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Creating a virtual print to file printer in a wireless network.
Sensei replied to teknora's topic in Computer Science
The most obvious way is to print to file in the application which you are using to create text file e.g. Word, WordPad, browser etc. etc. Then just use network public shared location to store these files.. Virtual Printer is software that you download and install on the server machine, which will be pretending true printer for clients. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virtual_printer https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_virtual_printer_software Client machine and client application connects to server machine, thinking it is true printer, but it is virtual printer, which just stores file on disk. -
Photons are particles. Matter are particles too. Just different kind. Protons, neutrons, electrons mostly. In the matter conservation law you count the number of Baryons and Leptons (and charges) on the left and right side of the equation and they must match. It is used to properly balance chemical equation, prior and after chemical reaction. The number of Baryons (protons and neutrons together) is almost matching Dalton unit: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dalton_(unit) e.g. average mass of Carbon is 12.011 u. Baryon number of Carbon C-12 is 12. 6 protons + 6 neutrons. These 0.11 u difference is caused by presence of very little amount of Carbon C-13 and minuscule amount of Carbon C-14. Photon has Lepton, Baryon and charge numbers equal 0. Electron and positron have Baryon number equal 0. Electron has Lepton number +1. Positron has Lepton number -1. Electron has charge -1. Positron has charge +1. Prior annihilation we have electron and positron with leptons +1-1 and charges -1+1. After annihilation we have two gamma photons with the all 0.
Unable to edit paragraph tag which comes after image tag
Sensei replied to Netra77's topic in Computer Science
@Netra77 Listen Strange (and me) and download text editor for programmers and webmasters. I am recommending ConTEXT. http://www.contexteditor.org/downloads/ It will highlight properties, attributes, tags etc. If they are improperly entered, highlighted is entire text below troublesome area. -
Unable to edit paragraph tag which comes after image tag
Sensei replied to Netra77's topic in Computer Science
No. The proper, modern, CSS-way is to do it inside of CSS file. And you should read and use CSS properties float, clear, overflow for such task. Read post from this morning. And the all links that I gave. There are examples of usage of these CSS properties. -
Unable to edit paragraph tag which comes after image tag
Sensei replied to Netra77's topic in Computer Science
I just wrote about it this morning. -
Unable to edit paragraph tag which comes after image tag
Sensei replied to Netra77's topic in Computer Science
If we enter developer mode in web browser we can see reason for errors e.g. which resources are missing, improperly closed tags etc. Firefox showed me this: Do you understand? Browser MERGED these three tags together interpreting them as one.. .abc class should be BLUE, according to CSS, but on my 1st screen-shot it is BLACK. Web browser didn't find <p class="abc"> as tag due to improperly closed double-quotes in <img> tag. -
Unable to edit paragraph tag which comes after image tag
Sensei replied to Netra77's topic in Computer Science
You should pack entire folder to zip and attach in reply. Not copy'n'paste code.. Anyway. Here is how it looks on my Firefox: After changing error mentioned by Strange in line 12 to: </h1><br><img src="ian.jpg" height="370" width="300"> and changing line in CSS file to: .top{color:yellow;} How it should looks like? How it looks like on your machine/browser? There is yet another error... It requires url( 'filename' ); See how to use this property properly: https://www.w3schools.com/cssref/pr_background-image.asp -
Did you mean declaration of data type of variable or constant by programmer? Declaration of data type informs compiler or interpreter what is data type, so there is no need to guess it at run-time, and there is no need to use generic data type. There are existing computer languages which don't require declaration of data type by programmer, but result is that they are much much more slower. For instance some such computer languages treat the all variables and constants as strings. You can store integer, float, double, boolean and string, just using string. If we add two strings they are concatenated. If you add two integers/floats/doubles which are strings internally, computer must convert string to integer/float/double first, add them together, then convert them back to string. Much much more slower code. The main reason: it is optimization. To have fast code.
Unable to edit paragraph tag which comes after image tag
Sensei replied to Netra77's topic in Computer Science
BTW, you can replace the <img> tag by <div> or <span> tags, with id and/or class attributes, and then control the image URI from inside of the CSS file (using background-image property), instead of encoding it permanently it in HTML. Then attach your the real code... We need to be able to see what you see on your browser's. Did you try float: none etc. ? https://www.w3schools.com/css/css_float.asp It controls whether the next section (in your case paragraph) after the image will be on the right, left, or below etc. Also worth trying, if you have not already, clear and overflow properties in CSS: https://www.w3schools.com/css/css_float_clear.asp https://www.w3schools.com/css/css_overflow.asp -
Unable to edit paragraph tag which comes after image tag
Sensei replied to Netra77's topic in Computer Science
Lack of ending double-quotation mark. It should be: <img src="sth.jpg"> -
Are you familiar with mathematical summation? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Summation If t is array/list of elements/pointer to memory etc. j is index to element. And tj is value of element i.e. t[ j ] in computer language. So summation of array etc. is e.g: int *t; int sum = 0; for( int j = 0; j < length; j++ ) { sum += t[ j ]; } However, in the special cases, if tj is always constant it can be replaced by multiplication (addition of the same value multiple times).
"Registration of many sock puppet accounts to be able to upvote the main account posts to pretend somebody is agreeing with them"
Executable file is opened in read-only exclusive mode which means no other process can modify it until it is running. Linker, which is invoked at the end of compilation process, will be unable to save new executable file with the same file name.
..or simply don't ask "what am I eating?" Frogs taste like chickens with a bit of fishy taste..
Can you learn basic physics.. ?
How to Increase "NPK" With Natural incredients ?
Sensei replied to prakash7's topic in Organic Chemistry
Yet another way is to dry banana (or other fruits and vegetables) peels couple weeks/months and mix in blender. Then add to soil. If you have your own garden, you should make your own composter. https://www.amazon.com/composter/s?k=composter -
How to Increase "NPK" With Natural incredients ?
Sensei replied to prakash7's topic in Organic Chemistry
The first which comes to mind is algae.. Yet another natural fertilizer, but not marine, is banana peel. Search net for "banana peel fertilizer". -
..you seem to not understand what off-topic is about: whether people eating locusts will or not be infected by zoonotic diseases... Pretty on-topic IMHO...
The whole point of using pseudocode is to have it human readable and understandable and independent from the real computer language (which might be, and usually is, not self-explanatory). Read article: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pseudocode
Tell this to Diamond Princess passengers.. One infected individual was on board between 20 to 25 January. Taken to hospital and identified as infected by COVID-19 6 days later. 4 February cruise ship has been quarantined and people locked in their rooms the most of time. Three weeks later over 712 people were infected (some more identified after disembarking the ship)..
Helium-4 that we have on Earth is byproduct of decay of radioactive isotopes.
The all elements and isotopes used to be Hydrogen-1 before it fused together billions years ago. Hydrogen-1 has the highest mass-energy per Baryon number ratio.
Insects have no lungs. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Respiratory_system_of_insects
ANSI-C is the closest. Just change to if(....) printf(....); (semicolon at the end of line of code is required) and add #include <stdio.h> at the beginning. and cast type to float (because %f is used)
In other words, they are product of two prime numbers. They are called semiprimes or biprimes. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Semiprime 6 is discrete semiprime.