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Chelsea Mohammed

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Everything posted by Chelsea Mohammed

  1. My online classmates and I were instructed by our lecturer to create these articles on topics that are recently becoming more and more popular and also to post them to a wide audience as possible. ARTICLE: # 1. Are we heading toward Mandatory Human Micro-chipping…and would that be so Bad? Why is there such a need to control persons? I believe it could be made mandatory for certain sectors of the society, to keep track of pets and livestock, criminals or persons with criminal tendencies, persons with chronic health risks, or persons deemed to be at risk. If a person has opted to have the device implanted on his person, that was his choice, he made an informed choice and his reasons were his. The US government claims microchips are the ultimate I.D., a personal identifier that could never be lost or stolen, but I perceive micro-chipping as the ultimate invasion of privacy, resulting in a total end to personal freedom. There is a trend to mimic what we consider to be fashionable before investigating the pros and cons of an issue and how it might impact our lives. Nearly all implantable microchips are unencrypted making them vulnerable to scanning. By scanning secretly, someone could steal the information on a chip and clone the signal, enabling that person to impersonate a chipped individual thus jeopardizing the security of the person, a building or computer. All the evidence suggests that mandatory human micro-chipping should be made into law but I still uphold some measure of moderation should be exercised; mainly because as I mentioned earlier this particular institution should be pro-choice. In part, persons in society have generally exhibited minimal restraint, and so have brought the consideration of this idea of mandatory human micro-chipping onto their own selves. References: Ø Gena V. Mason. 2009. "The Micro-chipping of America: Human Rights Implications of Human Bar Codes. Ø Ezine Articles. Accessed: 23 September, 2013. Retrieved From: Ø http://ezinearticles.com/?The-Scary-Truth-About-Human-Microchipping&id=2755506 Thought-Provoking Scientific Issues: The Scope of Micro-chipping Technology. Images of Plant, Animal & Human Micro-chipping…… Pictures courtesy: bing.com/images Food For Thought…... Your Write...... Excerpts of viewpoints taken from this group’s posts Re: Microchipping. 1. ‘Humans Microchip’ by Onika Thomas - Thursday, 19 September 2013, 5:59 PM. “.……... a bad thing and lets us humans get more and more lazy…..... just robots and people playing God's using super powers.” 2. ‘Re: Mandatory Micro-chipping?’ by Adrian Vance - Thursday, 19 September 2013, 10:52 PM. “……. a microchip- based drug delivery device can have a bright side. .........” 3. ‘Should Trinidadians adopt every thing Americans do or should we use our own creative minds?’ by Tricia Alleyne - Thursday, 19 September 2013, 8:46 PM. “……. scarring to our bodies or infections and what if the microchip is defective?......” 4. ‘Microchips in Trinidad and Tobago’ by Onika Thomas - Thursday, 19 September 2013, 6:12 PM. “If microchip were implemented in Trinidad and Tobago to get medical services there would be chaos. ……… Some religions would refuse…….…” 5. ‘RFID’ by Peter Bengochea - Thursday, 19 September 2013, 3:51 PM. (‘RFID’: Radio Frequency Identification – micro-chipping technology.) “……... would be beneficial to a lot of doctors and citizens in Trinidad and Tobago…. preventing frequent visits to doctors for daily dose.” 6. ‘Pros & Cons’ by Adrian Vance - Sunday, 22 September 2013, 1:31 PM. “Pros: ...…Easy to locate someone…..; …….report medical status; …… Cons: ……eavesdropping; ……hacked/identity thief; ……medical problem…..” 7. ‘What would happen in Trinidad and Tobago if microchip implants were made mandatory for medical reasons?’ by Sonia Jugmohan - Sunday, 22 September 2013, 1:37 PM. “Assessments based upon the actual and potential risks vs benefits……. prior to the decision of establishing mandatory microchip implants for medical reasons here in Trinidad and Tobago. …… ” 8. ‘Re: freedom of choice’ by Tricia Alleyne - Thursday, 19 September 2013, 1:04 PM. “…… it can cause electrical hazards, ……”
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