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Everything posted by petrushka.googol

  1. My rationale is thus : A clock implies time (time is not absolute) -> which implies time coupled with space (space time) -> which implies displacement -> in this case space like separation -> which implies violation of einstein...viola
  2. While surfing the net i chanced upon what could be termed as a revelation of sorts....there exists a hormone oxytocin which defines the bridge between socially acceptable behaviors and those that are anti-social. Psychosis occurs when the person is deprived of this hormone. Gregarious individuals secrete it in abundance. Is this then the key to nip the mind of the potential felon in the bud? Does this hold any promise? Or is the research too inconclusive at this stage? Any pointers?
  3. What exactly is trance? And why does it appeal to some (or the esoteric few)? Is it the complete stabilization of emotional response, neither diffident nor bold, neither hot nor cold, neither perceptive nor ignorant? How is this state of "bliss" defined in terms of hormones and neurotransmitters? eg) when we are angry or agitated then this balance is disturbed which retroactively disturbs the balance even further. Similarly excessive shyness and aloofness are not sociable traits. In both these cases the energy balance is disturbed and there are kinetic vectors that drive an individual to anti-social behavior. Is there some nascent harmony latent in each individual and how can we invoke science to help us tap that? Please advise.
  4. My poser is simply stated as "Does auditory input (like hearing abusive language) produce the same level of psychological trauma as visual input (seeing your loved one being slapped etc) ?" eg) rise in stress (with associated physiological symptoms), altered perception, impaired decision making etc. Please advise.
  5. My own primitive understanding of this is :- a) Before Planck time there was no way of knowing what transpired b) Circumstances proved propitious The set of positive (inflationary) factors outnumbered the set of negative (implosive) factors producing a net expansion. c) It was probabilistic, much like the creation of amino acids of earth, which could be attributed to the "qualities" of the primordial "soup". d) It was irreversible. Just my way of visualizing the cosmological phenomena.
  6. From the most recent post, I would be tempted to conclude that "Size indeed does matter". Scale together with pomp and circumstance are a heady mix to stoke the fancy of the average hedonist....This is my general observation, not specific to the scenario discussed above (please note).
  7. Dosen't this allude to Adlerian Thoery of Personality ?
  8. "Imposing" is contextual. Look at the Tower of Babel. It too was imposing but instead of signifying an obeisance to the Powers that be, it turned out to portray an acquiescence with the Devil.
  9. To estimate the location of a photon we need some finite spatial reference as the possible loci of the target photon on which a beam of incident photons may be targeted with the objective of finding it. When i said scan, i visualized an imaginary "tractor beam" that helps the user locate the particle in question...
  10. The moot point is whether brick and mortar columns are pillars of the church literally or figuratively, if you get my drift...
  11. I have made some earlier posts on entropy on this site but I find this aspect of physics very daunting and a tad intimidating (if i could put it that way). How could we interpret entropy to :- a)Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle b)Success and Failure in everyday life (and migraine headaches as an extension...!!) Here's how : Think of an imaginary measuring tool that iteratively scans a sub-space for a photon. As we zero in on the co-ordinates of an elusive photon, we require more iterative sub-space scans (much like the scanning lines on a TV). Programmatically it is like a loop from 1 to N where N is very large (to increase accuracy of measurement). As N increases so does the expenditure of energy and the entropy of the subsystem. We can apply this principle to the notion of success. Success is mentally scanning a myriad of possibilities to zero in on one or two promising candidates. (much llike a heruristic search). The brain becomes increasingly strained with the expectation of perfectionism that invariably manifests itself as a migraine headache. (migraine is said to affect perfectionists mostly women.). So ths guiding principle of entropy is Universal from the quantum length to scales as large as parsecs. (cosmic). This could be called "Universal axiom of entropic behavior of systems."
  12. According to me at a broader level religion is a sociological exercise where people with some common ground meet and feel the need to reflect. Can an edifice, however imposing, adequately represent a complex ideology like a faith? Can it encapsulate human emotions and provide a channel for connecting with the Unknown? Can't we worship in the open, like some of our pristine ancestors? Apart from providing a common space for assembly, is there any deeper import of this place of congregation? Please opine.
  13. Sadly the scenario you have projected occurs only in a Utopia...and we are far from that as of now...may be another couple of centuries of "evolution" (or should i say revolution - as per your assessment) or may be even a Renaissance (in old parlance) may be what the doctor asked for? Your view on this...?? .
  14. I have always been fascinated by the orders of magnitude of ten that seem to reflect a hidden symphony in Nature from the infinitesimal (quark) to the macroscopic (Stars and galaxies). Here are my thoughts expressed in verse... The powers of ten.., Are more surreal than Zen. Matter starts as a quark.., (Oh ! please don't be a dork), Building blocks of matter, these be... Which fit together in the symphony of a perfect 'T' !, To form atoms and more... Lo...what's in store?, Molecules as solid, liquid and gas... Let me not forget plasma... That define physical state. 'Tis more than just fate -----. But it dosen't stop here...., When we shift to the scale of planets and stars. Cosmic marvels are these, That obey the same laws defined above. Seems to be Nature's way, Of saying "Yes, this is true Love!". Then is love the essence of it all..?, To say the least I am truly appalled..., By the splendor of Nature. And you ?????.
  15. Pls try out the quiz on http://www.discovery.com/tv-shows/curiosity/topics/quantum-physics-quiz.htm. There are some basic insights into quantum computing.
  16. To keep a set of entangled particles say of spin -1 and 1 in an entangled state, there must be some binding between the two, even if it means the particles are separated by a space like separation. Pure coincidence, much like telepathy, seems irrational. Non locality without some external "force ether" seems to defy the principles of entropy of the universe and physics in general.
  17. I base my assertion on the common sense principle that "to create order implies a constraint whose origins may be external or internal. Imposition of a constraint implies inputting some energy into the system, either explicitly or tacitly."
  18. Do entangled states violate the conventional norms of entropy? In entangled states particles are in unison with no apparent cause and the entropy of this system is decreasing. To maintain this state energy has to be drawn in from somewhere? How do we explain this quasi-equilibrium state? Please advise.
  19. I never said "prohibit prospective parents from actual courtship.". Actually having virtual kids is only a simulation towards a real life scenario and helps you both emotionally and intellectually to deal with the actual process of child-rearing. As an extension, we could also have virtual pregnancies...with statutory warnings about the deleterious effects arising out of promiscuity...how does that sound?...I think even this as an extension to the postulate, has definite social benefits accruing thereby.
  20. Without resorting to solipsism, i would cautiously aver that the ability to discern is intelligence and the ability to discern that I have the ability to discern is, indeed, wisdom.
  21. If I might say, Intelligence is cognition and wisdom is the ability to use it productively.
  22. Kindly refer - http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/11/13/humans-carbon-chemist-molecular-bonds_n_2119037.html This article endorses the view that carbon (whatever it's share may be in the total composition of elements) is by far the most important. Actually my contention is that ash forming substances contain a preponderance of carbon because ash emissions originate from an inorganic part of the fuel, and the quantity of ash that is produced is small testifying to the abundance of carbon in the sample. (weight for weight).
  23. Pls peruse : https://in.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20081210210647AA00iPb
  24. Wisdom implies powers of discretion with respect to to intelligence. Intelligence is the template on which wisdom manifests itself. Even baboons are intelligent but philosophers are wise,,,!!
  25. Ash indicates a preponderance of carbon in the substrate.....
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