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Everything posted by Sensei

  1. It is typical for chatbots.. Scan more data..
  2. The salary depends on the country, province, city, company, knowledge (i.e. apprentice / junior / senior / manager). Ask students from your year about their earnings in the companies where they found work. A junior programmer (i.e. the first job after graduation) can get up to 1/3 of what the senior earns.
  3. I would start from benchmarking how long it takes to render: 1) completely flat solid color triangle by drawing each pixel by pixel manually. 2) triangle which has every pixel color taken from your algorithm as-is without any attempt to optimize it. So you will know how much CPU spends time on drawing pixels, and how much it spends on your algorithm (the difference between 2 and 1). Search for alternative functions instead of drawing pixel by pixel. e.g. Windows GDI has SetPixel() for drawing pixel by pixel: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/wingdi/nf-wingdi-setpixel which is the most inefficient way of drawing anything on screen. But there is very fast SetDIBits() https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/wingdi/nf-wingdi-setdibits and even faster OpenGL and DirectX, if you will generate texture and use it on triangle.. Place function getting current system time at the beginning. Typically you will get it in milliseconds. And place yet another instance of it at the end. Subtract both and you have time in milliseconds. If it is a few milliseconds, make a loop for inner code, 10, 100, 1000 etc. repetitions, to get more accurate result. Did you try using UseBuffer and PaintBuffer? They seem to create off-screen double-buffer, which is copied at once when you call PaintBuffer: https://education.ti.com/html/webhelp/EG_TINspireCode/EN/Subsystems/RG_Nspire_EN/Content/M_RefGuide/RG_DrawCommand.htm#UseBuffer https://education.ti.com/html/webhelp/EG_TINspireCode/EN/Subsystems/RG_Nspire_EN/Content/M_RefGuide/RG_DrawCommand.htm#PaintBuffer If you will calculate sqrt(( r1-r0)^2+(g1-g0)^2+(b1-b0)^2) you will compare change of brightness. e.g. r0=g0=b0 r1=1,g1=0,b1=0 will give exactly the same result as r1=0,g1=1,b1=0. To measure color difference, instead of brightness, you could convert RGB->HSB/HSV color space, and check Hue variation (+- some threshold).
  4. Someone who seeks revenge is not seeking peace, but justice (typically a subjective version of justice). But some people are still in the "eye for eye and tooth for tooth" stage. Most people, actually. Politicians, nationalists, fascists, communists, priests, use it as tool to incite people against other country, against people from other nationality, race or worship, for true or fake wrongdoings of people in the past (even dozens or hundreds years ago). How such a "simple minded person" can gain peace, if politicians repeatedly recall "the crimes of fathers/grandfathers" (etc. people long time dead by now) from neighborhood country.. ? It starts on history lessons at school..
  5. How are you rendering triangle? 1) OpenGL/DirectX? 2) Drawing pixel by pixel in GDI?
  6. Physically, there are only photons with wavelengths from 400 nm to 700 nm or a mixture of them, e.g. perfect white is the same amount of each wavelength. Brightness is result of quantity i.e. dark grey is the same as white, the same/similar composition, same amount for each wavelength, but with smaller quantity. It depends on the human eye, or device, which decide were is point of maximum saturation (maximum quantity) Due to the way human eye is build, we can detect "true" yellow from photons with a wavelength ~580 nm, or "fake" yellow i.e. a mixture of red photons with a wavelength ~650-700 nm and green photons with a wavelength ~550 nm. Computer color spaces have maximum saturation when they reach 255 (in RGB 24 bit, ARGB/RGBA 32 bit). Physically there is no such limit. Therefor programmers created HDRI technology/technique/formats, which can store colors in a floating point format. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/High-dynamic-range_imaging
  7. If we have inputs: Ra, Rb - initial ratings K - K-factor, typical value 16, 20, 32. Check Wikipedia Elo article for a more details. W - 1 win of A, 0.5 draw, 0 win of B. Elo rating calculation algorithm is: Qa=10^(Ra/400) Qb=10^(Rb/400) Ea=Qa/(Qa+Qb) Eb=Qb/(Qa+Qb) Ra'=Ra+K*(W-Ea) Rb'=Rb+K*((1-W)-Eb) Ra', Rb' - output ratings So, if A wins, and if Ra=Rb=1500 and K=20, Qa=Qb, and Ea=Eb=0.5, Ra will gain +10 pkt, Rb will loss -10 pkt. But if Ra=2000, and Rb=1500 and K=20, Ra will gain just +1.1 pkt, Rb will loss -1.1 pkt. If Ra=2500, and Rb=1500 and K=20, Ra will gain just +0.1 pkt, Rb will loss -0.1 pkt. Going from Ra=1500 to 2000 requires hundred wins in a row, and we can clearly see that the higher rank player has, the less pkt is added to his/her rank. Looks good to me.
  8. Calm down. I was in the middle of edit, searching for videos to attach.. writing/replaying on mobile is PITA.. Viruses (in aerosols ejected by ill people) can infect you also through eyes.. https://www.google.com/search?q=virus+infection+through+eyes https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lanmic/article/PIIS2666-5247(21)00040-9/fulltext
  9. When people ask me about masks and COVID-19, I am showing them videos captured in slow motion, thermal spectrum, comparison of how much different kinds of masks release aerosols around ill person:
  10. When we are at debunking the myths: anti-vaxxers are not the one who just don't take vaccines, but the one who claim that vaccines are on purpose secretly made harmful by some unidentified group ruling the world to harm people and cause depopulation, autism, cancer etc. etc. Basically conspiracy theory..
  11. @Theodoros Kiriakopoulos Okay. I created Elo calculator spreadsheet for you using algorithm description from the website: https://metinmediamath.wordpress.com/2013/11/27/how-to-calculate-the-elo-rating-including-example/ OpenOffice Spreadsheet file: Elo Calculator.ods I used constant K-factor 20 as it appears to be used by Omni Calculator. You can change it in the J column. There seem to be also problem with how to round fractions. Floor/ceil them or >=.5 treat as +1..
  12. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glicko_rating_system You should say "A team or a player who has 20 wins in 20 games may be better than a team or a player who has 40 wins and 20 losses in 60 games.".. ...because it does matter with who they played and how much gained experience.. I found elo calculator for you: https://www.omnicalculator.com/sports/elo Enter 1500 for both players. The result is 1510 vs 1490. Enter 1510 for 1st player and again 1500 2nd. The result is 1519.7 vs 1490.3. Enter 1519.7 for 1st player and 1500 2nd. The result is 1529.1 vs 1490.6. (repeat procedure) Clearly it is not what you claimed.. The larger difference between players result in gaining less for higher level player and losing less for less experienced player (if they win/lose accordingly to higher/lower ratings) Conclusion is that you did not pay enough attention studying rating algorithms.. I suggest using OpenOffice Spreadsheet or Excel or if you are familiar, some computer programming language.
  13. Don't believe in Forbes list and similar billionaire's lists too much. They take into account only what is public available i.e. current stock price.. Debts of the companies are often kept secret to not fear investors.. (regular people often do the same, have apartment and car, with 30y+ credit, but people around them have no idea it is all for credit and are jealous.. actually such person can have negative amount of money, if they would sell everything) Do you believe Amazon is mega corporation? Right? They were, quarter by quarter, losing money of investors doing retail selling business.. I have no idea how do they do it with such worldwide public recognition. Normal company, not listed on stock markets, would have to file for bankruptcy a long time ago.. They started earning money after they started AWS (aka "Amazon cloud"). I bet ya, if they have to choose business retail vs AWS, they would prefer cloud..
  14. Modern sport is a mess. In many disciplines person has to start very early, or won't be able to compete with others on Olympics level. Have no normal childhood. Doesn't go to normal school as it would collide with sport. Person who started at 8 vs person who started at 15. The first one has 7 years more experience.. Entire life is subordinated to the training plan. In majority it is plan of their parents than child. They have no normal day work job. Sport is their job. Have to search for "investors" which will give them regular monthly payments. In return sponsor receives the rights for somebody image in medias (which can be worth something in capitalistic country in the future and used for advertising, if (and only if) child sportsmen-to-be will have good results in sport and gains general public recognition). Only a few can reach to the top. The rest childs sportsman-to-be remain without normal childhood, jobless, unknown to public not widely recognizable, bitter. Without proper education and teenage social life/skills, they have problems with existence and relationships after finishing their sport career e.g. due to injury.
  15. Some sources inform that public debt of EU exceeded 100% GDP in Q1 2021: https://www.google.com/search?q=public+debt+in+europe+2021 The situation is very similar all over the world: https://www.google.com/search?q=japan+public+debt+to+gdp+ratio Japan public debt was 235% of GDP in 2019, and 256% in 2020. (Wow!) Now governments want to increase taxes to get these money back from ordinary people and enterprises (which will pass it on their customers and workers). At the same time they extraordinarily waste them on e.g. war equipment which ends up life on e.g.: The equipment used in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria will also end up in such a graveyard. All your taxes went on (and now government debt) Governments are "persuading" financial institutions to lend them money and banks do so. Have no other choice as e.g. rates of interest (which govs control) are the lowest in the history and bonds seem to be the best way to "invest" extra money from their point of view (i.e. more reliable than customer credit or enterprise credit). Half-good if they are invested in something useful and longterm existing. But there is large amount of groups of interests behind politicians, supporting them to get to senate, parliament etc. (in US it requires 1m+ "investment") which they have to pay the bill later at office. Doing large infrastructural projects there is vast number of ways politicians, their families, their friends and friends of friends, groups of interests, can get rich and get a bit of chunk from a big pie called state budget.. Which department ever asked for less in following year than in previous? Because previous was too big to spend it all? No! They will spend everything to every penny and even exceed (and (ab)use on complete stupidities fearing to decrease year-by-year department's budged). Bottomless pit.
  16. Infinity+2 is still infinity. https://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=∞%2B2
  17. My version: Open 'Start' menu. Enter 'cmd'. RMB and pick up 'Run as Administrator'.
  18. As it is just entertainment, I would use a large LCD/LED display with Earth seen from cosmos with an interactive ongoing simulation showing the rising desert border as temperature rises, more frequent and larger tornadoes, changes of sea level and flooding of current low elevation lands etc. etc. If it is already in the future, the Earth on display may have a different coastline than we know today.. The viewer will have WTF impression the first time will see the new coastline. Here you have the predictions: https://www.google.com/search?q=coastline+simulator+global+warming (switch to image mode) And video: https://www.thesun.co.uk/tech/8386736/rising-sea-levels-simulator/ e.g. Florida? What Florida? What Mar-a-Lago? ps. I am doing a facepalm on hearing somebody buy or build something in Florida..
  19. ...You might get "access denied".. Copied from the net: "The default size of hiberfil. sys is approximately 40% of physical memory on the system. If you want to disable hibernate mode without turning off Fast Startup, you can reduce the size of the hibernation file (hiberfil. sys) to about 20% of your RAM in Windows 10." and "How do I change the size of my Hiberfil sys? Change the size of hiberfil. sys in Windows 10 Open Command Prompt as administrator. Type the following command- powercfg /hibernate /size <percentage> Hit Enter."
  20. How many particles is in your body? How many information can be send per second? Therefore, how long it will take to send all your state from B to A, or A to B? If somebody is able to do what you described, instead of teleportation, could make backup of himself or herself at exact date, and if accident happened and/or died, recreate body from backup.. If somebody is able to do what you described could run computer program analysing backed up data of the body to find cancer, mutation, anomalies, illness etc.
  21. ??? Internet forum (like this one) is an example of social network.. They are "pushing malware" to intercept your device and use it and eventually stole your money and/or identity. Hackers will automagically disappear? How? Honestly, using the net in ~ 1995 was a nightmare...
  22. @studiot To be able to catch discrepancies between presented versions of the history, you would have to compare books, articles, movies and other materials in different languages (countries involved) about the same event. e.g. what China authors wrote about 1st and 2nd Opium Wars, versus what English authors wrote (in 2nd also French and Russian versions). The older event is analysed, they can't even agree about quantity of forces involved and casualties of some battle.. with even less data about civil casualties.. History of science is in completely different category than history of wars, conflicts and politics between countries and nations. It is history of discoveries. Unattractive for populist politicians to alter on purpose to push their version..
  23. "History is always written by the winners". So, what you read and learn in historical books in majority are lies, (mis)interpretations, concealments of unpleasant facts, etc. etc. Distortion of the truth is part of "patriotic" political activity.. Weak minds are easy to manipulate by populistic politicians..
  24. Typical way ray-tracing is implemented is divide geometry to triangles (at startup) and find intersection between each triangle and ray (origin and direction vectors).
  25. He rotated head 90º by himself:
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