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Everything posted by Sensei

  1. Media journalists abuse words like "crisis" to have catchy title for an article, so people will visit and read their article. It is similar to the words "professional", and "intelligent" in advertising materials. Just yet another clickbait. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clickbait
  2. Therefor scientists (cosmologists with computer programmers together) are making simulations... 1) change code of simulation. 2) change constants and/or variables. 3) rerun simulation on supercomputer cluster . 4) compare results of simulation with results from Hubble and other telescopes. The example of delay of photons travelling from supernova versus neutrinos (which arrive hours or minutes earlier) suggest that similar delay should be from light from distant galaxies. I would start from placing these delays on graph with distance to supernova (measured different methods) to check how delay varies with distance. If data will be consistent later it could be used as method of estimation of distance to supernova just from delay.
  3. Mosquitoes larvae are consumed by e.g. fishes. Adult mosquitoes are consumed by e.g. birds and bats. Extinction of one specie can lead to extinction of other species because natural food chain is interrupted.
  4. In C/C++ there are randomization functions srand() and rand() http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/cstdlib/srand/ rand() gives unsigned integer in range 0 to RAND_MAX. So if you want to receive in different range you have to do e.g. rand() * MAX / RAND_MAX + MIN Python should have equivalent functions of pseudo random number generator (PRNG). https://docs.python.org/3/library/random.html
  5. I have not been invited to your deification.. ps. Anyway, welcome to the "club"..
  6. I think that your thinking requires more rethinking...
  7. @Strange This madness should be stopped once and for all by closing the thread. Done!
  8. Quoting myself: "Notice what would happen with my brute-force algorithm if you would use divisor = 0. You would have infinite never ending loop! Procedure would never exit."...
  9. In multiplication it does not matter, in division it does matter. a*b=c b*a=c but a/b=c b/a=1/c=c^-1 When you multiply you can have a or b equal 0. No big deal. You will just get 0 result. But with division, if dividend is 0, okay. If divisor equals 0 -> illegal operation.. (during computer programming it can rise exception (which must be captured by try {} catch {}), or even crash code, so any division by variable must be checked against being 0 in divisor!) Notice what would happen with my brute-force algorithm if you would use divisor = 0. You would have infinite never ending loop! Procedure would never exit.
  10. The simplest brute-force dividing algorithm in C/C++ would look like: int quotient = 0; while( dividend >= divisor ) { dividend -= divisor; quotient++; } int reminder = dividend; // subtraction failed "subtract divisor from dividend until dividend is greater than or equal to divisor". The number of repetitions on the loop will be O(quotient) The more sophisticated version could left-shift divisor prior subtraction from dividend. Each binary left-shift operation is multiplication by 2. At the same time value added to quotient should be multiplied by 2. (In binary numeral system left-shift is equivalent of multiplication by 2, move the all bits one position to the left and make room for 0 at the end for the least significant bit) So e.g. division of 1000 by 50 will look like: temporary_quotient = 1; 1000 > 50 (true) 50*2 = 100, temporary_quotient*2 =2 1000 > 100 (true) 100*2=200, temporary_quotient*2=4 1000>200 (true) 200*2=400, temporary_quotient*2 =8 1000>400 (true) 400*2=800, temporary_quotient*2=16 1000>800 (true) 800*2=1600, temporary_quotient*2=32 1000>1600 (false! We are using previous values and subtract it from 1000! i.e. 800 and 16) 1000-800=200, quotient += temporary_quotient (16) Repetition of entire procedure once again: temporary_quotient = 1; 200 > 50 (true) 50*2 = 100, temporary_quotient*2=2 200 > 100 (true) 100*2=200, temporary_quotient*2=4 200 == 200 (they are equal, end of the loop) 200-200=0, quotient += temporary_quotient (16+4=20) 50 * 20 = 1000 That reminds me that the single division operation in machine code of Motorola 68000 (Amiga 500, Atari ST) was talking over 150-170 cycles of cpu (running at 7.16 MHz) (unsigned integer div faster, signed integer div slower). So at max it could do just 7,160,000 / 150 = ~47,000 divisions per second.
  11. Kinetic energy of electrons change as they fly through wire and are colliding with atoms giving them part of their energy, thus heating medium they pass through. I already gave example of it in Joule heating article to read by you.. Measurement how much power/energy was dissipated on electric or electronic element is done by measurement of voltage drop, and multiplication by current passing through it. Car burning fuel during travel is pretty good analogy of electron losing kinetic energy during travel through circuit.
  12. Did you read this forum Homework Help rules? https://www.scienceforums.net/forum/35-homework-help/
  13. To get projected coordinate, 3D world original coordinate must be multiplied by projection matrix. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/3D_projection In orthogonal projection matrix, one 3D axis is simply cleared (multiplied by 0). What you need to do is construction of inverse of projection matrix. https://www.google.com/search?q=inverse+projection+matrix (in some cases it is not possible to reverse projection, to get original coordinate, like in orthogonal projection were you lost certain axis data) Axonometric projection that you gave is similar to isometric projection. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isometric_projection In the above article there are showed matrices which can be used to get such projection. In your case it's simple as you know that [math]\alpha[/math] used to be originally 90 degrees, [math]\beta =\frac{360-2*\alpha}{2}[/math] was also 90 degrees, and length of each Rhombus edge used to be (prior projection) the same value (projection of square, not rectangle).
  14. I think that the same results as "gravitational waves" (bending of spacetime curvature) would have burst of electric neutral particles, extremely weakly (or none) interacting with ordinary matter, interacting only gravitationally..
  15. Photons are practically the only thing that you, and scientists, see and are able to measure their properties and quantities. Have you been on the Moon, Mars or Sun? No. You just saw photons from them emitted or reflected. Measurement of mass of the Moon, Mars, or Sun, is done by observation how other cosmic objects in neighborhood reacts, and reversing Newton's law of universal gravitation. Apart from photons there is very little amount of neutrinos (they are used as indicators of supernova explosions). Apart from photons and neutrinos, there are cosmic rays. So, you (and scientists) learn what material is by observation of photons emitted by that material (spectral emission and absorption lines).
  16. Telescopes, like Hubble, record photography of cosmic objects, and distant galaxies. To get good quality picture from distant object, telescope must be recording object with very long exposure. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Astrophotography "This is done by long time exposure since both film and digital cameras can accumulate and sum light photons over these long periods of time. " Long-time exposure photography https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Long-exposure_photography Photons are emitted with inverse-square law, so their quantity per area drops with distance. Read inverse-square law wikipedia article if you are not familiar with it. So, if you know that object should emit specific amount of energy, you can estimate distance to it, by reversing inverse-square law. This method is called "Standard candles". https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cosmic_distance_ladder Scientists found that distant objects are redshifted. Some of them extremely redshifted. This is article you must read: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Redshift The older galaxy you see, the more distant it is, and the higher redshift. It leaded to conclusion of that Universe is expanding. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Expansion_of_the_universe List of galaxies with some very high redshift (z value): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_galaxies For example this galaxy found in 2016: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GN-z11 "GN-z11 is a high-redshift galaxy found in the constellation Ursa Major. GN-z11 is currently the oldest and most distant known galaxy in the observable universe.[4] GN-z11 has a spectroscopic redshift of z = 11.09, which corresponds to a proper distance of approximately 32 billion light-years (9.8 billion parsecs).[5][note 1]" To measure redshift, scientists are measuring shift of spectral lines emitted by well-known elements like Hydrogen or Helium, with assumption that they never changed in the past history of the Universe. Again, if you're not familiar with it, you must read articles about spectral lines, emission spectrum, blackbody radiation etc. ps. Yes, in computer games and simulations, programmers are constructing them in such way, that entities living inside are reaching internal "wall" which is impossible to be transcended..
  17. It depends on specie. Take for example bees. "The queen–worker developmental divide is controlled epigenetically by differential feeding with royal jelly; this appears to be due specifically to the protein royalactin." https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Royal_jelly (epigenetics effects section) (worker-bee and queen-to-be larvae are usually sisters)
  18. Sensei


    Conclusion? Don't forget your cat! Just in case you would get lost in the middle of the galaxy.. ps. Love goes to Ripley.. 😙 (and Jonesy obviously too)
  19. Decimal is just one of infinite number of numeral systems. It is used in computers just to show result to user. Computers don't compute in decimal system. Irrational number never ends. Rational number, if it has no repeating fraction, will end. You can find algorithm for finding repeating fraction in this article: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Repeating_decimal (different numeral system have different repeating fraction) But from computer programming point of view, you should start from making rational number class (i. e. taking p/q as arguments), or download 3rd party from net. Override ToString() (e.g. Java or C#) or << operator (C++) or method used to convert to decimal string to support repeating fraction.
  20. To talk about numbers we would have to pick up specific materials to compare their exact properties. Here we have resistivity table of some example materials, conductors and insulators: Air has at least 7.74*10^23 higher resistivity than Copper. My words still applies: Unclear for uneducated / improperly educated.. P = I * U E=Q * U Power dissipated by electrons passing through medium depends on current and voltage (voltage drop on element). Energy dissipated (...) depends on charges and voltage (drop). Charge Q divided by elementary charge e = 1.6021766*10^-19 C is quantity of electrons. In static electricity discharge, quantity of electrons (therefor Q and I as well) could be millions or billions times smaller than in typical electric or electronic device. e.g. P = 20,000 V * 10^-10 A = 0.00002 W Actually, in early XIX century, there was used technique to measure how much energy wire dissipated by placing it in water, and measuring temperature increase of water. Therefor calorie unit (1 calorie = energy needed to increase temperature of 1 gram of water by 1 C) has been introduced. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joule_heating "James Prescott Joule first published in December 1840, an abstract in the Proceedings of the Royal Society, suggesting that heat could be generated by an electrical current. Joule immersed a length of wire in a fixed mass of water and measured the temperature rise due to a known current flowing through the wire for a 30 minute period. By varying the current and the length of the wire he deduced that the heat produced was proportional to the square of the current multiplied by the electrical resistance of the immersed wire.[2]" As a result of very low power, very low energy, dissipated in very short time, on such wire with 20 kV, it does not melts, as melting temperature of metal is not reached fast enough. Give it constant 20,000 V, for seconds or minutes, and it will melt and break apart, disconnecting circuit.. That's how fuses work. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fuse_(electrical)#Thermal_fuses "In electronics and electrical engineering, a fuse is an electrical safety device that operates to provide overcurrent protection of an electrical circuit. Its essential component is a metal wire or strip that melts when too much current flows through it, thereby stopping or interrupting the current." (notice words on Wikipedia: metal wire melts)
  21. What states of matter do you know from physics lessons? Solid, liquid, gaseous and plasma. Wire is solid. But after heating it (by too large current) it melts. Heat it more and it will change state to gaseous. Heat it considerably more and it will change state to plasma. Sometimes, just sometimes, under special conditions of the environment (temperature and pressure), some state is skipped (e.g. sublimation). I don't know where you get idea that solid metallic wire turns immediately to plasma skipping two states of matter. Breakage happens in the weakest point of wire and immediately shutdowns current. Applying large current to melt metal is widely used method in metalurgy.
  22. Surprising attention to the details by movie makers.. Parallax is widely used to measure distance to stars in this galaxy.. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parallax
  23. Sensei


    With normal human acceptable 1g acceleration, spaceship can reach near speed of light in one year. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Space_travel_using_constant_acceleration "From the planetary frame of reference, the ship's speed will appear to be limited by the speed of light—it can approach the speed of light, but never reach it. If a ship is using 1 g constant acceleration, it will appear to get near the speed of light in about a year, and have traveled about half a light year in distance. For the middle of the journey the ship's speed will be roughly the speed of light, and it will slow down again to zero over a year at the end of the journey."
  24. Henrietta Lacks's immortalised cancer cell line was an important breakthrough.. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henrietta_Lacks Evolution of bacteria gaining resistance to vaccines recorded by camera on timelapse video: At the end of the video there are showed new branches of bacteria highlighted with various colors. Researcher can take samples of two or more such branches and compare differences in DNA between them.
  25. How about different approach: instead of searching for a way to increase power production, search for a way to reduce current power usage? Households in hotter regions of the Earth significant amount of electrical energy use on air conditioning and refrigeration of food. Households in the colder regions of the Earth use significant amounts of energy to heat homes during the winter. Decrease of power usage for TV and computers has been already done by migration to LCD/LED/OLED and to laptops (from power consuming CRT and plasma). So, limit energy used for air conditioning and refrigeration, and you will get the same effect as increased power production, with increased demand for power. See an example of some e-books smart displays. Instead of using power for continuous sustaining display, energy is used only for switching different pixels between one page and another page. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electronic_paper Personally, I am for turning streets to one large solar panels new generation with built-in electromagnets. They could produce energy and immediately transport it to vehicles flying slightly above them due to magnetic repulsion between streets and vehicles. Mass of cars would be minimal without full size tank nor full size accumulators. Without friction with road, energy spend on acceleration would be much smaller than now. To decelerate/brake there could be used KERS or similar system converting kinetic energy to electrical energy.
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