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Everything posted by Sensei

  1. Unlikely. Such column (user name) in database is the most likely defined as UNIQUE. https://www.mysqltutorial.org/mysql-unique-constraint/ https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/partitioning-limitations-partitioning-keys-unique-keys.html In that case admins would have to login to the MySQL database administration utility, and change user name column in the row of the banned account, then change the current username column to "Achilles". Doable if you have admin privileges and enough knowledge (like SQL database programming skills)..
  2. GPS (Global Positioning System) is free to use by everybody service. You use it in e.g. Google Maps (or alternative apps), Uber (or alternative taxi-like-apps), global transport of people and goods (monitoring where is truck, train, bus, vessel or airplane). Science is knowledge. You want to extend your knowledge in areas that are not fully understood. For instance in biology, genetics, biotechnology, ecology, purpose will be to save humans, animals and plants life.
  3. Three times you made the same mistake.. It is 300,000,000 m/s or 300,000 km/s or more correctly 299792458 m/s.
  4. Inequality later in life begins with the mother's pregnancy. The embryo receives too low quality food because the mother is poor and unable to purchase all the nutrients she needs, which is common in third world countries. As a result, the brain and body of newborns are not as well developed as they would be if the mother was well fed. Poor parents are usually not well educated by themselves. They spend the all day on fighting to survive yet another day of life. As a result they are unable to teach their children the everything what child should know. Brain of child should be properly stimulated by knowledge of parents (so they must have it in the first place!), discussions, intelligent toys, games, stimulating activities. Many wealthy parents do similar mistake. They are too busy with their career to spend valuable and fruitful time with their children. Many times, during walking on streets, I am sad to hear nothing, parents not talking with their little children on streets. There is so many things child has no idea about around him or her, so many reasons for discussions. Instead I hear nothing, or I hear yelling ("don't do this!", "don't do that!", "be nice!" by which they mean "don't do anything, so I have peace and quiet".. which teaches child that preferred state is "lack of activity".. which is exactly reverse of what they should teach!)
  5. How carbonates and bicarbonates react with strong acid? What happens with them?
  6. ...."primary school natural science textbooks are nonsense"... ??? That (nonsensical) statement explains everything... ps. make photo of page were you think is written nonsense in your example science textbook and attach in the post in new thread with explanations why do you think it is nonsense and somebody here will explain to you why you are wrong...
  7. 8. remote work via Internet. e.g. install high-speed Internet in Africa and somebody will wear VR helmet and will be able to work in industry in Europe, America or Asia remotely controlling robot doing some easy repeatable tasks in factories. Money is immediately sent after work without paperwork. e.g. you worked 5 hour, with wage 20 euros/h, the account receives 100 euros. Person disconnects, and the next person in queue replaces him or her and takes control over robot. Factory can work 24h/d. People from poor countries won't have to abandon their families migrating to Northern countries EU/US to search for better life. 9. stop this silly unwise anti-immigration rethoric. Raise of temperature due to man-made climate change will mean more lost crops and more hungry people in the Southern parts of the planet and it will force people to migration to the Northern countries to survive. So, by fighting climate change, you are also solving the migration crisis. And vice versa. By supporting oil and gas industry, you are also accelerating the migration crisis.
  8. 1. solar panels on the roof of every building. 2. more electric devices. 3. increase efficiency. 4. give up on oil and gas industry where it can be avoided. air will be cleaner. less smog and dust will increase efficiency of solar panels in the cities. people will be also healthier. Smog contains carcinogenic not fully burned chemical compounds. 5. mass production of ethanol from co2 and h2o from air. 6. free of charge mass transportation in the cities to promote it over individual car driving. e.g. one bus can have as many people as 50-100 cars. It is optimization of energy usage. 7. more virtual work from home office where applicable. it will limit the number of people having to drive to work and back through the city, and also will save their time of life. 1-2h per day is 4-8% of the entire lifetime wasted which could be used more efficiently..
  9. Physicists are making shortcut. "massless" means in the reality "having no rest-mass". Rest-mass is invariant mass. Mass which quantum object has in its rest-frame of reference. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rest_frame ps. Learn some physics... start from primary school physics textbooks..
  10. After moving far enough from point source, you could reach situation that probability of detection of single photon coming from point source is so small that you could wait entire human lifetime and not detect one, giving illusion that point source does not exist at all (or simply there is nothing there).
  11. Wow.. so many errors and misconceptions in the single post, I don't know where to begin explanation.. Mathematically inverse-square function has no limits. But in the reality, what is called "light" is made of billions photons particles. After moving far enough away we can detect less than one photon per area unit per unit of time.
  12. (higher level languages) On Android you make apps in Java, Kotlin or C# (Xamarin). On iPhone you make apps in Objective-C/C++ or Swift or Kotlin or C# (Xamarin). ps. Or you can make web application (HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, AJAX), which will work inside of any modern web browser..
  13. Then you should start from something simpler.. Check Xamarin. It is Microsoft framework. https://dotnet.microsoft.com/apps/xamarin Apps don't crash when there is too heavy traffic to the central server but they can't connect. App should have proper network error handling code. e.g. disable wifi or LTE network in your smartphone and app can't connect, so you can test how it behaves in such situation. Your idea is nothing novelty. I can give you another app idea for lost items with location from gps where somebody found something, e.g. keys, phone, wallet etc. one person tells in the app "I lost this in that area (gps)" (it is send to the central server), somebody who found something tells in the app "I found this in that area". If thing matches there is made connection between people.
  14. Get a ball'n'stick box and remake two compounds with different chirality. It will visualize you the difference. https://www.khanacademy.org/science/organic-chemistry/stereochemistry-topic/chirality-r-s-system/v/chiral-achiral-jay
  15. Do you know the story of Paul? He was not a witness of it at all. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_the_Apostle
  16. @Yusef I agree with your premise that the so called "Holy Books" are full of inconsistencies and paradoxes.. They were made by hundreds of people. Everyone added something from themselves. Voluntarily or accidentally. The simplest accidentally made change is during translation of a word which has couple, or unknown meaning to the person who performed translation. Translation from one language to yet another language to yet another language to yet another language... Words change meaning as centuries passes by.. If somebody is supporter of one doctrine will on purpose remove or alter the narrative supporting the alternative version, and if powerful enough, will try to delete memory about other versions.. IT industry and individual programmers use e.g. CVS (legacy), SVN, modern GIT to be able to tell which developer made a code change, when it happened (with an accuracy of a second), what was the previous version, which computer was making changes, with all the details..
  17. This is example of deterministic algorithm. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deterministic_algorithm Now try this: #define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <time.h> int main( int argc, int *argv[] ) { char reply = 'D'; printf( "Use D for deterministic, Use N for non-deterministic algorithm:\n" ); scanf( "%c", &reply ); if( ( reply == 'N' ) || ( reply == 'n' ) ) { srand( (unsigned int) time( NULL ) ); printf( "Non-deterministic algorithm results:\n" ); } else { printf( "Deterministic algorithm results:\n" ); } for( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ ) { printf( "%d ", rand() ); } printf( "\n" ); return( 0 ); } Attached Visual Studio 2008+ compatible project with source code with 32 bit executable file: NonDeterministicAlgorithm.zip Press n key to run non-deterministic algorithm. Press d key to run deterministic algorithm (and you will always get the same results). Non-deterministic algorithms are widely used by e.g. me.. If I don't want to have exactly the same results each time I run the simulation. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nondeterministic_algorithm Reverse. Fools think they know everything, therefor they have simple (short) answers for everything. Even basic questions are often hard to answer. Because every person is different. And you don't know what they think, whether they think, whether they are insane or normal. And what even means that somebody is insane, or normal. Whether they have some physical disfunctionalities. e.g. ask thousands people which one of two colors they see, red or green.. if somebody has color blindness will answer incorrectly.. At first it looked like "childish easy question" but after enough of people participating in such test, you will see that some have e.g. mental illness, some have problems with eyes, some have color blindness etc. etc. ..or the person is wise enough to realize and admit to having gone wrong in the previous question.. Priests, clericks, monks, etc. etc. in middle ages were (WERE) the most educated people living at that times. Majority of people did not know how to read at that times. So it was easy. NOW they are not the most educated people. NOW they are on the exactly opposite side of true knowledge, spreading mostly nonsense.
  18. Black power at the bottom might be Copper (II) Oxide. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Copper(II)_oxide Unlike other copper compounds (except e.g. Copper (I) Oxide) it is not soluble in water. Clean it, dry it, and use HCl with it. Which should result in making CuCl2 and change color to greenish-bluish (like on the above photos). If it is Copper (II) Oxide.
  19. There are sparks because large current is passing through this mixture. It is caused by large amount of metal ions. Use multimeter and tell what is amperage..
  20. Sensei

    Is God visible!?

    The best of your posts on this forum...
  21. Then make a photo and attach in reply.. To have clear water after electrolysis you need to have an inert metal (or at least coated by) e.g. Gold, Platinum..
  22. Sensei

    Is God visible!?

    Yusef, this is a scientific forum for quantum physicists and scientists from other disciplines... Mostly natural science and computer science disciplines.. ...if you would come here and e.g. ask about the difference between pi-meson and phi-meson, that would be example of serious, interesting, fruitful, discussion... appropriate to the level of knowledge of members of this forum.. But you have no idea what is pi-meson, nor phi-meson, never heard about them, and how to create them.. You have no idea that they pass through your body every day either.. and what is their connection with cancer.. ..and then you hear from the doctor "You have cancer!".. your's response is "God's will!"... If you would be smart enough, and learned quantum physics, you would know how cancer is created in human body, and you would not have to mis-refer to "God's will causing your cancer".. Iran has program to create nuclear weapons. Therefor you are cut off from knowledge and contacts with western scientists.. Therefor there is high probability that you will contaminate Iranian lands with waste from nuclear weapon tests and the number of people having cancers will significantly increase (after decades after tests!).. You (i.e. Iranian people) will say "God's will that I have cancer". When the truth will be that you got cancers because of nuclear contamination caused by your political leaders decisions made decades earlier.. The political leaders of the USA and the USSR contaminated their lands and their citizens.. even on purpose, not pure incompetence.. e.g. ordering soldiers to be in area close to test explosion.. to later measure effects of contamination during dozen of years of their remaining life..
  23. "Libertarianism is a political philosophy and movement that upholds liberty as a core principle. Libertarians seek to maximize autonomy and political freedom, emphasizing free association, freedom of choice, individualism and voluntary association." "Libertarianism is often thought of as 'right-wing' doctrine. This, however, is mistaken for at least two reasons. First, on social—rather than economic—issues, libertarianism tends to be 'left-wing'. It opposes laws that restrict consensual and private sexual relationships between adults (e.g., gay sex, non-marital sex, and deviant sex), laws that restrict drug use, laws that impose religious views or practices on individuals, and compulsory military service. Second, in addition to the better-known version of libertarianism—right-libertarianism—there is also a version known as 'left-libertarianism'. Both endorse full self-ownership, but they differ with respect to the powers agents have to appropriate unappropriated natural resources (land, air, water, etc.)" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Right-libertarianism
  24. ~1370 W/m^2 receives the Earth. ~1050 W/m^2 reaches the surface. The rest heats up the atmosphere.
  25. Similar to this? (Copper Hydroxide) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Copper(II)_hydroxide " Alternatively, copper hydroxide is readily made by electrolysis of water (containing a little electrolyte such as sodium sulfate, or magnesium sulfate) with a copper anode. " ..or this? (Copper Chloride) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Copper(II)_chloride "Electrolysis of aqueous sodium chloride with copper electrodes produces (among other things) a blue-green foam that can be collected and converted to the hydrate." Wires are usually made of Copper.
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