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They have meaning. Integers are understood by ALU. Floats and doubles are understood by FPU. These days FPU is builtin CPU. But in '80 and early '90 in 386 and early 486 FPUs were external chipsets. Coprocessor. Floats are in IEEE 754 standard. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/IEEE_754 It is much harder to convert float or double to human readable format than plain integer. Therefore there is plentiful parameters which you need to bother about during conversion. Read printf/sprints C/C++ manual %f and %g.
Bit can contains value 0 or 1. If we group 8 bits it is byte. The all other data types have resolution in multiple of byte: 16 bits, 32 bits, 64 bits etc. From computer point of view they are always binary. If typical computer application must print number to user, it has to convert binary to decimal (for non-programmers). It is just on screen. Internally it is is still binary. Conversion takes CPU time and memory. In older times sometimes was used BCD. Now I think it is obsolete. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binary-coded_decimal It could be found in e.g. embedded systems. Display and basic maths are easier and takes less time than full binary to decimal conversion (because they need multiplication, division and/or modulo.. which maybe are not implemented in cheaper weaker chips e.g. Atari/C-64 CPU Motorola 6502/6510 don't have built-in multiplication, division and modulo instructions). CPU has flags: zero, overflow, carry, nagative and others. Some CPU instructions modify some of these flags. Usually arithmetic instructions. If you subtract e.g. variable x0 from x1 (register from register/memory) and you get zero result there is set zero flag in CPU. What does it mean? That x0 was equal to x1. Therefore instructions to perform jumps are called je, jne, beq and bne. Shortcuts from Jump if Equal. Jump if Not Equal. Branch if EQual and Branch if Not Equal. They test state of zero flag in CPU. It is what is used by higher level languages if()/for()/while() etc. functions. And by Boolean to check its state and perform jump. What you see on the screen is just bunch of pixels with shape of digit.
I got "nunca mais" which means "never again"..
Inverse square law is e.g. [math]P = \frac{P_0}{4 × \pi × r^2}[/math] From total power of the Sun P0 we get P in W/m^2. And it (P) is what we can measure using physical devices. To get total power of the Sun (P0) we have to reverse inverse square law equation to: [math]P_0 = P × 4 × \pi × r^2[/math] This is also used to measure distance to stars. Earth due to orbiting the Sun is 300 mln km nearer to the star and half year later it is 300 mln km farther from it. Brightness of the star periodically changes due to increased or decreased distance, so we can deduce r (distance).
It the opening post Danilo said "Once, I heard about that the Sun releases 1,7x10^17 J per year".. but gave incorrect value. 3.846×10^26 W is calculated from ~1370 W/m^2 × (~150×10^9 m)^2 × 4 × 3.14159265. It is value that you gave earlier in this thread too. But you didn't multiply by the number of seconds per year to match OP units "J per year". What energy Sun releases per second, or per year, is one thing. What arrives to the Earth is another thing. It gets tricky to calculate what really reaches Earth surface as you have to take into account latitude, longitude, altitude, weather, reflectivity of surface (e.g. white snow reflects light) etc. etc. What is the origin of Danilo's data i.e. 1.7 × 10^17 J.. ? 1370 W/m^2 × 3.14159265 × (6,370,000m)^2 = ~ 1.75 × 10^17 W.. So it is energy per second (without taking into account angle), not per year as Danilo wrote. At noon, and in the best weather possible conditions.
Correction: it must be multiplied by 4 PI. ~1370 W/m^2 × (~150×10^9 m)^2 × 4 × 3.14159265 × 60s × 60 × 24 × 365.25 = ~1.222 × 10^34 J per year. ..and they could work online, and be paid by western country companies, work as e.g. software engineers. Therefore they also need fast reliable Internet connection with the rest of world. This way they won't have to abandoned homes and searching for a better life in the Europe risking losing life in travel.
OP said "per year".. We should calculate the energy which truly arrives to the Earth's surface. With inclusion of day-night variations. With analysis of angle (majority of the land is in the Northern Hemisphere)
That's certainly not correct value.. Earth gets ~ 1370 W/m^2 (in atmosphere). And is ~ 150 mln km away from the Sun. ~1370 W/m^2 × (~150×10^9 m)^2 × 60s × 60 × 24 × 365.25 = ~9.728 × 10^32 J
I need his source code..
They should not short sell in the first place! It is not constructive financial tool (in the case of stock market, in commodity exchanges it is completely different story). Doesn't build, but ruins businesses. If somebody thinks company is a bad business or eventually it will collapse should not buy their stocks. But if you short sale their stocks, that is evil! You are causing collapse of the company in shorter time. Hedge fund managers got what they deserved for and they were punished..
I think market always behaved this way, but behind closed doors e.g. couple powerful investors making secret agreement and causing up rise or fall down of the company stock's together without everybody knowing about it. Now crowd of ordinary people can do it completely openly on the Internet. Before XX century there were bankruptcy of banks caused by spreading of rumours about sudden insolvency. Some were completely true, some others were lies. Attempts to regulate this will lead to permanent censorship of literally everything. e.g. people won't be even able to complain about malfunction of the product which company sales, even if their complains will be absolutely true (and which will lead to eventual fall of stock price of the company). "Talk about company (and their products) always in positive light or don't talk at all".. That is what you want? Who will judge they said lies about the product? Who will judge that rumours about company insolvency is true or lie? Court? No. Because the all details of how good or bad is situation inside the company is under control of the company and they can show court whatever lies they want.. What rating had companies and banks in 2008, a day before financial crisis? The highest possible! People proclaiming collapse of the system were mocked, censored, marginalised, sued. If somebody would publicly complain on CDS before 2008, banks which made millions and billions selling them, would sue person, because he or she attacked branch of which they are sitting and making profit on it.. If they would have a tool which you want them to introduce by making regulations, they would use it straight away to shut up mouth of wistleblowers..
Some irrational numbers e.g. PI have infinite number of digits of each kind in decimal numerical system.
PDF contains text and images. Start from making sure your text is really text, not image. e.g. some people scan paper documents and output from scanner (images) are put as is inside of the PDF document. To handle images there is needed OCR. Completely different procedure. Also text can be in several columns. Attempt to OCR will result in having couple words from each column mixed each row! Find some example here and copy and paste it for a start: https://www.google.com/search?q=python+extract+text+from+pdf This is what ordinary layman would do. Programmers write scripts which will automatically extract needed data. Manual extraction of data from thousands files would take months or years of work. In some not computerised countries and companies, people still work that way in offices. That's bizarre. And results in waste of human resources, ineffectiveness, inproductivity of company, office or government. Inability to compete with the real world were such job is done by programmers. Programmers wanting to extract data from documents have different than amount of information, problems like damage of character encodings (it doesn't bother much UK, US, Australia and Canada programmers, but the rest of world indeed), text in scanned images, text in columns, incorrect recognition of the letter by OCR etc. etc.
They will rather send a Tesla. "First Tesla on another planet".. Actually they could do this (launch a rocket) this week..
Depends on what do you mean by the "structure fundamentally similar".. ..you should search for articles on comparing MRI scans of twins..
Problems using bluetooth to check distance between users ?
Sensei replied to studiot's topic in Engineering
Bluetooth works reliablely only a few meters. If you run app in continuous BT discovery mode the all other devices with enabled BT will be captured (unless they have disabled BT, or enabled airplane mode). So app knows which devices (and indirectly which people) were around you (and their phone's BT MAC addresses). And if person is ill the all people with close proximity (5-10m) will be identified (if government app would send MAC address to central server). The problem with this method is that the all people have to have smartphone, and all have to have installed application, and must have battery fully charged, and never exhaust it.. continuous usage of BT drains battery very quickly. To make application work, device can't go to sleep mode. My device especially not liking WiFi, and GPS, but BT is third to drain battery.. Obviously there is (well deserved!) reluctance from democratic countries people concerning about their privacy. Therefore even Android app which asks for Bluetooth permission also requires coarse location permission, since Android v10, fine location permission, and since Android v11, background location permission. As a side note, if you have WiFi turned on, Hotspot mode or not, MAC address can also identify your device (it is unique in the world). But WiFi and BT have different MAC addresses. So, entire idea of usage of BT could work only in totalitarian country, like North Korea etc. (if they would have electronic devices and electricity all day long) -
Not for me..
Fast neutrons (with higher kinetic energy) can destroy nuclei i.e. split it to clusters. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cluster_decay Search net for "fast neutrons induced cluster decay"
The answer for your initial question is:
I have extension to your teaser: Make 0 using once each 2, 11, 13, 17, 19, 101 with only + - x / ( ) as Operators.
If creators don't want their articles to be listed by search engine, it is easy: 1) don't buy ads to advertise your website, and 2) edit robots.txt file to reject search engine crawler: https://developers.google.com/search/docs/advanced/robots/create-robots-txt The first example on the page is how to disallow Google crawler to scan your website. Copy'n'paste to your website, 5 seconds of work and ~24h delay (till crawler notice change) and you're gone. More and more journalists release articles behind paywall. Does Google or any other search engine owner pays to skip it? Nope.
Politicians, and generally people around the world, have completely lost their minds... The idea that the search engine has to pay content creators is totally bizarre... Money goes exactly the reverse direction! Content makers pay Google to include their website and promote whatever they sell to the people! If person goes to shop to get something from the shop, person pays shop? or shop pays client to get it? Farmer pays clients to buy his/her products? or clients pay farmer to produce food? Australian politicians are: 1) idiots? 2) have no idea how IT works? 3) both.. ? 4) bribed/corrupted by local IT companies which make local search-engines.. ? so entire regulation is just to shutdown foreign IT companies and promote local search-engines instead.. ? (if 4th is the answer, local search-engine IT companies won't pay the content creators as well!) Australian politicians apparently think that shop should pay clients to get their stuff from shelves.. Instead of "talking with lawyers", they should talk to computer programmers first.. I believe so that any senior IT engineer in Australia is having facepalm on his/her face hearing it.. as least should have.. The search-engine has forever an ongoing auction of websites. There are hundred millions or billions websites and their pages around the world, and each of creator wants to appear as close as possible to the top of list of search results, because end clients read just the first page (rarely more) of result.. They (creators of content) pay Google (or any other commercial search-engine) to be on the top of list! There is limited space and everybody wants it. Creators pay Google, not Google Pays creators! Water does not flow uphill even on the opposite side of the Earth.. Australian politicians apparently think it does.. Bizarre.
I need some help figuring out if this study is flawed
Sensei replied to sadpatato-897's topic in Biology
Even if phone would be made of radioactive materials like Uranium or Plutonium it is extremely unlikely they would cause brain tumour (chances like one to trillions) 1) radioactive particles have barrier of skin and skull 2) people don't hold phone 24/7 close to their head (count how long per day you phoned.. you have it on calling reports from your provider). UV light from from the Sun (having hundred thousands to millions times more energy than microwaves used by cell phone) don't cause brain tumours. It causes skin cancer. Why? Because particles can't penetrate and reach brain. However there are some quantum particles which can penetrate, but they are extremely powerful primary and secondary cosmic rays and free neutrons. -
60 Hz is AC frequency in USA and couple others countries where is used such standard. In the Europe there is used 50 Hz AC. LED uses DC mostly. 230V/110 VAC is converted to 5-12 VDC first and no more pulsates. Frequency of photons have nothing to do how energy was delivered. You eat food and you are emitting photons in MW and IR spectrum visible by IR camera. BTW, try recording light bulb by smartphone camera with enabled 60 fps mode (or more) and you will see these pulses. Human eye is unable to see it because they are too fast. 60 Hz means there will be 120 pulses per second. Light bulb emits light no matter in which direction electrons fly.