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Everything posted by petrushka.googol

  1. Freud was the founder of psychoanalysis.....it is widely used to treat anxiety disorders.
  2. Freud linked hysteria to problems with libido and an Oedipus complex. Any truth in that ?
  3. Is hysteria linked to the uterus in women as documented in ancient Egypt and the writings of Plato ?
  4. Then "neutrino dating" similar to radio carbon dating cannot be used to reverse engineer the early state of the Universe. But then neutrinos are ubiquitous.....
  5. As we are all aware neutrinos have been emitted from the big bang (approx 13.7 billion years ago). Does aging impact these neutrinos? Will they decay or lose momentum ? Will there be any artifacts from the big bang after another 13 billion years ?
  6. Color is subjective but light as a physical entity is not. I find that an anomalous paradox of sorts....
  7. What I'm trying to say is that the white we see is limited by our limited perception (10 million colors). If we had a better sensor (eye) capable of tapping say, 20 million colors what we interpret as white would possibly not be so.
  8. From what I gatther the human eye can discern a max of 10 million colors. Differentiating a continuous spectrum to this accuracy is as close to "white" as we can get.
  9. Lol. Although slightly off topic......
  10. As a control let me put forward a "robot eye", designed to register colors based on frequencies and bandwidth. Would the above still apply ? Would "white" still be white ? But then here we are talking physics and optics.....
  11. From the most recent posts I'm inclined to conjecture that the "white" light that we receive from a source like the Sun is not always "White" (although as stated aforesaid the eye makes us believe otherwise). Am I on the right track ?
  12. Is it possible to generate an equal amount of all frequencies in the lab ?
  13. Physics does not rely on abstractions. I am trying to ascertain the cause as to why the combination of different frequencies in white light is essentially stable.
  14. Judging from nutritional data and eating habits I guess culture does affect the path to failure rather than failure itself. Mam since you hail from Russia I guess caviar and vodka would be the prime culprits. Do you agree ?
  15. color = frequency. white light = mixture of frequencies. Why is it that the mixture is always perfect ? (All colors combine to get the notion of white.). My poser is "Why is the perception always the same?" (give or take a few photons....).
  16. As I have stated the effect is driven by biochemical changes rather than individual traits. (although I guess risk factors like obesity tip the scale adversely.).
  17. Having photons of excited to different frequencies maintaining their inherent state and relationship and always combining to give the notion of white light seems to be more than random coincidence. If any group of photons loses energy then the continuous spectrum will be broken.
  18. As a corollary, how does dispersion actually happen ? Photons are split by frequency (which is why we get the notion of colors. What I am trying to suggest is that there is some sort of internal coupling or harmonization that takes place (based on different frequencies), which can be sampled when dispersion takes place. PS maybe entanglement is the wrong word.
  19. Why would the end product be white? If I used a prism and then an inverted prism what would happen to the photons?
  20. Is this statistically possible ? Energy of a photon depends on it's frequency (which also determines it's color) so photons of different colors are more likely to be dissociated (rather than following the same path).
  21. Photons have zero rest mass. Splitting of light produces photons of different colors. You can't get something out of nothing. Then where did these photons come from? Photons can't divide.So they must preexist. (entangled).
  22. As an extension could we apply axiomatic built in symmetries aka Bell's theorem to the entangled photons. Photons of color have a built in symmetry and the collapse of the wave function in the absence of a frequency differentiator viz. a prism always yields white light.
  23. Integration of photons in my illustration = integration of entangled photons at discrete energy levels (frequencies) ....
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