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How much memory do you have in the computer? Do you have HDD, SSD, or M.2? HDD has 55 MB/s transfer. SSD 550 MB/s. M.2 NVMe 1700-3500 MB/s. I have 16 GB (max) in the laptop and SSD to not have to worry about out of physical memory. Planning to upgrade to 24 GB (max of mobo) in the desktop machine. If application is using too much physical memory data must be swapped to disk and HDD is serious bottleneck here. I recommend to not even touch a computer without 16 GB of memory regardless of what are you doing and strongly recommend M.2 NVMe. 120 GB NVMe (1700 MB/s) costs 50 USD and PCI adapter for desktop costs 20 USD. 100 USD NVMe burst can have 3500 MB/s. Laptop users without on-board M.2 unfortunately have to use SSD. If you are not homeless there is no reason to suffer using obsolete computer.. It does not cost much.. Investment will pay off within a couple days of usage because you will save your time of life, which is wasted on waiting for the computer to finish job.. and minutes add up to hours, every day.. I often hear laymans "I don't do anything fancy, so don't need much" (the last time yesterday). BS! Reading websites in 10 tabs/windows can take the all memory of 8 GB computer these days.. M.2 NVMe has 70 times faster data transfer than HDD, so even if computer has out of physical memory events, they won't be as painful as with slow HDD. And there are still people using 5400 RPM HDD...
I need some help figuring out if this study is flawed
Sensei replied to sadpatato-897's topic in Biology
IF smartphones would cause DNA/RNA mutations, microbes and viruses (living in other organisms), placed under the smartphone, should have abnormally damaged DNA/RNA. It is easy to verify scientific experiment. Grow unicellular microorganisms. Divide into two parts. One will be control group. The second place under smartphone, or even surround by dozen of smartphones, with full LTE / 5G / WiFi turned on all the time during the experiment, under WiFi router, or even put inside of LTE/5G cell-tower, after the experiment, compare amount of damaged DNA/RNA with control group. Repeat hundred times, with different species, with different environment conditions, with different duration of experiment. Release your findings. Some millionaire with a scientific interest should offer a $1 million USD award for proving that DNA/RNA is abnormally more damaged by LTE/5G/WiFi (procedure like above)... But why is that so? Answer: because of the increased temperature.. Tight pants decrease air flow, and increase temperature. Working electronic device is warm/hot, and also increase temperature. Somebody made study and experiments, how hot bath influences men fertility among sauna enthusiasts? -
US problems are much deeper than D.T. .. actually, he is just the result, what happened in U.S. below the carpet, where sometimes rich and prominent people, look only when there are elections.. I found an article in European newspaper about the situation in the USA as seen by a foreign journalist (translated by Google):
You don't need brackets {} if superscript or subscript has just one character. e.g. x^2 instead of x^{2}. Subscript you make using _ character. [math]x^2[/math] [math]x_a[/math]
Which one? There are two CuCl and CuCl2 ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Copper(I)_chloride https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Copper(II)_chloride Is it your aim? or just playing for fun? "Copper(II) chloride is prepared commercially by the action of chlorination of copper. Copper at red heat (300-400°C) combines directly with chlorine gas, giving (molten) copper (II) chloride. The reaction is very exothermic. Cu(s) + Cl2(g) → CuCl2(l)"
..but it's the result of poor education.. Stupid people are easy/easier to manipulate than smarter/well educated.. Somebody heard that "vaccines contain Mercury", from other source heard about toxicity of Mercury element, and made from it vaccination conspiracy theory. From two truths (in some circumstances), they added them together and made lie ("lie" is wrong word! If somebody truly believes in something, it is not lie.. maybe better would be "accidental self misinformation", or "taking too quickly and far-reaching conclusions") Now, how to reverse this madness? Banning them on social media is a bad idea. It won't stop them from believing in these nonsenses. You will have the illusion that they (people) do not exist, unable to speak freely about what they truly believe. Throwing garbage under the carpet, and then "see? How clean!" is a poor house cleaning method.. Trash has not disappeared.. You just hid them. And lost control over what, where and to who they will say. Banning applications which are just used to spread these nonsenses, just because they don't want to introduce censorship, is even poorer idea. That's exactly what D.T. did! China did not want to listen (obey) U.S. , so he banned Huawei from using US IT companies technologies. Google/Amazon/Apple did exactly the same with Parler, what D.T. did with Huawei. In the case of anti-vaxxers, there should be made professional documentary, freely distributed on YouTube, how some people from couple true information about Mercury element made entire vaccination conspiracy theory and anti-vaxxers movement. And if somebody on social media is talking about vaccines, documentary should be displayed to next social media reader, explaining how they get to this (mis)belief and movement... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thiomersal_and_vaccines If somebody is on purpose spreading misinformation like flat-Earth videos, anti-vaxxers, etc. etc. . they do it to earn money from ads.. Disable ads on such videos and they will stop making them on purpose and for money..
Private equity, and public equity, have definitions as below: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Private_equity https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_company https://askanydifference.com/difference-between-private-and-public-equity/ "What is Private Equity? Private equity means your assets or security representing your ownership in a private company. Their financial information about stocks and shares is not disclosed to the public. A person having knowledge about investments or belonging to the business world can only speculate about their asset’s worth. No governmental organization like Security Exchange Commission has any pressure on them that is why private equity investors can focus on long-term prospects about their assets." FB, Google, Twitter are public companies, and they are listed on NYSE: https://www.nyse.com/quote/XNGS:FB https://www.nyse.com/quote/XNGS:GOOG https://www.nyse.com/quote/XNYS:TWTR Whether XX % of company is at hand of one person is not important. There are other liabilities. e.g. with minor investors of company. If owners of FB, Google, Twitter would buy back Parler, and then introduce more strict policy for their customers, it would be pretty fair movement (against freedom of speech but legally okay).. but banning them to have app in store, and then servers.. ? Just because you don't want to invigilate people? Absolutely outraging.
No, they are listed on public stock markets. Understandable. And well deserved. In simple words? Absolutely, yes.. Imagine somebody makes a computer game, where people are talking to other people in the real-time, write on chat, whatever they want, and then somebody from platform which is used to release that game is telling you that you must include invigilation and capture everything what has been said by them by voice and in chat, to analyze, or otherwise you will be banned from their platform... ps. Apple HQ is easier to capture than the Capitol.. are they prepared for assault?
Money is the main limitation in doing something.. (apart of physical limits)
Build a house in 4 days: In fact, it can be automated and done inside the hall (so work all year round, not just in summer).
A nuclear reactor is typically used to produce electricity. Electricity drives the motors that move the carrier. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A1B_reactor https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuclear_marine_propulsion
Political humor? Hard to beat this: https://www.businessinsider.com/photo-trump-supporter-riot-confederate-flag-us-capitol-2021-1?IR=T
DNS error... ethernet connected, no internet :-(
Sensei replied to Externet's topic in Computer Help
@Externet you're providing too little data for us.. RJ45 is just connector at the end of wire. Wire can be for 10 Mbps, 100 Mbps, 1000 Mbps (1 Gbps), 10 Gbps transmission. They can be straight or twisted. If you don't tell shopkeeper details (e.g. because you have no idea about the all details)... you end up without knowing what you bought.. https://www.google.com/search?q=rj45+cable+types https://www.dipolnet.com/twisted-pair_cables_-_nomenclature_standards_parameters_bib526.htm Maybe start from making photos of your equipment, One by one, router, switch (if you have), computer, TV, from back sides where will be see how it is all configured.. What are the lengths of these cables? Are they lying on the floor (and you walk on them, closing doors with them) or are they safe inside the walls? Details.. details.. Plugging RJ45 to device via USB is adding yet another layer of uncertainty.. Generally, if something malfunction, like in your case, you should unplug everything, and plug one device at a time. Turn off the all devices not plugged entirely from power source. I believe @studiot was talking about neighborhood printers, scanners and devices too.. Not just yours in the apartment. It is quite plausible to have interference from other people devices in surrounding apartments in range ~100 meters. This even happens with radio mouses, radio keyboards, Bluetooth devices. ps. You seem to completely ignore what I said in post #3.. -
How should I set about actually learning science?
Sensei replied to apples-and-bees's topic in Science Education
Start by rereading the old school textbooks. But this time not only to pass the exam, but to gain knowledge. -
@geordief It reminded me this: https://www.google.com/search?q=radioactive+random+number+generator Hardware random number generator: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hardware_random_number_generator "In computing, a hardware random number generator (HRNG) or true random number generator (TRNG) is a device that generates random numbers from a physical process, rather than by means of an algorithm. Such devices are often based on microscopic phenomena that generate low-level, statistically random "noise" signals, such as thermal noise, the photoelectric effect, involving a beam splitter, and other quantum phenomena. These stochastic processes are, in theory, completely unpredictable, and the theory's assertions of unpredictability are subject to experimental test. This is in contrast to the paradigm of pseudo-random number generation commonly implemented in computer programs."
Isn't purpose of E-numbers table? e.g. https://www.sigmaaldrich.com/analytical-chromatography/analytical-products.html?TablePage=109806885 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/E_number
In 1996, CPUs had one core per CPU. So I assume you meant "to match 200 machines in 1996" (e.g. server-room). The first Intel/Xeon with a dual-core was released in late 2005. The efficiency of modern CPUs apart of increased frequency, and more built-in cores, is the result of the introduction of new instructions which process more data in single instruction. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SIMD SIMD = Single Instruction Multiple Data But it requires 1) writing machine code manually 2) writing assembler snippets manually 3) enabling option in compiler (so it must to have such an option in the first place). Doubtful ancient Pascal compiler will utilize power of new instructions.. 4) writing multi-threaded algorithm.. A significant bottleneck is how fast the processor can read and write data from and to physical memory. To help with the bottleneck, many new technologies have been introduced: multi-level cache, dual-channel and triple-channel memory slots (so, when you have dual-channel memory on the motherboard, instead of buying a single 8 GB memory, you should buy 2x 4 GB, or 2x 8 GB.. and if triple-channel, buy 3x at a time, to have 3x faster memory transfers) These days, when somebody wants to have fast code, converts the most time consuming part of application to GPU/CUDA/OpenCL. We have GFX cards with literally thousands cores. Usage of ancient languages with ancient abandoned compilers won't help you fully utilize power of a modern machine. Hmm.. I have sense this sentence can be equivalent of "is modern 8 core CPU faster than 200 machines in 1996", correct? Yes. Modern single computer with 8 core CPU can be faster than 200 old machines from the past. You can check it using e.g. CPU benchmark website, which list CPUs: Compare AMD Ryzen (Cores: 64 Threads: 128). Score 88731. https://www.cpubenchmark.net/cpu.php?cpu=AMD+Ryzen+Threadripper+PRO+3995WX&id=3837 with Pentium 4 from 2000 (Cores: 1, Threads: 1). Score 77. https://www.cpubenchmark.net/cpu.php?cpu=Intel+Pentium+4+1300MHz&id=1058 (the worstest on this website) 88731/77 = 1152 times faster But it requires 1) multi-threaded code (not all algorithms are easily scalable) 2) no significant transfers from CPU to physical memory 3) no significant transfers from physical memory to data storage e.g. HDD/SSD/M.2
Chess algorithm does not have to be AI at all. '90 chess algorithms were not AI at all. And I doubt modern chess programs are A.I. (even if the creators claim it is A.I. in ads) because developers don't want to give such advanced technology to everybody (if you release software on CD/DVD/program downloaded through Internet, anybody can reverse-engineer what is there). e.g. when you talk to Google Assistant, or Siri, your voice is sent in real-time to central server to analyze, and they return just plain text. Why? Because Google/Apple don't want to include (reveal) A.I. voice recognition code in OS, because everybody ("programmers") will see it, and get it, and will use in their own projects.. AI means Artificial Intelligence, which should mean "teacher gives it data samples, and let it learn from them". The more data are given, the more knowledge gained. If you put A.I. inside of box without any signals from outer world, it won't learn anything. There will be no data to analyze and gain some knowledge. If teacher gives wrong data, A.I. learns bad things, and there are consequences: https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/facebook-artificial-intelligence-ai-chatbot-new-language-research-openai-google-a7869706.html https://www.cbsnews.com/news/microsoft-shuts-down-ai-chatbot-after-it-turned-into-racist-nazi/ "Microsoft had to shut Tay down because the bot started spewing a series of lewd and racist tweets." Search for "[company name] chatbot shutdown" for other similar stories. (chatbot is kinda like parrot repeating what he/she heard from humans, and repeating unaware what it means) Analyze of the all possible movement is not AI, it is brute force algorithm. Engineers just have to add more and more machines (or increase frequency of CPU) to have better results. Modern GPU cards have 1024/2048/4096+ cores on them. $5k and you have 4096 cores: https://www.acmemicro.com/Product/14963/NVIDIA-Tesla-M60-GPU-4096-cores-PCI-Express-3-0-16GB-GDDR5-GPU-Accelerator?c_id=573 $9k and you have 5120 cores: https://www.acmemicro.com/Product/16529/NVIDIA-900-2G500-0000-000-Tesla-V100-GPU-for-PCIe-16GB-HBM2-640-Tensor-Cores-Passive-Cooling True AI/human don't even think about "obviously wrong movements". Brute-force algorithm does through the all movements and judges them. Maybe "obviously wrong movement" at the beginning of play (rejected at the begging by everybody, by AI and human), maybe later have some unexpected consequences.. A.I./human can't know that, because rejected movement at early stage as wrong/pointless/stupid..
I would instantly dismiss idea of getting chair without armrest.. BTW, when we are at things which increase the comfort of programmer's work and life, one of the first things in my top ten would be blackout curtains. When you work at night (as it is almost 4:00 pm in Europe now. Summer would be sunrise) and you sleep during the day, you need blackout curtains to have a good rest. Daylight does not enter the bedroom and does not interrupt sleep.
..and I replied: if you have cosmic rays, you have some free neutrons created by them, transmuting one element into another.. and causing them to be radioactive.. OP, in a sloppy way, asked whether radioactive elements are created by cosmic rays and are in Marsian's water e.g. Tritium H-3 or Oxygen-19 etc. OP should ask about C-14 too (because abundance of CO2) in Mars atmosphere.. If water exist on Mars and is irradiated by cosmic rays for billions of years, yes, it contains radioactive isotopes. The thinner atmosphere layer, the worser for water.. So the next question for scientists searching for "water on Mars" (or any other planet): is it radioactive and how much more than terrestrial.
I did not say N-14 is on Mars, or it is transmuted to C-14 on Mars, or any other planet. It was just an example of what happens in Earth's atmosphere due to cosmic rays. The first reaction is universal: [math]p^+ + p^+ \rightarrow p^+ + n^0 + \pi^+[/math] (because you asked about neutron source in your post) Further secondary reaction(s) are specific to planet's atmosphere. Free neutrons are result of collisions of cosmic rays with matter. It can happen even without any atmosphere.
Obviously once Nitrogen N-14 transmutes into Carbon C-14, it does not need anymore one of electrons which is also ejected.
??? Nitrogen has 7 protons, free neutron has 0, Carbon has 6 protons, free proton is 1. 7 = 7 as far as I can see.. isn't?
In the case of the Earth's atmosphere, they are created by: [math]p^+ + p^+ \rightarrow p^+ + n^0 + \pi^+[/math] i.e. a highly accelerated proton ("cosmic ray") colliding with a gas molecule in the atmosphere creates a secondary pi-meson and neutron, that can be absorbed by another molecule. It transforms Nitrogen-14 to Carbon-14: [math]N^{14} + n^0 \rightarrow C^{14} + p^+[/math] Reference: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carbon-14#Natural_production_in_the_atmosphere Analogous reaction can happen in Mars or other planet atmosphere.
If you won't initialize to some integers, entire procedure of checking integers won't have data to compare them, isn't? If you don't know length of the array, you should use dynamic lists/ dynamic arrays instead. Long story, short version: they have no initial length, but grow as developer is appending/inserting elements to them. You should *check* if lengths are equal and return error (e.g. throw exception telling about the problem). That would be the nicest/cleanest thing to do. I would use: int length = 4; int [] a1 = new int[ length ]; int [] a2 = new int[ length ]; [...initialize them to some values...] for( int i = 0; i < length; i++ ) { No, it is wrong! What are you doing here? Do you have any idea? Then compare signs of integers ("element" of array)... How to read element of an array/list? Completely wrong answer. If it would be C/C++ or assembler, you could cast from signed integer, to unsigned integer (so shift operations will work correctly), and then shift RIGHT 31 times (32 bit integer as sign bit at #31 bit), and then use bit-wise AND operation, and then you have "sign bit" which you can compare with something else). BUT, BUT.. You SHOULD NOT do it this way, as there is 100 times easier way to find out whether integer is positive or negative! Think! Wrong again. Counter of matching comparisons shall be incremented... You should not return ANY NULL. Your procedure have to return an integer of quantity ("counter") of matched comparisons!!