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Everything posted by Sensei

  1. I would try UV light, because no one has mentioned this method, but it is widely used sterilization method. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ultraviolet_germicidal_irradiation Once they are dead, use isopropanol or hydrogen peroxide to clean it.
  2. Would be better if they vacated Crimea..
  3. I have another one: before you use a chemical on your countertop (or anything else valuable), try it in a hidden area first to see if there's an unpleasant and/or unexpected reaction between the two..
  4. Do you realize that you need to have something of value for people to encourage them to read your text? Buy a website, with virtual hosting or a dedicated server. The cheapest one costs €4+VAT per month. 16 GB storage/1 Gbps *) Upload your text there. You will quickly find out that no one is reading it by analyzing the log files.. You need to publish it and advertise it.. Unpleasant but cheap is sending unsolicited junk spam e-mails (but make a database of people who have already received the email!).. A paid option, but one that reaches people who are more interested in the topic, is Google AdWords. Essentially, you're buying keywords related to your site's content. Another free option is to spread your site's URL around the Internet, in forums like this one. On some of these you will be banned. In abandoned forums, you won't be. But search engines will find your site's URL, analyze its content, and rank it (e.g., Google Page Rank https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/PageRank ). The best solution is to intelligently combine all three options. *) at least you will be able to use it as an HTTP proxy and/or VPN server and/or private storage (safer than corporate "boxes")...
  5. Before you use any chemical on your countertop, try spilling Benzaldehyde green on something of no value, outside of your house, to see if it reacts with the chemical there..
  6. About 5,000 a year. How many of them are required to save women's lives?
  7. ...in which parallel Universe.. ? ..discuss like this, and it will end up like with Koti...
  8. How many late-term fetal abortions are there in the US? ..I would be surprised if women/girl show up who have spent 5,6...9 months pregnant and ask for an abortion, just like that, without a good reason... there must be a very good reason to ask for such a thing after investing so much time and energy... that requires a cesarean section anyway.. so child can be alive after it.. if it he/she is able to.. For example: a seriously ill or terminally ill fetus that would not have survived anyway.... a potential danger to the woman.. In many posts you push "late term abortion".... while it is a meaningless minority...
  9. What does it mean to be alive? Are viruses alive? They are organic matter, but some argue that they are not alive because they cannot reproduce without a host. Is this not the case? Can sperm or a woman's egg cell divide and spread on its own? Perhaps we/you should start with a definition of what is alive? ..do you want to be resurrected to check it out.. ?
  10. Disassemble the device until it is in a condition to measure voltages. At multiple different locations on the motherboard. Connect to a working computer. Measure the voltages (record it on a camera (recommended mini tripod) so you don't have to write on a piece of paper). Repeat with a non-functioning computer. This will tell you if and where there are differences. Get "USB Voltage meter": https://www.amazon.co.uk/s?k=usb+voltage+meter https://www.google.com/search?q=usb++voltage+meter The cheapest one is $5 *) Get "USB Oscilloscope" https://www.google.com/search?q=usb+oscilloscope The cheapest one is $25 If you want to play, how about this one DIY? https://www.google.com/search?q=JYETech+osciloscope+"DSO+138+Mini" unlike *) it has built-in LCD screen, so you won't have to plug it to the computer, which has advantages and disadvantages.
  11. Check the Scoville scale table: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scoville_scale It will help you figure out what sauce to buy next.. Sriracha sauce has just 1500-2000 on the scale. Try Caroline Reaper sauce. https://www.google.com/search?q=Caroline+Reaper+sauce With 1.5-2.2 millions on the scale. Ate it last week.
  12. What happened to your sperm today? Did it end up in the toilet? Or on wall? Did your girlfriend's tampon end up in the trash can? A quick rinse in the shower? Did you know that there are religious extremists who make "graves" out of tampons.. (these guys and girls are "level up", in their craziness..) Do you consider a sperm or cell to be less than alive?
  13. 1) Change diet. Spicy ingredients such as hot chili are especially good because they stimulate endorphin production. 2) Train sports. This also stimulates endorphin production. Endorphins are natural opiates, painkillers which are sometimes released in response to the chilli's sting. Like opiates they are said to induce a pervasive sense of happiness. https://www.google.com/search?q=endorphins+stimulants
  14. That's their twisted version.. Expect the prenatal testing system to collapse. Who wants to know that their future child is terminally ill and nothing will be done about it for months.. ? Miscarriage is a natural method to prevent the birth of a terminally ill fetus, that would not have survived anyway..
  15. "Pro-life" is similar newspeak like "Patriot Act" and similar.. to distract and mislead average citizen.. Oddly enough, beyond my comprehension, they are often gun lovers..
  16. No GR is needed to simulate macroscopic objects. There are online simulations of Solar System available to play e.g.: https://www.solarsystemscope.com/ set the date you want.
  17. Complete, with micro-scale asteroids? They are made every day, every second.. new free particles in cosmic space, especially solar wind are emitted by Sun, planets, etc. so complete data is not possible due to never enough amount of data.. ..but to some level of accuracy, based on sizes of cosmic objects, it's not a big problem..
  18. I would do a for-loop for each column in the canvas, instead of going from 0...99. Then map the pixel screen coordinate space to the exponential equation space. Then convert the result of the exponential equation back to screen coordinate space. Instead of drawing a rectangle, draw a straight vertical line for each column.
  19. "Photons have no rest-mass because there is no valid reference system in which the photon is at rest..." So says the science. Do you know the reference system in which the photon is at rest? Particles with rest-mass can be accelerated and decelerated i.e. their FoR can be changed.
  20. As I mentioned earlier, the correctness of the mathematical equations can be checked in the Wolfram Alpha program: e.g.: https://www.wolframalpha.com/input?i=x^0.1 (curve from #2 picture) https://www.wolframalpha.com/input?i=x^2 (curve from #3 picture) https://www.wolframalpha.com/input?i=x^1.01 https://www.wolframalpha.com/input?i=pow(x%2C1.01) (almost a straight line) JavaScript can print the log to a file or console: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/54654946/how-to-write-console-log-to-a-file-instead Log all variables on the console or in a file and analyze where the error occurred.. https://developer.mozilla.org/pl/docs/Web/API/Console/log pow(x,20) is very extreme: https://www.wolframalpha.com/input?i=x^20 99 is obviously even worse: https://www.wolframalpha.com/input?i=x^99 Due to the pixelated nature of the computer screen, this can be a straight vertical line...
  21. After a night, I was reminded of one trick on how to improve transparency support: - render the opaque polygons first (sorted or not (sorting a large number of elements is slow, but rendering things that are not visible and will be replaced by the closest one is slow too)) - sort only transparent polygons in reverse Z order (from farthest to closest to the camera) - render the transparent polygons. This means that only a small number of transparent polygons are sorted. It is good to have a user editable option to enable/disable sorting (this can be done for CPU, different algorithms and GPU accelerated version). Option to disable/enable transparency support.
  22. Then constrain it using the Math.min() and Math.max() functions.
  23. Which is plain evil.. ...sometimes abortion is the only way to save women's life.. e.g. ectopic pregnancy https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ectopic_pregnancy "In the developing world, however, especially in Africa, the death rate is very high, and ectopic pregnancies are a major cause of death among women of childbearing age." "The rate of ectopic pregnancy is about 1% and 2% of that of live births in developed countries, though it is as high as 4% in pregnancies involving assisted reproductive technology." https://www.healthdata.org/results/gbd_summaries/2019/ectopic-pregnancy-level-4-cause "There were a total of 6·69 million (...) ectopic pregnancies globally in 2019,"
  24. Try Math.pow(x,y). https://developer.mozilla.org/pl/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Math/pow If y=1 you will get straight line for free. Values less than 1 will give you what you have on #2 picture. Values greather than 1 will give you what you have on #3 picture. How to draw an HTML5 curve on a canvas in a web browser: https://www.google.com/search?q=javascript+canvas+curved+line You can use the Wolfram Alpha to see what the curve will look like: https://www.wolframalpha.com/input?i=x^0.1
  25. Scanline's algorithm is: clear the screen clear the z-buffer (set Z to maximum) for each triangle, draw a triangle, check and fill the z-buffer with lower and lower values. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scanline_rendering Go from min-Y to max-Y of each triangle. Go from min-X to max-X of each triangle. If you start by sorting the polygons by their Z values, you will fill the Z buffer and the RGBA buffers only when Z is closest to the camera. Thus faster. However, if the geometry has transparency, you must start by sorting by Z in reverse order, that is, the pixels farthest from the camera are rendered first. (most 3D games do this because it is quickly implemented in the hardware) The pixel of the transparent polygon is a mixture of the old value (which is further away from the camera) and the semi-transparent, semi-transparent color of the triangle. (note it does not support refractive index!). Someone who doesn't want to use the Z buffer can change the algorithm to go from the top left pixel of the screen to the bottom right pixel of the screen, and then perform a for loop for each triangle. This will be slower, but the Z buffer will not be needed at all.
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