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Everything posted by Sensei

  1. Wilson even received Nobel Prize in physics for invention of Cloud Chamber. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cloud_chamber Particles with low kinetic energy leave short traces. The more kinetic energy has particle the longer trace. If we place inside external source of electric and/or magnetic fields e.g. magnet/electromagnet traces are bend accordingly to charge of particle. Positively charged particle behaves symmetrically to negatively charged particle. Neutral particle does not change its path due to external electric field influence. If particle is unstable after making a few circles, decays to new set of particles which leave, or not (neutrinos/antineutrinos), another traces. Cloud Chambers later evolved to Bubble Chambers, and Spark Chambers and others.
  2. What is wrong with current model? If you have some objections, please share them..
  3. The box should state the internal resistance of the voltmeter. Typically this is 1 M ohms or 10 M ohms. Its effect is well below the resolution of the LCD display panel.
  4. "The first is that you should stop eating from the time you get to the airport - about two hours before departure. You should also avoid eating on the flight, but still drink lots of water. And when you land, you should eat as soon as possible at the local meal time." https://www.thesun.co.uk/travel/8695901/fasting-diet-jet-lag-symptoms-treatment/
  5. There are many phobias: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phobia "A phobia is a type of anxiety disorder defined by a persistent and excessive fear of an object or situation.[1] Phobias typically result in a rapid onset of fear and are present for more than six months.[1] Those affected will go to great lengths to avoid the situation or object, to a degree greater than the actual danger posed.[1] If the object or situation cannot be avoided, they experience significant distress.[1] Other symptoms can include fainting, which may occur in blood or injury phobia,[1] and panic attacks, which are often found in agoraphobia.[6] Around 75% of those with phobias have multiple phobias.[1]" Many teenagers and students are known to have "lessonphobia"/"sciencephobia"/"knowledgephobia"/"schoolphobia".. Wow. There is even Wikipedia article about it: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/School_refusal "The literature estimates that rates of school refusal occurs in 1–2% of the general population, and in 5–15% of clinic-referred youth samples.[8][7][9]" BTW, I like modern treatment to acrophobia by wearing VR googles and playing simulation/game like this one: (I have no idea how modern teenager can have acrophobia if he or she is playing modern 3D computer games.. ) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acrophobia#Treatment
  6. Zoonotic pathogens can be transmitted from original animal to human through intermediate host such as mosquito, flea or fly.. Zoonotic pathogens can be in excrement and urine and contaminate water, food or surface, which human is drinking, washing, eating, or touching.
  7. Nonsense.. Coal is the remains of plants growing hundreds of millions of years ago. Oil is the remains of animals that lived hundreds of millions of years ago. They lived here on the Earth, died, and their remains drowned in the muds, drowned in the swamps etc. They were covered by new layers of remains and sand, pressed by them, decomposed, released methane gas. High pressure and time turned them to coal, oil and gas. They are your prehistoric relatives.
  8. 10^21 kg mass has Ceres, which is 1/3 of the all asteroids in the entire Solar System.. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asteroid#Size_distribution
  9. If somebody wants to be immortal, cannot have, or rather should not have, child.. You have to choose.. Only mortals can have children. If you're immortal, children will want to be immortal too (and you will want them to be with you forever (I hope so!) ), and their grandchildren too etc. etc. and it will go on.. It's function f(x) going to infinity. Which will take the all resources, the all matter, and the all energy from the Universe. Netflix even made movie showing such hypothetical future society which has immortal people class. Altered Carbon https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2261227/ In the movie, people cannot die because the all data from their brains are recorded all the time, and stored in the cloud (servers), once per day, or more often. So, if somebody kills somebody, or they have accident etc., clone of a person, with restored data from his/her brain, is recreated. They want to have the all power they have forever.. and their children (even though they are mature! and living hundreds years) are treated like children.. Which causes their frustration, because they are not appropriately treated.. etc. etc. and many other similar issues (unknown to the modern humans). *) replace "immortal" by "living hundreds/thousands/millions/as long as they want to/ of years", if you need to.. Today people are living 3x times as long as in medieval and ancient times. Now imagine situation in which people are living 3x times as long as now. And are healthy, powerful etc. because of nano-robots fixing them all the time or so.. ps. Move on, to the cosmic space, right now..
  10. Forest prevents soil depletion..
  11. Sensei

    Time travel

    You are cruel.. ...just give him passport to art university..
  12. Any changes should begin with an analyze of historical accidents, drawing conclusions from them, and correcting them. e.g. if there is a part of the road where is abnormal number of collisions, there are rational reasons for it (like curve uphill, decreasing visibility). If it is not clear why accidents happen, people should start from making 3D simulation of that area, with weather conditions simulation, on a computer, and pass through it simulated cars, and observe what happens.
  13. Any experiments with chemicals or mixtures should be performed first on something expendable. After confirmation they work okay, do attempt on a single real item. After a couple days, weeks or months, without any bad signals, do the rest of items.
  14. Change code to print("list3") fun_list3 = [lambda e,i=i: e+i for i in range(5)] #The lambda function returns e+i for i in range(5), Note e is the argument of lambda function print([f(10) for f in fun_list3]) It is making yet another argument for lambda function which is by default initialized to i (which is taken from for loop). or if you want it to be cleaner: print("list3") fun_list3 = [lambda e,f=i: e+f for i in range(5)] #The lambda function returns e+i for i in range(5), Note e is the argument of lambda function print([f(10) for f in fun_list3]) It will give you expected result:
  15. Do you realize that you can use Python Debugger and figure out by yourself the all answers to questions about your Python scripts which you are starting on this forum? Enter "Python online debugger" in net search engine, copy'n'paste Python script in it, and observe how variables are changing with each "step into" and "step over", line by line.. e.g. https://www.onlinegdb.com/online_python_debugger It will be simply faster for you, as you won't have to wait till somebody answered your question here.. Somebody please guide me. [ .... ] initializes array print( [ ] ); is just printing newly dynamically created array.. It is not much different from using print([1,2,3]); If you want to do it without generating new array, you can write: print(fun_list2[0](10)) print(fun_list2[1](10)) print(fun_list2[2](10)) print(fun_list2[3](10)) print(fun_list2[4](10)) or you can make for loop like: for i in range(5): print(fun_list2[i](10)) or even better: for f in fun_list2: print(f(10))
  16. You can send one electron (in electrons double slit experiment), or one photon (in photons double slit experiment) per second (or fraction of second).. after a while you will get interference pattern on the screen anyway. Screen/detector detects one particle hitting it at a time and counts them (or reflects them in photons double slit experiment performed at home). Pattern area where more particles hit screen/detector is brighter. In the case of photons double slit experiment, wavelength of photon is given by formula [math]\lambda=hc/E[/math] In the case of electrons double slit experiment, wavelength of electron is de Broglie wavelength. Read article from Wikipedia, if you're not familiar with it: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matter_wave What you should start with is getting equipment allowing you to perform double slit experiment at home for photons. Search net for "double slit experiment ebay" or "double slit experiment amazon", "alibaba", "aliexpress" or so. You will need filter like this: https://www.amazon.com/Diaphragm-Double-Slits-Different-Spacings/dp/B00KWZ5WQ0 and laser (preferably multiple colors, red, green and blue, to see difference between them). Pattern changes with different color light source. Pattern changes with different space between slits. Pattern changes with different width of slits. Once you have equipment at home, tested various colors, various widths of slits, various spaces between slits, you can figure out equation which will satisfy the all cases.
  17. There is one true "Mona Lisa" painting made by famous artist hundred years ago. and there are hundreds (as many as you want) replicas of it. So value lies in 1) who made it 2) how long ago 3) how many quantities exist 4) quantity of collectors willing to buy Take a look at ancient or historical items. The less units have been made, or the less remained to our times (as majority were destroyed), and remaining items gained on value for collectors. It is normal capitalistic "fight" between supply and demand.
  18. @HallsofIvy Looks like divisor function: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Divisor_function
  19. A single word can have multiple definitions. What's wrong with the definitions on this page? https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/λόγος The definitions are not fixed. They evolve over time. The context in which a word is used can also change its meaning.
  20. Essentially, A.I. can be indistinguishable from from smartphone, smartwatch, a few millimeter wide chip, or so.. but if you (human) are thinking it must look like "Terminator" (anthropoidal cyborg) then things are worser than I thought so.. You can have smartphone smarter than you already, and have no idea about it, don't realize it, don't take into account.. Because it does not look like "typical A.I. from sci-fi movies" (which is anthropoidal cyborg and/or some supercomputer in a large sphere or a box taking the entire room or building space)..
  21. Hilariously, you are more excited about "how they move".. but you should be more interested "what they think"..... Making "move like animal" and/or "move like human" is THE EASIEST part of the job..
  22. ...you need oxidizer to have ignition...
  23. Did I read it right? You want to sleep 2 hours per day.. ? For how long? (that's silly to be honest) If you want to examine sleep, better get camera with IR, which will be pointing at you during sleeping, and recording your movements, and equipment measuring pulse of heart, and breathing, brain activity etc. etc. If you will be waking up in the wrong stage of sleep, you will be astonishingly tired.. People who known more about this stuff even made smartphone apps which are measuring at which stage user is, and starting alert prior hour and minute alert was set.. Because it is important to wake up in the right stage of sleep, rather than plain amount of minutes of sleep..
  24. https://www.google.com/search?q=b12+animal+products "Vitamin B12 is naturally found in animal products, including fish, meat, poultry, eggs, milk, and milk products. Vitamin B12 is generally not present in plant foods, but fortified breakfast cereals are a readily available source of vitamin B12 with high bioavailability for vegetarians [5,13-15]. Some nutritional yeast products also contain vitamin B12. Fortified foods vary in formulation, so it is important to read the Nutrition Facts labels on food products to determine the types and amounts of added nutrients they contain." https://ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/VitaminB12-HealthProfessional/ Below quoted part there is table with animal products with micrograms per serving listed.
  25. The declension significantly increases the total number of variations, if we count them as separate words.. I have database of the all words in my local language.. and it is over 3 millions with the all inflections/declensions..
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