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Everything posted by Sensei

  1. Resistance to certain microorganisms can be checked at the medical center.. i.e. blood test to measure antibodies. We have a saying "paper will accept anything" (it is even simpler if they are simply bits on a computer disk).. Doubtful. It is silly (premature) idea, since there is no even global ID card.. Do you have ID card in the U.S.? Man would first have to be unified before such an incentive would have any sense of existence.. ps. Antivaxxers have even created an entire industry producing fake vaccine certificates for COVID-19.. https://www.google.com/search?q=anti+vaxxers+captured+tourists
  2. I wouldn't bother with it. The dirtiest things you touch on daily basis without sterilization are paper money and door handles. If you wash your hands regularly, don't smoke, and don't put your hands in your mouth (child), you are relatively safe if you don't have severe immune system problems. One way is to use UV light. There are ready-made devices. There is also Sun.. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ultraviolet_germicidal_irradiation https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Germicidal_lamp I just found that local library has such device which also opens pages and use UV light on them.. https://www.google.com/search?q=sterilization+uv+light+books
  3. Like in paradise? There were cultures that never moved away from Africa and had year-round abundance of food, so didn't had to develop modern agriculture, that lived in peace for thousands of years and didn't develop much in the way of military, compared to their offspring who moved north over the millennia. When they encountered the returning conquerors from the north, they were unable to fight them and were easily conquered. When I first read your post, the first thought that came to my mind was "life feeds on life" This is a primitive stage of development, which was widely expressed and condemned by Q in Star Trek The Next Generation. What about the Ten Commandments? What about the criminal or civil code? If they are simply contrary to all nature.. ? In "thou shalt not kill" there is no mention of who should not be killed.. there is no mention of it being a human being, there is no mention of it being an animal.. there is no mention of it being a plant or any other living being.. Paraphrasing, "If you killed a person, you are a murderer and go to jail after the sentence. If you have killed millions, you are just a successful politician".. It is doubtful that such a politician ("king" etc.) coming to church, after killing and being the cause of death for thousands of people daily, weekly or monthly, would even mention this as his or her sins..
  4. War is a pathology. Preparing for war is a pathology. The only thing it does is make the opponents do the same and increase the percentage of the country's wealth wasted in one of the most senseless ways.. The money spent on armaments, does not go only to the literal purchase of weapons, but also to an increasing number of people, an increasing percentage of the country's population, who instead of doing normal things are professional soldiers, whose practically only occupation during peace is to train to be prepared to fight (which is quite useless during peace). The whole arms race between different countries can reach such a threshold that all it takes is a stupidity, a tiny incident between some desperate people who, after years of indoctrination, can't wait to shoot and kill their opponents. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_number_of_military_and_paramilitary_personnel The American soldier does not hear "kill the man" but "eliminate the target" dehumanizing what his commanders ask him to do. They brainwash soldiers in the armies of other countries in the same way. In dictatorship countries, in a more extensive form. The ideal situation is one in which there are no soldiers, no arms industry and no wars between countries. And there are no countries. There are only people..
  5. You can also add poppy seeds as sprinkles. I take poppy seed buns, regardless of whether they will be sweet or unsweet dishes.
  6. Add raisins to bakings with white cheese. It tastes better.
  7. How To Make Cassava Starch & Flour At Home: She received the starch around the 12th minute of the video, after it precipitated out of the liquid after several hours.
  8. The ultrasonic sound is used to measure distance by robots, such as the Arduino module. Its retail price is ~ 2 USD. It is used, for example, by automatic cleaning robots to detect obstacles in the way while cleaning dirt from the floor. https://www.arduino.cc/reference/en/libraries/ultrasonic/ ..so in the modern environment, in the city, things that emit ultrasound are literally all around you in toys that have some degree of autonomy, or in cars with automatic parking options, etc. etc.
  9. Does it need to be claimed? The problem is global warming, and the politicians (which you quoted, so I guess you support the idea) came up with the (yet another idiotic) idea of making even bigger problems i.e. taxes and tariffs. Why is Greta complaining? Her main objection is that politicians only talk about money.. I can't imagine who negated my answer, except the real Russian etc. agents and supporters of the gas and coal industry, because I am the biggest fan of the fight against global warming.. It's like the 2008-2009 crisis, they solved it in the worst possible way.. That's why people all over the world are against the "Green Deal", because it is simply a fraud.. CO2 certificate emissions? A fucking joke from the global warming..
  10. I assume that the words outside the quotation marks (i.e. what I quoted) are your own thoughts and are expressed freely, without a gun put to the back of your head? The idea that you can solve a problem with taxes or duties is quite naive.. Did not you (and friends) condemned ex-POTUS for his attempt to taxation/duties on Chinese stuff just a few years ago.. ?
  11. They (ab)used slaves from newly conquered territories.. "The conquerors/victors write the historical books".. "Countless" list of civil wars in the Roman Empire and Roman Republic: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Roman_civil_wars_and_revolts ..almost every death of a Caesar triggered a civil war between pretenders to the throne..
  12. The fall of Constantinople took place in 1453. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fall_of_Constantinople
  13. The brain is a chemical factory. Feed it with crap (either literally and metaphorically) and it will malfunction. Healthy eating is fundamental. ps. I suggest hot spicy foods, such as Carolina Reaper sauce. Spicy foods causes release of endorphins. https://www.google.com/search?q=spicy+foods+causes+release+of+endorphins "Capsaicin tastes hot because it activates certain biological pathways in mammals – the same pathways activated by hot temperatures. The pain produced by spicy food can provoke the body to release endorphins and dopamine. This release can prompt a sense of relief or even a degree of euphoria."
  14. OpenOffice and LibreOffice are free, if cost is your biggest concern.. Alternatively there are online office/excel-like services. Even Microsoft gives one option for free, with limited functionality (not surprisingly). https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/excel
  15. It is Adenine, not Amine. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adenine If you will start with making ball-n-sticks of chemical molecules of e.g. C5H5N5, C5H5N5O etc. you will see that they make hydrogen bonds with corresponding molecule in DNA chain. I 3D printed my own design of the ball-n-stick set. There are online ball-n-stick editors available: https://www.google.com/search?q=online+ball-n-stick+editors
  16. Before the invention of vaccines in the 18th century, mortality rates from some diseases (that practically no longer exist now) were very high.. "This differentiation was based on mortality during epidemics. Nowadays, virological methods can be used for this purpose. Worldwide, the mild form predominated (75% of cases of disease)[3]. The confluent variant of smallpox (Latin variola confluens) occurs in 2 to 5% of all cases; the mortality rate here is about 66% in vaccinated patients and 95% in unvaccinated patients; the hemorrhagic or black pox variant (Latin variola haemorrhagica s. nigra) occurs in approx. 3% of all cases, has an even more severe course than the confluent variety and usually ends in death, as does an even rarer variety called smallpox hemorrhagic purpura (Latin purpura haemorrhagica variolosa), in which death occurs extremely quickly, even before the rash appears[3]. " Air pollution indeed has influence on human health, but not on such diseases you mentioned.
  17. ..and I would say that your answer is primitive and childish.. ..only for the foolish who started everything from the Bible and took it literally.. Such an interpretation is too easy to mock, simply by saying that there was not enough time to create a stone from the bones of, for example, dinosaurs in the "calculated" time of life on Earth.. ..then who made up the Universe.. ?
  18. I don't anymore read books that don't have letters..
  19. That's pretty good advice for mortals like you, except for the Harry Potter series..
  20. That sounds like a gamble!
  21. I wonder, homework at your age and skills.. A new reincarnation has taken over your account..
  22. ..you seem smart, and yet you did not understood my reply.. Fairy teller/fortune teller tells the story ("the fairy tale"), and somebody reliant to it believes in it (the whole story does not really matter). Fairy tell differs, so do fairy tellers, but mechanisms is the same. People who believe that "5G is harmful" don't just take it from nowhere. Someone influenced them with this nonsense ("fairy teller"). They read it on social media, on forums specialize in it, and on custom websites which promote such things... ..this was just an example of a "fairy tale".. That's strange, because typically a computer, laptop, TV or smartphone are the largest (non-living) emitters of radiation source in a room, aside from heating...
  23. If someone was smart, he wouldn't want to be president.. (or king, emperor, or dictator etc.) The problem is those dumber presidents-to-be that we should avoid at any time..
  24. Your question is so childish that I don't know where to begin.. Every country has some leaders who are temporarily elected or have temporarily taken power over an area and have their own objectives, mainly to stay in power. They will support any side, as long as it allows them to rule a bit longer. Countries without natural resources (such as Japan) will naturally support anti-coal and anti-oil movements. Their goal is energy independence from other countries, which is difficult if coal, gas and oil must be imported. One country may agree with certain aspects of its enemy country, while disagreeing with other aspects that hit their economy (e.g., coal, gas, oil industries). The same can be said of a friendly country. There is no monolith in the West and there is no monolith outside the West. The world of politics is groups of common interests. They make temporary secret agreements among themselves. Sometimes it is obvious from other sources, such as economics, it is possible to deduce what they will support their partners in, without going into the details of their bilateral relations.
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