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Counter example: salted water has higher boiling point than pure water. Brine has ~ 109 C. When salt NaCl is added, the freezing point is lowered and the boiling point is raised.
@studiot Edible oils are not one uniform chemical compound. They are a mixture of saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids. What is the difference between e.g. refined olive oil and virgin olive oil? The percentage of fatty acids. Along with the difference in content, there are also differences in the physical properties of the entire mixture e.g. smoking point. A couple tables worth reading: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Template:Smoke_point_of_cooking_oils and here table with percentage content they are made of, and how it influences properties (smoking point): https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vegetable_oil#Composition_of_fats
If you want them to have always golden color, crisp skin with nice interior forget about shallow-frying.. Try this: cook potatoes with salt, vinegar and sugar at least 15 min. Dry carefully using paper and put them for max 6 mins in deep hot oil. Some use mixture of two oils to have higher temperature. Shallow-frying disallows them to evenly fry from all sides therefore you need to double time of frying. If you want to learn how much they took oil measure their mass before and after frying using both methods.
Reading you guys, I wonder whether you are living in a parallel Universe.. Meanwhile, in the real world: https://www.forbes.com/sites/niallmccarthy/2016/09/23/survey-69-of-americans-have-less-than-1000-in-savings-infographic/ "A new survey suggests that nearly 7 in 10 Americans have only $1,000 or less in their savings accounts. GoBanking asked 7,000 people around the country how much money they had set aside in savings accounts for the future, and found that 34 percent of them have absolutely nothing set aside." https://www.statista.com/chart/amp/20323/americans-lack-savings/ How can somebody being really happy knowing he or she is just two weeks out of work to bankruptcy (or homeless)? For most people, this is (or would be) an extremely stressful situation. (Hence the incidents of mass murder after dismissal from work of person "on the edge") Whether somebody earns $7k, $70k or $700k per year, does not matter. It does not tell about non-luxury obligatory spendings and debts. The stress of the person who owns a home bought on credit and knowing that its price is lower than the bank debt can have devastating consequences for mental health in times of economic crisis.
If you buy new CPU you need to buy new motherboard (because CPU socket has changed) with new RAM (because memory slots have changed) with new storage/disk/drive (because you don't want to lose old data or old one cannot be even attached) with new gfx card (because old one would be bottleneck or does not match PCI -> AGP -> PCI Express.. VGA -> DVI -> HDMI) etc. etc. In modern times manufacturers of devices decide for you instead.. forcing people to puchase their products. They could be giving CPU as free gift (like dressing gown from essay) and if somebody would like to have any use from it, would have to buy all the rest of equipment. It is widely used in modern computer games: base version given for free to download but if player wants to have any chance with a more advanced players must get paid additions (and perhaps at the end spend more money than he/she would in old times buying box version). Electronics break after a while of use. Elements are designed in such way to break right after warranty ends plus a small margin. You can't get into a shop or manufacturer and request a replacement for an element. It is no longer produced. Every year or every two years they design new models which have incompatible parts. Even the cheapest things are redesigned from scratch. Everything is done to disallow reparation and to force people to buy new product every couple of years.
Sign rule for multiplication
Sensei replied to neonwarrior's topic in Linear Algebra and Group Theory
Let's inverse equation and use division: 6 / (-3) = -2 or 6 / (-2) = -3 Division is the inverse of multiplication. And vice versa. (With a little exception) In the simplest case: 1 / (-1) = -( 1 / 1 ) = -1 Left and right side of the equation must be equal. -
(without reading comments above, so maybe somebody already pointed it out) A perfectly sealed object with fluid inside will behave differently than the same object with open air access, i.e. different temperatures and pressures will be required to change the state of matter. It is used to stupidify people by so called "miracle" e.g. https://www.google.com/search?q=naples+saint+blood+liquify which, from time to time, changes state from solid to liquid, and vice versa. Basically, water put it sealed bottle, won't freeze at 0 C and won't boil at 100 C. In the perfect gas equation v volume variable is constant so two other variables must change accordingly instead.
Need some info to explain some 'science things' in my fantasy novel.
Sensei replied to ChrisShield's topic in Chemistry
Large spacecrafts capable of interplanetary travel rarely land on a planet. They remain in orbit and only small landers are sent to the surface. -
Tool depends on task at hand which you must do. There is no such thing as "the best tool for everything". If you want to make website you just need web browser (which is built-in every modern system) and start your journey from reading and following tutorials on https://www.w3schools.com It is for IT beginners really. It is also good to have XAMPP https://www.apachefriends.org/ If you want to make Windows OS application, you will need Visual Studio Community or Express. https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/ C/C++ language reference https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/language If you want to make smartphone application for Android you will need Android Studio. https://developer.android.com/studio Java language reference https://docs.oracle.com/javase/specs/jls/se8/html/index.html All these tools are available for free to download and use. No. It is not good job. It is great job to learn. If you don't want to be "modern Neanderthal" not understanding anything around you..
In the computer science, "integer"/"int" is primitive data type which is stored (typically) in 32 bits, regardless of what value it contains. It can be unsigned or signed. Unsigned 32 bit integer can store values between 0 to 2^32-1 = 4 294 967 295 (~4.3 (US/UK) billions). If not all bits are used, we can pack couple values into one primitive datatype. The simplest example of it is bit field: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bit_field e.g. if you have value ("value1") in range 0...16 777 215, which fits 100% in 24 bits.. you can merge it with yet another value ("value2") in range 0...255 which fits in 8 bits. data = ( value1 << 8 ) | value2; (which is equivalent to value1 * 256 + value2) To extract value1 from data we need to do: value1 = data >> 8; (which is equivalent to data/256) and to extract value2: value2 = data & 0xFF; (which is equivalent to data%256) In the more complex cases, there are needed left/right binary shift operators together with binary and (&) operators. Binary left-shift is equivalent of multiplication by 2^x. Binary right-shift is equivalent of division by 2^x (without remainder). And binary and (&) operator is equivalent of modulo. They are much faster for CPU than equivalent arithmetic operations. Knowing it, we can pack/unpack values which don't fit perfectly inside of bit/binary boundary. e.g. on the example of time: you have variables seconds and minutes, they are in range 00...59. Hours variable is in range 00...23 packed_time = ( ( hours * 60 ) + minutes * 60 ) + seconds you end up with value in range 0 ... 86399, which is stored in 17 bits (2^17 = 131072) Previously, you would have to have 3 bytes = 24 bits used not optimally for hour, minute and second variables. Remaining bits where always 0, just taking space. No, you did not. Rediscovered just the wheel. Widely known and used even by CPU engineers to save space in the CPU registers..
Help with determining the least dangerous volcanic landform
Sensei replied to popcornfrenzy's topic in Homework Help
A serious eruption from a volcano at the bottom of the ocean (or a volcano on lonely island in the middle of nowhere), can result in a tsunami on the sea's surface.. https://www.google.com/search?q=underwater+volcanic+eruption+tsunami -
Really deep diving requires special procedures and special equipment i.e. decompression chamber otherwise diver will have decompression sickness which might even end up with death. You should read entire articles: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decompression_sickness https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diving_chamber Hydrostatic pressure at sea level is 1 atm. Approximately 2 atm at depth 10m. Approximately 3 atm at depth 20m. and so on, so on, every 10m. Whether diver will survive getting out of submarine which sunk depends on depth at which he/she get out of it and availability of decompression chamber waiting for them..
Did you try solutions from this thread? https://www.dell.com/community/XPS/FAQ-Modern-Standby/td-p/7514448 "Workaround for Modern Standby battery consumption and heat This option may be removed by Microsoft in newer operating system versions. * Highlight on the battery icon (bottom right) * Right click and click Power Options * On the left side navigation, click "Choose what the power buttons do" * On, "When I press the power button", change On battery and Plugged in to "Shut down" * Click Save changes * Go to Windows settings and select Power & sleep. There will be an option for Network connection: "When my PC is asleep and on battery power, disconnect from the network", change it to "Always" * Open Device Manager * Open the Network Adapters section * Right click on the Wireless adapter * Go to the Advanced Tab * Go to Properties and select Wake on Magic Packet and set the value to Disabled * Go back to Properties and select Wake on Pattern and set the value to Disabled * Click the Ok button and close the open windows Disable Modern Standby. Backup/export the registry prior to making any changes This option may be removed by Microsoft in newer operating system versions. * Press Windows R * Enter regedit * Click OK * Find HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Power * On the right, double click CsEnabled * Change it to 0 * Click OK * Close the Registry Editor To enable the Hibernate option This option may be removed by Microsoft in newer operating system versions. * Right click the Start button and type comm on the search line * Right click Command Prompt * Click on Run as administrator * Type powercfg /a (this shows all of the states) * Type powercfg /h on [press Enter] Create shut off CMD shortcut icon * Open Notepad * Copy this text: Shutdown /s /t 000 * Paste it into Notepad * Click File- Save as * Click the Save as type drop down arrow and click All Files * Enter Off.cmd in the File Name blank * In left pane click Desktop * Click Save * Close Notepad * On the Windows Desktop you should now see this" Maybe it is because 1) SSD and/or HDD does not go to sleep 2) network activity can wake machine. So, you should identify whether they are the case and eventually search net for how to disable them (read entire article above with the all links).
Unlikely. It is too late for it.. But question is ill formed. It should be whether they can get people back.. alive... ps. There was no Musk's team landing on the Moon yet.. Step by step.. baby steps.. "Hurry up" is ready procedure of failure in any serious endeavour..
What a poor introductory post.. None political wing, AFAIK, accepts pedophiles, child molesters, child abusers.... Acceptance to gays and lesbians, transsexuals, minorities, has nothing to do with acceptance of people raping, molesting or abusing people (i.e. doing things by force, or by trick, against second person free will..) (Typically) YouTube is a poor choice of source of the information about the world, unless a video is made by scientists e.g. Discovery Channel programs.
E=m0 c^2 is mass-energy equivalence! It has nothing to do with "speed of light"... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mass–energy_equivalence m0 - rest-mass (aka "invariant-mass") of object. When highly (relativistic) accelerated particle collides with other particle, there is created "shower of particles". https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Particle_shower Such "shower of new particles" can be seen by naked eye.. if you have Cloud Chamber, Bubble Chamber, etc. kind of early (and cheap) particle detectors.. @Prof Reza Sanaye The more (kinetic) energy has particle, the longer trace it leaves. The more kinetic energy has particle, the more energetic (and more massive) new particles it can create during collision. You don't need CERN to have highly energetic particle. They are coming from cosmic space. Passing through your apartment right now. You just don't know about them.
IR camera for smartphone?
..the next step should be perhaps digital oscilloscope? Endoscope for smartphone? ($10-$20 or so) If you found multimeter "a fun little gadget to play with", then maybe Arduino? Default introductory kit should keep you busy for a month or two. e.g. get Bluetooth transmitter *) for Arduino, get water pump (in e.g. pet shop, pump for fishes), and build device for remote (by smartphone) control irrigation of indoor plants in pots. Make simple single button on/off Android app, which will connect to BT device and control water pump on demand. *) requires 5V <-> 2.5 V power/signal converter. https://create.arduino.cc/projecthub/neetithakur/automatic-plant-watering-system-using-arduino-uno-8764ba Perhaps LCD microscope? https://www.google.com/search?q=LCD+microscope
They also build entire house: "Woodworking Extreme Edition #2" You can get some inspiration from their furniture designs.
"Woodworking Extreme Edition #1"
Why am I feeling that you are mixing vaccines with antibiotics.. ? Indeed unfinished, interrupted, or overused by medics and agricultural industry, antibiotics treatments, can lead to creation of antibiotics-resistant species..
When pathogens have hosts they mutate, evolve, spread, transfer genetic material between themselves and with other viruses and pathogens. From mixture of two or more mild pathogens there can be created a new more dangerous specie. The more vaccinated is population the less hosts for pathogens and smaller probability of creation of new pathogens. That is why true danger lies in zoonotic viruses, which are completely novel to human organism and its immune system. Horizontal transfer of genes between zoonotic virus and mild harmless human pathogen can result in creation of a real lethal disase.
You should be vaccinated not only to protect yourself against viruses, but mostly to protect other people against you. If you will become mildly ill, you might be unaware spreading viruses to other people. Therefor entire pandemic.. The main path of transmission are not people with strong cough and severe state. They are easily detectable. Problem (regardless of disease) are "silent spreaders" who have no idea about being infected. HIV infected person can be spreading virus for 5-10-15 years without having symptoms and without having idea about being infected. Mask on face is not to protect you from catching viruses but mostly to protect other from your viruses. Aerosols in your breath and cough will end up on your mask instead of being shoot at 5-10 meters and remaining there for dozen of minutes flying in the room. If you walk in to the cloud with aerosols from somebody who cough, viruses can get to you through eyes, scratches, dirty hands (fast food eating outside of apartment without enough care) etc.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ninth_grade#Philippines "Philippines In the Philippines, Grade 9 is the third year of Junior High School. Topics mainly discussed are the following subjects like, for the major subjects are Geometry (Math in Grade 9), Chemistry, Physics, Biology and Earth Science (Science in Grade 9), Filipino subject with Noli Me Tangere, Anglo-American Literature (English) and Philippine Economical Study (Political Studies in Grade 9). Values Education, MAPEH (Music, Arts, Physical Education and Health), Computer and TLE (Technology and Livelihood Education) are some of the minor subjects. Students are usually 14–15 years old."
Study things that are interestig to you.. Alternatively, study your school textbooks in advance before teacher tells you chapters to read. You will get good grades, when class will go through materal that you know already, and will have more time to learn new chapters in advance, again. Study computers science and programming. The all modern quantum physicists have to know how to program computers to be able to analyse large amount of data from sensors and devices.