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Everything posted by Sensei

  1. Absorption of photons by atoms and molecules increases internal energy. You don't have to see the light to feel it, i.e., the increased temperature. MW, IR were detected centuries ago by the first scientists, who learned that the light split by the prism had an invisible (to the human eye) range that increased the temperature of the water.
  2. I don't see any added value in your OP. The photon is absorbed by the eye and converted into electrical impulses. I think that's obvious. The same is true for any other electrical device that responds to photons of any frequency, whether it is visible light, infrared light, ultraviolet light, radio wave.. The CPU then takes care of the rest and interprets it accordingly..
  3. Some people will do anything to get money, commit countless crimes, will do anything to keep the wealth they have.. How to find out if a husband and wife love each other in a poor family? Give them a Lotto win and observe what happens later.. Without money, there would be no drug producers and drug dealers, except for those who are addicted.
  4. Modern operating systems are complex and sophisticated entities. What user see is less than a tip of iceberg.. Modern operating systems are multithreaded, which means that multiple applications can run in parallel. If an extensive operation is running in the background, the processor and graphics card are busy performing tasks, not what you are asking them to do. Hence the delays and user frustration. Use Control-Alt-Delete and open Task/Process Manager and identify where the computer is losing all its power on what it is busy with. In the case of a web browser or other web application, each keystroke may send data to/from the web server, and poor internet transmission speed can be a bottleneck and a source of slowdown. Yeah, I know, it's annoying.. In extreme cases, it could be a symptom of a hacker hacking into your computer. i.e., the hacker runs code that mirrors your desktop, which requires extensive screen capture and sending it over the network. Hexadecimal or decimal format are only for human convenience (in documentation and source code). For a computer, it is always binary format. Keyboard sends scan codes (PS/2 keyboard) or HID scan codes (USB keyboard). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scancode https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USB_human_interface_device_class The scan codes are converted by the operating system into virtual keyboard codes. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/inputdev/virtual-key-codes This happens at the application level when the developer uses the MapVirtualKey or MapVirtualKeyEx function: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/winuser/nf-winuser-mapvirtualkeya Finally, the virtual key codes are converted to ASCII (ToAscii() function), or more commonly these days, Unicode (ToUnicode() function): https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/winuser/nf-winuser-tounicode https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/winuser/nf-winuser-toascii The proper name is framebuffer https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Framebuffer
  5. A computer, as the name implies, computes. Other electronic devices also computes, f.e. changing the volume of a sound is an analogous multiplication. In a computer, the main difference is that what is done is controlled by a program that can be changed on demand.
  6. The computer has read-only memory (ROM/BIOS) and regular read-write memory (RAM). The read-only memory contains the booting instructions which reads data from the boot sector of the boot drive and later passes control to the bootloader which loads operating system. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Booting https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bootloader Processors have instructions. Hundreds or thousands performing various basic tasks. Logical operations, arithmetic operations, binary operations, memory operations, floating point operations, special purpose operations. They are performed in sequence. This is called a program. A program can be stored in ROM or RAM. Programs are loaded from external storage (HDD, SSD, flash drive, etc.) into RAM, and then executed by the OS. A modern processor can execute billions of instructions per second. Programmers write programs in their favorite language that they know or like, or that is required to perform a specific task (not all languages are good enough for every task). High level languages are compiled into final CPU instruction set ("machine code") (e.g. C/C++), interpreted by virtual machine (Java/C#), or interpreted by interpreter (e.g. Python, Perl, PHP, JavaScript, Bash). Interpreters are slow (1000x slower than C/C++), virtual machine code (Java/C#) is "just" 4x slower than C/C++. You can try out some languages without installing anything in an online debugger accessible through a web browser. Here you have Python (just press "Run" button): https://www.onlinegdb.com/online_python_debugger Read the Python tutorial and start coding in the online debugger https://www.google.com/search?q=python+tutorial W3Schools has easy to understand tutorials for newbies https://www.w3schools.com/python/default.asp
  7. A defective component such as a processor, integrated circuit, etc. often emits heat when it is damaged. More current flows through the short circuit and this energy must be dissipated in some way. IR = infrared.
  8. If you like such toys, buy an IR camera that plugs into your phone's USB-C. FLIR ONE PRO. If some electronic device is damaged, simply disassemble it, connect the power supply and start observation in IR. Damaged components often overheat and are visible in IR.
  9. Wrong. You're lucky to have such cheap gasoline. Compare with the rest of the G20 world: "Average gasoline price in the Group of 20 in June 2023, by member country (in U.S. dollars per liter)" https://www.statista.com/statistics/1406584/g20-gasoline-average-price-by-country/ 1 gallon = 3.8 L In European countries, excise taxes and VAT are added, making up a significant portion of their budgets (so basically their governments screw their citizens - now financial experts wonder what they will do with EV which people can plug to their home installations, which means no income to budget from this sector anymore, unless they will somehow forbid such activity). Here, the retail price of 1L gasoline is $1.6. Before excise tax and VAT, the price is.. $0.9 per L. In addition, the largest gasoline producers and distributors are state-owned. And the corporations send the money they earn year after year to the budget as dividends. Ethanol can be made from CO2 and H2O and solar energy. The automotive industry can still use liquid fuels (which is desirable for some applications).
  10. You are mistaken. Check the dates and times. The post in this thread predates the one which you mentioned..
  11. I never post and rarely read the forum from a cell phone or tablet. But often on a regular computer, when making a longer reply that involves copying and pasting links or quotes from articles (which requires switching tabs and/or browser windows), the forum software automatically reloads the page. Sometimes it ends up with the whole post disappearing while editing, sometimes it's still there, but you have to click "reply to this topic...".
  12. Not many people, at the same time, that is, if you are watching a TV screen, you don't have time to read (especially technical/scientific articles that require special attention). I wasn't talking about ability, but about how someone spends their (free) time. It was not a prejudice, but a joke. Play of words. And true one. It applies to every nation. But Americans have one of the largest shares of Netflix (53% of U.S. homes had a subscription in 2022, which is counted in tens of millions). If you spend all your free time after work after school watching episode after episode, you don't have time for anything else, including reading valuable (or not valuable) things. You don't have to be a genius to understand this.
  13. +1 to the Americans Most Americans don't read. They have Netflix..
  14. "Intriguing"/"controversial" statement from someone who suspends and bans people..
  15. I just bought new, fresh (dry) pasta, and on it it says "put 100 g of pasta per 1 liter of boiling water, slowly enough not to interrupt the boiling of the water". Let's check your method with tap water, no boiling water..
  16. I like my pasta overcooked rather than raw. 3 minutes sound like a joke. 3 minutes for how much pasta and how much water? Last time I made 133 g of dry pasta, cooked it for 20-30 minutes, and it absorbed all the water from the pot and grew to maybe 500 g. There are different types of pasta, with or without eggs, with different contents. Each of them requires different treatment. Remaining water from pasta cooking is used for meat, sauce, soup, not wasted. I also often reuse the potato water in subsequent dishes.
  17. I have not bothered to participate in this (idiotic IMHO) thread, but.. This question creates the idiotic philosophical question, "does everything must have to consist of something". (which will be endless loop of dependencies)
  18. LOL. This applies not only to children..
  19. Laser rangefinders don't work and it is a worldwide scam?
  20. A random particle travels through a B field and changes its direction of flight, accelerating/decelerating due to the presence of field B and the absence of field E. Doesn't it "do the work"? What do you mean at quantum scale "do the work"? It is the particles that do the work, i.e., accelerate/decelerate under certain circumstances, and they do it on both sides, the test particle and the particles that created the B-field..
  21. Sounds like Sisyphean work, i.e. endless job. The lake gets ions from higher elevations and from the soil, over which you have no control. Try different water filters and check the results before filtering and after filtering. https://www.google.com/search?q=drinking+water+filter+for+hard+water Instead of modifying all the water in the lake, try modifying only what the animals drink. It will be more economical.
  22. What for? Being in an unhealthy relationship is pathology, not divorce. Divorce is a rescue from a pathological relationship. In the past, when divorce was forbidden, people even killed their wives (e.g. English kings) to make space for a new wife. Thus, murder in their sick mind was a lesser sin than divorce. "Until death do us part" was understood in a pathological way and put into practice. I doubt you will be able to back up this claim.. We have a saying that "nothing unites a wife and husband as well as a home mortgage" (yet another example of pathology). Wife and husband should be "glued" together, even if 1) they don't love each other, 2) they hate each other.. ? It would be much easier to find a life partner among people who actually like what we like. Neverthless, I would have no problem going alone to do what I like and letting my partner do what he/she likes.
  23. It depends on the properties of the air. If the air is dry, water from the glass will evaporate. If the air is humid, water will condense and appear "out of nowhere" even without rain (e.g. dew on leaves). That is, the humidity of the air is a key factor in determining whether or not a glass of water will disappear. "When the temperature is high and the relative humidity is low, evaporation of water is rapid; soil dries, wet clothes hung on a line or rack dry quickly, and perspiration readily evaporates from the skin. Wooden furniture can shrink, causing the paint that covers these surfaces to fracture. When the temperature is low and the relative humidity is high, evaporation of water is slow. When relative humidity approaches 100 %, condensation can occur on surfaces, leading to problems with mold, corrosion, decay, and other moisture-related deterioration. Condensation can pose a safety risk as it can promote the growth of mold and wood rot as well as possibly freezing emergency exits shut."
  24. The boiling point of compounds depends on atmospheric pressure (without covering the vessel), and from internal pressure (with covering). So, one can exceed 100 C, just by covering the pot.. e.g. making a tea at altitude 500m is slightly different than making a tea at sea level. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/High-altitude_cooking https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pressure_cooking Adding salt (which is natural for any not distillated not demineralized water), etc. also changes the equation. https://www.google.com/search?q=salt+water+boiling+point "The exact temperature depends on the concentration of salt. For a typical saltwater solution (like seawater, which is about 3.5% salt), the boiling point is around 102°C, slightly higher than the 100°C boiling point of pure water." You also need to break the bonds between the water molecule and the salt ions too.
  25. There is an adage: "There is no software without bugs, but only software in which no one has yet found them."
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