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The Believer

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Everything posted by The Believer

  1. Well you are clearly missing the point here. I know we can't go back further big bang but we can atleast come up with some logical statements and conclusions. Well big bang is just a current model of the universe. Tommorow we may come up with some other model. So whatever model we come up with, we can always have only two questions. Did the "ULTIMATE CAUSE " that gave birth to the universe come from absolute nothing or always existed. It is as simple as that. Either we say that the ULTIMATE CAUSE came from absolute nothing or it always existed. See you can not escape this problem by saying that "we do not know now" and the big bang is our current understanding. Forget about the scientific models of the universe. We all know including you that the universe had a CAUSE. So the bigger and greatest question here is whether that CAUSE came out of absolute nothing magically or was eternal. Choose either one. The choice is yours. Yes the law of conservation of energy is very easy to grasp. But what's difficult to grasp is where from that ENERGY come from? How can it always exist? So without any begining, without any birth, and without any cause, the energy simply always exist in the universe? I know we dont encounter the concept of birth and death in physics but the transformation of matter and energy to one form from another. But this concept does not explain from where and how this energy that keeps transforming exist in the universe. How can something "always existing" is an easy concept to grasp? The universe could be void and contain absolutely nothing but it consists of eternal energy. So why there has to be this energy? why not an empty universe? or an empty space containing nothing?
  2. Well thanks for the info but this ekpyrotic model does not solve the problem yet. According to this model our universe came from the collisions of two three-dimensional worlds, i.e branes but my question still persists, "where from that branes come from"? You still have to answer where that branes come from? See it does not matter where from our universe come from. We all know it came from something. So in this post i clearly said that the universe must have come from something. No matter what it was, sooner or latter i hope humanity will oneday find out which thoery is the best and proven explaination for the origin of the universe. But my point is as i made clear in my post that the universe must have come from "SOMETHING". It did not come out of absolute nothing magically. Atleast science doesn't believe in magic. So whatever was the cause of the origin of the universe, whether collision of branes or big bang. It doesn't matter. We all know there was something which was the cause of the universe. So my question is did that cause or SOMETHING come from nothing or always existed? Both the logic are flawed and impossible. Also the logic of everything coming out of something fails here.
  3. I believe nothing in this world and universe can come from absolute nothing. Everything in this universe must come from something. That's a very logical and scientific statement for any human being. That is how we perceive and experience things in our day to day life. But if we say that something in this universe can come from absolute nothing, then aren't we making an unscientific and illogical statement? How can something come out of absolute nothing? is it some kind of weird magic? so my point is if science doesn't believe in magic then it can not make any statements like "something can come from absolute nothing". So going by the logic, "Everything in the universe must come from something", then the present universe that we have must have also come from something. Whether it was singularity or any other thing it doesn't matter. Let us assume for the sake of argument that the present universe came from "SOMETHING". If we believe in the logic that everything must come from something then we can ask from where that "SOMETHING" that gave birth to the universe come from? By logic that SOMETHING must have also come from something else. But this way, no matter how far we go back in the past, we can never reach the point where we can get the "ULTIMATE SOMETHING", because everything must come from something. So isn't the logic of "everything coming out of something" flawed? So what can we do here? Do we have other options? Shall we then tweak our statement in a different way? Shall we say, "Everything in the universe must come from one "ULTIMATE SOMETHING" but that ULTIMATE SOMETHING can not come from anything" So this statement leaves two options open : Option one - Either that "ULTIMATE SOMETHING" came from nothing, option two - or that "ULTIMATE SOMETHING" is eternal and always existed without any birth. So which option can we choose? Option one or option two? If we choose option one then we believe in magic which goes against science but if we choose option two then we face another challenge, i.e. how can something always exist without any birth?. Its impossible and flawed. Can any logical and scientific mind grasp this concept of something always existing without any birth? Atleast I cant grasp this concept. So I am sitting and wondering, confused about what to choose, magic or flawed logic. What would you choose?
  4. I don't look exactly like my parents but i do share some of my features with them like my eye color, nose structure, facial structure etc. I resemble my parents. But such cases are very very rare. We dont see such cases in abundance. If evolution is the reason why we have so many races then why dont we have such cases everywhere everyday in abundance all around us? Has the process of evolution stopped after giving birth to those races?
  5. Well thank you for giving me that information. I have got one more query. I know this is matter of another topic but still I would like to ask it here, if all life on earth has a common ancestor then who is the ancestor of that "common ancestor"? I mean where from that "common ancestor come from"? I hope it did not pop up magically out of nothing.
  6. so if we all come from the same ancestors and all human beings are genetically related then why do we have different races of people like asian, caucasian, black, white, brown etc? if we all have a common ancestor then shouldn't we all be looking the same, having same features, color, race etc? if we all are related then why dont we ever see a case where a white caucasian couple gives birth to two or three children, one looking like a caucasian, one like chinese and another black?
  7. are all human beings related biologically and genetically? Do all human beings come from the same ancestors? if so then are we all biological brothers and sisters of the same parents who were the ancestors of all human beings? so if i marry some girl does it mean that i am marrying one of my relatives?
  8. thanks. but that doesn't answer my questions. I know that singularity is a state where the equations no longer work. But i am not talking about the failure of the equations at that point. what i am talking about is the origin of the existence of the matter and energy that constitutes the universe. whether there was a big bang or not, whether there was a state of singularity or not, one thing is certain that the universe is composed of matter and energy. so whatever is the cause of the creation of the universe, be it big bang or some other phenomenon, the question is where from the matter and energy that created the universe come from? out of nothing or out of something?
  9. I want to know if the universe had a beginning or it always existed without a beginning? if the universe had a beginning then the question is what was the cause of that beginning? Was it the "BIG BANG" that caused the beginning of the universe? We all know according to the big bang theory, in the beginning all the matter and energy was compressed to an area of zero volume and infinite density. Cosmologists call that state SINGULARITY. Now the explosion of that singularity is not a big deal for me, what troubles me is that where from that singularity come from? where from all those matter and energy that was stored as a singularity come from? did the singularity pop out of "nothing" or did it come from "something else"? is it possible for something or the singularity come out of absolute nothing? isn't this a crazy idea to believe in? but even if we refute the idea of something coming out nothing, we can not get rid of other bigger problems. shall we then say that something has to come from something? if that is the case then shall we say that there must be an "ultimate something". But then this idea of "ultimate something" also sounds crazy to me because it leads to the same old question, " where did that ultimate something come from"? so i think there is no solution to these problems. They are : if science says the universe(all the matter and energy) came out of absolute nothing then it sounds crazy. how can the universe come out of absolute nothing without a pre existing thing? if science says the universe came out of ultimate something then where from that ultimate something come from? but if science says all the matter and energy of the universe always existed and is eternal then it sounds crazy too. How can something always exist without a begining or birth? so what is the solution here? The universe out of nothing? The universe out of ultimate something? or the universe always existing and eternal? so is there a way out of those problems? which idea is less crazy? what are your views and ideas?
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