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Everything posted by Sensei

  1. To get this effect, all it takes is for an EV to collide with someone else on the road.. "Do you have any evidence to support this claim"? Petrol fuels burn when there is ready access to Oxygen (and it's limiting speed of fire), and only vapors.. EV has no such requirements.. Reread my post, I said about catching fire after accident (aka "car crash" when things disintegrate). Not when everything works smoothly.. It's not even about capacity of energy. But speed in which that energy can be released. ICE car fuel tank burning speed is limited by access to Oxygen.. To have potential fire with accumulator, you just need to plug + to - with plain wire (i.e. "metal piece which accidentally joined them in a crash").. Don't misinterpret my words, by mistake, or premeditation.. I am fan of EV, unlike ICE.. ..which is irrelevant to our current position.. I always thought, you're reasonable member of this forum.. Lost confidence about you, after your today comment.. There are even airplanes which were destroyed by laptop batteries: https://www.google.com/search?q=airplane+destroyed+by+laptop+battery http://www.forfyre.com/the-lithium-safe-battery-bag-for-the-fire-protection-of-lithium-ion-batteries-that-catches-fire-due-to-thermal-runaway/?lang=en "A total of 171 incidents between 1991 and 2016 was recorded involving batterys carried as baggage or cargo on airplanes. (recorded by the US Federal Aviation Administration)" (without any crash, or damage)
  2. The urban driving speed in my country is currently 50 km/h, which is only +5 km/h more than 30 miles/hour. Who uses an electric car for longer trips when when you can't easily find plugs/unsure they are in place where you want to go.. ? ps. Many such speed regulations make no sense and have no real impact on road safety.. They are pushed by politicians who have no idea what they are doing, to pretend that they are doing something.. Electric cars, thanks to the energy stored in their batteries (which is good, if everything is OK), burn like they are "made of paper" after even a basic accident..
  3. Couple generic thoughts: The original must have been a JPEG, but you included a PNG. Do you have the original? Archive it and attach it again. Drag'n'drop of your image to Yandex Images (https://yandex.com/images/ ) did not give anything useful. It even misidentified it as a resistor. You can try: search by file name, search by file size (if you have the original, otherwise it won't work). Internet archives could gather older websites, as long as they were still online at the day webarchive started working.. even with greater chance than now.. because there was less websites to scan, and there was little JavaScript used, which dynamically generates website when user visits it. You can't archive FB, Twitter, Instagram, etc. just by using wget/curl etc. tools.. They are behind user logging wall (some media, behind paywall) and are dynamically generated by JavaScript at the time of visit and are context (user) dependent. Therefor in XXV+ century nobody will truly know what happened in XXI, as there will be no records.. A site must be linked by many other sites in order to be visited by search engines, web archive engine and other bots. A page that is not linked to from other, higher ranking pages, may never be visited, backed up or analyzed by a search engine. ps. What you have on the photo looks like stirring blades.
  4. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skeletal_formula https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skeletal_formula#Implicit_carbon_and_hydrogen_atoms
  5. You already have problems with your PC. So you don't risk much. Making backups frequently is generally a good idea. Make backup of the most important things on pendrive and then give it a try..
  6. Did you try this? https://www.wintips.org/fix-cannot-type-in-windows-10-search-bar/ or this: https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/all/cant-type-in-windows-10-search-bar/7dce8411-8671-4d3e-90d1-b9bdc0aa4734
  7. It is difficult to be infected by a microbe known to the immune system, but it is still possible especially if the immune system began to lose its "memory" of the microbe's structure.. Or its structure changed significantly due to a random mutation.. The more people are infected (due to i.e. anti-vaxxers), the more chance of development of vaccine resistant mutation.. @CharonYany work on the decline of immunity over time (e.g. the amount of antibodies/antigens in a blood sample?) , after being vaccinated, on a graphs (picture to attach on the forum, i.e. a picture is worth a thousand words), with data records per week or month, per vaccine brand, per virus strain (if they are reinfected), on a carefully selected group of people, tested frequently.. ? Maybe it might be worth creating tests available in pharmacy "how much can I trust my vaccination", e.g. a person takes a blood sample and test calculates the amount of antibodies/antigens, compares it to a previous reading (per month) and knows how much it has dropped over time.. Instead of giving straight answer, person can enter result from the readings into website to learn it, and at the same time, database is updated to gather information from patients to learn vaccination efficiency in "real-time" by scientists.. ..or a group of 10k volunteers receiving $100/€100 each time, donating blood samples to collect the above data.. per week/month.. Small cost, but would show the decline in immunity over time, per brand of vaccine, etc. useful data.... ..or pay $100/€100 per person going for a vaccination for the 1st/2nd/3rd time, and take a blood sample to check the amount of antibodies/antigens in it to find out the above data and put it in the db for further analysis..
  8. This is not entirely correct. The neutrino recoil force is observed, which is indirect evidence of decay with the emission of a neutral electric particle or interaction with a neutrino. https://www.google.com/search?q=recoil+force+from+neutrinos
  9. Please stop pretending to be a spoiled child.. This is a public forum where anybody can ask you tough questions that undermine your weak position you are already sitting on..
  10. Is it yet another day with too much whisky for you? You have PESEL, where digits 0,2,4,6,8 means woman, and 1,3,5,7,9 means man. You have intersex infant newly born.. Which number will be assigned? Based on whether infant has cunt or whether has penis (if infant has both!).. ? Is it politics? (I see only politicians playing this subject from time to time, but it's biology. These people born this way) Is it ideology for you? Somebody really have such problems. Either doctor who has no option "unknown sex"/"unknown gender"/"intersex"/"undefined", parents, and child and then adult human in later age.. Parent has only checkbox "girl"/"boy" on the form, what they should click and why, if both answers are true?
  11. Paul, these are not ideological/political threads.. To simple minds there are only males or females.. So suppose you are talking to someone who has both male and female organs, and they are fully functional and person can be either father and mother at the same time. What gender does this person have? In your oversimplified worldview, you cannot decide what gender this person has.. Him or her? She or he? (brain freeze) If you want to discuss it from a political point-of-view: The Polish (your country) national identification number (PESEL) (assigned by the government at birth) encodes a person's gender (the last digit is a checksum; if the penultimate digit is odd the person is male, if even, the person is female). Determined at birth (so by just looking at the body of infant; wondering what they do with intersex person? Toss coin?). When someone has a gender reassignment operation, they must also have their ID changed and the all the data associated with it (bank accounts updated, documents, etc., etc.). Some countries have begun to recognize this problem and have begun to move away from making it static and fixed: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_identification_number "In 2017, the Norwegian Ministry of Finance approved changes to the numbering system. After the changes, the number will no longer indicate gender, and the first check digit will be 'released' to become part of the individual number."
  12. "Nonsense".. BTW, in this thread in my post I explained why the Earth could not be flooded entirely to the last tip of the solid surface: And in this post what was the "global flood of the Earth" in reality (remembered in the myths of ancient people):
  13. In addition to what others have said, rotational energy can be lost frictionlessly in the same way the Earth loses rotational energy due to the presence of and interaction with the Moon (which has caused tidal locking over billions of years), the Sun, as well as other space objects of lesser influence.
  14. Software error..
  15. There are even animals that change sex during their lives: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sequential_hermaphroditism The most wildly know is probably Clownfish: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amphiprioninae "Anemonefish are protandrous sequential hermaphrodites, meaning they develop into males first, and when they mature, they become females. If the female anemonefish is removed from the group, such as by death, one of the largest and most dominant males becomes a female. The remaining males move up a rank in the hierarchy. " Or which have both male and female organs at the same time: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hermaphrodite Take a look at this table of approximate prevalence in the human community: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intersex (data from countries with higher tolerances will be more reliable; many people with more chromosomes than XX/XY are not even diagnosed) Did you hear about menopause? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Menopause "Menopause, also known as the climacteric, is the time in women's lives when menstrual periods stop permanently, and they are no longer able to bear children.[1][7] Menopause usually occurs between the age of 49 and 52.[2] Medical professionals often define menopause as having occurred when a woman has not had any menstrual bleeding for a year." The number of a woman's eggs is known at birth day: https://www.google.com/search?q=women's+eggs+in+a+lifetime "At birth, there are approximately 1 million eggs; and by the time of puberty, only about 300,000 remain. Of these, only 300 to 400 will be ovulated during a woman's reproductive lifetime. Fertility can drop as a woman ages due to decreasing number and quality of the remaining eggs."
  16. Many of the flowerpots I see here in stores look just like this: 2D profile: 3D visualization: If you want to have some water in the bottom of the container, simply drill a hole on the side... In the literal half way, IMHO it is way too extreme. What is the average amount of rainfall in your country region? What are the dimensions of your container? How much water do you want (in liters)? The area of the container x the average amount of rainfall will give us the volume of water. Do the roots of your plants like plenty of water? If not, they will begin to rot.
  17. Did he shoot somebody, traveling 20 miles (~30 km)? If you take something from house, you don't throw away after 10 miles.. Regardless of distance.. Distance does not matter. Intentions do matter. Everybody has some lethal weapon at hand.. I have keyboard and mouse at hand, for some mortal human, they are lethal weapons..
  18. ..but the question is: if such brainwashed far-right wingnuts are on the street, they should be "de-weaponized" the way they did (and are being killed).... How to differentiate "brainwashed far-right wingnuts" from "brainwashed far-left wingnuts" from "brainwashed wingnut" from "terrorist" from "gangster" from "mob member" or from [put anything] in the middle of action.. which is very 'dramatic'/'dynamic'.. Looking at the video of the whole accident, I find him not guilty..
  19. Right. Right. Isn't what they want? Everybody to carry gun "to shoot bad guys".. ? Weaponize the all teachers etc. ? https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2018/feb/21/donald-trump-solution-to-school-shootings-arm-teachers-with-guns
  20. I wasn't talking about the trial... I was talking about the "accident"/"shooting"... a real movie...
  21. Did you (or participants of this thread) bother to watch entire "accident" ("video")? Victims were black/darker skin.. ? Look up data again to verify it..
  22. "I feel attacked by Stumpy Devs! I try to avoid using interpreted languages, recursion and things that leads to stack overflow and anything that’s not a high tech.. 😂 " ps. Sorry for OT, I could not resist to paraphrase you.. ps2. I hear a lot of devs who after hearing the problem, answer "find a library that will do it" (instead of writing something themselves)... It's funny/weird (especially even) if the problem is trivial and can be solved faster by handwriting than by learning how to use a third-party library..
  23. Food for thought. Differences between wire nails and square nails (aka "cut nails"): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7rwcGXIORro
  24. "Elemental carbon exists in different structural forms including graphite, diamond, fullerenes, and amorphous carbon. In nature, these materials are produced through abiotic chemical processes under high temperature and pressure but are considered generally inaccessible to biochemical synthesis or breakdown. Here, we identified and characterized elemental carbon isolated from consortia of anaerobic methanotrophic archaea (ANME) and sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB), which together carry out the anaerobic oxidation of methane (AOM)." "In addition, we found that select methanogens also produce amorphous carbon with similar characteristics to the carbon from AOM consortia." More at link: https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/sciadv.abg9739
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