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Everything posted by Sensei

  1. If you can travel 41 light years with a decent velocity, you can also create e.g. artificial meat, change genome of microorganisms to force production of any kind of organic chemical compounds, proteins, fats, sugars, etc. etc.
  2. You should be well aware by now, after months spend on writing Python, how to solve such basic issues.. Simply enter error or warning message in e.g. Google search engine.. e.g. https://www.google.com/search?q=NameError%3A+name+'raw_input'+is+not+defined and we see the list of people who had exactly the same issue as you in the past. Write it down: use Google search engine. That's what programmers do all day long. Immediately you have answers, without having to wait until somebody will answer your question on the forum here.
  3. Don't you think so you should ask D.T. the same... ?
  4. You/they should think what you/they write. On the Internet nothing disappears without a trace.. There are web scraping servers and search engines that visit websites and copy everything. Member of this forum participates in discussion with other members. If content of one member would be entirely deleted, the all threads in which they wrote any post would stop making sense..
  5. Oh, John, Fox News is pro-republican (or anti-democrats). They would support any republican's candidate no matter what he or she would represent by himself/herself (which they actually did four years ago, by not "slapping" misogynist molester of women). They are not pro-Trump-at-any-cost, they are pro-republican-candidate-at-any-cost. At least until they have a chance to win the election. So the next step will be to "slap" at J.Biden (or his relatives) or Harris, to prepare ground for a new republican's candidate in 2024.
  6. Fox News interrupted broadcast from the White House conference, similar like CNN earlier this week, because of D.T.'s press secretary was lying.. https://www.businessinsider.com/fox-news-cut-trump-press-secretary-false-election-fraud-video-2020-11?IR=T
  7. You can change password to random sequence of characters and don't store it or remember. You won't be able to log in anymore. Or ask mods for banning.
  8. Like we can read on Wikipedia coefficient can be any mathematical expression. Both variable and number. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coefficient
  9. ...write more rubbish, hijacking 3rd party threads, and you will be soon evicted from this forum..
  10. Where do you see pi.. ? I see epsilon and phi.. and in taeto's post rho..
  11. When a projectile has a longer flight time there is higher probability that its path will be disturbed by wind and other atmospheric sources. Wind does not have the same direction. It can very depending on altitude.
  12. What do you know about separation of two (or more) chemical compounds? If nothing, or not too much, you should start from learning about available separation processes: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Separation_process 1) make a list of physical and chemical properties of compounds. 2) find differences 3) basing on 2) pick up the most efficient separation procedure. ps. Did you mean "esters"?
  13. You have no idea what are units.. Units (dimensions) are e.g.: kilogram, meter, second, Coulomb, Volt, Faraday, Curie, Becquerel, Hz, etc. etc. PI, e, sqrt(2), 0.5, 0, 1, 2, 3, etc. etc. are dimensionless values. Irrational numbers, rational numbers, natural numbers. Speed of light is 299792458 m/s. It is value and dimensions together. Values with the same dimension can be summed together in math equation. e.g. 1m+9m=10m Values with varying dimensions cannot be summed together. e.g. 10 m/s + 100 s = INVALID.. But values with varying dimensions SOMETIMES can be multiplied or divided, even if they have different units/dimensions. e.g. 10 m/s * 10s = 100m ("how far away object traveling with constant speed of 10 m/s, will move in time 10 seconds".. The result is 100 meters). It is also example of "cancellation of units". https://www.google.com/search?q=cancellation+of+units We had meters per second, and after multiplication by seconds, seconds disappeared from the final result. Value with dimension SOMETIMES can be converted, to different value with different dimension. e.g. 1m = 100cm = 0.001 km = 39.37 inch 100 m/s = 360 km/h (how did I convert it? 100 m/s * 3600 s/h = 360000 m/h / 1000 m/km = 360 km/h ... It is example of several levels of unit cancellation one by one, and multiplication/division by appropriate coefficients)
  14. If you don't know the right answer, you should not be awarded by higher/perfect grade anyway. Grade should correspond to level of knowledge you have.
  15. @Erina don't listen to party pooper. Have fun figuring it out by yourself.
  16. In science, each experiment should be repeated multiple times, and calculated average/mean of samples. Then repeat this with pipes of different diameters and pipe lengths to see how the results vary (or not). When you will have enough data, you can enter them on the graph (in e.g. OpenOffice Spreadsheet or Excel). Then derive universal math equation taking diameter of pipe as parameter. Then repeat this with different fluids e.g. alcohol, oil etc. etc. to see how the results vary (or not).
  17. Measure the volume or mass of water prior the experiment, start the timer, measure the volume or mass of water after the experiment. Divide. You will have mL/s or g/s (which will be the same, because water has density ~1 g/mL). You can use beaker or graduated cylinder. They have scale printed on them. Record everything using digital camera placed on tripod and analyze video in gfx application.
  18. The same thought must have people after collapse of the Roman Empire, and each branch of Latin took slightly different path, giving rise to several new languages. Shutdown Internet, stop globalization, stop mass transport of people and goods, spread stupidity, and after a few centuries of separation Australian won't be able to understand American or Englishmen, and vice versa..
  19. ??? For me "t" in "wet" is clearly hearable on this example: If you don't know how to pronounce some word, enter it in Google Translator and/or other on-line translator like Collins, and press speaker icon e.g. https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/wet "t" at the end is clearly hearable..
  20. Wolfram Alpha output: https://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=+−x^2+%2B+10x+−+1%2F2y^2+%2B+6y+−+K+%3D+0+and+−2x^2+%2B+20x+%2B+3%2F2y^2+−+18y+%3D+0
  21. It doesn't matter if you are an atheist or a believer. What really matters if you are a good *) person.. I know many good atheists, and many evil to the core, believers (claiming, pretending or fooling themselves, to be good).. *) The problem is that for different people "being good" means something else.. For instance, moral behaving like having regular sex without marriage, for religious extremists and fanatics, means being evil. At the same time they cut heads of disbelievers, murder people, force people to abandon their religion, impose their views on others, terrorize people, are attempting to stupidify people (e.g. "boko haram" means "(Western) education is forbidden"). etc. etc. For me, obviously, having sex without marriage is not existing problem (i.e. it is not a sin, or an evil act). Without sex, nobody would exist in this world, so it cannot be evil. For me, forcing somebody to abandon religion through terror, is evil act. Conversion must be voluntary. Otherwise it is worthless fake faith.
  22. But it is fake! It just looks like lawnmower but it is just paper/plastic shape. These days anyone can print such on 3D printer. Entire surface is just one big wing. You can see it on this closeup video: Everything is done to make it as lightweight as possible. e.g. replace Aluminium (2.7 g/cm^3) by Magnesium alloys (1.7-1.8 g/cm^3). https://www.google.com/search?q=magnesium+alloy+aircraft
  23. ...make a computer game and put VR helmets on players' heads... Disable players' memory so they don't know they're in a simulation and simulate their entire lives in Career Mode. Load them onto a spaceship flying to other planets in space. The creator, administrators and moderators will properly punish misbehaving players, spoiling the careers of other players. ps. Think big Asimov, think big!
  24. If code takes 5-7 seconds on Core i7, in program written in C/C++, in BASIC it will take hours for the same job.. Learn C/C++ on https://en.cppreference.com/w/ Which line of code you don't understand? Tell me which line, I will tell you what it does (even though everything is pretty plain basic, and understandable without words).. Maybe this? if ((a % primes[i]) == 0) % is modulo operator. https://www.google.com/search?q=modulo+operator+c It is equivalent to: end = end * primes[ i ];
  25. What is wrong with the code? It takes 7 seconds on my machine to execute this code in Tina's case. That is covered by the first line of the loop in check(), isn't? Although, it could be handled better by simply skipping even numbers using: for( int i = 1; i < half; i += 2 ) { Now it takes 5 seconds in Tina's case. But is less readable. 64 bit integers version: #include <stdio.h> //int primes[] = { 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, -1 }; int primes[] = { 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, -1 }; // We're skipping prime 2, because of optimization in the main loop. bool check(__int64 a, __int64 b) { for (int i = 1; primes[i] > 0; i++) { if ((a % primes[i]) == 0) return(false); if ((b % primes[i]) == 0) return(false); } return(true); } int main(int argc, int *argv[]) { __int64 count = 0; __int64 end = 1; printf("Primes: "); for (int i = 0; primes[i] > 0; i++) { printf("%d ", primes[i]); end *= primes[i]; } printf("\n"); printf("End %lld\n", end); __int64 half = end / 2; //for (__int64 i = 0; i < half; i++) { // Original. for (__int64 i = 1; i < half; i +=2 ) { // optimized to skip dividable by 2. __int64 a = i; __int64 b = end - a; if (check(a, b)) { //printf("Found %lld %lld\n", a, b); //printf("Found %lld %lld %lld\n", a, b, a+b ); count++; } } printf("Count %lld\n", count); return(0); }
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