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Everything posted by Sensei

  1. In Open Office Spreadsheet you can copy one cell to other cell. e.g. suppose so we have something in cell A1. Fill cell A2 with data "=A1". Whenever you change content of A1, A2 will be automatically updated. Excel should have something similar too. Instead of copying you can also do math operation. Sumation. etc. Open Office Spreadsheet accepts CSV file format, which is plain text but with information about spreadsheet structure. You can modify it by simple script. Columns are separated by coma or other character e.g. 0,1,2 3,4,5 Will make two rows, three columns with filled data. So you can make template in CSV with special tags e.g. %FIRST%,%SURNAME%,%DATE% Then in the script language of your choice use string replacement function to change tags to real values or values read from external file etc. e.g. in PHP it will be: $output = str_replace( "%FIRST%", "John", $input ); $output = str_replace( "%SURNAME%", "Doe", $output ); $output = str_replace( "%DATE%", "2021-04-20", $output ); What are you doing with your excel and docs? Print? Mail? Save on disk? In some cases you could use HTML (/JS/CSS/jQuery/AJAX) instead of Excel and Doc. And work entirely in Web browser window. It has many advantages like portability (PC, iMac, mobile and tablet supported since the beginning). HTML has form tags. https://www.w3schools.com/html/html_forms.asp You can use jQuery and AJAX and PHP for validation of data, sending filled e-mail and storing ready document in local database. https://www.w3schools.com/jquery/jquery_intro.asp If you want to try this route first download XAMPP. It is local HTTP Apache server with PHP and MySQL database installed and ready to use. https://www.apachefriends.org
  2. Computer does not understand words that you used "ethics", "morals", "kill". It does not think. It just executes program. If program has not enough data, or incorrect data from sensors (because of unexpected by the software condition, unexpected obstacle on road, or unexpected weather condition, sensor malfunction, etc. etc.), it will execute wrong branch of code, which will eventually lead to crash and somebody will be killed. Nobody "chose person to kill".. "Choosing person to kill" requires thinking and intelligence. Statistics is what matter when there is news in media about crash, when there is discussion about "safety and feasibility of driverless vehicles ", not absolute number of crashes. For the media, good news is no news. Only bad news is news for the media. Even if 99.999999% of some cars/airplanes arrive successfully to home every day, you will hear in the media only about the one unlucky 0.000001% which had accident..
  3. 1) You do not know how many automatically driven cars reached their destination successfully. 2) The media will only talk about failures, not about successful arrivals. 3) Unlikely media will reveal what is percentage/per millage between crashes/not crashes of automatically driven cars, versus human-driven car crashes/not crashes. (you are not informed about the number of airplanes which not crashed today either, you're just informed by the media only about one which crashed today) My thoughts about the software: When car driver instructs car where to go, device should show map of known (already taken and stored in db) parts of road (with green color), and unknown (which will be the first time taken) (with red color). Software should lower speed of driving on roads which are taken the first time. Human must be in advance informed about it. During driving software should compare what it gets from sensors and camera, is what is already in database. When there are bad weather conditions, obstacles on road, heavy traffic, etc. etc. what is in database won't match sensors, and speed should be lowered in advance. Automatic exchange of databases between cars, and central server, would help finding when software made mistake. Exchange of data between cars will prevent crashes between cars (data "we are here #UID at location x,y,z with speed vx,vy,vz, and acceleration ax, ay, az". From #UID computer builds history and predicts future path. Repeated by the all cars on the road tells about heavy traffic in some area in advance).
  4. CERN offers a few free SDKs for particle collisions simulations.. Does it count? https://www.google.com/search?q=large+hadron+collider+simulation+sdk
  5. "Even a Broken Clock Is Right Twice a Day".. If you will ask ~ 8 bln people to predict something in the future with an exact date, just because of the amount of people involved, some of them will give the exact date of some event, giving you illusion of prophecy and foresight. "predict a day of a week of your death". You have 1/7 = 14% chance of giving the correct answer. Nobody will say in media "that person incorrectly predicted day of week of his/her death". You will just see information about "lucky" one which gave the correct one. Someone is winning all these lotteries. They didn't foresee it, even if in the media say so.
  6. Properties in a big-city are expensive. Property tax, is an Ad valorem tax, that is paid annually on the current property value. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ad_valorem_tax https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Property_tax i.e. the owner of the property has to hand it over to the people who rent the property (otherwise he/she would have been losing money every year and eventually going bankrupt). Such tax is especially troublemaker for elder not wealthy people who own just one property and live in property (so can't rent it). They are eventually forced to sell property and moving somewhere else. Modern farming does not exist without artificial fertilizers (chemical industry), without fuel to agricultural vehicles, without mass transport of fuel from hole to the refinery and to gas stations. It is a network of connections which will collapse if one piece is missing. A farmer who loses access to fuel would move to the 19th century (and lack of effectiveness of production from that time) if he has sufficient knowledge of how to make a wood agricultural plow... There is very little horses and oxen now, so after collapse, he/she would be able only to feed himself/herself and family. Therefor of mine previous "pushing on" solar panels, and solar energy: after collapse agricultural vehicles could still work reliably and provide food supply even without oil & gas industry.
  7. One of the most bizarre topics.. US can't even solve much more basic things like: "Will America EVER ban guns?".. If people hadn't been shooting at each other for ridiculous things, we'd have had SOME PROGRESS... Police officers in a day, knowing they are being recorder are committing crimes.. WTF?! what do they do at night, when nobody is watching.. ?!
  8. No. That is an error. You want to know whether similar difference is between positron and muon+.. To have full set of information you need the all data from experiments performed on tau-/+, muon-/+ and e-/+. There is no single way muon can be created. e.g. it cound be result of decay of pion, but it can be also result of decay of tau. Scientists working on the OP experiment should verify whether muons created different paths have the same properites. If they vary, how much they vary.
  9. 30 kV is needed PER CM distance between electrodes.. so.. 1 meter distance requires 3 mln Volts. https://www.google.com/search?q=30+kv+per+cm
  10. Why are they keep saying "muons decay to electrons"? Only muon- decays to electron.. Muon+ decays to positron.. So actually they should make and compare the results from (at least) four versions of the experiment: muons- spinning in ring in one direction, muons- spinning in the opposite direction, muons+ spinning in one direction and muons+ spinning in the opposite direction. With particle spin polarized and without. Compare the results from muons- and + accelerated to different velocities until they decay.
  11. In static Universe, atoms could not form in the first place, stars could not form, planets could not form, galaxies would not exist etc. etc. It has nothing to do with strict biology.
  12. In static world there is no change. No progress. 1) decay of radioactive isotope of Carbon C-14. Carbon is part of DNA/RNA. Affected molecule is fatally damaged. Surrounding molecules can be damaged too by highly accelerated electron. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carbon-14 2) decay of radioactive isotope of Potassium K-40. Potassium is not part of DNA/RNA, but is present in blood and cells. It has a long half-life but has much larger abundance % than C-14 to C-12. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Potassium-40 3) cosmic radiation from the Universe. 4) UV radiation from the Sun. 5) normal chemical reactions can produce intermediate chemical compounds which have unpaired electrons therefor are extremely reactive and unlucky DNA/RNA molecule might be damaged in unexpected way. 6) carcinogenic food and drinks. https://www.google.com/search?q=carcinogenic+food+and+drinks 7) carcinogenic environment. https://www.google.com/search?q=carcinogenic+compounds
  13. "Normal" procedure of repairing no-longer-produced electronics is to buy exactly the same electronics model from 3rd party user (can be damaged too), and replace part by part, until original one will start working.. From two-three-four damaged units, you can make single one working, if they have different kind of damage. Do you have enabled hardware disk-encryption? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hardware-based_full_disk_encryption Lost of encryption-key means inability to read data.. (Unless you're billionaire or government agency and have unlimited budget) When booting disk from different mobo than original, did you try to run in safe-mode? command-line? https://www.google.com/search?q=safe+mode+windows+boot What happens if you run Kali Linux from pendrive in forensic mode? https://www.kali.org/docs/general-use/kali-linux-forensics-mode/ Are you able to see your disk and data from it? Recovery of data is never cheap. You need to have at least the same size HDD/SSD to be able to make duplicate of the all files.. Preferably sector by sector.. "Loading embedded OS to different mobo" than it was designed for, (often) has no sense.. Different hardware require different specialised drivers. When you install OS on normal PC the first time, they (drivers) are on CD/DVD and OS downloads everything later (but has to have at least mobo and Ethernet drivers installed, to be able to connect to the Internet.. imagine what a mess is if OS can't connect to the Internet and HW has no CD/DVD reader and USB pendrive is also not working due to lack of driver.. I had/have such situation with my laptop). Did you mean you had some valuable data on disk/storage/memory which get lost due to inability to boot anymore instead?
  14. No. This is how economy works. In older times there was used previous metal instead of "worldwide accepted currency". Europeans wanted tea from China. But Chinese rulers demanded silver and didn't want anything instead. Europeans had to take gold on galleons, buy silver in Japan, and deliver to China. New cities-ports were created Macau and Hong Kong. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manila_galleon The all other ports were forbidden for foreign sailors from the West. It ended up with 1st and 2nd opium war. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Opium_Wars Why Russia does not sell oil and gas in rubles?Because it is not "worldwide accepted currency" in world trade... The same is with yuan.
  15. Countries are importing goods from 3rd party countries and exporting their goods instead. To import stuff you need to have worldwide accepted currency. Nobody is paying any tribute other party. Without export China could not import what they want from world. Search net "what China imports from world". e. g. https://www.statista.com/topics/1471/imports-to-china/#dossierSummary They imported rice for 157 mln USD in February 2020. If they import such basic thing like rice, it means without it, somebody living in China, would be hungry..
  16. What is wrong with rice? I just ate it in my meal.. So the same like half of human population on this planet..
  17. The "emptiness" in natural sciences is called vacuum. A vacuum is a state in which in some volume there is very small number of atoms. The perfect vacuum is only theoretical. Through cosmic space there are flying billions of particles e.g. photons and neutrinos per second. Without them, it would not possible to see distant stars. The inventor of the first vacuum pump, Otto von Guericke, disproved Aristotle hypothesis: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Otto_von_Guericke "With his experiments Guericke disproved the hypothesis of "horror vacui", that nature abhors a vacuum. Aristotle (e.g. in Physics IV 6–9) had argued against the existence of the void and his views commanded near-universal endorsement by philosophers and scientists up to the 17th century. Guericke showed that substances were not pulled by a vacuum, but were pushed by the pressure of the surrounding fluids.[5]"
  18. Aristotle lived ~ 2000 years before Newton..
  19. Sort of.. #include <stdio.h> int main( void ) { int x = 0; do { printf( "x %d\n", x ); x *= 2; } while( x * 2 != x ); return( 0 ); } vs. #include <stdio.h> int main( void ) { int x = 1; do { printf( "x %d\n", x ); x *= 2; } while( x * 2 != x ); return( 0 ); }
  20. Nonsense. Search net for keywords: "female eggs quality per age graph" "female eggs count per age graph" "female eggs at birth" e.g. "By puberty, she usually has half that—and each month after puberty, she loses up to 1,000 eggs. Of those, only one egg is matured and ovulated each month." Similar like with male sperm, only a fraction of them are good quality and should be used for reproduction. That is why medics working on in-vitro have so large failed pregnancy rate. It takes a long time to find out which egg and which spermatozoid are in good conditions and are able to survive and form an embryo. From around 1,000,000 eggs at female birth, typical women has 1 to 3 child. One per a million, one per a half million, one per 333 thousands, chance of becoming human. The rest dies. Live people are "lucky" ones.. ..majority of ever living women in the history of this world, never reached to menopause, because they died a long before 40.. Long life of modern human is result of modern medicine, mass vaccination, decreased chance of dying during pregnancy and childbirth, cleaner environment and rules of making and preserving foods etc. standards.. e.g. search net for maternal mortality rate. https://ourworldindata.org/maternal-mortality One hundred and more years ago, it looked much worser than on the graph in the article.
  21. Some people are simply too immature, regardless of age, to have driving license.. Driver-to-be should be trained on realistic car simulators. Simulation of the worstest drivers around you, with the worstest possible accidents.. After being part of a simulated crash with almost not possible to survive probability, they should realize driving is not for them. Astronauts-to-be and airplane pilots-to-be are learning how to act during accident. Driver-to-be are learning just "how to park a car" and similar nonsense.. The result of this, is in the death statistics each year.. They just don't know what to do when things go wrong on the road. Nobody taught them.
  22. Meteorites and other solid planets (at the moment, we can discuss only about two: Mercury and Mars) have none or too little volcanic activity. You should start from reading the English version of Granite article on Wikipedia. Always start with the English version, because the local language versions are usually very poor in detail (except articles about the history of the country etc. local things) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Granite It explains why granite can't be (easily) found in cosmic space in the first paragraph "It forms from magma with a high content of silica and alkali metal oxides that slowly cools and solidifies underground.". Without volcanoes, without volcanic activity, there is no granite as well.
  23. You can open photo in viewer and take screenshot. Open built-in Windows Paint and press Paste and "Save As..". But iNow reminded me that you can also take screenshot of gallery on mobile too. Search net "how to make screenshot (mobile model name)". Different brands/models have different procedure. Of course if you are unsure how to do it (there is no magic "print screen" key after all).
  24. Absolutely, yes. It will solve problem with metadata. Lens can have unique imperfections added intentionally or non-intentionally. Analyze of enough amount of raw photos can be used to determine if they came from the same device. Change of resolution i.e. rescale down more than 2x with bi-linear interpolation can help to hide them. The same is with printers, copiers and scanners. Printed page has invisible by naked eye details which can be used for identification of exact printer device and/or model and indirectly person (if he/she is unique user like in home office). If you download document from some websites e.g. government web page, there are added unique metadata to each downloaded file. If somebody will share it on-line, analyze of metadata can reveal who downloaded and from what IP and when it happened. If you download some such important file, use VPN/proxy/Tor to download it again, and compare them e.g. 7zip adds branch to Windows explorer. RMB on file, pick CRC SHA branch, then pick one of them e.g. SHA-256. Repeat with other file from alternative computer with alternative network transmission via VPN/proxy/Tor. Compare checksum. If they differ, document has unique metadata and/or was generated dynamically and they can be used for tracking leakage.
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