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Everything posted by Vladimir

  1. But surely that intial discovery is worth far more than our ability to light a match. Where science is concerned vast improvemetns have been made, and undoubtedly our scientists could easily overwhelm those that proceeded us, but there are still teh individuals that crop up, De vinchi or instance,
  2. I believe taht the overall level of intelligence has greatly improved since 05a.d, however the great minds of the time, far surpass what our schools can teach. I do not believ our potential has icreased or how much we fill of it, we dont really do a lot individually do we? We talk of progress, but what achievemetns have we made in the twenty first century? i know its early days yet, but one and a half thousand of those days has passed and not much has been done.
  3. Yes i thought that was teh buddist philosophy, suffering is desire. Possibly a complex chemical reaction from the site smell and touch of somebody you asscoisiate with happiness, is not a consious desiscion, though ofcourse you can attempt to override these emotions, ie your stressful life, teh inevitableity of death and so forth, that is the consious part.
  4. If you think/thought money would make you happy then your deluding yourself, what use is money if it cannot buy you the things you want? The only way to make money, i.e a profit, is to exploit somebody else. Your boss exploits you, the product/service you provide for he/she is worth far more than what he/she pays you; so if all of your money (something you asscosiate with being self sufficant? relying on other people?!) is in truth merely a product of your own exploitation, surely that would result in unhappiness.
  5. Are you truly self sufficiant? Or do you work for money? the two are different.
  6. Vladimir


    all i can see is that it is used out of habit by the English speaking people
  7. Vladimir


    COme on give me an example, otherwise i shall continue to bleieve that the word the, is a small and foolish word.
  8. Vladimir


    Such as what? You have no idea how much or how long this has bothered
  9. Vladimir


    What i want to know, is why there is this useless word in teh English language, ie; The.
  10. When we say the universe is infinite, it doesnt actually mean that at this moment there is an infinite region of space. Say as early the universe is 15 billion years old, then it is conceivable that light from the centre would reach us (presuming we're on the 'edge') in 15 billion years, however for light to reach us fromt the oposite side would take 30billion years, and since the universe is ever expanding, that light has to travel even further. It is beyond human comprehension or ability to see over the 'edge' of the universe, as if say we achieved the speed of light and travelled for those 30billion years, the universe would have increased ever more, and therefore unreachable.
  11. If you mean, for examply, that teh rest of the universe uses time in the same way as us (seconds minutes) and would it be the same time somewhere else? No. In our universe it is likely that their are regions where the forces are strong enough to 'bend' time. It could go faster, slower...
  12. We are dominant.
  13. Do you truly believe that you can stop us? We dominate the population, you cannot stop the communists.
  14. I think it depneds on what country and what school you go to. You'll find that the smarter you are (compared to the people around you) the more frustrated you'll be education wise. If everybodys of equal intelligence nothing should be troubling you. However, in order to understand the sciences you need to develop certain skills, this takes time, and unfortunatly in todays pop cultre, time spent is time wasted.
  15. The cell isnt contained within the shell, that is the cell, one egg one cell. Mitosis occurs. Then then the cell regains its former mass/increases in size, and tehn it happens again, mitosis doesnt occur as soon as its finished
  16. There is absolutely no possible way for a person to feel other peoples emotions, literally. Emotions are caused by chemical reactions? How can you feel these when it is happening to somebody else? Empathy is the result of several complex subconsious and consious desicions. Minute facial muscles contracting/stance/tone of voice ect, icammot but this any other way, so i'll be blunt, this has to be some form of delusion, possibly caused by your conflicting desires to be different, and everybody to be the same. You are constantly forcing yourself to be the outsider looking in, because this makes you happy. When you say you can look into peoples eyes and feel what they! Are you perhaps bored when you do this?Sounds like an overactive imagineation. This person you saw, should not have given you pills. Undoubtedly though they were placebos, and this sleepiness you felt was undoubtedly the strain of therapy, and your - for want of a better word - your imagineation. Why not try listening to classical music, Puccini is a good start, as this can be very theraputic. The fact is though, that you have convinced yourself that you can do this, and are unwilling to let go.
  17. Happiness can only be achieved through self sufficiancy. We are not wandering some random planet, we live here on earth. You cannot simply say we arehere, we survived through persecution, suffering at a disadvantage to higher aniamls,and emerged as teh dominante race. The entire purpose fo science is to understand our existence, our fundamental nature. I think you'll find the ignorant are the happiest amongst us. Does the christian bible not teach ignorance?
  18. Why?
  19. Is it that obvious?
  20. Actually in a capitalist society, you are restricted by the need and teh want of silly little peices of paper that don't actually do anything, what is money good for if it cannot buy you the things you want. In a communist society the motivation is the prosperity fo the state. Above all things this is important. The only motivation required is either self preservation or self enhancement
  21. Yes i think thats the point i made, that gravity does not play a signifficant role until the latter stages of development. The velocity of teh particles is presicely the point that i was trying t i make, and that planets do not rely on dense parts of rings. Its still what i said though, nebulae are gaseous, and have prescious (if any) little part in the creation of a planet. After all what is a planet?
  22. Your definitions of art limited. Psycology has a certain elegance and unpredictablity to it. All sciences could be considered artists. After all, if a blank room painted white can be sold for millions, who are we too judge?
  23. Dust Rings? Dense Pockets? Its just an accumualation (pardon spelling) of rock. One piece collides with another, the two become stuck, this happens too numerous pieces of rock, unitl eventually they then collide, some bits break off, and the cycle starts again for the bit that broke off, the now larger piece gains larger and larger amounts of rock until gravity begins to take a noticeable effect upon it. All this bussiness with nebulae and denser pockets of rings?! Nebulae are gaseous.
  24. What a most peculiar person you are? You sound very much like a person i know. Capitalism can only work on the basis of opression. How can one person make a profit without another person taking a loss? As i said before there are very few truly capitalist states left, the rest have mainly become socialist.
  25. Reverse, are you taunting me?
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