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Everything posted by petrushka.googol

  1. Statistically significant numbers count towards any hypotheses. If 1% of the subjects don't conform to the standard that is not enough to discredit the theory. The vox populi is the face of the nation.
  2. Homogeneity is essentially of : 1) Language : Germany / England etc 2) Race : Arab countries / China 3) Religion : Jewish state of Israel / Islamic republic of Iran 4) Political philosophy : Cuba / North Korea These are a few examples which support the hypothesis.
  3. When protons and electrons fuse they produce neutrons. This happens when neutron stars form. Further compression results in the creation of black holes. What happens to these neutrons ? Do they still exist in the black holes or are they converted into pure energy ?
  4. In India most people have the same or similar genotypes. In America Communism never thrived.
  5. Nations are created around ideas. There must be common grounds and homogeneity among peoples that cause the building of nations. Homogeneity is essentially of : 1) Language 2) Race 3) Religion 4) Political philosophy Some or all of these factors contribute to development of nations. Please opine.
  6. I think that since inter-personal relationships are inevitable humans form sociological chains. These define connections. The person is successful if : 1) He connects with the right people 2) He connects in the right place 3) He connects at the right time The more solid his chain is in this respect, the more likely he is to experience positive outcomes and success. Please opine.
  7. The implication is that light cannnot remain indefinately in a "split" state as it is relatively unstable. It falls back into it's more stable (white) mode as soon as the opportunity arises.
  8. Is there any relation between shape of face and occupation ? Is there any correlation between shape of face and temperament ? Please opine.
  9. May be my choice of words is incorrect. Should I use the words "order" and "disorder" ? My question could be rephrased as "Of monochrome white light and monochrome RGB which represents an intrinsically more ordered state ?
  10. From one perspective light in it's component colors represents am increase in entropy. However a color could be thought of as an aggregation of similar pixels to create the notion of color, which represents a decrease of entropy. Which of these views is correct ? Please opine.
  11. What I am stating is that man is 3D in a 4D environment. Imagine if man were 2D (flat). Would stereoscopic vision have the same implications for this version of man as it does now? Would we blend seamlessly into the universe, I doubt.
  12. I know that quantum mechanics applies to the micro world but if you use relative analogies (size of man / size of universe) it ends up tending to a point analogy. The many worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics manifests itself as a plausible reality.....
  13. Man could be thought of as a mini matter-wave. This wave exists throughout his life and includes events like marriage. Man interacts with a myriad number of members of the opposite sex but his sex drive prefers to "collapse" at a singular possibility. This is natural selection. This is necessary for his survival (something we learnt from the great apes). Is then the bond of marriage sacrosanct ?
  14. Man is a 4D object that manifests itself in the space time continuum. Each cell in a person could be thought to be a "potential" and an aggregate of potentials defines a person.....his personality etc. Hence man although perceived to be independent of space is not quite so. This is my proposition.....
  15. WYSIWIG stands for what you see is what you get. This applies to computer display monitors. i gather.... Does it apply to humans as well ? Jack Ma. founder of e-commerce giant Alibaba.com says that small people rely on brains rather than brawn. In physics. small people have less mass hence can exert less force, hence cannot "throw their weight around", Hence the concept of the big bully. Also those people who are more attractive can use this quality quite aggressively eg. Marilyn Monroe, Hitler etc. Ugly people are deprived of this weapon. Hence the mind becomes the body and vice versa. Phenotype and Genotype become one and the same. What you see (of a person) is what you get (the persona)... Do you agree ?
  16. Why do we prefer smart attire? A suit with a tie and shoes to match. Jeans with a trendy tee-shirt and sneakers to match. How do marketing companies capture the public sentiment so well in their adverts ? Why do we look down on people who dress slovenly ? Why is ragged attire not the norm (not discounting hygeine, of course) ? Any pointers ?
  17. Why do we automatically associate men with the color blue and women with pink and not vice versa ? Is it due to inherited traits and is it superficial or something of deeper import ? Does it reflect patterns of thought processes in either gender ? Is it linked to XY chromosomal dominance, in that higher frequencies are more popular with the "martian" gender ? Please advise.
  18. If a light beam undergoes gravitational lensing through a maximum theoretically possible 360 degrees what does this imply in translation through the space time continuum ? Displacement in space (using the analogy of classical physics) is zero but clearly time has elapsed. Movement through the light cone is zero but actually events have transpired. How do you explain this ?
  19. Is there a preferred shape for a particle accelerator ? eg) like a toroid. Could it be configured as a prism (with a beam originating from the base and moving towards the apex, with fields acting perpendicular to the faces.).
  20. Pain is perceived by the nociceptors. This is the attribute of physical pain. How does this differ from emotional pain ? Are the same pathways involved ?
  21. The human body possesses a bio-magnetic field. Is this essentially what an aura is ? And how far can Kirilian photography be relied on in this regard ?
  22. Would it be possible to represent force vectors at the event horizon of a black hole ? Whirlpool type / Waterfall type / Pyramidal type etc. Is there some discrete force field distortion that occurs at the event horizon ? Or is it an abstraction ?
  23. Do solid particles of pollutants actually act as nuclei for the formation of clouds ? Is this a caveat of pollution being detrimental to humans ? Please advise.
  24. Are earthquakes the result of impulse forces acting at a point ? And do they obey the inverse square law ? Please advise.
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