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Everything posted by turionx2
Since when do nails grow from the tips?
Eat a head of lettuce per day for a week and then look at your nails at the end of the week. Then decide for yourself.
I am speculating and not taking what I am reading as fact. Are the archetypal forces false?
Would you rather be intelligent or happy?
turionx2 replied to turionx2's topic in General Philosophy
Yes, If the intelligent person would know what happiness and unhappiness is before giving up the happiness. What I mean is that we can't feel unhappiness(depressed) for the lack of happiness if we don't miss the sensation of happiness or even know what it is. They aren't but since you're so convinced, please explain why I need to self-reflect("think") on my life to achive self-love and self-esteem? Self-reflection isn't possible under the conditions of happiness and neither unhappiness because during happiness we are too busy enjoying the high and during unhappiness we are too depressed to even think clearly. I agree that intelligence is required for self-reflection. Self-esteem and self-love is a purely INTERNAL automatic praise of respect and love towards oneself without any judgment. Self-love and self-esteem aren't tangible, just like power isn't tangible. We can "think" all we want by self-reflecting however self-love, self-esteem and power will never show up in our minds. You make some good points but we aren't talking about codependency. Or is it equal to say that individuals experiencing happiness are more likely to feel self-esteem and self-love? Drug abusers and addicts in general have a lot less neuroreceptors because of their addiction and its impossible for them to feel the healthy firing of neurochemicals found in an individual that is happy. Didn't I say that people are confusing addiction with happiness? Since you come off as an expert on neuroscience; what regulates the release of neurochemicals other than physical activity? -
Would you rather be intelligent or happy?
turionx2 replied to turionx2's topic in General Philosophy
I am the OP. Then, by your way of thinking, any life led by an intelligent person must be led in total misery, one who is incapable of self-love, self-esteem and joy necessary in order to live a considered life. Self-love and self-esteem don't require self-reflection at all since they are all 3 different attributes. I actually started self-reflecting after feeling happiness, then I moved to a polluted city and I let the air pollution mess with my neurochemistry and kill my happiness. Self-love and self-esteem are encompassed with happiness. When an individual feels self-love and self-esteem, they don't care whether someone loves and respects them because they love and respect themselves internally. I equated it with the end result of the stimulus. You forgot "that drives an individual to live life". It may be your truth but I don't agree with everything you wrote. My personal experience says that Lust is a short lived feeling that goes away after a couple connects deeply from kissing. If they don't connect, it is sex addiction, aka sex buddy or whatever you want to call sex without kissing. Love involves a lot of kissing to continue the production of neurochemicals, Lust doesn't. This is interesting: http://www.byz.org/~david/neuro/NGF%20and%20romantic%20love.pdf -
Different kind of feeling towards crush compared to other girls
turionx2 replied to imdow123's topic in The Lounge
I am an attractive male and it isn't true. Everyone wants beautiful babies but it seems women don't want to look bad by being shallow. The truth is that everyone is different, male or female, there is men and women with low sex drives and men and women with high sex drives. I think those of us with a high sex drive are more influenced by physical appearance and prefer taking the vehicle out for a test drive before buying it, if you know what I mean. -
The bigger question is why didn't they move close and take a picture?
Is there something odd about God? Can anybody know anything about God?
turionx2 replied to science4ever's topic in Religion
What do you mean by the bold part? -
What does physics say about the archetypal forces(or forms)?
Would you rather be intelligent or happy?
turionx2 replied to turionx2's topic in General Philosophy
Fairy tale is fiction. Happiness isn't fiction. Its impossible that "any happy life must necessarily also be an unconsidered one" to oneself since happiness encompasses self-love, self-esteem, joy and other positive attributes. Have you ever heard that you have to love yourself first before you can love anyone else? I expressed my view that salmons are here to be food for carnivores and/or to do the shit jobs in our society, to be the worker bee's, because they lack intelligence and you expressed/questioned if not being under the threat of predation might lead to "a far more peaceful (and potentially happy) animal kingdom?" Since humans are animals, I then sarcastically asked "How is our peacefulness and happiness going for us in our (domesticated?) society?" Since we aren't under the threat of predation. Bold part: We agree. I never said they were. My vocabulary on happiness seems correct. I said, stimulation that drives an individual to live life. stimulation the act of arousing an organism to action drive an innate, biologically determined urge to attain a goal or satisfy a need. My non-neurochemistry definition of happiness encompasses the initial binding of neurochemicals to their receptors in a controlled manner, however that may be, and the subsequent reactions that lead to the feeling to live life with a strong aversion to materialistic objects that serve absolutely no survival requirement. The point of the natural instinct of aversion towards external stimuli is to my understanding so that the internally stimulated neurochemistry doesn't come to a halt. You have to feel "joy" and then go into a store where there is music playing to know what I mean. You'll come out of the store feeling drugged with the music stuck in your head. Addiction can also produce the same neurochemical reaction(s) that you describe but temporarely until another short lived stimulation is required. The vicious cycle of addicion. It seems that a lot of people, especially those on youtube videos, are confusing addiction with happiness just like people confuse lust with love. -
Would you rather be intelligent or happy?
turionx2 replied to turionx2's topic in General Philosophy
Unconsidered life to whom? to oneself or to others? Well, there isn't carnivores hunting humans down in developed countries. How is our peacefulness and happiness going for us in our (domesticated?) society? I have never seen Einstein as intelligent and for this, he will always be a salmon in my eyes or a blockhead as Montaigne puts it. His wife, mileva, will always be intelligent in my eyes. Are you saying that happiness is the result of the internal mental stimuli? -
A friend gave me a german outlet. Where does the neutral wire go? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Edit: According to this link, I don't need the neutral to complete the circuit. http://waterheatertimer.org/How-to-wire-240-volt-outlets.html
I'm confused. You said that "650w/120V is about 5.4A". Where did the 3 amps come from? I am still in Europe. Can I buy a german wall socket here and attach this cord to it?
Would you rather be intelligent or happy?
turionx2 replied to turionx2's topic in General Philosophy
Tri, Weird, those links didn't work for me. These did. http://www.youtube.com/user/spookybuk/search?query=A+Guide+to+Happiness If you don't know what happiness is, how can you say that it is a fairy tale? -
Would you rather be intelligent or happy?
turionx2 replied to turionx2's topic in General Philosophy
Since when are the salmons happy though? I see the salmons as individuals prone to addiction and this addiction masquerade's as happiness. An example would be that drinking does relax us, and the letting loose is an illusion of happiness. If everyone was intelligent across the animal kingdom, who would be the food for the carnivores? Who would do the shit jobs in society? I for one am glad that salmons exist. My definition of happiness, from my personal experience, is a strong internal stimulation that drives an individual to live life and a strong aversion to materialistic objects that serve absolutely no survival requirement. I would love to hear someone elses definition of happiness. -
I am unsure about the wire size. Should I be using gauge 22? Is a simple socket converter that converts the german socket to an american one fine to use? Third to the right.
Would you rather be intelligent or happy?
turionx2 replied to turionx2's topic in General Philosophy
How do you feel about knowing the truth and not being able to do anything about it because it is out of your control? Are you the type who rushes through life thinking life is too short? I use to be the sedated type of person you describe because of malnutrition, and I was far from happy during my first 23 years of life. Physical activity with eating more plants increased my happiness, awareness and intelligence. People choose happiness because happiness eventually leads to greater intelligence. We partake in physical activity for the reward of the endogenous opioids, endocannabinoids and other neurochemicals that stimulate the production of neurotrophins, proteins that regulate neurogenesis(the production of new neurons), and this production of new neurons eventually increases our intelligence. Take out the chase for happiness and we don't have intelligence to begin with. Intelligence and happiness are two seperate entities though. How can you use intelligence to make you happy? -
We can say the same thing about the Europeans and Americans that have and are losing their jobs. How are these young Europeans and Americans going to feed themselves in the future? We shouldn't presume that everyone has a desire for money and a well paid job and/or requires a job to survive. There is those individuals who would prefer moving away from a polluted city to a clean air environment and work the land. Maybe European and American corporations need to get out of these in developing countries and let them sort it out themselves. Their generation would most likely be better off in the long run without those jobs despite the early deaths that would ensue. It sounds harsh but nature isn't pretty and the overproduction of food doesn't help because these people in developing countries tend to breed uncontrollably. There has been a big problem in Europe and North America for years with illegal immigrants entering countries with the preconception of getting a job in these developed countries and at times, they do get a job and send money back to their home country, money that is taken from the national debt of developed countries. A rise is debt leads to a rise in taxes; taxes required to pay back the national debt and eventually job loss ensues because companies are so far in debt. So, by fixing a supposed problem in these in developed countries instead of letting them take care of themselves, we eventually end up with more problems here in our home countries.
The motor is rated 50/60hz as indicated on the unit. The blender is a Philips HR1615. Motor model number: 420303595981 EdEarl, does the thickness of the wire matter? And where can I purchase a clothes dryer cord with the 4 prong plug?
What if I attach two 120v american cord plugs into the 240v hand blender, would this work? A "Y" type design cord with two 120v cords feeding into the 240v hand blender and the two 120v plugs into the two wall sockets.
A big NO. Leads to: 1) Excess air pollution in these developing countries. Air pollution can lead to diseases. Check out the Air Pollution wikipedia page, look at the map and take a look at China. 2) Sweat shop workers need to work overhours with negative health consequences. 3) Job losses in developed countries because companies move their company to developing countries.
Since the voltage is slashed in half, shoulden't the watts and amps be slashed in half? Are you sure the 4 prong 220/240v dryer socket is a true 220/240v socket and not a pseudo-120v+120v type socket? If it is a true 220/240v socket, is there an adaptor that converts the german 2 prong plug into the 4 prong clothes dryer plug?
I have a european 650w(220/240v) hand blender and I tried to look for an american hand blender with the same wattage however I haven't found one that reaches those wattages. I did some math. 650w / 220v = 2,954545454545455 amps(?) 2,954545454545455 amps x 110v = 325 watts(?) Should I be looking for a 325w-110v hand blender if I want the same power as my 650w hand blender? I know I can get a step up voltage transformer/converter but they are fairly bulky and ugly.
I believe the (magnetic/gravitational?) forces between the planets and the sun dictate creation. Is there any information on this?