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Everything posted by Sensei

  1. Sensei


    ...but there are apparent evidences of attacks of trolls and crackpots on this forum in this week... ps. "Attack of intelligence".. That would be something new!
  2. Do you have experience linking to and using 3rd party external linkable libraries or using DLL in your C/C++ code? Do you have experience in using debugging tools in your IDE? Which C/C++ compiler and IDE are you using? Do you have experience in making subclasses of C++ class and overriding virtual methods, overloading operators etc. etc. ?
  3. 1) search net for ready linkable math libraries which allow arbitrary precision numbers. e.g. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_arbitrary-precision_arithmetic_software 2) make your own C++ class. Override math operators and implement needed functionality with required higher precision. Start from dummy class which is just using built-in double. Then add 3rd party lib functions or your own in implementation of operators. Did you overload operators? After exceeding fixed precision number there is overflow. Integer example: add 128 to 128 and it's 256. Too large to keep it in 8 bit unsigned char. In hex it is 0x100. Byte will have only the lowest bits i.e. 0x00 so you get 0 instead of 256. It is called overflow. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Integer_overflow Such errors cause unpredictable behaviors of program. Use debugger to observe values assigned to variables in the real time, and you will see it on your own eyes.
  4. The one thing that you missed is I World War. Canada mobilized 620,000 soldiers. ~ 8% of entire population. Women had to go to work to replace missing working power, when mens fought in the Europe..
  5. It is momentum... return to primary school.. You mixed mass with weight (force). https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Weight Mass has kilogram kg unit. Weight (force) has Newton N.
  6. https://physics.aps.org/story/v19/st3 "A tank of stirred liquid sodium generates a magnetic field even though it’s highly turbulent–a condition closer to real dynamos in planets, stars, and galaxies, but harder to simulate in the lab." More articles about it https://www.google.com/search?q=liquid+sodium+magnetic+field
  7. Reminds me ancient times. Caligula and Nero. On the other hand, modern politician must be good actor to persuade voters on TV, radio, Internet, media and real audience... It won't work without personality and charisma. Actors have a lot of training and experience of speeches to large audience.
  8. Obviously I was thinking about gentleman. Replying from mobile is more difficult, virtual keyboard is often suggesting and autocorrecting to wrong words or with wrong form. Can't see letters without zooming. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/gentleman "(2): a man whose conduct conforms to a high standard of propriety or correct behavior".
  9. Ronald Reagan was cultural gentleman..
  10. Is that example of lack of free will? i.e. somebody forced you to have better feeling.. ?
  11. "bad day" had dinosaurs ~ 65 millions years ago when they extinct..
  12. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/European_Union_Emission_Trading_Scheme
  13. ..some people after natural or unnatural disaster, accident, death of family member, say "God's will!" or "Allah's will!" (which is the same)... so, apparently, they are disagreeing with you..
  14. Normal people call it "natural number".. Again, normal people call them "irrational number" and "rational number".. ...you don't even know worldwide terminology used in mathematics, which is taught in primary school.. Nonsense. ...you post is nonsense..
  15. Healthy competition is only possible when there is no monopoly or oligopoly in the country and cost of entering industry is not as extreme as in the case of massive electricity production. Let me give you example. We have two hypothetical countries A and B. Country A has already 50% renewable energy sources, and 50% fossil, and B has 10% renewable and 90% fossil. Now, somebody above both countries makes law that CO2 emission will require payment. Country A has smaller dependence on fossil, so increase of prices to end users will be lower. Country B has huge dependence on fossil fuels, so increase of prices to end users will be also huge. What does it mean? That the all products made by the all firms from country B will have higher prices, which will mean less competitive product on global market, and perhaps customers will chose cheaper products from country A. Firms from country B could have economical problems due to smaller orders for their more expensive products. They won't have money for investment in newer technologies. Instead of fighting with CO2, it will bring country B to economical stagnation, slowdown, or collapse (depending on CO2 prices)..
  16. @Ken Fabian ..yet another unknown is what governments will do with this way gathered money from CO2 emission taxes... will they by themselves build powerful solar power plants, solar furnaces, etc. competing with (perhaps state owned) traditional coal power plants, or "as always" waste money on something unrelated, or give away money to people to buy their votes.. Budget deficit, economic slowdown, worldwide collapse of economics, sooner or later will happen, and I am afraid that they will simply waste this way gathered money.. History learns that money from targeted taxes are later abused and misused.
  17. Tax, fine, fee on corporation, especially in monopolistic or oligopolistic environment, is almost always passed on customers of what they sell to people. So direct tax on corporation is actually indirect tax on ordinary people who are end users of the product. CO2 emission contracts in situation where significant amount of energy is fossil fuel based, and energy users are unable to change its source, will end up in increased price of energy for domestic and business uses (perhaps pushing them into troubles with lower competitiveness of their products which have nothing to do with fossil fuels industry!), completely not addressing CO2 emission issue.
  18. Some fungi, microorganisms, parasites take control over mind of higher level organisms turning them to e.g. "zombie ant". Like for example Ophiocordyceps unilateralis https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ophiocordyceps_unilateralis https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Behavior-altering_parasite https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toxoplasma_gondii "In humans, T. gondii is one of the most common parasites in developed countries;[7][8] serological studies estimate that 30–50% of the global population has been exposed to and may be chronically infected with T. gondii," "T. gondii has been shown to alter the behavior of infected rodents in ways that increase the rodents' chances of being preyed upon by felids.[11][15][16] Support for this "manipulation hypothesis" stems from studies showing T. gondii-infected rats have a decreased aversion to cat urine." "A number of studies have suggested that subtle behavioral or personality changes may occur in infected humans,[22] and infection with the parasite has recently been associated with a number of neurological disorders, particularly schizophrenia[16] and bipolar disorder.[23][24] A 2015 study also found cognitive deficits in adults to be associated with joint infection by both T. gondii and Helicobacter pylori in a regression model with controls for race-ethnicity and educational attainment.[25] Although a causal relationship between latent toxoplasmosis with these neurological phenomena has not yet been established,[9][16] preliminary evidence suggests that T. gondii infection may induce some of the same alterations in the human brain as those observed in mice.[26][27]" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toxoplasma_gondii#Behavioral_differences_of_infected_hosts
  19. How hydride reacts with water?
  20. True. There might be some minor opposition from uneducated individuals. But I said lobby i.e. organized group of people persuading and bribering politicians to their ideas typically to keep status quo, resisting changes which could cost them a lot of money and eventually leading to bankruptcy of their businesses. The only industry which could lobby against vaccines was organizing funerals.
  21. Vaccines when they were the first time introduced did not have anti-vaccines opposition lobby who attacked idea of using them. And vaccines were cheap to make and gave instant results (politicians could mention it on successful actions list to show voters what they did good to community). Fight with AGW is fight with poweful fossil fuels lobby (including millions of workers, engineers, miners and their families) who want to sustain status quo as it brings them steady pofits. It is similar to fight with weapon lobby.. One has to buy back their businesses, change profile of company, persuade and teach crew new jobs so they won't protest against shutting down coalmines, oil raphineries and similar obsolete factories.. So far the all politicians actions were to make as hard as possible to work in fossil fuel business... co2 contracts are increasing costs of operations of heavy industry, to make harder to operate. It is wrong unconstructive way..
  22. One of Uranium-235 fission products is Caesium-137. It is member of I group of elements with just one valence electron, which violently reacts with water, and its salts are very well soluble in water, forming Cs+ ions. Plants, animals and humans, consume directly or indirectly contaminated water and this way Caesium-137 ends up in human body where it will sooner or later decay, perhaps eventually causing unpredictable mutation or cell damage. Caesium-137 decay modes are explained in this article: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caesium-137#Decay Other Uranium-235 fission products are Barium-141 and Strontium-90. They are not so well soluble in water, but replace Calcium in bones ("bone seeker"), leading to bone cancer and Leukemia. Article about Strontium-90 contamination of the environment: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strontium-90#90Sr_contamination_in_the_environment
  23. Just found this video. Brits learn US healthcare prices... "so if you are poor, you're dead"... Welcome to hell on Earth..
  24. Listen to studiot. Starting from drawing diagram is the key.
  25. Hardcore version of recursion: programmer (aka "God") is making simulation of the Universe, then in that simulation of the Universe there are appearing simulated intelligent entities (aka "Gods") who are making their own simulated Universes, in which there are appearing simulated ^ 2 intelligent entities (aka "Gods") are making simulation of the Universe.. ... and so on, so on... In the limitless Universe, where energy is freely made ("infinite"), it could go forever, and ever.. If you are able to create simulated Universe, you are indistinguishable from the God.. Are you able to do so, you mortal entity, reading my words.. ?
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