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Everything posted by Sensei

  1. I was just thinking about reusing already made hole for mine's elevator. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zero_Gravity_Research_Facility I don't see any water. Hole should be properly sealed from either side.
  2. You need as many HCl as NaNO3 on input Because one of products will be NaCl
  3. The easiest solutions are usually the best one - why not put drop tube in old unused mine, or oil drill. They can be even a few kilometers long, but below ground. You don't have to worry at least about wind force. To cool down electronics, I would try surrounding them by some heat conductive (but electric not conductive) liquid.
  4. Sensei

    A Water Tax?

    Hydroponics is much more efficient. "Hydroponics also saves water; it uses as little as 1⁄20 the amount as a regular farm to produce the same amount of food." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hydroponics
  5. Nitrogen alone is non reactive. while Oxygen is very reactive. Especially if you increase temperature (which is obviously happening inside of tire, because of braking, friction with road). Asphalt road temperatures can be quite high also, especially in hot regions of Earth. If you will leave f.e. Iron (or other metal) inside of chamber with N2 gas, after months or years nothing will happen to metal (most likely). Oxygen sooner or later will create iron/metal oxides. If you will pass current through iron wire inside of chamber with pure oxygen reaction will be immediate. Remember also that in tire you have gas under high pressure. Make a map where are living people that had problems. Ask them about environment temperature. Try finding "common denominator" for them. Here is article (use translator) about whether it's worth to fill tires by nitrogen or air: http://www.motofakty.pl/artykul/czy-warto-pompowac-opony-azotem.html (Google translator) "Nitrogen is an odorless, colorless, tasteless, non-flammable, free from moisture, chemically little active. In connection with its specific chemical properties at the beginning of the sixties of the last century, scientists from the laboratories of tire manufacturers have explored how it behaves inflated tire. Tests have proved that a tire filled with just this component of the air is gaining a lot longer for life. That is why since the decade began to use the technique of nitrogen tire inflation. The pioneers were the vehicles used in mining, aerospace, transportation of dangerous goods (such as. Flammable), and thus heavy vehicles. Nitrogen has long been filled tires wheels in Formula 1 cars which, because of the enormous speed are exposed, inter alia, to launch and fire. Pumping nitrogen is recommended primarily owners of car fleets, it helps significantly reduce operating costs." Azot jest gazem bezwonnym, bezbarwnym, bez smaku, niepalnym, wolnym od wilgoci, mało aktywnym chemicznie. W związku ze swymi specyficznymi właściwościami chemicznymi już na początku lat sześćdziesiątych ubiegłego wieku naukowcy z laboratoriów producentów ogumienia sprawdzali, jak zachowuje się napompowana nim opona. Próby dowiodły, że opona wypełniona jedynie tym składnikiem powietrza zyskuje o wiele dłużej na żywotności. Dlatego właśnie już od tej dekady zaczęto stosować technikę pompowania kół azotem. Pionierami były pojazdy wykorzystywane w przemyśle wydobywczym, lotniczym, transporcie towarów niebezpiecznych (np. łatwopalnych), a więc pojazdy ciężkie. Azot od dawna wypełnia opony kół w autach Formuły 1, które z powodu ogromnych prędkości narażone są m.in. na wystrzelenie i pożar. Pompowanie azotem polecane jest przede wszystkim właścicielom flot samochodowych, gdyż pomaga w istotny sposób obniżać koszty eksploatacji. Azot jest gazem bezwonnym, bezbarwnym, bez smaku, niepalnym, wolnym od wilgoci, mało aktywnym chemicznie. W związku ze swymi specyficznymi właściwościami chemicznymi już na początku lat sześćdziesiątych ubiegłego wieku naukowcy z laboratoriów producentów ogumienia sprawdzali, jak zachowuje się napompowana nim opona. Próby dowiodły, że opona wypełniona jedynie tym składnikiem powietrza zyskuje o wiele dłużej na żywotności. Dlatego właśnie już od tej dekady zaczęto stosować technikę pompowania kół azotem. Pionierami były pojazdy wykorzystywane w przemyśle wydobywczym, lotniczym, transporcie towarów niebezpiecznych (np. łatwopalnych), a więc pojazdy ciężkie. Azot od dawna wypełnia opony kół w autach Formuły 1, które z powodu ogromnych prędkości narażone są m.in. na wystrzelenie i pożar. Pompowanie azotem polecane jest przede wszystkim właścicielom flot samochodowych, gdyż pomaga w istotny sposób obniżać koszty eksploatacji. Azot jest gazem bezwonnym, bezbarwnym, bez smaku, niepalnym, wolnym od wilgoci, mało aktywnym chemicznie. W związku ze swymi specyficznymi właściwościami chemicznymi już na początku lat sześćdziesiątych ubiegłego wieku naukowcy z laboratoriów producentów ogumienia sprawdzali, jak zachowuje się napompowana nim opona. Próby dowiodły, że opona wypełniona jedynie tym składnikiem powietrza zyskuje o wiele dłużej na żywotności. Dlatego właśnie już od tej dekady zaczęto stosować technikę pompowania kół azotem. Pionierami były pojazdy wykorzystywane w przemyśle wydobywczym, lotniczym, transporcie towarów niebezpiecznych (np. łatwopalnych), a więc pojazdy ciężkie. Azot od dawna wypełnia opony kół w autach Formuły 1, które z powodu ogromnych prędkości narażone są m.in. na wystrzelenie i pożar. Pompowanie azotem polecane jest przede wszystkim właścicielom flot samochodowych, gdyż pomaga w istotny sposób obniżać koszty eksploatacji. Azot jest gazem bezwonnym, bezbarwnym, bez smaku, niepalnym, wolnym od wilgoci, mało aktywnym chemicznie. W związku ze swymi specyficznymi właściwościami chemicznymi już na początku lat sześćdziesiątych ubiegłego wieku naukowcy z laboratoriów producentów ogumienia sprawdzali, jak zachowuje się napompowana nim opona. Próby dowiodły, że opona wypełniona jedynie tym składnikiem powietrza zyskuje o wiele dłużej na żywotności. Dlatego właśnie już od tej dekady zaczęto stosować technikę pompowania kół azotem. Pionierami były pojazdy wykorzystywane w przemyśle wydobywczym, lotniczym, transporcie towarów niebezpiecznych (np. łatwopalnych), a więc pojazdy ciężkie. Azot od dawna wypełnia opony kół w autach Formuły 1, które z powodu ogromnych prędkości narażone są m.in. na wystrzelenie i pożar. Pompowanie azotem polecane jest przede wszystkim właścicielom flot samochodowych, gdyż pomaga w istotny sposób obniżać koszty eksploatacji. Notice sentence "Pumping nitrogen is dedicated especially to owners of cars equipped with steel wheels." (iron in steel can react with oxygen).
  6. No, I didn't miss it.. 1.0 to any power is still 1.0
  7. No. 10 um = 10*10^-6 m ( 10*10^-6)^2 = 10^-10 m^2 6*10^-10 m^2 = 6*10^-10 m^2 six sides box
  8. Hundred millions people prayed to Caesar-god after his death for a few hundred years. He has been deified at 42 BC (in the middle of article) by his grant-nephew Octavian August. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Julius_Caesar Cult of Caesar http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Imperial_cult_%28ancient_Rome%29#Divus_Julius If there would be no delegalization of ancient religions in Roman Empire, his cult could be continued.
  9. This 245 balls with 310 connectors set costs $140 http://www.eduvis.pl/oferta/chemia-pomoce-dydaktyczne/chemiczny-zestaw-nr-27-modele-kulkowe-detail Google for "ball and stick model" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ball-and-stick_model or "molymod" http://www.molymod.com ps. Stop bringing up ancient threads to top.. It's unwelcome behaving on the all forums..
  10. [math]a^{\dagger}_{p}b^{\dagger}_{q}|0>[/math] You need /math not \math... Click Preview Post, until you have everything fixed.
  11. C'mon. It could be even in the first class of primary school. Could be learned parallel with adding on math.. Simply: quantity of atoms must match between left and right sides. Like in math. f.e. Fe + Cl2 -> FeCl3 On the left you have 1 Fe On the left you have 2 Cl On the right you have 1 Fe On the right you have 3 Cl Multiply right by 2. Now you have 2 Fe, 6 Cl Then multiply left quantity of Fe by 2. To have 6 Chlorines from Cl2 you need multiply it by 3. And finally there is 2 Fe + 3 Cl2 -> 2 FeCl3 On the left you have 2 Fe On the left you have 6 Cl On the right you have 2 Fe On the right you have 6 Cl It reminds me finding common denominator in math. You could as well replace all chemical element symbols by x,y,z unknowns and don't bother with them. f.e. (1*x)+(2*y) = (x+3*y) what is needed to make this equation to be true? 2*(1*x)+3*(2*y)=2*(x+3*y)
  12. PHP script is typically executed by server when somebody (client) visited url, and extremely quickly sends result output to client that requested it (web browser). JavaScript is executed by web browser internally, while user is watching url. Then when he goes other url, it's gone.. Total time of execution calculated in seconds or minutes, as long as browser window/tab is open.. Unity+ wants to create his own *server* that has loop waiting for clients packets at some port. Client connects to f.e. 80 port, send packet, and code made by Unity+ have to process that packet and send response. That code has to work hours and hours waiting for clients... There is example of daemon in PHP docs. http://php.net/manual/en/function.socket-accept.php This usleep(100) and set_time_limit() "nicely" summarize usage of this language for such task.. You *have* to explicitly tell PHP to not automatically shut-down by using set_time_limit(0); at beginning of script. (default shut-down time is.. 30 seconds) "Warning This function has no effect when PHP is running in safe mode. There is no workaround other than turning off safe mode or changing the time limit in the php.ini."
  13. Using interpreted language for such task is one of the most stupid things I heard about (sorry).. (can you imagine making apache http server using python??) It might be done for non-commercial private test use, but when somebody pays you for doing so, you definitely should use C/C++ code to handle packets, to have as fast as possible rate of handling data.. Or even create separate threads for each connected client to have as high as possible transfer.. If you won't do so (create thread), you're running into problem that single-thread code is doing its stuff (handling packet) while other client tries to connect to server (that's busy and doesn't respond).. You would have to test hundred or thousands clients per second trying to connect to your service to see it though. Check time your code is spending on handling single packet..
  14. I prefer C/C++ just because of its powerfulness...
  15. Earth's core is made of Iron. And like any nuclear physicists know, Iron cannot fuse with another Iron.. Produced isotope would be 1) unstable 2) require more energy than released in fusion process (violation of energy conservation). If your teacher is saying that Earth's core is little star that fuses atoms together, he should be fired for learning children complete crap. But most likely you mixed fusion with fission/decay. Nuclear reactor is not fusing. It's splitting existing atoms to smaller particles. That's true. Earth's internal have unstable isotopes, that decay and release energy. But it's nothing like in star ("fusion"). Rather reverse.
  16. Sensei

    A Water Tax?

    I am paying $27 per 8 m^3 per month for water. So it's $3.4/m^3. That's plenty enough for taking a bath every day (120 Liters * 30 days = 3.6 m^3) Nobody is calling it tax. Simply "price of delivery of water".. Average? 10 m^3 is a lot of water. Enough to make a full bath 3 times per day per person (not just shower)..
  17. This is list of stable and observatory stable (theoretically unstable) isotopes. The bottom of this list has also permanently unstable isotopes. Complete list of isotopes is 15-20 times bigger.
  18. He doesn't even know what is "electron volt".. 1h 30min part https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0IgYp4Noz90#t=5400
  19. There is 3142 isotopes known total. Majority of them unstable. There is 2635 isotopes with Z>26 and Z=26,A>=56. From 2635 isotopes, 1306 have even neutron quantity, and 1329 odd neutron quantity. It appears so when you're writing "isotope" you're thinking only about "stable isotope".
  20. Sensei

    EMR questions

    Lorentz Force is in our country physics program for kids with 13-14 years.
  21. Sensei

    EMR questions

    Because you don't bother analyzing units.. Yes. In completely different context.. Haven't you attended primary school.. ? Didn't I told you in different thread to buy physics school books and read them all.. ?
  22. Sensei

    EMR questions

    You completely don't understand Lorentz Force equation, do you? E is electric field (Voltage per meter, or N/C). Source are charged particles on f.e. electrodes. B is magnetic field. Source are magnets or electromagnets. v is velocity of object. q is charge of object. If B is 0 (no magnets/electromagnets), it simplifies to F=q*E which is the same as Coulomb's law.
  23. [latex]_{26}^{56}Fe[/latex] is only one of many stable isotopes of Iron. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isotopes_of_iron I have no idea what you are writing about.. Where did you get such silly idea? If you have even number of protons and neutrons, its (nuclear) spin will be 0. So it'll be boson. If you have odd number of protons and neutrons, its spin will be full integer. Again boson.
  24. Gibraltar vs Ireland match: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s3i8h9N8Gr8 (I hope so YouTube won't delete it quickly)
  25. In kitchen the most of western countries peoples have neon plasma.. If you don't know even how to make plasma in the first place, the rest of your posts about plasma is garbage. Make Hydrogen plasma, take photo, attach in reply, and prove me wrong..
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