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About o_Ivonne

  • Birthday 11/30/1993

Profile Information

  • Location
    New York, NY
  • Favorite Area of Science
    Evolution, Genetics, Anatomy, Physiology and Neuroscience

Contact Methods

  • Skype

o_Ivonne's Achievements


Lepton (1/13)



  1. but would it be okay to keep quiet when actually "knowing your stuff"?
  2. Well wouldn't we all want to show people that we are geniuses?I work hard for my intelligence and why work if it doesn't pay off. I agree that being a genius and arrogance are related but being arrogant is just a word that can be used to describe you. Being arrogant is just a trait of the survival of the fittest. Like in class, like it or not, it is a competition for high grades. You need to bring that arrogant trait and answer all of the questions your teacher might ask you. Maybe you are failing because you are afraid to be considered arrogant and take the shine from other people. Come on, is that really the person you want to be? You're smart, show it. Having all the knowledge in the world is not a bad thing. It can keep you away from good grades, job opportunities, or promotions. Being a geniuses causes you to intimidate some people but then again there are some people that appreciate you intelligence and those are the ones that make you a better you..
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