I'm new to the forum, and believe it or not, I love organic chemistry. I'm not the best at it, but I really enjoy the subject. That said, we were given a homework assignment with 5 questions (due later tomorrow), and we are allowed to use any resources we want. Well, there are about 2 of the 5 that I just have no clue for, and for the other 3 I was hoping to have my work checked. 3 synthesis, 1 predict the acidity from values in a table, 1 predict the acidity between 3 cyclic compounds.
Can anyone on here help me? I'd be willing to even possibly paypal money for the help. I am not just asking for answers, but assistance for me to get the correct answer. This counts as a big portion of my overall, and will help for our upcoming exam to have the correct answers. If you are willing, maybe we can text each other or Facebook message for faster communication? I'd really appreciate it. I'll be sure to hang around on this site and spread the help whenever I can.