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Everything posted by Sensei

  1. Personally I think military is perfect example of authoritarian system. When you get order, have to obey it or else you are punished... or killed... instantly.. e.g. nazis had to obey order from higher level nazis or else they would be instantly shot, or obey order, do evilness, and they were killed just a few years later, after war was lost.. (some few lucky not) Some US military officers were so stupid to even make photos how they tortured captured captives.. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abu_Ghraib_torture_and_prisoner_abuse Smarter executioners are still between you in the US, and you call them per "veterans" and "heroes".. You salute to veterans from Iraq, Afghanistan, Vietnam, Japan, Germany, but you can be looking at mass-murderer who killed, raped and tortured dozen of innocent people.. But you have no idea what, he or she, did in the past.. If nazis-germany would win 2nd world war, similar war-veterans who killed, raped, tortured people, would get alive without any harm.. ..like Russians, or Turks, etc., who made war crimes in Donbas or Syria, right now.. Was somebody sentenced by mass-murdering of people of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.. ?
  2. In 100% capitalist country somebody, completely optionally, pays percent of income, to get life insurance, or car insurance, or retirement fund, to picked by him or her private-owned company, private-owned insurance fund, etc. etc. After dozen of years get these money back (they are invested on stock markets, or invested other ways, giving profit to fund owners). In the perfect world, in the perfect stock market, in the perfect everything (at least from capitalistic point of view of "perfect"), everything would be indefinitely being more worth with time (isn't an example of inflation/hyperinflation? ).. If the all goes fine, after many years, he or she, is happy or family is happy, getting promised money back at the moment when they are badly needed.. But in this world there are defrauders who collect money from people and then disappear with them, leaving people with nothing.. There can be unexpected disaster which will wipe out invested money, leaving participants with nothing. Fifty, forty years, is a long time. Everything can happen in such period of time. Three months ago nobody thought about coronavirus, and it wiped out 444 billions of dollars from richest top western stock markets. Just this week. In 100% capitalist country we would have gangs of homeless elderly people robbing for food.. In 100% socialistic country somebody is forced by government to pay percent of income to get life insurance, car insurance, or retirement fund, to government owned companies or funds etc. etc. And they ("government") claim to invest money the best they can (even though they change every couple years), and give them back at the right time in the future. They can disappear in "the blink of an eye" too (like capitalistic defrauders). But you don't know who they are.. Have no names.. "Government".. "Nationalization".. "War".. whatever.. In fifty, forty years, everything can happen.. In one week one could create entire Universe simulation code.. That's easy part. The hard part is to not kill everybody.. Nothing is yours. It is property of the creator of the Universe. Including atoms of your body.. Your definition of "ownership by human being" is quite "full of holes"..
  3. In Roman Empire legionnaire who served long enough in army could get land and become landlord.. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legionary "Once retired, a Roman legionary received a parcel of land or its equivalent in money and often became a prominent member of society." Is it not an example of social security for retired soldiers? I think we should start what means to you "socialism" and "capitalism".. Because people from different parts of the world, might have different meaning of the same word.. (JC once said that "liberal in UK primarily meant somebody who want to increase taxes and spend more, and conservative wants to decrease taxes and cut spending".. that was mind-blowing... the same word, completely different meaning, depending on where you live..) If soldier is killed during service, family receives pension. Is it example of socialist mechanism? It used to be millennia before word "socialism" was created...
  4. Are you or your family member or friend smoking? If you, your family member, or your friend, answer positively, you can get indirectly infected the way that I described in this post: Washing hands will just decrease chance. But who is washing hands prior each cigarette? I don't know such person.. Touch money after washing hands, and it is invalidated.. Illusion of having clean hands.. Thinking "I am not traveling, so I am safe" is "unwise".. Majority of the all infected people nowhere traveled. They get infected from somebody who returned from travel. Does not have to be foreigner. He or she could be just a tourist or businessman/businesswoman. That person has no idea about being infected. There can be no symptoms. Somebody traveling to other country can inadvertently spreading virus to new regions which were not infected yet. Airplane is one huge can with bacteria and viruses coming from the all passengers and mixing them together. Travel to country where are confirmed cases is also not necessary. People get in and out of airplane during long travel with a couple transfers..
  5. News from Italy about coronavirus. Data from 1 March 2020: They claim to make over 9000 tests, and confirmed 1600 infected people, 41 people unfortunately died. Tests were made not only on people with symptoms but the all who had any contact with suspected infected people (that should be obvious method of work). They made a lot more tests than the rest of the Europe and USA. e.g. USA and France made 400-500 tests, only on people with symptoms. Italian officials say "we have so many confirmed cases, because we performed the largest amount of tests, but you (i.e. the rest of western world countries) did not".. I heard that some hospitals do influenza test to confirm or reject somebody have influenza (and treat it as indicator of having no coronavirus). Is it wise? What if somebody have influenza and coronavirus, at the same moment.. ? Somebody get flu the first and then is infected with coronavirus from other source, will have influenza test positive, and person blood won't be tested against having coronavirus, so such person will continue spreading it around, unaware of being infected..
  6. Not elephant, but cat.. and not in the room, but in the box.. So, even though you collapsed his/her/its wave-function by act of observation (measurement of the state), you are still uncertain whether cat is alive or not.. ? That's completely new QM interpretation.. QM founders are spinning in the grave. Cat/elephant can be virtual, collapse/observation can be virtual too... The uncertainty about everything has taken to a whole new level..
  7. Reaction looks like Cl2 + H2O -> HCl + HOCl
  8. Let user decide whether they want progressively increased hardness level or mixture of harder and easier levels.
  9. Only if you're equipped just with eyes and ears etc... i.e. typical human-human or human-animal or human-cyborg/AI interactions.. But if you are equipped with e.g. MRI or can take blood sample, you will detect whether somebody is happy or sad, at that particular moment of examination, on monitor screen or on graph showing amount of chemicals flowing through blood of somebody.. With AI you cannot measure current and voltage to check how happy or sad is particular AI..
  10. AI does not feel anything. Emotions are just fakes. Facial expressions presented to human being. Smiling face robot is as happy as sad face robot. In true living beings emotions are connected with release of neurotransmitters, hormones and other chemicals in the brain. e.g. human after seanse of comedy movie, or after eating piece of chocolate, is really feeling better. AI plugged to electricity (equivalent of food) does not feel better. It does not feel anything.
  11. It would be much faster and easier to ask the tobacco industry to place cigarettes upside down. With a detailed explanation of how smokers can become infected with microbes and viruses by simply taking cigarettes out of the box.
  12. On petri dish there are placed only bacteria, fungi etc. single cellular microorganisms. On the bottom of petri dish there is placed nutrient for them. Viruses can't grow and spread on petri dish as they need host (single or multi cellular life forms)... If you will place bacteria or fungi on petri dish and contaminate them with virus, what is lethal to bacteria or fungi will also eliminate possibility of viruses to spread..
  13. Which of course makes it taboo and paradoxically MORE likely they will. Humans are dumb Any cigarette smoker "licks door knobs", just indirectly, and inadvertently.. People touch the knob.. and then take cigarette to their lips using the same hands. I am not smoker, but as far as I know, the filter which people put to their mouths is the first thing that you see after opening a new cigarette box, and it's almost impossible not to touch it, to get out the rest of cigarette from the box. You must touch the filter... Yet another reason to quit smoking.. ps. The same with paper money, etc. etc., and smoking..
  14. From papers that I saw, 26% to 29% of the all infected are admitted to intensive care unit (ICU). Are you making mental shortcut "hospitalized" = "intensive care unit"? Yes. This is what I meant. Patient in isolation outside of his or her house, around medical staff monitoring and taking care of somebody = hospitalized. Obviously with increasing number of the cases hospital buildings are running out of space for new patients.. ICU is for unlucky ones in critical conditions.. If a mildly ill patient is not isolated, it is straight forward route to further infection and spread of viruses to friends, family, coworkers, random people in shops and public transport vehicles, etc.
  15. Annual flu has fatality rate 0.1%-0.15%. Corronavirus at least twenty times higher. In China today 4% and Italy 3% (today 7 from 224 infected). Availability of medical staff is important factor affecting fatality rate. Without enough personel infected people will be dying not because they are simply ill, but because there is nobody to take care of them during illness.. "While the impact of flu varies, it places a substantial burden on the health of people in the United States each year. CDC estimates thatinfluenza has resulted in between 9 million – 45 million illnesses, between 140,000 – 810,000 hospitalizations and between 12,000 – 61,000 deathsannually since 2010." https://www.cdc.gov/flu/about/burden/index.html Annual flu has 45 mln infected and 800k hospitalised 1.8% rate. In the USA. Coronavirus has 100% hospitalised rate. There is physical limit how many people can be simultaneously hospitalised. 3rd world countries are not prepared for such pendemia..
  16. Search the web for the book name plus pdf keywords.. Mention of Wuhan in "The Eyes Of Darkness" is also in translation of the book to my language. Wuhan Laboratory was founded in 1956. The details about the virus do not match. It is kinda like somebody predicting explosion of a space shuttle during launching in Florida.. It is a very likely to happen accident.. If the writer creates a thriller, he or she will place action, story or history in places which are really existing.
  17. This planet needs wiseness.. so far everything here is based on greediness...
  18. "Made up nonsense"... Baby with autism is starting showing symptoms of autism at age when it is also heavily vaccinated and somebody ultimately incompetent and/or disgustingly insidious made claim that there is connection between the both. But only connection is age of a child. CDC articles about ASD https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/autism/data.html The most interesting for you should be studies and statistics about ASD of identical twins, non-identical twins, and siblings. ps. Read and take data from reliable government sources.
  19. Connect to the router using a web browser and search for QoS settings (Quality of Service). Check if it has an option to enter the MAC Address.
  20. Just to keep up-to-date the one who are not bothering with reading coronavirus news every day and calling it hysteria. From the all 328/329 US citizens evacuated from Japan and taken yet another time to quarantine in the military base in Texas, three positively diagnosed.. so far.. 14 were diagnosed in Japan after disembarking from the ship during travel to the airport. Raport from Diamond Princess. Compilation of US passengers relations. Which is completely devastating to Japan authorities and medical staff.. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/02/22/world/asia/coronavirus-japan-cruise-ship.html I am afraid that number of infected people in Japan will "fly through the roof" very soon...
  21. ...and such person is immediately identified, arrested and waiting for trial, and sentenced... Here are cameras on every corner and in almost every shop.. Bank will just exchange data with police where somebody attempted to withdraw cash or shopped. Police is going to shop and getting videos from cameras..
  22. I found several Visa cards in the last year. Some of them I leaved on the police station (they know smartphone numbers of everybody local), some returned to owner hands (three weeks ago the last time), and some leaved at place were I found (I tried calling owner but nobody was answering for half hour attempts). Stuff was in a such place only owner searching for it could find it. Rechecked place couple hours later, it was found. Smart wallet thieves take the cash and everything else are throwing away. It disallows almost completely to identify them. If thief is going to ATM trying to withdraw cash, knowing or not knowing PIN, will be recorded by e.g. cameras on the street around, even if ATM has no built-in camera. Analyse of cell-stations who logged in and out will reveal thief phone number..
  23. e.g. you have one radioactive atom. Probability of decaying it ever is 100%. But you don't know when it will happen. But again you can calculate probability of decay happening this second, the next minute, the next year, the next millennia (from half-life or mean-life). You can take more radioactive atoms sample. And again you can calculate probability of decay of one, couple or the all atoms. Replace radioactive atom by lottery balls or roulette. On the roulette we have 37 fields (some US versions 38). If you will place a bet on one field you will have 1 per 37 chance of winning (2.7%). Place a bet on two fields and you have chance of winning 2/37=5.4%. Place a bet on x fields and you have x/37=2.7(027)%*x chance of winning in the next round. Place a bet on 37 fields and you have 100% chance of winning. Similar calculations can be applied to everything. Probability of dying somebody today, dying caused by cancer caused by cigarettes, or working in mining industry, or burning fossil fuel (or the all three causes together), dying caused by car accident, dying caused by airplane accident, extinction caused by collision with asteroid, extinction caused by Gamma Ray Burst from star explosion. etc. etc. You seem to like such apocalyptic subjects. Such calculations are done by insurance companies. If they will calculate probability of some accident happening incorrectly, they can bankrupt having to pay more money than they collected from their customers. To be able to predict probability of something happening regardless if it is roulette or Gamma Ray Burst, you need to have enough information about the subject. In the second case you need a list of the all stars in galactic neighbourhood with distances, masses, ages, types of star (and working model of evolution of star) etc. From these data scientist can calculate probability of GRB event happening and arriving to the Earth in the next year, the next century, millennia, or the next million of years.. Even if we gathered the all data carefully there is chance that previous models were slightly incorrect and scientists forgot or were unaware about something essential. Models are reviewed and updated, as new data arrives. e.g. hypervelocity star (supernova-to-be) or even hypervelocity black hole might end up many living beings civilizations which were previously prepared for cosmic scale extinction events..
  24. Small correction. Co is symbol of Cobalt. CO is formuła of carbon monoxide. Use proper small and capital letters. Some teachers might not accept sloppiness.
  25. Studiot is such a nice person. Helpful and so kind for everybody. Sarah. Don't forget to award him with upvotes.
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