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Hijack from Consequences of Trump's Covid Condition?
Sensei replied to Charles 3781's topic in Trash Can
He made many public statements that cost many people's lives... https://www.forbes.com/sites/tarahaelle/2020/03/23/man-dead-from-taking-chloroquine-after-trump-touts-drug-for-coronavirus/ "Man Dead From Taking Chloroquine Product After Trump Touts Drug For Coronavirus" http://bannerhealth.mediaroom.com/chloroquinephosphate "PHOENIX (March 23, 2020) – Medical toxicologists and emergency physicians are warning the public against the use of inappropriate medications and household products to prevent or treat COVID-19. In particular, Banner Health experts emphasize that chloroquine, a malaria medication, should not be ingested to treat or prevent this virus. “Given the uncertainty around COVID-19, we understand that people are trying to find new ways to prevent or treat this virus, but self-medicating is not the way to do so,” said Dr. Daniel Brooks, Banner Poison and Drug Information Center medical director. “The last thing that we want right now is to inundate our emergency departments with patients who believe they found a vague and risky solution that could potentially jeopardize their health.” A man has died and his wife is under critical care after the couple, both in their 60s, ingested chloroquine phosphate, an additive commonly used at aquariums to clean fish tanks. Within thirty minutes of ingestion, the couple experienced immediate effects requiring admittance to a nearby Banner Health hospital. Most patients who become infected with COVID-19 will only require symptomatic care and self-isolation to prevent the risk of infecting others. Check first with a primary care physician. The routine use of specific treatments, including medications described as ‘anti-COVID-19’, is not recommended for non-hospitalized patients, including the anti-malarial drug chloroquine. “We are strongly urging the medical community to not prescribe this medication to any non-hospitalized patients,” said Dr. Brooks." -
Quite obviously. It's clearly visible if programmer is writing nice clean code, with meaningful names of classes, methods, functions, variables and constants. Whether return values and pointers are checked or not being null. How well he or she implements error handling, and display feedback information to user of application. etc.
For general IT beginners, webmasters, modern web application development (HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, AJAX): https://www.w3schools.com/ for a more complex DOM development https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/ For C/C++ beginners http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/ For Java beginners https://docs.oracle.com/en/java/index.html For Windows, C/C++/C#, .NET Framework developers MSDN https://docs.microsoft.com/ For Android programmers (Java, Kotlin): https://developer.android.com/reference For database development (required knowledge for more complex C/C++/Java/Web projects) https://dev.mysql.com/doc/ They are all free to read and use. You just have to want to learn. It is impossible to read them all by human.. They are too large. They have too many information. They are updated faster than any single human is able to read them. Programmers use references during regular work to check e.g. syntax of functions, arguments taken by function, return values etc. When you will use the same function, class or method hundred times you maybe will remember trace of information of how to use it. But there are millions of functions. Majority nobody will use them ever in their career.
There is plenty of water in the far west just ahead of Los Angeles and other cities on the West Coast: the Pacific Ocean. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Desalination "Desalination costs in 2013 ranged from US$0.45 to $1.00/cubic metre." https://www.google.com/search?q=desalination+cost+2020 "the cost of desalinated water in most regions could range from €0.32/m3 to €1.66 " They just should be powered from renewable energy sources..
Whether it is the old sentence "inverse protons" or new fixed "inverse photons", it is still nonsense. "inverse protons" are antiprotons, particles with some properties equal to protons, but some other properties reversed, e.g. electric charge, Baryon number etc. In the Standard Model of particles, the photons are their own antiparticles. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antiparticle
Currently existing periodic table is not sorted solely on proton/neutron quantity (or rather "atomic number" and "mass number") but also by similarities of chemical and physical properties. Elements with similar properties are in a column called group https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Group_(periodic_table) e.g. Noble gases are 18th group (single column on the periodic table) There is an alternative to the periodic table, widely used by nuclear physicists, "decay chain" as outlined in this article: https://metadata.berkeley.edu/nuclear-forensics/Decay Chains.html e.g. (the above image is not full of details, as it misses some rare decay modes, like e.g. double beta decay emitting two electrons and antineutrinos (or neutrinoless, even rarer) ) "Decay chain" contains information about isotopes of an element and how it decays from a more energetic to a less energetic form. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decay_chain
Hydrogen anion H- exists in cosmic space.. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hydrogen_anion
Object/material with black color (from human's point of view), absorbs photons with range between 400 nm to 700 nm (at least), in visible light spectrum. It has nothing to do with refraction etc. etc. You're starting writing some nonsense.. "Black" is lack of any photons in visible spectrum (between 400 nm to 700 nm at least)..
"Lightness" is presence of photons, and "darkness" lack of photons.. There are various ways photons are created. Typically by black-body emission. Which means the hotter body is, the more energetic photons are emitted by it. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black-body_radiation
H.Clinton got 2 millions+ votes more than D.T. It is not her fault that you have screwed up, obsolete voting system, where in some states people vote directly, and some other states people vote indirectly, but through "electors". In XVIII and early XIX century, such technique had some sense, because there was no instant direct reliable communication system between states which are thousands kilometers away.. It should be asked on US universities on IT lessons: make algorithm calculating how much more you can have votes for opponent, and still win when you have majority in electrical states.. (every US president-to-be would be using it....)
Coin has two sides, Paul. If he wouldn't react, D.T. supporters could say 'see how he is neuter'... I am waiting for the battle of presidents-to-be in some computer RTS game between them broadcasted on-line to the people (eSport -> ePolitics). Let them fight in some real-time strategy game. It would be funnier than debate (or debacle). If someone can't win simulated game, how can he or she wins in "the real world"? *) In RTS game, players start with the same amount of goods (typically), unlike "the real world", where some gets access to nuclear bombs and nuclear rockets arsenal straight away, while they did not even pass IQ nor mental stability tests etc etc.. *) To win in RTS (after the initial stage) typical route is: zero (or almost zero) taxes to citizens... And it works regardless of which RTS you are playing... Funny... none currently living politician use this route... Every single teenager, or ex-teenager in western world knows it since '90! (at least should knows it!) It was used by the past leaders hundred+ years ago.. Worked until kings started to need more money for wars with neighborhood countries.. Instead of this silly "I challenge you" conquest on Twitter/Facebook/Instagram etc. to do something usually silly, one politician from 1st country should say, "I am challenging you" to politician from 2nd country, and let RTS game tournament begin. Observers watch the play worldwide. Instead of the real war, have online game play.. Kids born in the modern times (after 2k) know this, old kids (50-80 years old) had no chance to play, and win or lose, thousands of battles, so they want to start the real battles, in the real wars, with the real victims, with the real dead people..
When you're buying new laptop, new smartphone, you should buy a couple spare accumulators for it. Just in case. When old one will start misbehaving, you won't find them in shops anymore (new devices are made incompatible with older stuff)... Equipment (smartphone/laptop/tablet) without removable/replaceable accumulator? Ignore it! Or after two-three years it will be completely useless... (3 years, everyday recharge of built-in accumulator = 1000 cycles)
It is not that simple. My mouse worked the most of time. It just misbehaved from time to time. 5 minutes worked fine, then misbehaved for a few seconds, and then back to normal. (similar thing happens when your e.g. neighborhoods have radio equipment operating at similar/the same frequency and there is interference between devices) Also I have computer, which from time to time, misbehaved. Shutting down without apparent reason. After ruling out overheating of CPU, overheating of MB chipsets, it turned out that PSU is giving too low voltage. Instead of 3.3 V there was ~ 2.9-3.0 V. Instead of 5 V there was ~4.5 V. Instead of 12 V there was ~ 10.8-11 V. When CPU was starting processing a large amount of data, during HDD operations, during DVD operations, these numbers were even lower. Impossible to record how low they were going, because it was shutting down completely (similar thing happens when CPU is overheating..) Very cool app to diagnose these kind of problems is HWMonitor.
My computer mouse, which has 2x AAA batteries, started acting awkward today, interrupted sluggish movement at times. I just checked voltage. 0.96 V and 0.94 V. Not good. They should be 1.5 V. Plugged a new pair, and mouse works perfectly without issues. Yes, it is possible to tell that batteries are exhausted.. The new 2x AAA withstood exactly 100 days of daily use. To clean electronics you should use isopropyl alcohol. Usually sold in shops with electronics.
I have been banned and busy with life for 1 year?
Sensei replied to Saiyan300Warrior's topic in The Lounge
To do so, you would have to 1) write a feature request to developers and designers 2) it would have to be read 3) it would have to be implemented.. How many times have you written to the authors of some application that you are using feature request? The larger the IT company is, the more difficult is to reach to the right people, who really can influence development of the application.. -
I have been banned and busy with life for 1 year?
Sensei replied to Saiyan300Warrior's topic in The Lounge
@studiot do you know that you can "call" somebody by entering (at) @ character, and start typing person nickname, and the all suggestions will appear in drop-down list, where you can pick up the right one easily from the list? In your case, I just needed to enter "studi", to filter everything and limit list so "studiot" appeared. I his case, it just needs "saiy" @Saiyan300Warrior It has yet another advantage over entering plain name that referenced person will be notified about mentioning him or her in some thread. -
I have been banned and busy with life for 1 year?
Sensei replied to Saiyan300Warrior's topic in The Lounge
Everybody deserves a second chance.. ..just don't repeat your mistakes again.. -
Creationist article is beyond me
Sensei replied to Frankly7's topic in Evolution, Morphology and Exobiology
If a modern scientist takes a person's DNA and compares it to that of a parent, he/she will detect whether they are the biological parents of that person (with some degree of certainty). It is a tool often used in courts today to reject father's parentage. Now if a modern scientist compares the DNA of a currently living human with that of a modern ape, monkey, pig, dog, cat, mouse, rat, etc., this will show how closely a human is related to a given animal (percentage of genes shared in two or more species). It does need any fossil remains, just genetics. I wonder why some creationist accepts the genetic test as a reliable way to find parentage in civil court, detect the identity of a dead body by the police, detect genetic diseases, detect a murderer in criminal cases... and when the same test is done between human and animal, they reject final conclusions... -
How else you would in one word call people who believe that e.g. Earth is flat, who believe in that vaccines were created to harm people, who believe in conspiracy theories, and spreading them further (and contaminating minds of similar to them weak minds. with their mad theories).. etc. etc. ? Such a person has an almost permanent brainwashing.. How to call in one word somebody who can be easily manipulated, who is vulnerable to socio-technical tricks?
Unless you catch COVID-19.. the likelihood of dying increases rapidly among obese people.. https://www.cdc.gov/obesity/data/obesity-and-covid-19.html ... this is quite a controversial hypothesis ... I would say that after slaughtering animal, its guts have what animal ate prior death, regardless of whether you're in USA or any other country on the world. Unwise separation of internal organs may contaminate entire meat. But it can happen regardless of the country.
It is all because of money and greediness.. Somebody creates company, investors join in, and want to create and sell as much products as possible. The only matter is increase sales, increase sales, year by year! ..but there is limited quantity of buyers, with limited volume of stomachs.. It cannot go to infinity with limited market capacity.. That is true. People don't train enough for the amount of calories they eat. Want to eat pizza for supper (after a heavy lunch!).. ? No problem. Just train enough to burn the extra calories. Or the next day fast. I always hear excuse: I don't have time for training! People will always find some excuse... Have no time? I am saying: 100 pushups per day, takes 100-200 seconds per day.. You don't have 2-4 minutes per day, but you are smoking.. smoking one cigarette takes more time... BTW, the amount of meat on typical non-vegan pizza is pretty meaningless. Less than 100 grams. So concern must be cheese? Does vegan cheese have less calories than milk cheese? Debatable: "Vegan cheese slices contain 35-70 calories per serving, depending on the brand; dairy cheese slices yield approximately 50 calories each. Vegan cheese in block form can contain 40-100 calories per 1-ounce serving, compared to 90 calories from 1 ounce of dairy cheese.Jun 1, 2017" https://www.vrg.org/journal/vj2008issue3/2008_issue3_vegan_cheese.php Vegan Mozzarella has pretty much the same amount of calories as normal one: https://www.google.com/search?q=vegan+mozzarella+calories After invention of refrigerators amount of food poisoning dropped. In the past prior refrigerators it was much more common. Some butchers were even arrested and sentenced for selling non-edible anymore meat.. But modern food poisoning changed characteristics. Less likely to get salmonella but more likely to get unwanted growth hormone.
How to dry a material with a low melting point?
Sensei replied to Aminmed's topic in Applied Chemistry
Boiling point of compound is not constant and depends also on pressure. So you can try lowering pressure to boil excess of water. It is widely used method: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vacuum_drying ..with ready to use equipment: https://www.google.com/search?q=Vacuum+dryer (anyone serious about chemistry should have a vacuum pump anyway) -
I'm kinda surprised that you all worry about "chlorinated chicken".. I would worry more about "bad GMO"/"improperly done GMO" (there is also "good GMO"/"properly done GMO"), overuse of growth hormones, overuse of antibiotics, overuse of pesticides etc.. In comparison to them "chlorination of meat" is a piece of cake.. "You become what you eat". If you eat genetically modified organism, part of their genes, can be horizontally transferred (HGT) to human genome (less likely), or to microorganisms or viruses in human body (more likely). https://www.who.int/foodsafety/areas_work/food-technology/faq-genetically-modified-food/en/ "Gene transfer from GM foods to cells of the body or to bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract would cause concern if the transferred genetic material adversely affects human health. This would be particularly relevant if antibiotic resistance genes, used as markers when creating GMOs, were to be transferred. Although the probability of transfer is low, the use of gene transfer technology that does not involve antibiotic resistance genes is encouraged." There are farms where all animals receive antibiotics in their feed the all day long, even if they are not ill... (example of "bad practice in the food industry"). It is recommended by sellers of the antibiotic industry (quite obviously, because they receive MONEY (ARGH!) for it..)
Check adults obesity rates between EU and US. https://bigthink.com/strange-maps/two-maps-and-one-graph-comparing-obesity-in-america-and-europe If maps won't show up, use this link instead: https://www.google.com/amp/s/bigthink.com/two-maps-and-one-graph-comparing-obesity-in-america-and-europe.amp.html
Made by yandex. It has option to upload image from PC web browser. https://translate.yandex.com/ It is a forum where people with knowledge help other people without knowledge in some area. e.g. years ago there used to be people asking for help in translation of ancient manuscripts.. With Russian cyrillic it is not that far away, as the most of people (7.5-7.6 billions) have no idea even how to pronounce these letters. People have installed their own local language locales and keyboards (operating system driver, not hardware) which don't have foreign language characters outside of western character set. So even entering letters to Google Translate text area is problematic.