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Everything posted by petrushka.googol

  1. please refer http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Archaeopteryx seem to be ancestors of birds.
  2. Why is CMBR in the microwave range? (Eg. not in the radio freq range).? Or is this restricted only to the known Universe?
  3. How does the human heart compare in efficiency to the heart of other mammals like the horse? This might seem like an abstract question but it is pertinent. On the evolutionary scale the ape was superior to the equus and both have a 4 chambered heart. But the horse can even sleep standing up which I presume must put enormous strain on the heart. What would be the equivalent in the human domain? (running the 4 minute mile) ? Please advise. And of course, what does this tell us about evolution within a phylum? Would it be possible for instance to transplant a heart from a horse and implant in a human in the future? (or may be an orangutan)? Thanks in advance.
  4. geometrically is there any advantage of dna being formatted as a double helix. (other than being wrapped around itself). for eg) if it were a spiral would that confer any advantages? Any research on this?
  5. We all know Newtons refraction with a prism. We also know that light is essentially a beam of photons. In the light of this how do we explain refraction in terms of the incident photon beam. How "intelligent" is the photon in this regard? Please advise. Your views will be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
  6. What was the wedding vow of two android R2D2 units from Star Wars? Answer. V2R1 (We two are one).
  7. I had read in one of my more somber moments that dream play results in the rejuvenation of catecholamine related neuronal systems in the brain. eg. related to dopamine etc. Could be brains way of firing a "Defrag" command where bad sectors are reformatted and memory is reorganized.
  8. in my latest dream I analyzed it and found the following : auditory message - i heard a name that I remember having read on the internet visual message - i saw myself doing kendo (martial art). - i searched the net and found that I am trying to deal with a pressing problem. actually my query is not as to the implications or meanings of this dream. (that is debatable). What I would like to know is how tangible entities (like the name i read on the net) mix with intangible entities (myself doing kendo - i am not an exponent of the art and the only martial art i have dabbled with is gojukai karate). What exactly are the mechanics of dream creation? Does a scientific analysis exist?
  9. cerenkov radiation is characteristically blue. is it possible to red-shift the emitted frequencies through some method and change the characteristic blue color?
  10. Retrocausailty is not possible. This is conventional wisdom. Imagine what impact that would have on us humans...we would have to die before we were born.
  11. Found a very interesting article related to fractals and bronchioles. http://books.google.co.in/books?id=27jqL2dQJLAC&pg=PA39&lpg=PA39&dq=bronchioles+and+fractal+algorithms+japan&source=bl&ots=b4H-naSMt1&sig=qhYW9RHS2B8-27kSMEDBNWloFZY&hl=en&sa=X&ei=MnB8UvGBM4aFrAffroD4Bw&sqi=2&ved=0CDkQ6AEwAg#v=onepage&q=bronchioles%20and%20fractal%20algorithms%20japan&f=false Amazing how nature plays out in subtle forms.
  12. As iron moves in the molten core it is accompanied by a change in the position of the magnetic poles. How does this effect migratory birds that rely on this for navigation? Can they undergo automatic re-calibration?
  13. how do cosmic rays interact with the earths magnetosphere? Are they deviated from their incident path?
  14. Does acid rain promote reverse osmosis leading to plant death? How much acid is good for the soil? eg) dilute nitric acid.
  15. How do we define a 4D object like a Klein bottle in 3D topology? And does such matter exist in space?
  16. To elaborate. Axially with radial contraction. A particle that moves along the path defined. (an imaginary particle).
  17. I say all animals possess innate intelligence. (On an average the greatest deviation from the mean comes from oops....homo sapiens). Personally I prefer the ant / termite / bee. They work like modern software development companies. They work in teams, delegate tasks and most importantly, are never afraid to take on an additional workload. They are the "Google" of the phylum arthropoda.
  18. Consider a particle moving in a path described by a concentric helical spring How would you mathematically describe the displacement when the spring is expanded. As the particle is displaced along x, y and z axes simultaneously. Do we need partial differential equation in 3 dimensions to describe the motion? Please advise. Thanks in advance.
  19. Atheists, as we understand them, deny the existence of God as we commonly understand it. But the paradox here is that the passionate atheist tags his belief system to the absence of God and ardently believes himself to be true. Being as unbiased as possible, mathematically, the ardent atheist makes an assertion, which he treats as axiomatic. The same is true about the ardent believer. The question is not about who is right. (That is a moot issue). The observation in both the cases is that both the viewpoints make assertions, which are believed to be true as per the observers value system. Then actually both are "believers". (although their belief system is antipodal, if you may describe it as that). An analogy would be seeing a shadow. Just as we can't describe the image from looking at a shadow, we can't describe the shadow by looking at the image. It is a matter of perception.
  20. According to Malthusian theory we are overpopulated..... According to me we are grossly overpopulated.... The earth is a planet bursting at the seams.... Looks like we need some urgent re-thinking and introspection.
  21. petrushka.googol


    An EMP can knock out electronic equipment for several kms from the origin. It can be produced as an aftermath of a nuclear explosion or along with certain atmospheric phenomena like lightning. (as far as i know). In sci-fi (from memory) my experience tells me that alien craft (UFO's) have zapped the communication systems of pursuing interceptors (F-16's). The veracity and antecedents of these reports cannot be independently verified. A model-T would suffer very little from an EMP common sense tells me. Not to mention that an upmarket Mercedes-E Class may not be left standing...
  22. Hypothetically if we could create a David and Goliath scenario in the lab (With a 9 foot Goliath) what would the ideal size of a projectile from David's sling be to slay the giant? Does the story gel well with physical parameters? How muscular a David would we need to overcome the physical limitations of force? Any thoughts? (Also the story is based in fable the analogies are real, that is why i thought of this conjecture).
  23. How efficient is organic alcohol produced from yeast fermentation as compared to distilled alcohol from crude oil as a bio-fuel? Is it a viable alternative?
  24. UV radiation creates holes in the ozone layer. Is there a way in which we can fix this problem? eg) by inducing some chemical reaction. eg)Silver iodide crystals are used in cloud seeding.
  25. Oxygen and carbon have double covalent bonds. Are these bonds of equal strength? (as the number of bonds are the same) Please advise. Thanks in advance.
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