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Everything posted by petrushka.googol

  1. I think it is best left to the individual to define his / her belief system. Each person has his / her own experience profile in life and views God differently. If I say "God exists is false" , then if the statement is true, God does not exist and if God exists the statement is false. (circular reference). It is difficult to make an assertion without proper knowledge. It is better to live and learn and arrive at our own conclusions. Which is worse an atheist or a fanatic? That is a matter of debate.
  2. To rephrase "share the same orbit" implies "move around the same parent". Words can be misleading. Sorry about that.
  3. A qubit which is the base unit of a quantum computer (analogous to bit in classical computer) can be superposed. if there is a 3 bit quantum computer it can simultaneously store 8 states. However how stable are these 8 states. Can one state for example be corrupted? Can 2 states in the qubit "interfere" with each other? How reliable are these constructs? How feasible is it to build a quantum computer? What is the current research on the subject?
  4. Just like we have a two satellite system (eg. Mars has two satellites Deimos and Phobos), is it possible to have a 2 comet system around the Sun? i.e 2 comets sharing the same orbit in anti-phase. What are the odds of this happening?
  5. why is it that planets and other heavenly bodies only follow the elliptical path. (eccentricity < 1)? And not circular? As a planet like earth would extend its gravitational field equally in all directions and produce a circular "ripple" in space-time? A circle when stretched, so as to change its eccentricity produces an ellipse. Does that tell us something about the space-time matrix? Please elicit your opinions. Thanks in advance.
  6. Lightning is an ionized plasma like fire. Is there then a synergy between the two? Can "fire" then be created in space (as an ionized plasma, not as we know it on earth?) Please advise. Thanks in advance.
  7. I have a very simplistic view of the situation. From simple unicellular forms (like algae) through mitosis to more complex multi-cellular forms evolution in the plant and animal kingdom has evolved from simple rational number symmetries and forms (like 1, 2, 4....) to forms defined by irrational numbers (while maintaining overall integral symmetries). eg. sunflower is bilaterally symmetrically (integer symmetry) but its seeds are distributed as an irrational number. The evolution of flower shape and symmetry is of great interest to plant biologists, because it can affect pollinator behavior. Please refer : http://www.plosgenetics.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pgen.1002628 I think the full import of this process of "mathematical" evolutionary adaptation is yet to be fully fathomed.
  8. A sphere is a circle in 3 D. (by rotation). Hence it is a parabola with eccentricity = 0 rotated about its axis. From school maths - At eccentricity = 0 we get a circle For 0 < eccentricity < 1 we get an ellipse for eccentricity = 1 we get a parabola for eccentricity > 1 we get a hyperbola My point of view is that to arrive at elliptical galactic shape requires e < 1. (which points to some deterministic algorithm). It seems more than random chance. RND(x) Please elicit your viewpoint. Thanks in advance.
  9. We see a color (eg. green) because it reflects green frequencies and absorbs all else. Did Matter resolved into color coding from inception or is there some subtle process of frequency selection (preferential) that happens intelligently (harmonious selection)? Was chlorophyll synthesized at the time life appeared on earth? Is xanthophyll as efficient a bio-color as chlorophyll? What if we change the color of chlorophyll? What would be the response in terms of insect pollination, fruit formation, ATP synthesis etc.? Would the 38 ATP released as a by-product of photosynthesis change, if the color of chlorophyll changed? Can we seek to tamper with natural selection? Please express your opinion.
  10. How effectively do deodorants mimic pheromones? Pheromones are integral to the propagation of a species but deodorants....? Please express your ideas. Thanks in advance.
  11. Matter that dispersed via the big bang aggregated to form galaxies with definite shapes like spiral, barred-spiral and elliptical. Were these shapes defined by some pre-defined fractal algorithm that imparted symmetries across space? Why is it for example that we can't have a galaxy with a shape like a sphere. (which can be described by a rational number)? I think the same laws that apply to flowers for example also apply at the macroscopic level and this is seen in the phenomena above. Please elicit your opinion.
  12. Let us consider a photon with a mass 1 + delta(i) where delta(i) is an imaginary component with a infinitesimally small order of magnitude. If we have 2 slits we can visualize 2 complementary pairs (1 + delta(i) and 1 - delta(i)). Total magnitude is 1 unit. These exist in an imaginary plane and cannot be exactly determined. (entangled). However when they hit the screen the two components show as light and dark bands. (as there are two complementary co-ordinates) but magnitude remains unchanged. n slits will have n such pairs. Please advise.
  13. The sunflower embodies one of nature's most beautiful symmetries. The pattern of seeds in the sunflower uses the golden ratio which is an irrational number. Does evolution as a species also include the plant kingdom? Will evolution continue and produce even more wonderful manifestations in the future? Does nature have a innate harmony that we are yet to discover? Please express your ideas. Thanks in advance.
  14. Hypothetically a particle that enters worm hole enters another universe. What if this universe is an anti universe? (with anti-gravity). Gravity is an attractive force but when the particle enters the boundary of the new universe anti gravity (which is repulsive) will cause the particle to exhibit simple harmonic motion in the worm hole rather than entering the new universe. Is this conceptually possible. Empirically it seems so.
  15. Here I am using the word "idealized" as a 100% efficient cold fusion reactor if and where it exists (and whenever). It is more in the nature of hypotheses than inference. Please note.
  16. It is questionable whether imagination was possessed by dinosaurs. However the most gifted humans are known to possess a vivid imagination. How can we explain this. Please express your ideas. Thanks in advance.
  17. Will the idealized cold fusion reactor be as efficient as a fast breeder nuclear reactor that is currently employed in industry? Please elicit your perspectives on the subject.
  18. Each person has his or her own frame of reference for time which begins and ends at the instant the observer (say who is tracking a photon) collapses the associated wave function and an observation is registered. If 10 different observers moving at accelerated frames of reference observe the photon for the same interval as the one illustrated above they will have different times for t0 and t1, combining relativity with quantum mechanics. However normalization of all acceleration across all possible frames of reference across the whole "Universe" for that photon will produce a single time line. (apply limit as noofframes tends to infinity and integrate across all individual timelines). This produces an absolute time frame which although difficult to conceptualize, could be said to exist. This will be finite for the photon (which decays after 1018 years approximately) but although of a very high order of magnitude, would nevertheless be limited in it's extent. Smaller frames of reference for different observers could be eventually ignored and the sum total across the lifetime of the photon be used to define absolute time. Just my abstract visualization. Please revert with your ideas.
  19. From my elementary knowledge Quasars are quasi stellar radio sources - super massive black holes red shifted significantly (Doppler) indicating a pristine evolution. My feel is that while all quasars are super massive black holes, the converse need not necessarily be true.
  20. Does the current thinking put tachyons outside the light cone and do they have zero rest mass (which seems unlikely) since they decay? Are they categorized as bosons or fermions? Please provide some insight. Your thoughts will be appreciated.
  21. Neutrinos are known to pass through us at all time. Did they originate at the big bang? And are they still being generated? Do they co-relate with CMBR? Please advise. Thanks in advance.
  22. The type of laughter you describe is a paroxysm. It is not necessarily the only form or cause of laughter. For example, an infant smiles when it sees its mother. This is a type of laughter which though not necessarily funny, is an example of pattern recognition. Visual or auditory cues also trigger laughter. For example, if one hears a bugle at an opportune moment, this is followed by laughter in most cases. Laughter seems to be prevalent in groups, where if one member laughs, other members follow. I am not sure what kind of biological response this is, but it seems akin to the yawn, where scientific evidence has confirmed that if one person in a group yawns, it is very likely that others follow.
  23. Is the Bermuda triangle a vortex in the earth's magnetic field? I had read many years ago that sailors who survived the effect there went mad. (medically insane). If so, how many such vortices exist in the earths magnetic field and do they serve any purpose if any?
  24. There are 2 interesting aspects of this. 1) Animals do not have a sense of humor. This privilege seems to have been granted exclusively to humans. 2) Laughter is the best medicine. Research has proven that heart rate and blood pressure drop after a bout of laughter which itself is a workout for the heart. Also it is worth emphasizing that what is funny for one person could actually be the victimization (or negative parody) of somebody else. Laughter that cuts across cultural barriers is mostly visual (Americas Funny Home Videos), and situational (like Charlie Chaplin, Laurel & Hardy, Abbott & Costello - all giants of comedy genre) and is cathartic in its effects.
  25. Do tachyons violate EPR? Are they responsible for super-luminal communication (and possibly entangled states with greater than space like separation)? What are the current perspectives on the subject? Please express your opinion. Thanks in advance.
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