they would fly away.
  22. Not entirely true. When (charge neutral) photon passes through region with strong magnetic field, its polarization is rotating. From not polarized light, we can have linear polarized light on demand (when current flows through electromagnet and creates external magnetic field). http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Faraday_effect http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Faraday_rotator Compare differences between Hydrogen and Deuterium spectral lines.. and then with Tritium. The only difference between them is mass in nucleus, caused by additional neutrons.
  23. Do you realize that KNO3 you can get in normal market shop with food.. ? At least here.. It's used to pickling meat.. I bought it not once. In Leroy Merlin also they sell it. One way that comes to mind, although I have not tested it, is using water. KNO3 is soluble in water, while carbon and sulfur, not. I would try filter column (like below) and leave it alone for days or weeks and see what happens.
  24. The poorest people lost their houses, because of greedy of banks.. And now f.e. half of Detroit is dead city without population, with quarters of houses owned by banks, ruined, and waiting to be demolished. They could/should be resident by all these NY homeless people.. But it's AMERICA, so money and greedy always wins.. If I were Buffet or Gates, I would buy all these ruined houses for $1 each (bargain for banks), and give them to homeless people. That reminds me couple my US clients who said (around 2008-2009) "year ago I had wife, I had house, I had work, I had family, now I am divorced, unemployed and homeless"..
  25. Simply their stocks prices went up..
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