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Everything posted by Sensei

  1. You could find math equation which is giving total number of internal loop executions and then use modulo or so to extract i and j variables from it. e.g. (just an example pseudocode) If we have loops like for i=0 to 10 for j=0 to 10 it is easy to figure out total number of internal loop executions. It is 10 × 10 = 100 so we can write for k=0 to 100 i=k/10 j=k%10 and instead of two loops there is just one.. Your code could be replaced by sort of array then two fields with the same value will be one after another. One loop goes through the all fields and internal if for checking two array entries to check whether they are equal or not.
  2. But what can guarantee electrical isolation? It is just a matter of exceeding breakdown voltage of whatever medium we are taking into consideration.
  3. There is a couple different thermal pastes for computers. Silicone, with silver and with copper. The one with the best properties in thermal conductivity are with silver and copper. Try silicone one.. On every computer paste there is mentioned thermal conductivity in W/m × K. Search net for thermal grease and you will know their properties and will be able to compare.
  4. I have an idea for easy to implement method to keep people at home: Simply give them free access to Netflix/Steam for a couple months. They will be too busy to watch the all movies or play games (with premium enabled). It will be especially efficient in areas with small percentage of users of these platforms.
  5. People in quarantine are e.g. family members of infected individuals, friends, colleagues, coworkers, accidentally met people (e.g. flying the same airplane, traveling the same bus, having diner in the same restaurant etc. etc.) by confirmed infected person. They are in isolation until there are visible symptoms (if they are ill) or until there is sense of making test on them after a few days in isolation to avoid chance of transmission. Test is repeated couple times to be sure of results. If tests are, in a couple few days, negative, person is released from quarantine as he or she was not infected.
  6. I suggest gloves made of copper/silver/gold wires for a start. Also having UV light (preferably with solar panels) at home for disinfectation is a good idea. A list of metals with biocidal effect is available here: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oligodynamic_effect "The metals react with thiol (-SH) or amine (-NH(1,2,3)) groups of proteins, a mode of action to which microorganisms may develop resistance. Such resistance may be transmitted by plasmids.[2]"
  7. Are you familiar with the Miller-Urey experiment? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miller–Urey_experiment and equivalent experiment of making RNA and DNA building blocks? To create adenine you just need 5 HCN and electricity e.g. thunderstorm. It took billions of years after the first single cell microorganism appeared on Earth, before they began to cooperate in a multicellular form of life. Earth like planets with existing life forms might be extremely deadly place with unknown lethal pathogens.
  8. It depends on country. e.g. until 13 March 2020 South Korea made 210k coronavirus tests to find out 8k infected individuals which gives ratio 1:26 = 3.8%. I proposed similar method to locals to mix samples and use of binary search algorithm.. Analogy, if you have one black paint can and nine white paints cans, you can mix them together (just tiny bit of each). If result is not white anymore, but slightly greyish, there had to be one black in them, but you don't know which, so there is needed to split cans by half and repeat with new samples. Instead of O(n) operations it will be done much faster. It has sense only if there is many negatives.. An analysis of money delivered every day to banks from shops and individuals can reveal whether there are any unaware infected people in the community.
  9. In my opinion decrease of working hours of malls will extend queues and crowds inside of shops and increase chance of getting an infection.. People should concentrate only on the most, absolutely the most important items to limit time spend in crowd. Grocery shop owners could make just a couple standards of bags with groceries. It could be easily automated. If client goes to McD or BK does not tell staff how to prepare his or her burger. Receives single standard one from the menu. Result is quick visit and go.
  10. Like the entire history. . It is written by survivors and winners i.e. heavily biased.. exaggerated victories, diminished loses, gaps filled by guesses or made up stuff etc.
  11. ...you should know pretty good it is not necessary... bioterrorist can just infect anybody and they will unaware spread it further to elders.. Such unaware infected person without any symptoms is the most dangerous.. Bioterrorism is not novel. It was used in ancient and medieval times. During castle siege parts of infected meat were catapulted to inside and its crew had to surrender or die from illness. Poisoning of arrows, rivers or wells are another examples of bioterrorism. I am quite surprised that part of you simply started mocking from Airbrush. It is serious hypothetical problem. Even if something like this would happen it won't be possible to figure it out after the fact. No evidence will remain after the fact it was made on purpose. Terrorists don't want just to kill as many people as they can. It is easy part. They want people to be afraid of losing life in some spectacular unexpected event. Something which will be in newspapers. So they are picking methods which will be on frontpages. Casualties are not priority.
  12. There is a couple known examples of people who started on purpose infecting people with HIV. They knew that they have it and still continued having sex without protection with unaware partners.
  13. Perhaps if somebody is chilling so much, he or she is stressed after work and wants to relax, therefore spending time at night on entertainment.. That's good. There is needed healthy balance between intellectual work, physical activity and entertainment.. You don't? Intellectuals during training are still able to think about their work. Programmers do it very often. Recently I read articles how people too much concentrating on their work and career quickly are becoming exhausted and starting having occupational burnout.
  14. Viral infection (e.g. HIV) can cause that microorganisms which are normally co-existing in the body, and in healthy body are harmless, that they will start being troublemakers for organism..
  15. Deja Vu... Grand Princess cruise ship staff has been infected by coronavirus. If they had easy access to meals and/or guests, in one or two weeks USA will be in top 5, in the greatest number of confirmed infected people.. https://edition.cnn.com/2020/03/08/health/us-coronavirus-sunday/index.html "There are at least 21 people with coronavirus aboard the Grand Princess cruise ship, which is expected to dock sometime Monday in Oakland, California, Gov. Gavin Newsom said in a news conference Sunday" "The Grand Princess has been in limbo since Wednesday, when officials learned a California man who traveled on the same ship last month later died of coronavirus. On Sunday, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said four people from that February Grand Princess voyage have been diagnosed with coronavirus."
  16. Oh, really? The all jails (streets?) of this world are full of people who would kill you for 20 dollars...
  17. How did you objectivity tested it? It requires making a couple samples..
  18. In each person with cancer, cancer is unique. Random mutation in random place of DNA chain. If you have two woman with breast cancers, the only common thing is placement in the body and general name. You seem to be thinking or suggesting that it is illness like any other and there will be drug (vaccine?) which will cure them all.. Prevention is the way to limit cancer. Less smoking, less eating of unhealthy foods, less burning fossil fuels, less poluted environment will result in lower number of patients with various kinds of cancers. Diet containing antioxidants is also good idea. If you want to decrease chance of getting cancer you should identify cancerogenic compounds around you and limit their direct and indirect usage.
  19. (Advice for everybody hearing voices and seeing halucinations) My proposition is... just in case it is somebody a bad joke simply start recording video during hearing voices or seeing halucinations on your smartphone... Then you can verify whether halucinations are still there on taken by you pictures.. Halucinations-fakes-jokes will very quickly disappear if people involved in making them will notice that you are making photos..
  20. ...how do you want to get objective evidences of someone hearing voices in the brain.. ? MRI scan during he or she hears voices.. ? Unexpected activity of brain will be evidence? Or lack of activity will be evidence (while somebody will claim, that he or she hears in the same moment some voices talking to him or her).. ?
  21. Bleach is ambiguous term. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bleach Start from figuring out what chemical compounds are in your bleach.. Search net for "[brand name] ingredients". If they are not written on the box or bottle.
  22. Over drinking of water can result in temporary decline of intelectual abilities. Hyponatremia is the most common type of electrolyte imbalance. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyponatremia It can happen after heavy physical exercises when someone is drinking clean water lacking Sodium. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exercise-associated_hyponatremia
  23. ...you are not helpful....
  24. Do you have ball-and-stick model? Buy it from e.g. eBay or Amazon and make models of compounds that you draw on paper, and you should see what studiot is talking about.
  25. Not the subject of this thread Really? Your premise was "military is example of socialism. is it true?".. I said "no, it's authoritarian", and started giving examples.... How is counter-example is not subject of the thread? You seem to be more biased than Fox.. Simply, concentrate of authoritarian part of my post, rather than nitpicking..
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