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Everything posted by Sensei

  1. Tessellate triangles more.. won't work as good as z-buffer, but you might get better results than without..
  2. Sort by z is not a perfect algorithm.. don't expect realistic results...
  3. ..natural immunity against unknown strain of virus, which never ever attacked human.. Start writing meaningful posts or you won't last long on this forum...
  4. Wow! Biggest nonsense I've read in months.... !
  5. The difference between a drug and a poison is the dosage... Known side effects are written on the drug sheet..
  6. attach screen-shot.. BTW, if you don't support two-sided polygons, you can reject polygons with an incorrect dot-product between them and the camera, i.e. > 0 (which means that the normal of the polygon is facing the same direction as the camera, so it's facing away from the camera)
  7. Z-buffering is more reliable than sorting by polygon's z-position... Sorting by z-position is very slow, the more polygons, the worse it gets. Each polygon has a minimum distance from the camera and a maximum distance from the camera. The center of z will be at distance (min+max)/2. What z value are you using as a parameter for the sort routine?
  8. @Alex_Krycek https://www.google.com/search?q=oxygen-17+asteroids e.g. http://www.psrd.hawaii.edu/Dec01/Oisotopes.html "The mixtures of oxygen isotopes in the Earth, Mars, and the asteroids differ slightly. If we knew why they differ we could learn more about the origin of asteroids and planets and the formation of the solar system." "The oxygen isotopic compositions of rocks from Earth, Mars, and the asteroid Vesta, the largest asteroid that melted, define three parallel lines on this plot of 17O / 16O vs. 18O / 16O. The lines are parallel because on each body the oxygen isotopes were separated according to their masses, when the rocks formed. Cosmochemists measure the 18O / 16O and 17O / 16O ratios in terms of deviations in parts per thousand from a standard (delta 18O and delta 17O). The usual standard is mean ocean water, abbreviated SMOW, for Standard Mean Ocean Water. Pure 16O would plot at -1000 parts per thousand on both axes. " "If you go to Mars and repeat the experiment you will find that the oxygen isotopic ratios follow the same relationship, but with one important difference. When you compare an Earth rock to a Mars rock with the same 18O / 16O ratio, you will find that the Martian rock has a slightly higher 17O / 16O ratio, as shown in the diagram above. The difference is small, about 3 parts in 10,000, but significant because oxygen is the only element that shows this effect, and because geological processes on the two planets cannot be responsible for the difference. (On Vesta, the largest melted asteroid, the corresponding 17O / 16O ratio is about 3 parts in 10,000 lower, and on the Moon, the isotopic ratios appear to be identical to terrestrial values: any difference is less than 0.2 parts per 10,000.)" https://global.jaxa.jp/article/special/itokawa/yurimoto_e.html "Using Oxygen to Trace the Origins of Meteorites"
  9. Let me propose an experiment: put two long magnets pointing NS ....[space]... SN into a test tube, place vertically. put two long magnets pointing SN ....[space]... NS into a test tube, place vertically. They will repel each other and the one on top will levitate. Compare how far they repel each other (how much force kept them levitated)....
  10. An unusual isotopic composition? Iron with unusual spin orientation?
  11. ...what do you mean by "progress of society".. ? ...when you're at the top, the decline is swift and inevitable.... Quite innocent average Russian mans in just a few weeks were turned into mass murderers, war criminals, torturing people before killing them, raping women, children, elders... Were they pedophiles under the skin, dreaming of total freedom without inhibition or punishment, or was it their "leader" V.P. who set them up that way... ? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uruguayan_Air_Force_Flight_571 "The survivors had extremely little food" "Knowing that rescue efforts had been called off and faced with starvation and death, those still alive agreed that, should they die, the others might consume their bodies to live. With no choice, the survivors ate the bodies of their dead friends." "The group survived by collectively deciding to eat flesh from the bodies of their dead comrades. This decision was not taken lightly, as most of the dead were classmates, close friends, or relatives." "They dried the meat in the sun, which made it more palatable. They were initially so revolted by the experience that they could eat only skin, muscle and fat. When the supply of flesh was diminished, they also ate hearts, lungs and even brains."
  12. ...but the conspiracy is that Gates wants it, not the technical details of how to implement it.. ..but it is already: everybody have their cellphone or smartphone with them everywhere.. ..no need to inject it in vaccines.. Apple AirTag is also available: https://www.google.com/search?q=airtag The size is such that it is handy for a man, not limits of this technology. Do you know how it works? It uses other iPhone devices around the world as a network to track location.. If you walk down the street with your debit/credit card, you can be identified through NFC/RFID technology..
  13. Sensei


    Power is energy divided by time. P=E/t Energy is: E=Q*U Q is integer multiply of e (elementary charge) i.e., the kinetic energy of a single electron: E=e*U Therefor unit of energy in quantum physics is eV (electronvolt) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electronvolt Power is current multiplied by voltage. P=I*U (Q=I*t) The kinetic energy of the particles can be summed up (there are billions of them). How do we know what their energy is? Because they dissipate their kinetic energy as they flow through the medium, heating it, colliding with particles in the medium. The temperature rise can be read with a thermometer. The XIX century unit of energy was the calorie, the amount of energy needed to heat 1 gram of water by 1 C. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voltage_drop (This is why copper wires are so desirable, as they have very low resistance, resulting in a small voltage drop when current flows) (This is why quantum physicists want to create superconductors and dream of superconductors at ambient temperatures)
  14. Graph comparing homicide/suicide rates per 100,000 population in several high-income countries: People here who are gun enthusiasts and lobby for loosening gun ownership laws argue that people who want to kill/commit suicide would use a knife instead of a gun.... so maybe someone should also include data on homicides/suicides/suicides with a knife (?!) in such a graph.. ..or even better make animated graph (one or a couple seconds, one year stats) Let's make one constructive thread in the history of scienceforums.net... Gather data... use Open Office Spread Sheet/Excel, render to animation using e.g. VirtualDub2, compress it to mp4 and animgif and animpng, upload mp4 to YouTube, and edit Wikipedia to include it for eternity.. Put the project on GitHub so people can edit and recompile it year after year to include new records..
  15. ..you're right.. I just put the equation to the Google calculator: https://www.google.com/search?q=299792458%2F+400*10^-9 but it should be: https://www.google.com/search?q=299792458%2F(400*10^-9) or https://www.google.com/search?q=299792458%2F+400e-9
  16. c has unit m/s t has unit s λ has unit m so ( m/s * s ) / m is unitless scalar.. How did you get such value? For visible light? N = 299792458 m/s * 1s / 400*10^-9 m = 0.00074948114 for 400 nm wavelength N' = 299792458 m/s * 1s / 700*10^-9 m = 0.00042827494 for 700 nm wavelength
  17. If you install an operating system from scratch, you select and install the correct drivers for the correct hardware... when you connect the disk to other hardware, it may have completely different hardware that is incompatible with what is installed on the disk... config files are screwed/damaged...
  18. It's capitalism! Gun industry owner teaches kids to use/own the things he makes they make young and easy for brainwash..
  19. I've said this before, but since mortals' memory is pretty poor, so I'll repeat it: The problem is not with people with mental health problems, The problem does not lie with people with right-wing beliefs, (dunno why) they want to carry gun, carry machine guns.. (maybe they want to piss me off) The problem is that industry, lobbies and shareholders are behind them.... Buy them back and shoot them down... change profile.... Let them produce something useful for society....
  20. Books don't matter. What matters is how you spend your free time. Do you write your own apps for Android/iOS/Web etc., or do you drink beer with friends in a pub/club? Install Android Studio, make Android app, install iOS XCode, make app, install Xamarin, make app, and so on, so on.. (You can drink, if you're able to think clearly... )
  21. ...you can't plug in disks formatted and configured for another system, and just plug them into another system.... this will lead to more problems than it solves.... have pendrives with the installation version of the win10/win7 operating system, and plug them into the computer, and install things from scratch from them.... Tip: Go to https://www.microsoft.com/pl-pl/software-download/windows10ISO and press ctrl-shift-m and pretend other operating system than Windows, (if you won't, ISO won't be downloaded, instead special net-installer version) to download Windows ISO file, and save it somewhere (e.g. pendrive) use e.g. Rufus to burn on pendrive to have installation pendrive.. Then you can install Win(X) on laptops without physical CD/DVD (like mine).. ps. Buy multiple 8 GB+ pendrives.. 5 usd/each for 32 GB here.. one for Win7, other one for Win10 32 bit, another one for Win10 64 bit, and some more for Linuxes..
  22. Like any variable.. Only mathematical constants can't be changed.. The question is, if you want to change the U.S. constitution change, one way or another.. Do you want Elisabeth replacement? or Boris? Sorry! Where is the backspace key? (at least with the invasion he went well.. and got some serious points from me) ps. My point was the Constitution can be changed the way you won't accept it..
  23. Sensei

    who created god?

    Please don't abuse your free will or sysadmin of the Universe will log you out (aka "sudo ban [person-id]")..
  24. You sound like Donald T. and V.P. ... In what way? Donald wanted to change the Constitution. https://www.google.com/search?q=donald+trump+want+to+change+constitution V.P. changed constitution, to his purpose. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2020_Russian_constitutional_referendum i.e., if you say "the constitution can be changed", you also mean "the constitution can be changed in ways you don't want and you won't like" (half the population won't like your constitutional changes)... like in Russia.... or in China.... https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-43361276 "The constitution has been altered to allow Xi Jinping to remain as president beyond two terms and they would not have gone to this much trouble if that was not exactly what he intended to do." ...so be careful what you ask for, because you might get it....
  25. You sound like Donald T. and V.P. ... (they too dream, wish, initiate change for their will) Make an amendment that the president is Jesus It will be easier (at least you won't waste time and money voting) ...another remnant from the distant past... originated in the days when firearms fired one shot per minute or less.... so basically one person could shoot one person at a time and run away.. So... if I create laser pistol, laser "rifle", or whatever, which is not "firearm"... can have it? (just kidding, nobody would believe I have laser rifle) (don't have to break in my house, it's not here.. keep it in a safe place! )
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