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Everything posted by Sensei

  1. I told you it in other thread- you can do it even by yourself. Beta Decay Plus is emitting positron. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Positron_emission Majority of unstable isotopes proton-rich are emitting positrons. f.e. [math]Carbon^{11} \rightarrow Boron^{11} + e^+ + V_e + 0.96 MeV[/math] How to calculate Decay Energy you can learn reading paper in my signature. Basically - we measure mass of particle before decaying, we measure mass of particle after decaying, we see what has charge particle that is emitted, we see how much it's accelerated. And we can calculate what must have mass our emitted particle. Fusion between proton and proton also releases positron: [math]p^+ + p^+ \rightarrow D^+ + e^+ + V_e + 0.42 MeV[/math] When looking at it from energy point of view: [math]938.272 MeV + 938.272 MeV = 1875.61 MeV + 0.511 MeV + 0.42 MeV[/math] (divide them by 931.494 MeV and you will have results in amu). Mass can be also calculated when particle is making circles in external magnetic field. It's not anti-gravity. There is no anti-mass in what we're talking about....
  2. The most interesting part is: "Existing models of planet formation suggest that the process shouldn't be able to produce bodies of sufficient size to create these gaps within the relatively short time that HL Tauri has existed. So, this will almost certainly not be the last time that ALMA directs its gaze to HL Tauri, and the full description of these observations may cause a rethink of our models of planetary formation."
  3. Calculation of energy of photons emitted/absorbed by Hydrogen is: [math]E=\frac{13.6 eV}{n^2}-\frac{13.6 eV}{m^2}[/math] [math]13.6 eV * 1.6021766*10^{-19}=2.17896*10^{-18} J[/math] When n=3, and m>=4 then: [math]E=\frac{13.6 eV}{3^2}-\frac{13.6 eV}{4^2}=0.66111 eV[/math] [math]E=\frac{13.6 eV}{3^2}-\frac{13.6 eV}{5^2}=0.96711 eV[/math] [math]E=\frac{13.6 eV}{3^2}-\frac{13.6 eV}{6^2}=1.13333 eV[/math] To convert eV to J there is needed to multiply by e. [math]E=\frac{hc}{\lambda}[/math] Convert energy to wavelength: [math]\lambda=\frac{hc}{E}[/math]
  4. Pions are bosons in SM. Normal matter is made of proton (+1e) with electron (-1e), and antimatter is made of antiproton (-1e) with positron (+1e). Proton and antiproton have the same rest mass mp, and electron and positron also have the same rest mass me. Or at least so close to its antiparticle that it's indistinguishable for measuring devices. I think you should spend more time reading and learning and performing your own experiments.. f.e. have you ever made your own Hydrogen plasma? It would cost less than 100 usd (50 usd on Cockcroft-Walton high voltage generator self made).. I will send you list of theories and discoveries Physics History since 1600. It's more than 200 articles to read. Read one per day and you will be more knowledgeable after 7 months.. Do you mean how do we know e = 1.602*10^-19 C ? It's from oil drop experiment. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oil_drop_experiment Although it can be calculated during electrolysis of water, when we know Avogadro const, ideal gas law, and ohm/ampere laws. As always, observation of how Universe is behaving.
  5. Do you want to have your own DNS (server), or you want just to use somebody else DNS (use as client).. ? If second, search google for "how to setup dns windows 7" or so. f.e. http://www.opennicproject.org/configure-your-dns/how-to-change-dns-servers-in-windows-7/ Looks pretty similar to older Windows.. If you want your own server, search for BIND.
  6. Are familiar with function allowing calculate decays per second at all? For U-238 (238 g sample) decays per second will be average 2.136 mln/second. Uranium-238 -> Thorium-234 + alpha + 4.26992 MeV 4.26992 MeV is 6.84*10^-13 J energy. 2.136*10^6 * 6.84*10^-13 J = 1.4608*10^-6 J/s 100,000 times less than LED diode with U=5 V,I=25 mA is consuming energy per second..
  7. Rest mass of electron is more likely 9.11*10^-31 kg. That's nearly 10^-30 kg, not 10^-31 kg. That's why it's good to remember exact values..
  8. Isn't momentum relativistic? [math]p=m_0*v*\gamma[/math] [math]\lambda=\frac{h}{p}[/math] [math]\lambda=\frac{h}{m_0*v*\gamma}[/math] Although, [math]100\frac{m}{s}[/math] isn't relativistic velocity.
  9. Two accelerated proton beams is much harder to perform experiment, than having stationary protons in chamber, and single beam of protons. We need to see, detect, "catch" these newly made particles, and keep them in magnetic traps (so they won't annihilate) for further experiments.. It's even harder to describe annihilation process of proton-antiproton. Their acceleration also matters. Accelerated antiprotons colliding with stationary protons will produce something else than stationary antiprotons with stationary protons. For stationary proton and stationary antiproton annihilation is as below:
  10. Strange's code *) even works with Open Office, I just tried: =AND(IF(A1=1;1;0);IF(B1=5;1;0)) But's harder than simply: =IF(A1=1;IF(B1=5;1;0);0) I attached OpenOffice doc: test.zip *) OpenOffice has character ; to separate parameters, not comma.
  11. Because refractive index of air is ~1.0, while refractive index of water is ~1.33. If you will have two transparent materials with equal or very similar refractive indexes, there will be no distortions, and you will have no idea that something is there, object will "disappear". You can see this experiment on video
  12. On Moon or other planet it would be different distance to horizon. It's depending on curvature (radius) of sphere and your height.
  13. AFAIK css/html games use JavaScript a lot. F.e. if you have implemented ONCLICK="itemname.style='xxx'" it's exactly inline JavaScript. all ONxxxx="code" are execution of JavaScript code. Save this to index.htm and open in browser (checked Firefox 33,Chrome 38,IE6 only): <html> <body> <div id="xxx" onclick="xxx.style.color='#FF0000';"> Click me! </div> </body> </html>
  14. Sensei

    War in Ukraine

    Well, nobody on the west expected he will piss on constitution.. People on the west are paying for methane. If we will find other source of energy, we won't need Russian's gas anymore, no matter who will be ruling Russia. So it won't help your's economy in long term. For now Putin is afraid of lost of clients. After inventing alternative sources of energy, he will lose everything..
  15. Only when size of memory that is copied is fixed. for( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) { dst[ i ] = src[ i ]; } can be unrolled to: dst[ 0 ] = src[ 0 ]; dst[ 1 ] = src[ 1 ]; dst[ 2 ] = src[ 2 ]; dst[ 3 ] = src[ 3 ]; (to not use if() and loop) But if code is: for( i = 0; i < size; i++ ) { dst[ i ] = src[ i ]; } You can't unroll loop that has unknown size.. You can argue that int has fixed size 4 bytes = 32 bits = 2^32 possible states = 4294967296 So you would prepare 4294967296 different sets for different 'size'. Ok. But then I can make dynamic integer C++ class that's dynamically changing its size, once x++ is reaching 4294967296 new buffer is allocated and now has 8 bytes = 64 bits = 2^64 possible states. Then after a while when x++ will reach 18446744073709551616 new 4 bytes space is allocated and counter is still going. And it'll be going forever (in practice to out of memory situation in real computer). How are you going to prepare in advance infinite quantity set for infinite large number?
  16. Like I showed in post #20 we just need math/move operation performed on PC register, like any other register. Imagine we have calculated new PC register value in temporary data register, and then MOVE.L D0,PC (equivalent to JMP (D0) or GOTO (D0)) Branch is taken when D0 is not equal to current PC, and branch is not taken when D0 is equal to current PC.
  17. LCD screen 1920x1080 24 bit color has 1920*1080*24=49766400 bits so there is [math]2^{49766400}[/math] possible states. CD sound has 44100 Hz, 16 bits, 2 channels has: 44100*16*2=1411200 bits so there is [math]2^{1411200}[/math] possible states. (my calculators refuse showing how much it's in decimal, error out of precision) Interesting question appeared: how many (billions) years we could play without seeing the same setup of pixels twice. 30 FPS * 60 * 60 * 24*365,25 = 946728000 (approximately 2^30=1073741824) Nearly billion unique frames per year.. But there is theoretically possible [math]2^{49766400}[/math] Because you wouldn't been able, to your own example..
  18. Let's split such Space Invaders to parts: It has main loop which does: - clear screen, redraw background, redraw current state of all displayable objects. Redraw score on top. Swap buffers (without double buffering, display would be flashing) - there are two dynamic arrays with unknown length: array of missiles, array of UFO objects attacking. - missiles fired by player has simply y=y-1 performed each frame to move them in time. UFOs missiles have reverse. - UFO object movement. For loop for every UFO object in array and perform change in direction. - collision checking requires comparing every existing missile with every existing UFO object (this is the simplest algorithm and the slowest, begs for sorting objects in different axes and comparison only those who are close, otherwise with ufo_count=100, and missile_count=100 we will end up with 10,000 comparison every frame * 30 FPS = 300,000 per second): - when if( ( missile->left_x > ufo->left_x ) && ( missile->right_x < ufo->right_x ) && ( missile->top_y > ufo->top_y ) && ( missile->bottom_y < ufo->bottom_y ) ) missile hit UFO object, and such object is deleted from array. Missile is also removed from its own array. It might be delayed - to show object is exploding. Score is increased. - when missile->bottom_y is less than 0, or missile->top_y > height, missile passed screen and is removed from array. (left_x,top_y,right_x,bottom_y are in range of screen resolution of currently picked by user in options, or default desktop resolution (unknown at compile-time)) - check whether user pressed left, or right key and move player's object accordingly increasing or decreasing it's position. - check whether user pressed fire, make new missile object and add it to the array. - check whether player has been hit by some UFO missile. - check whether player has been hit by other UFO object. - wait for vertical blank synchronization (to have f.e. 30/50 frames per second). (some old game missed it, or was implementing it as counting down for() loop, and are now unplayable on emulators, runs hundred times faster than on original machine) Now John, please provide code without conditional branches which is responsible f.e. collision detection.. And other mentioned parts.
  19. More exotic decay modes are double beta decay minus, and double beta decay plus http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Double_beta_decay Electron capture http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electron_capture Double electron capture http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Double_electron_capture Isomeric transition http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuclear_isomer
  20. Kramer, you know well it's not "easy question".. I would run into speculation while trying to answer it. It is not 2mpc^2 but more, see article here http://galileo.phys.virginia.edu/classes/252/particle_creation.html
  21. Atoms are not "splitting in half". Half-life is time needed to decay half of amount of atoms. f.e. you have 100 particles of unstable isotope at time t0 then 50 particles at time t1 then 25 particles at time t2 where (t1-t0) = (t2-t1) = half-life time Obviously while unstable isotope amount is decreasing with time, final product isotope is increasing at the same time. You should start from reading about beta decay http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beta_decay Alpha decay http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alpha_decay Proton emission http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proton_emission Neutron emission http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neutron_emission
  22. Sensei

    War in Ukraine

    You should resist when he applied for 3rd cadence against any democratic constitution..
  23. Have you heard about oil drop experiment? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oil_drop_experiment In this experiment we're first letting oil fail to ground - electric field is present on plates. Oil drop is failing because it's uncharged = equal quantity of positive (protons) and negative particles (electrons). Then we're starting shutting to oil from x-ray gun, x-rays cause ionization of oil drop, electrons are ejected from it, and now on oil drop is positively charged. And we're NOW able to control oil. Whether it has to levitate. Or whether it has to fly up...
  24. I showed this thread to friend of mine, who was recently programming PIC microcontrollers. He told me that his PIC doesn't have branch functions except one: BTFSC z <skip the next instruction if Z flag is clear> GOTO somewhere <branch taken if Z was set> do stuff <branch not taken if Z was clear> All instructions have fixed width, so BTFSC known in advance how many bits skip (12 bits per instruction!), without having offset parameter. You have to jump by yourself to location you want.
  25. You It seems to have very limited understanding of what is "computer program", which is sign of lack of experience in subject "writing real software". I have calculated that I have spend at least 81,000 hours writing software. People used to pay me for translating C/C++ code to assembler twenty years ago. Typical computer program is waiting for external data to arrive at random order, at random moment of time, read from external source of data (such as i/o disk), downloaded from random source like Internet. Basically adopting to situation meet in environment and unknown in advance at compile time. Your "computer program" has to have all data ready at run time... as you cannot have any loops, any conditional branches, abnormal exiting of loops... Do you want to replace if( mouse_x == x ) with jump table? Then you have to do it at compile time.... You will make 640 entries jump table ready for 640 pixels wide screen, then new monitor manufacturer come by next year and make 800x600 monitor, and your code will simply fail with it... You will make code ready for 800x600, the next year new manufacturer will come by with 1024.. Your code would have to be AI and self-modifying code to adapt to unknown situation spontaneously.. Repeat it several times over the last 20 years. I have personally 1920x1080 screens, but some my friends are now at 2560x1440. Conditional branch code will adopt automatically to different size of screen, while compile-time jump-table will be screwed.
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